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Messages - The_Sibelis

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really doubt that, in my opinion Lea wanted more power and thought it would aid her in her power struggle with Mab.  Lea lost and gave way and gave up the knife to Mab, neither realized until it became apparent that it was infected that it was.
is pretty much directly contradicted by the book.
isn't, to me, obvious that    "that which stalks us all" = Nemesis.
It's one reasonably-likely hypothesis, but not uniquely-likely.

Maybe the "us all" isn't "everyone" but "faeries" and what's "stalking" them all is the ever-tightening strictures of doing what they must do, being who they must be:  beings like Winter-Queen Mab, Winter-Lady Maeve, and the Leanansidhe... they have almost no freedom or free will, because they are so intensely who and what they are...
What even is the Leanansidhe's name?  Does anyone know, or remember, or care anymore?
well it should be. It's immediately obvious to me you have it backwards tho. The Adversary is specifically called such by the fae(and indeed when talking about others "opposites" they have specifically referenced "their adversary" in the heaven n hell balance instead of An Adversary) just as the courts are tasked with protecting reality their adversary is tasked with breaking it, all of it. It is The End that nobody is safe from.

DF Spoilers / Re: Uriel's Seven Words, So Who is the Liar?
« on: October 31, 2023, 12:10:03 AM »
Even when I agree with you, Vin, I disagree with Uriel not being allowed to counter Mab. I believe that the strict rules constraining Uriel are only related with demonic things. Angels vs demons. I admit it would be not polite for Uriel to affect Mab's plans and it could cause other problems, but the strict rules that completely prevent Uriel from interfering are against demons and demon-related things.
they can only act when their counters act first... Makes it pretty easy to save up activities when demons/fallen are all about breaking the rules 👀
In the grand design, I doubt that's coincidence really. In fact, it's a much more black and white balance and interplay found in the fae courts I'd say. An just as we missed the original point of Winter, I think Demons have a particular purpose, if an unsavory one.

I don't think that's implied, at all.  "It was the knife" is simply a statement of how Nemfection entered the Winter Court.
another aspect of the knife and Leah not to be forgotten, is she thought she could use it to take on "that which stalks us all" hindsight 20/20 obviously Nemesis itself. So she knew it was a vector to Nemesis, and thought between its power and the connection she could take Nemesis through it I think. It backfired, she didn't expect the knife to open her up in return as much as it did.
An I'd guess it's such a good vector(though itself not Nfected in the direct sense), because as her atheme, it has not only worked black magic but worked Morganna's magic, and tasted her blood during ritual too.

DF Spoilers / Re: Uriel's Seven Words, So Who is the Liar?
« on: October 30, 2023, 08:26:36 AM »
"Sommerset" = "Summer's End" = Winter

Mab is "Mrs. Winter"
actually, I imagine that's why they pick such oddly obvious names. They cannot lie but they can take an alias based on what they actually are. Or conceivably, a name they literally "took" from a mortal or any other masks they might be able to claim?

DF Spoilers / Re: Uriel's Seven Words, So Who is the Liar?
« on: October 27, 2023, 11:04:51 PM »
2011 DC signing
Did Mab lie? (At the end of Ghost Story)
Mab did not lie, Mab was wrong. There’s a subtle difference to that, at the end of Ghost Story. As far as Mab is concerned, she’s telling the truth, because she’s telling the truth from her experience, as she knows it. Dresden, however, is getting an earful of truth on a more cosmic level. So we’ll see how that plays out a little bit more in the next book

DF Spoilers / Re: Uriel's Seven Words, So Who is the Liar?
« on: October 27, 2023, 10:15:24 PM »
There is a literal woj on this. Mab didn't lie, because she believed it to be true when she said it. Through empirical evidence of what, 800+ years as Mab her knight is hers to shape as she pleases? She CAN'T lie. She can think things are true that are not. Not so subtle difference. Lying is an intention, a choice she cannot make

DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 27, 2023, 07:25:54 AM »
The other problem is that the "shapeshifter bad guy" archetype is already taken in the series (ad yes, you can have more but to what end?) Naagloshii have clearly already done that well enough in the series, so what does Nemesis add that they do not?
they show a specific specialist ability true. But not the scope of what's possible.
 we know thoughts of similarities create resonance. This is by and large one of the simplest things used in magic. Doesn't matter if it's blood, hair, a ken doll with some styling... Or thoughts.It's all about creating that channel to direct the magic through. What's used only effects the quality of the channel, not the magic behind the idea.
So say, I have Grey turn into someone, he acts just like them yea? Can be overcome by THEM if he loses himself. Can't I use him now as a channel to the real one? Can't I use the same principles to say,
give him a stomach ache, cause him pain or even control his very mind from a distance? Grey's just the conduit and actually doing anything to grey is just part of the mental ritual of focusing the magic. It's not needed.
Seems pretty superfluous cause if grey can turn into him we probably already have their blood huh?
Now, what if instead we just have similar thoughts? Can't I mold my thoughts to be more like theirs to create a deeper and more direct channel to them? All I'd need is the initial connection to start the process yea?
An that's how Nemesis operates. The advantage of having a non corporeal shapeshifting ability is resonant access things you become mentally. It's why It's so hard to detect, and probably why Molly was egged into using fear magic by Sandra the fishy name Marlin. Opened her to fear bringer.
(And I theorize why Harry having cat sith NOT be lethal automatically made him vulnerable to hwwbh, who I think prefers to play with his food)

DF Spoilers / Re: Chekhov's Arthurian Athame
« on: October 27, 2023, 07:06:59 AM »
[I know traditionally Merlin had the romance with Nimue...but as a Fae, Nimue was old when Merlin (OG) was young. Unless Jim is rewriting Nimue to have been human originally at the time
well, I see more pop culture aspects than traditional Arthurian in what Jim does. Young Merlin, the classical Merlin movie with Sam Neil, ect all have a young human sorceress as Nimue, so much so I don't think of her as the lady of the lake, that's a separate entity in my mind specifically because of the Arthurian stuff i grew up on.
Morganna's atheme was dangerous because of WHO'S it was, morganna. Who as you say probably did what in the DF is considered black magic. Doesn't seem likely to me that Merlin in a y capacity would simply expell her for breaking his laws. Now, comparison to Molly flexing the laws and Lea showing her the fae way to do so and it starts to add up a bit more. From someone who's set the laws and punishment I find expulsion to be an unlikely outcome for someone who violates his own personal decrees. Now a smart azz apprentice who figured out how to walk in the grey areas? Thats more likely.
My point about the atheme tho, is it was dangerous/a vector for Nemesis because of whose it was. Morganna did black magic with it, that made it dangerous. Mab doesn't do black magic and isn't inherently at a loss towards Nemesis by way of being Morganna if she were so. that would make the knifes vulnerability as a vector for Nemesis a potential plot hole many books old.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chekhov's Arthurian Athame
« on: October 26, 2023, 02:47:28 PM »
From the way Corb talked I'd more suspect her to be Nimue? Morganna wasn't a mewling child in Arthur's day, Nimue tho.. an I don't think even Merlin would have authority to cast out the kings sister. I took it more under the context of dismissing your apprentice, and as the court mage casting her out of the court.

I'm pretty certain that's a mortal thing, a human thing; not limited to Starborn.  Human choices, free will, love...  This is potent, potent stuff in the Dresdenverse.  It dwarfs the power of the White Council, dwarfs even Mab's power.

A human choice, freely made, can split the entire universe, creating a whole new branch of reality.
I mean things not meant to change, like I'm pretty sure most mortals call him Uri and Uriel isn't going to gather clouds and crack thunder on them. But Harry Dresden doing it was a threat to who he was.

DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 24, 2023, 03:11:37 AM »
He would, he definitely would. And Dresden already has a lot of problems with Marcone. What he saw in the soulgaze, really disturbed Harry in some really primal level, I think. He's visceral about his hate for Marcone.
Marcone is really interesting in his dark mirage of Dresden. Because it's not even about choice but circumstance. Harry's defining moment in his youth was taking out someone trying to kill him.. Marcone's is someone else basically dying because someone wanted to kill him. Harry hates him because if he'd been delt that hand he'd have played it the same way and he knows it.

Murphy was shot in the neck. Which is, I dunno if on purpose, or Jim being Jim, or what, but, personally, I can't not think about the fact that Susan basically dies the same way, wound to the neck, bleeding to death, in front of Harry.
ouch, yea the parallel would seem right for how Susan died. I was wondering specifically because of Arthurian stuff. Some of the precise details being split between beings

I meant to ask you about this before, but then I forgot as I was doing the transcript. I was just hoping you would elaborate on this? What's your idea here? I'm interesting to hear about that.

I always view Battle Ground as being her Changes, you know, the pivotal moment for her transformation, the same Changes was for Harry. Because I think, in some respects, they follow similar paths.
As far as Murphy being a SomeOne important? Probably started in the way back machine when Raidem posted his Murphy is mab theory. I didn't agree, having seen more for Molly fitting the bill already with Maeve changing to match Molly's appearance. But I had to look closer at it of course, it bleeds into various other strands of theory but more or less. Murphy is Nemesis(or perhaps her most recent full incarnation as it were)as much as Harry is Merlin(she's also Guinevere/Arthurian in makeup but that's off topic). Nemesis the Greek Goddess/Nortia the Etruscan version, lachesis the middle fate, ECT.(we can add dozens of others maybe, not the least of which is Gard herself who plays Guinevere's part in Marcones kingdom proper)
And uh okay so I just brain farted something good and forgot what my old string was leading to but anyway lol... Time is described as a river(matches michio kakku physics btw) and certain things or events keep repeating themselves in its flow. I've previously described this as the bedrock of space/time. Bigger more momentous people and events with conservation of History. It's why GK was last "cycles" Dresden. Murphy fits the archetype of these repeating characters. I think her name is even a direct joke on this and Murphy's law and some of the bigger world building blocks. Mainly mortal magic=the spirit of the power of active fate~ side effects manifestations of "luck" inhibited by source, SPIRIT of fate..
The brain fart was, stars and stones, the starborn can gouge out new paths in space/time.

DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 24, 2023, 02:03:30 AM »
What I didn't remember but found interesting now that I've listened to the answer again, is that he also mentions Marcone in this, and how they could work together. Like you say, food for theories...
yea nothing good will come from that one lol. My first thought is of the overarching order of Dresden changing... Wouldn't Marcone make an excellent Adversary?
Off topic slightly, but where was Murphy actually shot?🤔 I forget wound placement..

DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 23, 2023, 11:50:33 PM »
Jim's answer: "I'm gonna go with Nemesis, because Nemesis has that whole shapeshifting thing going on, so he can be anybody.
ah see, yea. I wouldn't have really considered it to be shapeshifting, but coming from the author.. Jim tends to say things that we don't actually have the full context to but can be very good for guesswork and theorizing at what the context we're missing is. He's gotten better at it over the years actually. Last couple years of his he's been dropping subtle but very telling lines in his replies.

DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 23, 2023, 09:53:18 PM »
🤔 thinking about it, I think the key to saying Nemesis is a shape shifter might be the end result of shapeshifters mentioned in passing with Grey's woj and remembering shapeshifting isn't always done for the physicality of it(Sturgian sisterhood, with the mental demon slices wasn't it?)Nemesis seeks to entirely supplant a being by becoming it entirely with the Nfected/consciousness belonging to her.
Also, considering how I think Nemesis vectors, through mirroring, being able to become more similar to a being your trying to make a connection to would indeed be useful.
🤔 takes me full circle to Nemesis holding the role of the Adversary( Lilith after Lucifers fall to Satan), as described by the order of seraphim. Classically everyone has their own personal mirror of the devil that is considered part and parcel both YOU and the Prime Evil.(silent hill does a good contemporary example of this kind of mythology
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Anyone got a time stamp for when he mentioned Nemesis and shapeshifting?🤔

DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 23, 2023, 08:03:35 PM »
Actually it makes a lot of sense that Nemesis would be a shape shifter.. Makes for easier story telling as well.
care to ahh, explain anything about this particular statement? This is one of those comments that's perfectly valid on its own. When it's a response I just get lost in the reasoning behind WHY?

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