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Messages - LDWriter2

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Author Craft / Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« on: June 01, 2012, 03:40:09 AM »
My understanding is that third person omniscient is a narrator that literally knows everything about the novel's world (past, present, and future), plot(s), as well as each character's inner thoughts and motivations.  Every single thing.  As opposed to third person limited, where the narrator of a novel has some sort of limit to their knowledge put in place by the author.  A third person limited narrator might not know, or have access to, anymore details than the main character.

edited: to change "may" to "might."  Why?  *sigh*  Because my inner editor keeps bugging me ...

That is my understanding too. I like it that way reading and writing. Many of the SF Masters wrote that way-which might be why it's my default style-- but now supposedly readings do not like it. So it's usually Third Person limited or First. There is such a thing as Second Person but that is hard to do and some readers don't like it either. If done right I like it.

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: May 31, 2012, 03:04:11 AM »
LDWriter2:  Thanks!  This is great!  I've seen a few of the names before, but don't know anything about them.  I guess you can check out my list and I'll check out yours.  I notice your list is mostly women, where mine is all men.  I think I have this misconception that female writers are more into the UF/romance thing.  Guess that may not be quite accurate.

First: Yeah, my favorites do seem to be female writers with two big exceptions as listed, well Jim is one of those two. But there are two other men who are close to my favorites. One is Mark del Franco who has two series both of which take place in the same universe. Unlike Gilman they are not in the same city and I'm not sure if they are in the same time either.
The other guy I'm going to have to look up he has a complicated name.

Second: Some men do some romance, Jim as a touch of romance. But then again a lot of the new UF is heavy romance type, I usually reject them though.

Author Craft / Re: Christian influences in Fantasy writing
« on: May 30, 2012, 05:09:16 AM »
Joining in a bit late which means some of this may have been said already so please pardon me if that is true, but I just wanted to say that there are various types of preaching. Some involve moral preaching, Star Trek The Next Generation did some of that as has many books I've read. I think even Butcher gets into that now and then. Some types are spiritual preaching--as in eastern mysticism and New age stuff, etc.--I've read books with that type. Then there is what I might call opposite preaching from Christian. There are definitely some UF writers that do that. Then of course there is Christian preaching. Like the other types some of that is overt and some is subtle.

As has been stated it depends on your audience, some would love the more overt type. Frank Perritti (I probably blew his last name but I think it's close) is one who does it more overtly at least in his first two books. JRR Tolken did it very subtly. Supposedly he said he didn't put in any but I think he should have said on purpose. There are most definitely christian types in LotR. C.S. Lewis did it more on purpose I think in the Narnia Chronicles and in his SF trilogy.

Recently I saw a Christian series for YA or even MG dealing with dragons. So there are many Christian fantasies that are aimed at Christians but then again there are some who have written mainstream who have the characters reacting to moral issues differently than many non-christian writers do but in most of the plot there's no difference.   

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:41:29 AM »

I will do a partial list here, there are too many books to list at once.

But my top Five---outside of Butcher that is.

John Levit--Dog Days series--there are five to seven of them and that's it for now.

C. E. Murphy--she has one UF and one paranormal-new series with two books-- and maybe three fantasy series. I say maybe because one or two might actually be paranormal. But my favorite is the Walker papers. Great story telling.

laura anne gilman--two UF series set in the same universe. The Retriever series is the first and best I think. It has ended for now so she can work on the P.U.P.I. series. And I did her name like that on purpose, it's the way it is on her books, I like to say she along with Butcher are responsible for the current rage in UF but the next writer probably helped too.

Rachael Caine--I hope that is her last name I don't have a book handy--but she has two maybe three series, two are set in the same universe. The Stormwarden series may have been started before The Dresden Files.

Anton Strout--The Simon Canderous series. It's a lighthearted series or at least the first couple were, I think he's losing the lightheartedness but still good.   

There are at least two more writers I will list but I don't want to take the time right now but those will keep you in reading material for quite a while. :)

And I didn't recognize the writers you listed, which doesn't mean much :)

Author Craft / Re: Tools for Writers
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:23:54 AM »
I haven't taken the time to read all of the posts here so does Tools include books and workshops??

and Paynesgrey  on your coexist pic. I recognize them all except for the S and the i

Author Craft / Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:19:28 AM »
Personally for reading I take it anyway that seems to fit. Even 2nd person.

I've noticed that most if not every UF novel is First person. Which leads me to my second point.

I started out writing in Third Omniscient--it's my default POV-- but after being told by editors and writers that readers don't go in for that anymore I try to just do Third Person. But I've noticed that, probably as a result of reading so many UF novels, that now I tend to want to do First person, especially when doing UF. In fact of 12 to 15 UF-paranormal short stories and five novels I've only done one in Third. I started it that way and decided it fit for that novel.
Other types of stories seem to be a mixture of First and Third, sometimes within the same story... Oops. :)

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: May 29, 2012, 01:08:53 AM »
Even though I have one story I listed on the other thread I feel like an author in progress since I seem to have forgotten how to write after that story. And not to mention working on various novels non of which are ready to send out. I am revising one and writing two others even though I have two waiting to be revised.

Actually years ago I sent two different ones out but only a couple of times.

thank you yes it is only the second one i have done that with out side of class projects
so am happy with my self
i don't think it is any good and proberly will never show it to any one but hay i finnished a story
now back to the book i was writing before the exams and RL stole me

You should be happy with yourself. Congrats. I didn't read back very far can I ask how long it is? But you should show it to someone, that is how you get feedback. And is one way writers can stick together by helping each other.

I think doing this edit is actually harder than writing the damn thing to begin with. Doesn't help that I am rolling on Dayquil and what feels like Small Pox - but trying to go back and edit sections of my tome while trying to remember what has and has not yet happened in the story as I go along. So I edit chapter three with quotes from Character A, only to realize they died in Chapter 1. Or adding in character's wielding MacGuffin A (prop) in chapter 1 and realize that its not even built until Chapter 10. That sort of thing.

Damn you, Small Pox. Damn you.

Never had small pox but I have been on cold medication while trying to write. It usually works out okay though. But I have problems like that without Dayquil. I started listing all my characters and sometimes I think I need to list what scenes I've done. On the book I am revising I'm finding scenes changed later in the story or I included two descriptions of something that needed just one.  It will al come together even if later then you would have liked.

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: May 29, 2012, 12:54:50 AM »
That means you have lots of books to read. :)

Even though I've mentioned a couple of writers I could list enough to keep you in reading for a year or more. Besides Jim there's another five or so who are my favorites. Some are darker than Jim but I liked the story telling anyway. And it looks like a couple of my favorite series are coming to a close. :(

I'm doing a bunch of writing--came up with a new UF series even though the first few stories will be short stories.

I didn't keep count but working on two novels--not sure if they be UF, paranormal or both--working on revising a third which is kinda, sort of like Seanan McGuire's. I hope to have it all revised by the end of June and some of it off to a reader. Then I'll either try the regular way or publishing or e-publishing.

Working on revising a story for a contest and thinking of a new story idea since I find myself with no new story to work on at the moment. 

Author Craft / Re: Better Word Processor Options?
« on: May 28, 2012, 03:23:54 AM »
We have talked about this on another writing forum and a lot of people like Scrivener. I have a Mac and the time mine wasn't advanced enough for the latest version for Mac but once I got a new computer I went with Pages-$20-and it has a lot of new features compared to my old Word Processor. It's both great and frustrating. Great stuff but they changed and added so much I need to get lessons on some of it.

But Scrivener seems to be by far the favorite on the other forum.

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: May 28, 2012, 03:15:34 AM »
Tricked is the fourth in the Iron Druid series by Kevin Hearne.  The first three are Hounded, Hexed, and Hammered.

Hmmm, didn't say that on the cover. Either back or front. The blurb on the back made it sound like the first one. I've seen the Iron Druid series advertised online a few times but I don't recall ever seeing one in person.

Author Craft / Re: Published Author On Board
« on: May 28, 2012, 01:44:21 AM »
I'm in Mishell's category even though I have only one story published in  "Strange New World's 10". A Star Trek contest anthology. Fourth best story in the book.

Hmm, can't figure out how to rename the link.

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: May 28, 2012, 01:30:30 AM »
Came back here for one purpose but decided to stay for a while.  :)

First of all: Sorry Cenwolfgirl but there's a new UF out. "Tricked" don't recall the writer. But it's about a Geltic wizard who is hundreds of years old and someone ver powerful is angry at him. Supposedly next in line to Butcher.

And have you tried John Levit's books?

Second of all: Oz said
Several of my favorite writers show vast improvement in their books through the years.

I agree. Butcher is one. Levit is another. Lisa Shearin too--she does regular fantasy. I might include C. E. Murphy but I'm not sure she needed all that much improvement by the time I found her. But there's Laura Anna Gilman too. Maybe Mark Del Franco.  In another genre David Weber but again he was pretty good by the time I found him.

Third of all:
Naomi said,
Kat Richardson is an example of this for me.  I enjoyed her Greywalker story in "Mean Streets" so much that I purchased the first novel of the Greywalker series.  I didn't enjoy that book, but the promise of the series shown in the Greywalker "Mean Streets" story keeps me reading the books.

The same with me. Except I haven't quite bought her books yet but I've seriously thought about it.

Very close to finishing "Side Jobs" and about to start Simon R. Green's next one in his sort of, kinda of new UF series.

Fourth of all:

OZ do I know you from another forum?

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