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DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 24, 2014, 09:27:29 PM »
Yep. ButWorm-verse can be really dark.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 24, 2014, 03:04:24 PM »
And last but not lest - Jasper:
Main Aspect: Don't-Look-At-My-Tits-I-Have-A-Mind
Problem aspect: Don't know real life
Other aspects: Reachgirl, Loyal, I require my adventuries!
Superb: Empathy
Great: Rapport, Resources
Good: Presence, Contacts, Discipline
Fair: Scholarship, Performance, Alertness, Athletics
Average: Driving, Endurance, Weapons, Guns, Fists
-Evocation [–3]
-Thaumaturgy [–3]
Effects: -She can manipulate the temperature and the state of aggregation of matter, based on the energy of the intermolecular and interatomic bonds. It is let her to use pyro-/cryomacy, as much as transfome the solid materials in liquid form, and iquid - in gaseous, and vise versa - without changing its temperature.
-Generally, she can manipulate amount of material approximately equal to its own weight (approximately 45 kg). However, concentrating and spending a certain amount of time (Thaumaturgy rites), she is able to change the temperature of gases and thus, control the weather, on the scale of the whole city. Usualy, the using of Jasper's power accompanied by specific dark red aura around her body.
-The Social Graces: Keen awareness of the ebb and flow of social situations makes you the master of your circumstances. When determining initiative in a social conflict, gain +2 to Empathy.
-Won’t Get Fooled Again: It only takes once for someone to lie to you before you start to wise up to it. Once you’ve discovered a particular person’s lie for what it is, you gain a +2 on any future Empathy rolls when dealing with that liar.
-Best Foot Forward: People just like you, especially when you’re deliberately trying to make a good first impression. You gain a +1 on your roll to make a good first impression, and failing that roll cannot give you a negative temporary aspect or make the situation worse.
Windfall: You’re occasionally able to tap into more Resources than usual, such as cashing out stocks or receiving a periodic disbursement from a trust fund. Once per adventure, you may spend a fate point to make a single Resources roll at +4.
-Calm Blue Ocean: You are skilled at keeping your emotions in check. Gain +2 to Discipline when rolling to keep emotions under control.
Backstory: Many people may envy Maggie Bishop - she has a loving and wealthy family, beauty, popularity and good mind (although the last trait often isn't noticed). Her early childhood was spent in Boston, teenage years - in Brockton Bay. Her superpower woke up when she returned from vacation - the plane on which she was traveling, nearly crashed. At that moment, the girl wanted only one thing - to be on solid ground. When the plane landed, she noticed his legs, immured in a layer of transparent substance. Before she could scream, substance disappeared - blown away in the inconspicuous flash.
As Skitter, Maggie begun to study her abilities, and she planned to be a hero. She take name Jasper (cuz she always liked jasper jewelry and becouse of color of the flash). She perceived it as entertainment and hobby, but starting to patrol the streets - quickly realized that this is a serious business. Serpent (the had met each other a couple of time before that) led girl in the team, and Maggie soon imbued with the Flayer's ideas.
Appearance: Tall, slender, green-eyed blonde. Not very athletic, but have a good forms. Dark red suit, a short coat with a hood and a white half-mask.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 24, 2014, 01:02:37 PM »
Main Aspect: Tough girl with golden heart
Problem aspect: Former Drug User
Other aspects: Tsundere, Street-Smart, Moves Like a Ninja
Superb: Stealth
Great: Alertness, Deceit
Good: Contacts, Burglary, Athletics
Fair: Fists, Weapons, Guns, Presense
Average: Schoolarship, Perfomance, Emphaty, Intimidation, Investigation
-Echoes of the Beast [–1] (snakes)
-Cloak of Shadows [–1]
-Supernatural Speed [–4]
-Incite Emotion (lust) [–2] (pheromone attack)
-Spider Walk [–1]
-Blend In: You blend into a crowd easily. If there’s a crowd to hide in, you gain +2 to your Stealth rolls. This is particularly useful when Shadowing someone on foot. she learn this trick while she lived on streets
-Stay Close and Keep Quiet!: When sneaking around with a group, you are able to use your Stealth skill to complement everyone else’s Stealth skill as they roll to stay hidden and quiet, provided they stay nearby and follow your instructions. Failure on either of these points means they lose the benefits. If you have any aspects specific to your ability to sneak around, your companions may invoke those aspects for their benefit as well.
-Honest Lies: Whenever incorporating a real, valuable piece of the truth (however marginally valuable it may be) into a lie, you gain a +2 on your efforts to pass off the untrue parts.
-Acrobat: Gain +1 on Athletics when using it to survive a fall. Also, gain +1 to attempts to dodge ranged attacks (throwing and guns), so long as you describe it colorfully.
Backstory: Susan Sullivan was born in Brockton Bay, a mixed middle-class family. Her parents divorced when she was eight - the girl continued to live with his father. He was a caring - sometimes too caring. Maybe he would like to debunk the myth about the "absent black fathers". Any way, for her it was irritable. From the age of thirteen, she regularly began to run away from home. Then she began hanging out with the wrong crowd. Perhaps her father (and mother, who still took part in the upbringing of his daughter) was worth being harder ... Anyway, soon she finally settled on a street where all experienced the joy of a free life: beatings, rape, prostitution, theft, and of course drugs. Susan could go home, but she felt herself too "dirty" for this. During a gangbang, a girl ever wanted to be somewhere else. Unexpectedly for her, she begun to ran - and when she came to himself, she understood, that she had ran five blocks less than a minute, and not out of breath. Ability wasn't make not that much easier her life. But she at least stoped sell her body and begun to sell stolen goods. During the raid she was caught, and passed from hand to hand to parents. The girl underwent a course of rehabilitation and cure of venereal sores. She could start a new life, but the streets are not so easy to let go. She saw extrimely bad things and she want to help people.  Especially since she was familiar with a hefty guy-Indian who once saved her from  knife of a drunken client, and now offers a truly real deal with one real guy...
Appearance: Slender, athletic girl. Swarthy, with brown eyes, but the hair is more dark red than black. Hair cut short. Her costume -  scaly dark-green skintight suit and the mask in the form of the top of the snake's head.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 24, 2014, 12:46:11 PM »
Hm-m... Yep, I shouild fix it.
About rape... She was in severe apathy and drunked. Formally, she was agreed - but in this state she could agree on anything. She just did not want to live.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 20, 2014, 11:14:51 PM »
I thoght about it... But the concept of character is about action, and I focused on the verstality more than pure effect.
Anyway, new concept:
Main Aspect: Tough girl with golden heart
Problem aspect: Former Drug User
Other aspects: Tsundere, Street-Smart, Moves Like a Ninja
Superb: Stealth
Great: Alertness, Deceit
Good: Contacts, Burglary, Athletics,
Fair: Fists, Weapons, Guns, Presense
Average: Schoolarship, Perfomance, Emphaty, Intimidation, Investigation
-Echoes of the Beast [–1] (snakes)
-Displacement [-1] (from wiki) - You are not where you appear to be. A glamor or other optical effect obscures your true location, making it difficult for opponents to properly target you.
-Cloak of Shadows [–1]
-Inhuman Speed [–2]
-Incite Emotion (lust) [–2]
-Aura Of Obscurity [-0]You cannot be photographed clearly- be it film, digital, or video, you are somehow always out of focus, blurred, etc… Furthermore, people who don’t know you well have a very difficult time remembering you clearly.
-Blend In: You blend into a crowd easily. If there’s a crowd to hide in, you gain +2 to your Stealth rolls. This is particularly useful when Shadowing someone on foot.
-Stay Close and Keep Quiet!: When sneaking around with a group, you are able to use your
Stealth skill to complement everyone else’s Stealth skill as they roll to stay hidden and quiet, provided they stay nearby and follow your instructions. Failure on either of these points means they lose the benefits. If you have any aspects specific to your ability to sneak around, your companions may invoke those aspects for their benefit as well.
-Swift and Silent: When Skulking, any difficulty increases due to fast movement are reduced by up to two.
-Honest Lies: Whenever incorporating a real, valuable piece of the truth (however marginally valuable it may be) into a lie, you gain a +2 on your efforts to pass off the untrue parts.
-Cat-Burglar: You’re a thief with catlike tread; you may use Burglary instead of Stealth for Hiding or Skulking
-On My Toes: Gain +2 to Alertness when using it to determine initiative.
Backstory: Susan Sullivan was born in Brockton Bay, a mixed middle-class family. Her parents divorced when she was eight - the girl continued to live with his father. He was a caring - sometimes too caring. Maybe he would like to debunk the myth about the "absent black fathers". Any way, for her it was irritable. From the age of thirteen, she regularly began to run away from home. Then she began hanging out with the wrong crowd. Perhaps her father (and mother, who still took part in the upbringing of his daughter) was worth being harder ... Anyway, soon she finally settled on a street where all experienced the joy of a free life: beatings, rape, prostitution, hunger, and of course drugs. Perhaps her father (and mother, who still took part in the upbringing of the daughter) was worth being harder ... Anyway, soon she finally settled on a street where all experienced the joy of a free life: beatings, rape, prostitution, theft, and of course drugs. Susan could go home, but she felt herself too "dirty" for this. During a gangbang (which is different from rape only because she was too drunk to refuse and resist), a girl ever wanted to be somewhere else. Unexpectedly for her, she begun to ran - and when she came to himself, she understood, that she had ran five blocks less than a minute, and not out of breath. Ability wasn't make not that much easier her life. But she at least stoped sell her body and begun to sell stolen goods. During the raid she was caught, and passed from hand to hand to parents. The girl underwent a course of rehabilitation and cure of venereal sores. She could start a new life, but the streets are not so easy to let go. She saw extrimely bad things and she want to help people.  Especially since she was familiar with a hefty guy-Indian who once saved her from  knife of a drunken client, and now offers a truly real deal with one real guy...
Appearance: Slender, athletic girl. Swarthy, with brown eyes, but the hair is more dark red than black. Hair cut short. Her costume -  scaly dark-green skintight suit and the mask in the form of the top of the snake's head.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 20, 2014, 09:06:25 PM »

I guess there's no real harm in giving him a crazy skill total, but it feels inelegant to me. So I'd rather make him skilled through the careful use of stunts and Aspects.

Actually, I put 17 different stunts. About aspects - so, Street-Smert and Coldblooded can'be quite useful. Others... to be honest after nWoD system, aspects for me play more like narrative, not mechanical atributes.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:01:29 PM »
The guy already has a silly skill total. I would be reluctant to add to it any further. The good news is that you don't have to add to it. If you use stunts intelligently, you can cover his competencies pretty well.

I'm honestly a bit confused, though. You had an earlier thread where you asked for advice on how to build this kind of character, and I sketched out one way to do it. You seemed to like my approach, but here you've gone on a completely different track where you spend more and get less.

That aside, I think people are overrating the Undersiders. At the beginning of the story I doubt any of them were even Submerged, and with a decent FP supply Flayer could probably take out any of them. High-FP mortals don't really exist in Worm canon, but that's beside the point.
I got your point, but I still don't think, that Flayer with his friends' help can't be the gung leader. I mean, Kayzer and Lung are not Thinkers, but they ruled their gungs during the long time. Yep, they were capes, but Kayzer wasn't the strongest capes in E88. So, if Flayer will be clever and skilled enough (now he had 70 skillpoints) and his mates will be ready to listen him (cuz he actually most clever of them) - why not? He at least as much as smart as  Grue or Skitter, and now Wendigo and Hummersmith are quite strong, no? And Serpent and Jusper will be stronger too.
P.C. What you think about the backstories of Wendigo and Hummersmith?

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 19, 2014, 06:32:26 PM »
Also, modifed Hummersmith:
Main Aspect: Ambitious scientist
Problem aspect: Diffident
Other aspects: I hate bullies, No more nerd, Changed man
Great: Lore*, Schoolarship
Good: Guns, Endurance, Alertness
Fair: Might, Resources, Discipline, Driving
Average: Deceit, Fists, Burglary, Contacts, Rapport
-Rituals (Craft) [–2]
-Item of power [–3] (hi-tech armor, implanted in the body)
-Inhuman Toughness [–2]
Human form affecting [+1]:
-Supernatural Toughness [–4]
-Inhuman Speed&Strength [–4]
-Wings [–1]
-Inhuman Recovery [–2]
Catch[+1]: cold (T<100C is a problem)
-Channeling [–2] (kinetomancy: gravitygun)
-Jury-Rigger: You have a talent for improvising with available materials. When jury-rigging, your repairs last two scenes longer than usual.

Average drone stats (he can use 3 drones in the same time)
Good: Guns, Endurance
Fair: Alertness
Average: Stealth
-Wings [–1]
-Pack Instincts [–1]
-Inhuman Toughness [–2]
Catch[+1]: can be hacked
-Inhuman Speed [–2]
-Echoes of the Beast [–1] (senses)
Weapon: 3 (or 4 - depends on situation)
Backstory: First twelve years of his live, Kevin Holloway lived in New Orlean's French quarter. He was typical nerd and almost the only white guy in his class. This two factors provide him a very "happy childhood." May be he would have taken similar views with the views of the Empire88, but his famly moved in Brokton Bay, and he begun in more "white" school - and nothing changed. Once, when he was literally beaten, his ability to awaken - it all night thinking about how to take revenge, until he realized that he can easily develop technical tools beyond the conventional technique.
He was not only nerd, but geek - but in Worm-verse superhero geek intresting a real things. As Taylor, he want to become a hero, but he was broken by the fact that his hidden abilyties don't improved his life. He still was nerd - and decided to speak about this with only guy in school, who *sometimes* protect and support him.
The name of this is Nick.
Of couse, Flayer could not miss the opportunity to recruit another cape. He also gave him a few simple tips: learn how to do push-ups in the morning, put the shot, showed how normal teenagers talk. Nick showed him that the problem nerds often in themselves. Kevin got this thesis, and become more popular, but he still hate bullies (as much as nerds).
Appearance: Тhin and pale blonde guy with dark eyes, quite tall. His armor looks like futuristic armor plate with a solid helmet. Colour - black with a greenish.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 19, 2014, 03:32:14 PM »
I'm still don't finish, but I'll consider what you say.
What if I give him also Great Intimidation, Good Rapport, Great Presence and Average Perfomances?

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 19, 2014, 10:38:02 AM »
Also, about Flayer:
this is the his level as I see it.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 18, 2014, 06:41:28 PM »
Actually, they must be on the respect-level of Undercovers. I mean, they can't destroy E88 or ABB, but they must be strong enogh to keep their district.
About tons of superpower - Wendigo is quite strong and I want to "lift" others to his level. Flayer will be brain, cuz he clever and know 'cape' world very good (as well as laws). And, yes, Flayer can't create iron from air, but his skills I think, quite higher than for Kayzer.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 17, 2014, 11:36:12 PM »
The Wendigo
Main Aspect: Loyal
Problem aspect: There's only one Big wolf in Brockton Bay! (Hookwolf is personal arc nemesis)
Other aspects: I was born for fight, Problem child, I like city life
Superb: Endurance
Great: Alertness, Athletics,  Survival
Good: Intimidation, Might, Weaponry, Discipline, Fists, Driving
Fair: Schoolarship, Craftsmanship, Deceit, Presence
Average: Lore, Guns
-Echoes of the Beast [–1] (wolf)
-Beast change [–1]
Feeding affecting (meat) [+1]:
-Inhuman everything [-8]
Human form affecting [+2]:
-Beast change [–1]
-Supernatural everything [-16]
-Claws [-1]
-Good Arm: Thrown weapons normally have a range of only one zone. With this stunt that range extends to two zones.
Backstory: Max Gray grew up in a small town in Alaska. By origin - Kri, although his family was completely assimilated and he never ever deeply understand his native culture. Still,  all of his childhood was spent in the woods and / or sea, and this was his trigger - during the hunt, he fell into a ravine and broke his leg. He was really scaried, that nobody will help him, and it was enough to run the hidden abilities. His first change turned him into big shapeless creature which instinctively came to the house and once again there has taken human form. The first thing he felt when I came, was brutal hunger...
It may sound funny, but for a normal life to the guy needed to eat a few pounds of meat per day. So almost all the family's finances were spent on something that literally feed the eldest son (Max has younger sister and brother). At the same time the guy learned to control his powers. He chose the image of a large wolf-like creatures, he became stronger and faster even in human form. Seeing that he has become a burden for the family, Max ran away from home. From early childhood, he was a confirmed bully, so the money for the bunkhouse and meat he earned fighting without rules, and one-off jobs. Wandering from place to place, he came to the Brockton Bay in the end. He take name Wendigo and begun work as a cape-villain. Soon, he met Hookwolf and there was fight between them. Wndigo had showed himself as a good and skilled fighter, but Hookwolf was more expirienced and won in those time. Only the intervention of Flayer (who deafened Hoookwolf by stun grenades) saved Max from the death. After Nick learned the story of Max, he develope the way to defeat hunger (special diet based on eating of plants with high animal protein, such as soy) and suggested to Wendigo work together...
Appearance:Large, mighty Native guy, who seems older than he is. Long hair usually pulled back in a ponytail. There is a couple of tatoos.
Costume is a gray-green, dark. Very wide trousers and ponchos strapped straps on the wrists, ankles and waist. The patterns traced Indian motifs. Mask in Native style, stylized wolf face. Usually he had two big machete-knives.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 16, 2014, 08:46:45 PM »
I'm not so sure, that somebody ofUndercovers have Great Weapons and Superb Fists. But anyway - the point is The Flayer is leader and "brain" of gung, while the "fist" is Wendigo or Hummersmith.
P.S. About costume - actually, it's just uniform which is comfortable for fight/ Also, it has psyhological reason - even if his not a cape, he s till part of their world. And he actually considered himself as a crime fighter (still) and he wear it also for memory about father.
P.P.S. Yep, but they still dangerous with good equipment. Oni Lee can garantee that.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 16, 2014, 08:09:04 PM »
Actually, I don't understand this "racism" toward the normals. I mean, the most of Coil gung ARE normals - and even before the book's plot were started, they were strong enough to fight against E88, which included very much strong capes.
P.S. What about the name? I mean Flayer a quite old word, as I know, but I tried to find something intimidated.

DFRPG / Re: Supervillains/vidgelante team for Worm
« on: October 16, 2014, 04:36:48 PM »
So, edition version with backstory.
NOTE: English isn't my Native language, and an American reality I know mostly from movies. So, their stories can be strange.
The Flayer
Skills: as it was cuz I already spend more then 45 skill points.
The Flayer
Superb: Fists, Athletics
Great: Alertness, Weapons, Guns, Stealth, Scholarship, Endurance, Discipline, Intimidation, Presence
Good: Investigation, Contacts, Driving, Might, Survival, Rarrort
Fair: Deceit, Burglary
Average: Craftsmanship, Perfomaces
-Martial Artist: As a result of advanced training, you are able to recognize many styles of martial arts, using Fists as a knowledge and perception skill focused on unarmed fighting. This enables you to make assessments and declarations
related to fighting styles and fighting culture using your Fists skill. This stunt may be used as a prerequisite for other Fists stunts.
-Lethal Weapon: Your hands are lethal weapons. When using Fists to strike an unarmored opponent, you are considered to have Weapon:2.
-Acrobat: Gain +1 on Athletics when using it to survive a fall. Also, gain +1 to attempts to dodge ranged attacks (throwing and guns), so long as you describe it colorfully.
-Fleet of Foot: When sprinting (page 212), gain a +2 to Athletics.
-Paranoid? Probably.: Gain +2 to Alertness when rolling against surprise.
-Riposte: On a successful defense with Weapons, you may sacrifice your next action to turn that defense into an immediate and automatically successful attack.
-Fast Reload: Provided that you have a supply of ammunition, reloads are rarely an issue. You take no penalty when reloading as a supplemental action (page 213); if you’re in a race to see who reloads first, or anything else having to do with your speed or ability to reload, gain a +1 on the roll.
-Blend In: You blend into a crowd easily. If there’s a crowd to hide in, you gain +2 to your Stealth rolls. This is particularly useful when Shadowing (page 143) someone on foot.
-Leadership: When you talk, people listen. When using Presence to command a group, gain +1 on the effort. Further, your efforts to coordinate a group are efficient, moving one time increment (page 315) faster than normal.
-Linguist: You may speak (and read) additional languages as if your Scholarship score was 4 higher than it is. You may take this stunt multiple times, adding four more each time. Up to half of the languages you speak may be obscure, rare, or dead, provided you can establish an opportunity to study them.
-Scene of the Crime: You have a practiced eye when combing over a crime scene. In such a circumstance, you gain +1 to your Investigation roll and arrive at your findings one step faster than usual on the time table (page 315).
-No Pain, No Gain: You can take a bunch of punishment before it starts to add up. You may take two additional mild physical consequences.
-Supreme Concentration: Your Discipline is considered to be Fantastic whenever Discipline
would restrict, complement, or otherwise modify another skill. This has no effect on your actual Discipline rating when the skill itself is being rolled.
-Bend and Break: When successfully breaking an object using your Might, increase the effect (stress, usually) by two steps.
-Takes One to Know One: You may use Deceit instead of Empathy to catch someone in a lie.
-Shake the Tail: When you are the one being followed in a car-chase, you have a real talent for sudden turns and daring maneuvers to shake off your pursuers. Gain a +2 to Driving in such a case.
Backstory: Nick van Dongen never want to be a villain. His father was the policeman, who was killed on duty, while his mother was early retired cape (she was crippled by supervillains). She was sure that the son would inherit her abilities, that why the boy spent his childhood between schoolbooks and gymroom without any silly things which children call hobby. From an early age he was trained by the best masters, which the mother could find, preparing to become a hero. By age 15, Nick could serve in SWAT - he was strong and skilled enogh for it. He was also very smart, and graduated from high school by his 15. But as time passed, and the ability and did not show up. Even in very stressful situations, which have been staged for him by his mother, he stiil be human. Later, the psyhologist explain to women,   that a possible cause was the education of Nick - if he had some hidden powers, he could not open them in a trigger situation, because subconsciously used to rely on the skills acquired. It was just a theory, but the woman was broken - it turned out that she had destroyed the future of her son, thus depriving him of his childhood. Old injuries made ​​themselves felt, and soon she died.
Nick got a pretty good heritage, but he was squashed. He was alone, no superhero bunch was ready to accept the teen without  powers, and he actually didn't want to join to heroes. He didn't tell his mother, but he understand, how this system work. Status quo is the God, nobody will break the balance, etc... He was dissapointed though he understood to go from other side...
Appearance: Middle height, slim, athletic build. Brown hair, gray eyes.
Suit - black, on the basis of uniform SWAT, with Kevlar inserts. Mask - black, free (like the mask of Grifter or Ultim-Hawkeye) . Sometimes wears Kevlar helmet.
P.S. It's the first back story, I can put another.

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