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Topics - Wolfhound

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Consequences per Exchange
« on: July 09, 2013, 11:06:22 PM »
So... I've seen other versions of FATE that make a limitation that you can only take a single Consequence in a single Exchange. (Age of Arthur comes immediately to mind, but I seem to recall seeing others).

If this is specified in Dresden I may have missed it... is there such a limitation? Also, if there's not, how does your table handle it?

DFRPG / Obsidian Portal Campaign of the Month Honors and DFRPG
« on: July 05, 2013, 05:01:59 PM »
So this month, a 3rd Dresden Files RPG site has gotten the kudos - covering coast to coast and Texas.

Dallas -

Seattle -

New York -

DFRPG / BAMF! (Phasing/Same Zone Teleportation)
« on: April 30, 2013, 05:26:58 PM »
So, I'm pondering something for one of my NPCs and I wanted to put out my math and thinking to groupthink and see if anyone had some addition perspective/points of view to add. I think this can all be accomplished within the rules now, I'm just assigning it a 0 refresh cost to "codify it" as a special FX for the NPC.

How the Refresh works out:
(2) Worldwalker <- existing, prerequisite
(2) Inhuman Speed  <- existing, prerequisite
(0) BAMF! <- new, I set the cost at zero because the character already has at least 4 refresh sunk into powers to pull this off. I figure that's more than enough considering 4 Refresh could grant a character spellcasting. :)

BAMF! (...or "Phasing" if you don't want Marvel to get grumpy) (0 Refresh)
Description: You have learned to combine your more-than-mortal speed with your mastery of the Nevernever to confuse and bewilder opponents.
Notes: A character must already possess both World Walker plus a Speed Related Power (Inhuman, Supernatural, or Mythic)
Skills Affected: Lore
Blinking: Your character may enter the Nevernever as a Supplemental Action, move a distance up to whatever the character's Speed power grants minus 1 zone (thus, Casual Movement allows Blinking within the same zone, Effortless Movement is up to 1 zone away, Instant Movement is up to 2 zones away), and then potentially reappear in the same Exchange.

The character rolls Lore and requires at least a Good (+3) to accomplish this (the +2 Lore granted by Worldwalker's Strange Worlds applies to this roll) in a single Exchange. Failure to get at least a Good result means that the Nevernever in this area has an unexpectedly complex structure and the character fails to reappear in this Exchange (especially crafty or evil GMs can even turn this into a mini-scene before allowing the character to reappear). For each 3 shifts over and above the requisite 3, a non-sticky Maneuver Aspect can be applied to the scene (Suddenly Flanked, Surprise!, etc. etc.).

For clarity: Blinking itself is a full Action (the movement elements and going in-and-out of the Nevernever are Free and Supplemental Actions) thus the character cannot take an Action afterwards.

DFRPG / Dresden Files: Dallas (Obsidian Portal) - 1 Year+
« on: October 17, 2012, 05:07:04 PM »

Well, it's been a year and we're still going strong. We just began our "Season 2." If y'all haven't been by in a while to our version of Big D in the Dresdenverse - you should.  ;)

Highlight Reel
~ Obsidian Portal December 2011 Campaign of the Month & Campaign of the Year Runner Up for 2011
~ A total visual redesign of the site, taking advantage of some new tools provided by Obsidian Portal.
~ An active Adventure Log (Player Blog) with over 100 posts (not only "summaries" from the GM but all the player characters as well)
~~~ These basically are a collection of short stories in the Dresdenverse. Word count is up over 130,000 words now (a novel and a half!).
~ A Character List that's pushing 100 entries (both PC and NPC). Tons of example Aspects, a few custom Powers, backgrounds, and lots of pictures for your browsing enjoyment. Need a character idea for your game; NPC or PC? Stop on by and borrow one. We don't mind.

Never Resting on Laurels
~ After our huge redesign, the Wiki itself is still a work in progress, so pardon the mess over there.

TL/DR : If you like Dresden Files "fan fiction" derived from a long running tabletop campaign, come on by. We've lots to see.

As always, comments & suggestions are welcome.

Is mise le meas,
~Matt (Wolfhound)

DFRPG / Dresden Files: Dallas (Obsidian Portal)
« on: December 13, 2011, 10:28:25 PM »
Well... the community over at Obsidian Portal saw fit to give our humble Dresden Files game the nod as Campaign of the Month for December.

I figured some of the folks here might be interested. Hopefully it's at least entertaining.  :D

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