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Messages - spikespiegel82

Pages: [1]
Cinder Spires Spoilers / Re: Is is just me...
« on: May 20, 2016, 05:50:59 PM »
In some ways it could be argued that it's a possibility.  Changes in climate don't really account for all the major differences though.  For one thing if Etherealists were just Fury Crafters, than everyone would be a Fury Crafter.  All humans had access to Fury Crafting, Etherrealists are unique among other humans.  Plus it doesn't even seem to work the same way as Fury Crafting did, on top of that the insanity that comes with being an Etherrealist is of course not shared by Fury Crafters.

Author Craft / Re: Help planning the plot
« on: April 21, 2010, 01:37:20 AM »
Again guys, I appreciate all the words of encouragement.  I actually was able to figure out all the key plot points using the 7 Point system in that video and power point presentation.  It really helped!  Now all I have to do I flesh out the story, round out the characters, figure out a possible sub plot or two, research more of the mythology and such I'm going to include in the story, create a few more characters, and then of course write the thing.   ;D

Author Craft / Re: Help planning the plot
« on: April 19, 2010, 04:52:11 PM »
See but for me personally this has been my main stumbling block in the past, I start to write a story and then hit a wall where I never know where to take it from there.  I figure if I have a general plot outline in mind, I can write toward a goal and write my way toward my goals.  I've always been a pantser in the past, which is why I've never finished more than a short story.  I appreciate all the help guys.  There's some good advice here.  My philosophy now is just to keep working on it because I'm procrastinating my life away. 

Author Craft / Re: Help planning the plot
« on: April 19, 2010, 03:30:54 AM »
Thanks a bunch.  I did read Jim's comments about the middle of course a while back.  That website was also great.  I'm just having trouble with even outlining the story at this point.  I guess that's a bad thing.  The ideas are coming and I'm sure trying to work through it.

Author Craft / Help planning the plot
« on: April 19, 2010, 12:23:00 AM »
Okay, so though I've never posted on this part of the forum before, I have looked here from time to time.  Anyway, I'm trying to get back into writing after taking a very long hiatus.  I feel the need to write, but I'm finally acknowledging one of my key weaknesses as a creative writer.  I can't seem to plan my story worth beans.  I've never been able to plan the in between of a plot and actually structure it very well.  I read on here that a good way to go about planning a story is to start at the end and work backwards.  That worked well for a bit, I thought of how I'd like to end the story and somewhat what to do in the climax, but I can't figure out where to go from there.  What I mean is, I can think of how to begin it somewhat, and I think of where I ultimately want the story to go, but I can't for the life of me figure out how my character got from point A to point Z.  I tried going back just one step and hit a brick wall again.  I'm really trying to work through this so I can actually get out of the planning stages and actually write the thing.  Can any of you more experienced writers give me any tips?

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: April 6: Changes signing in Houston, TX
« on: February 15, 2010, 08:04:13 PM »
WHY JIM WHY?  I mean Houston is a nice place and everything, but couldn't you consider just once making the Dallas/Ft. Worth area part of you route?  I mean there's this Legacy book store in Plano that attracts the likes of Stephen J. Cannell and Sarah Palin (like her or not she's a pretty big celebrity) on their book tours.  I just wish just once you got around to north Texas, we miss you over here.  I for one could never make a 6 hour drive south on a Tuesday.  :'(

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