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Messages - Regenbogen

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 [51] 52 53 ... 74
The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: August 07, 2020, 07:16:13 PM »
I missed you, too. :)
Enjoy your sister's visit. And the book. :D
Headaches are evil. I have them often. Mostly it is because I feel change in weather. We have that a lot here during summer. Or when I eat to much raw garlic or onions. But then it is my own fault and I choose to live with the consequences.  ::)
Real migraines I don't have very often, and I'm very glad about it. Those, when you can only stay in the dark, every little noise threatens to make your head explode and sometimes it makes you throw up. Good for you that you have found a way to deal with it.

I've been doing a lot of funny things these last days. I've worked a lot during July, so I can stay mostly at home during school holidays. I hope they don't call me, because I'm only at home from the hours I have worked, I'm not on vacation. Those who are just reducing work hours are usually called in first.
So I try to enjoy the time I have.
I'm sitting outside now and waiting for the bats. The sun is almost gone, they will be here any time now.... Ah, damn that was just a sleepy bird... But soon I will see the bats.
The kids are watching Frozen 2. We were in the local open air bath today and yesterday. That's really nice now that you have to announce yourself the evening before. And they only let in 400 people. So it is not crowded as usual without covid. They open from 10-13, then time to disinfect everything and in the afternoon from 14-18.

As I can't read anything else until I've read Battle Ground, I started a read along with a friend who currently reads Changes. But she is faster. I'm still at Turn Coat. We compare the translation. Sometimes it is really good, but sometimes the joke is lost, because you can't translate it into German. Mostly the language based jokes.

And joy: there was the first bat. You have to look at the same spot you saw the first, because the usually have a hunting routine.

DF Spoilers / Re: The worst Crack Theory I could think of
« on: July 29, 2020, 02:51:59 PM »
No, not Goodman Gray... His evil twin, Grossman Gray.
LOL you made my day!

Exactly. Page 6 , reply #86. Found it during listening to the audio book as a second readthrough.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: July 26, 2020, 10:31:07 AM »
Hey, PilgrimDan!
What are the books you are reading at the moment?
With me it is like this: as soon as I know, there is a book out, that I desperately want/need to read, I'm not able to read anything else until I have read that book. Even when I was still in school. I could not concentrate on reading school books as long as the new book was not read. I'm far from disciplined when books are concerned.

And Nutella:
I usually eat muesli for breakfast, but once in a while when I smell some fresh bread, I crave Nutella on it. But only the original, the other ones don't taste that good. So there is always at least one jar of good Nutella in the house. Restricted to consumption only on weekends.
Or if you manage to eat some in secret. LOL

And Dina: it really feels icky, when a wet cat uses the skin of your calf as a towel, especially when you don't expect her to be in the room. But at least she doesn't smell like a wet dog.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: July 26, 2020, 09:16:48 AM »
Ohhh, I summoned you, Regen! That is a power I use to have  :)

LOL. I even got the nutella! But weird thing, getting summoned.

Everywhere you go, you have to fill out a form with the date, the time you spent there, your name, address and phone number, so you can be contacted if any of the other guests were tested positive on covid.
Persons in direct contact have to be tested and stay in quarantine. A friend of mine had a kid in her facility who got sick. So she has to stay at home now.
The numbers of infection are increasing again, but that was to be expected, when you loosen the rules. I hope we won't go into a second lockdown in autumn.

And of course, the kitty is safe. Even when she puts her claws into me so I get up and let her out. But I hiss at her. She understands that.  ;)

I prefer reading myself, but Marsters is great.
But I never listen to an audio book, I haven't read before myself. You don't notice everything in detail. In fact, I only bought an audio book, because I wasn't able to read on another book and with audio it isn't so easy to stop. I wanted the book finished so I could read the next one.
Edit: and I only wanted to try out ONE book read by James Marsters. But after listening to the first one, I ended up buying all of them. LOL

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: July 26, 2020, 08:09:32 AM »
Hey there!!!
I was busy and tired. ;)
To be honest, I'm still busy and tired, but at the moment I'm sitting in front of my second morning coffee. I need that to be able to continue. We are having guests today. It's birthday week. Yay.
Thank God the family will come in the afternoon. Weather prognosis says, it will be sunny then. Or at least not raining, I hope. That's the other side of the coin, if you have a summer birthday. You have to prepare both for outside and for inside. But if you can stay outside, it is great.

We were lucky yesterday. We went to a corn maze with my big daughter and some of her friends for her kid's birthday party. The maze isn't difficult or big, but you have to find the 15 questions hidden everywhere inside and answer them correctly. That's always fun for everyone. Also there is a large playground there with lots of tables and benches, most of them under roofs.
We were there last year, too. And I think we will continue to go there on her birthdays until the kids are too old to have fun there. I saw a maybe 15 year old boy and he didn't look bored. So yes, the future birthday location is secured.

And yuck! I just got touched by a wet cat!!!!

I did kind of a re-read of Peace Talks this week. I didn't have time to read, so I listened to the audio book. Nice.
You can do that while doing boring work like laundry or cleaning. But careful when baking: "did I put in the sugar already or not...?"  ;D

I'm not sure if we will travel somewhere. I have two weeks extra from when I worked so much over time during the beginning of Covid19. Perhaps we will drive to Austria. There is a lake, we like and there's family around. But we will ask our relatives first, because it would be bad, if there was a second lockdown and they wouldn't let us go home again in time. The kids both start at (new) school in September.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks - Continuity Notes [Spoilers]
« on: July 24, 2020, 11:18:36 AM »
OMG I just found something. I'm currently listening to the audio book as a second "reading". It's page 185 (e-book Peace Talks), just after Harry comments on not having been to the BFS building since Ghost Story, we have mentioned in this thread already. I think during the first read I was too confused by his statement, that this escaped me.
First, a modest, plain bronze plaque fixed to the wall that spelled out the words BETTER FUTURE SOCIETY in letters an inch high.

I looked it up:
Ghost Story, page 199, e-book:
OK, it's not so much difference. " better" - "brighter", but...
Could be misremembering from Butcher's side, but with the comment about having been there as a ghost and not at the end of Skin Game, I'm not so sure.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ramirez [Spoiler/WAG]
« on: July 22, 2020, 09:31:44 PM »
I've always pictured him in my head with Elaine. But that would be tragic, too, because if the Elaine=Kumori and Cowl=Justin theory is correct...

Honestly, I don't see him happily ever after. Not everybody finds somebody. Just look around people you know. Friends, colleagues, neighbours, ... Some people never find the partner for life. For different reasons, and they are all different people. Some people found their partner and lost him/her again. Some love without being loved back.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: July 22, 2020, 07:31:06 PM »
Hi everybody.
I'm seriously thinking about reading PT again soon. This week I shouldn't, because there is a lot to do at home. But maybe starting Sunday evening...
There were some details that may have escaped me. Reading during nightshift with several breaks in between is not the same as reading concentrated and in quiet at home.
I wanted to wait until the first week of September, but I have begun two other books already and am stuck in the first chapters. One of them seems really good. But I have read most of the discussions about PT now, and I want to return to the Dresden Files. I'm not sure I can prevent myself from starting before Sunday. LOL

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks Thoughts [SPOILERS]
« on: July 22, 2020, 06:52:47 PM »
This has been discussed somewhere in a sample chapter thread, but I still feel confused about the vampire baby feeding off its mother. Of course every baby feeds off its mother, but this seemed to imply, he meant the baby's hunger demon. But as I understood, WCV are born human and turn vampire during their first feeding, which is always lethal. If they have true love that first time, they stay human:
 Blood Rites, Inari.
The unborn baby's hunger demon feeding would mean, the demon is active during pregnancy and turns inactive after birth. Doesn't make sense to me.
Maybe this is some mind manipulation, too, I wonder.

Edit: And Harry doesn't ask more about that. I mean, he knows, he was there when Inari almost killed him. ;)
The only reason I can think about now, is that the demon protects itself by hiding inside a baby and toddler, because they don't have a lot of control and therefore it would risk being exposed too early in it's life. So it feeds during pregnancy a lot, so that it can survive until puberty. Hitting puberty it is so starved that it can't be stopped, before it kills.
Also it would be a totally different tone in a story if it showed toddler White Vamps feeding. Ahem.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks favorite quotes (obviously spoilers)
« on: July 22, 2020, 06:30:52 PM »
Page 187 e-book
"[...] Just you remember what I taught you.”
“Never start the fight. Always finish it.”
“Not that.”
“Make your bed and do your chores?”
“Not that.”
“Something, something, never let them see you sweat.”
A grin flashed over the old man’s seamed face, there and gone. “Close enough.”

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Conjouritis, Why??
« on: July 21, 2020, 11:21:29 AM »
I thought that disturbing, too. I was hoping it was an early sign of conjuring and shape shifting abilities. And not some children's disease. But it could still be. I'm not giving up hope. Also, I can't imagine, Harry has never heard of that. Except, someone manipulated memories, either Harry's or those of everyone else, so that they told him, it was a disease and not some curse or some new abilities. As to why, I have no idea. Let's wait and see.

OK, maybe one idea: it could be developing a new talent, that would make him more dangerous, if he concentrated too much on it to learn to master it, so some adversary tries to make it appear as something else. Maybe a talent that isn't practiced, withers and dies, or one does never gain control over it.

I was thinking on manipulation of memories that have knowingly occurred in the books until now.
There was the missing blasting rod and therefore fuego in Small Favor through Mab and the memory manipulation by Molly in Changes, so that Harry forgets that he has hired a killer.
I counted only manipulations directly involving Harry.
And there were the mind magic attacks by corpsetaker in dead beat.

DF Spoilers / Re: Tuesday 7/21/20
« on: July 21, 2020, 10:28:22 AM »
Oh, yes! I think, I'll join you dreaming.

Or maybe first some part somewhere from the middle, like the one from PT with the cornerhounds.

DF Books / Re: Just finished reading Peace Talks
« on: July 17, 2020, 03:21:36 PM »
This is definitely the better way to do it. It is a single book, divided into 2 parts.
Yes, it doesn't feel finished. Well, because that's because it isn't. But I couldn't have brought myself to not read it, as soon as I had it. I was working the nightshift and I extra went out onto the emergency stairs to get WLAN, so that the book could be delivered.  :o
But I don't regret reading it.
I'm not sure I want to discuss it yet, so I'm not visiting the spoilers section. Maybe I'll wait until BG drops and after I've read that.
Also I managed to start another book after PT. A good one. Wouldn't be fair toward this book, if I stopped reading again, because my thoughts are with Harry. LOL

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: July 10, 2020, 09:21:08 AM »
Hi, DoT!
How are you?
I always admire people who can restrain themselves NOT to read sample chapters, when they are available and you know it. ;)
I know, I can't not read them.

I'm trying another book (a detective story without magic) in the days between. It's lying in front of me, but I'm still just looking at the cover. It's only a little over 200 pages. Perhaps I am able to give it a chance. They even have made movies about it, that I have watched, so I know, it is funny. Usually the books are better than the movies, so...
We'll see.


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