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Messages - Regenbogen

Pages: 1 ... 47 48 [49] 50 51 ... 74
The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: September 01, 2020, 07:37:47 PM »
Oh, so it is true. 2 chapters. No! I won't read them. Not today and not tomorrow. I'm preparing my little one's room for school. Now everything is clean, and tomorrow I'm going to empty the old little  school desk from the living room and carry it upstairs. This will do for the first two years. Her room is not big, I had to remove some things so the desk fits in.

I always wanted to learn Spanish, but in my school they didn't teach it.  :'(
I took English, Latin, French and Italian (though the Italian class was a bit ridiculous, we only sang a few songs, and I didn't learn much. I only participated, because there was no Spanish, and they told me "So take Italian, if you want another language")
In school I wanted to become either a biologist, archeologist or translator. I tried to learn Polish taught by my grandmother, but couldn't get into it. Though I know some words and I mostly know how to pronounce what I read.
And lol, I know two Czech sentences. Took me 3 days in the metro in Prague to learn them. It's what the voice from the speakers says at each station.  ;D "Please stop getting on or off the train. The doors close automatically. Next stop..." LOL I can say it, but I have no idea how it is written.

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground !!!SPOILERS!!!
« on: September 01, 2020, 12:15:26 PM »
I try not to read it this time. Or at least read two chapters. So I will be absent from the boards for a while. But not sure if I can do it. I'd rather read the whole book when it is out.

Edit: the drops were usually 6-8 hours from now, if this is any help. ;)

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly's Doppelganger Ring Crafting
« on: September 01, 2020, 10:33:44 AM »
Peace Talks chapter 32 :
   “Oh, lad,” he said, tears in his eyes. “Oh, lad. Didn’t think you were going to come at me again. Didn’t think it would trigger.”  
What would trigger? The loaded staff? He misjudged his control once the staff was loaded. He didn't aim at Harry first, but turned and the staff triggered accidentally.

  This pain, though. This hurt him. This broke him. He bowed his head. His tears fell to the dock. Then he paused. Then his expression changed. He looked up at me. His eyes widened, and then his face twisted into rage and disbelief. “Why, you sneaky—” “Good talk,” I said, “Wizard McCoy.” And I let go of the Winter glamour Lady Molly had crafted for me.
I'm not sure what will come next. Is he just pissed at the moment? Will he have had time to cool off? We will know soon.
I think for Eb this is the final revelation that he has to find someone else to take over the Blackstaff. And I don't think he will choose Harry. But who else could he give it to, if he can give it away at all. Maybe the former holder has to die.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: September 01, 2020, 09:36:00 AM »
And about the police story, now I am curious. What movies?

They made movies from the first 2 or 3 books.
Reading them is not easy. They are written in dialect and the grammar is not correct, meaning the whole book is a first person narration and it feels like the guy is sitting beside you telling his life story. Exactly how someone from a really small village somewhere in the country would talk. That was funny at first, but a whole book written like this was getting on my nerves. Especially because I know people like that and I tend to slip away before they can talk too much.
My husband and I watched one of the movies a few months ago. That was the reason why I tried the book. Before I didn't want to read it, because the people recommending it had a completely different taste in books than me. Especially my mother. LOL. I have learned that if my mother really likes a book, it is best for me to not read it. There are exceptions, but they are rare, and even then these are books that are OK to get through but I don't really like them. So we were surprised the movie was so funny.
That's the one I tried to read.

And this is the first one. There is more info:

Edit: I have looked. There are no English subtitles. You can have German ones. That makes sense, because someone from the north or east of Germany might have difficulties in understanding.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Peabody's partner at the Peace Talks? (My guess)
« on: August 31, 2020, 11:50:45 PM »
His future sight is pretty unreliable thanks to free will IIRC.
That would mean, he could see someone coming as soon as the person has decided to come. The decision is not made spontaneously like "oh, look, there is a way, I think I will go to Edinburgh now", so he has enough time to get back, in theory.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Peabody's partner at the Peace Talks? (My guess)
« on: August 31, 2020, 11:31:30 PM »
  Actually, after rereading the conversation between Harry and Chandler in Turn Coat, Chandler knew where all the Senior Council members were inside the complex.  Now it could be that Chandler knew what each member's focus was on; be it direct investigation of La Fortier's murder or waiting with a strike team for news about Morgan and so on, but it suggests; though it does not prove, that Warden Chandler had been inside the complex quite recently and that explains his knowledge of where the various Senior Council members could be found.  It's a minor point, but it would mean that Chandler was easily able to communicate with Peabody before going out to meet Harry. 
Good point.
I was thinking, with his chromomancy he would also know when to be back in time at his post when someone comes by, when he leaves for errands like for example being with Peabody on Demonreach.
So it would appear that he never left his post.
Maybe the spiders were just a delaying tactic, so that he would have more time to hurry back, when someone comes from the nevernever side.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: August 31, 2020, 11:18:17 PM »
Oh, I didn't take it as critique. I was surprised I enjoy it so much. I've tried the other two series by him. But I stopped reading both, because one was too dark and the other too funny. Weird. But not bad, just not what I needed at that time.
I also stopped reading the police story, because the main character is an asshole. LOL. I think I will rather watch the movies, because you don't have to listen into his head. Then it is funny.

@ Fcrate:
Peace Talks:
For me especially the parts of Harry
(click to show/hide)
But I didn't like
(click to show/hide)
But otherwise the book was great.
 Tomorrow there will be the first chapter of Battle Ground online, but I will try not to look, because I haven't finished Ink&Sigil yet. I hope I can do it. Wish me strength of will. ;)

DF Spoilers / Re: I am 99% sure that Cowl is Dresden from the future
« on: August 28, 2020, 06:38:45 PM »
I'm not sure what to think. Several theories sound plausible to me. I still put my money on Justin or Kemmler or Kemmler in Justin's body Corpstaker style, but this is not the point here.

But @Mira: has his heighth ever been mentioned? I seem to remember this having been a discussion point somewhere. That usually Harry mentioned how tall someone is, when describing the person. His not noting Cowl's heighth could be that he somehow veiled it.

The phrase is not uncommon. I've read that several times in completely unrelated writings. Sometimes not in English, so I believe this is coincidence.

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground !!!SPOILERS!!!
« on: August 28, 2020, 10:27:25 AM »
Man, I'm really looking forward to this.

Preview chapters start coming out next week

Oooooh yes! It's only 4 days. I'm soooooo excited!

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: August 28, 2020, 10:20:15 AM »
Oh. It's actually pretty good. It's about crime solving. And I like the main character. I'm glad I finally found something I can keep on reading. That doesn't mean, I don't like all the other books I have started in the past weeks, but they were not what I needed. I will read them at the right time. Or not.
Sometimes the taste changes or develops. Sometimes I suddenly like a story I didn't like ten or twenty years ago.  Or I put emphasis on different aspects of a story than I did before.

So maybe I might give The Name Of The Rose another try someday. I was about 20 when I tried to read it. And maybe I'll give Hamlet another try, too.

But for now I am content with this new book, which I am able to continue in spite of the first chapter of Battle Ground only days away.  ;D ;D ;D
It frustrates me when I don't read anything. And it always has to be fiction. And I have to like the main character or at least one of the characters, if there are several.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: August 26, 2020, 03:57:06 PM »
Lovecraft country sounds interesting. I've watched the trailer now. But it's not on Prime Video. So we'll have to wait a bit.
But soon there will be the next season of "The Boys". We are waiting for that.

And I have found a book I can manage to read, I think. Ink&Sigil by Kevin Hearne. I'm at chapter 2 already. Started yesterday. But it may take a while, because I have to concentrate a lot. Direct speech is in (fake) Scottish dialect most of the time. Thank God I have watched Outlander in preparation, LOL.

DF Books / Re: Question about what Jim's said about future books
« on: August 26, 2020, 12:39:53 PM »
Hello, Rechan.

Peace Talks and Battle Ground are basically one book. BG can be seen as PT part 2.
The book became too long and had to be splitted.

Hi, i dont do much posting here and im not sure if this will show on the thread i want it to but if the hounds are attracted by time travel, doesn't Chandler specialize in time magic? And he was in Chicago the next night, mabey he sent them back 1 night to attack harry not knowing eb would be there.
If chandler specializes in time magic (a point made in text in PT) then maybe corner hounds are the easiest outsider for him too summon?
Good point. He came up in another thread about Peabody's partner on Demonreach in Turn Coat.

DF Spoilers / Re: Bob's parents.
« on: August 23, 2020, 11:26:06 PM »
It is not Merlin, we have not seen Merlin in series and he is confirmed WOJ that he is NOT the British Prisoner.
It doesn't matter here who the prisoner is, that was just a side note. Really? Confirmed by woj? Where do I find that? (Edit: ok. Found it.)

And technically we have seen Merlin. Sort of. When Bob explains to Harry in the dumbed down dumbed down version  how Demonreach was created. (Edit: he cast Alec Guinness LOL)

DF Spoilers / Re: About Bob... (Spoilers All, Spoilers today's AMA)
« on: August 23, 2020, 08:36:20 PM »
Oh, another thread.
OK, my guess again:

Merlin & Demonreach

Explanation see other thread ;)

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