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Messages - BrainFireBob

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DF Spoilers / Re: Vadderung
« on: July 30, 2020, 04:49:43 PM »
It is difficult to tell when the worship of Odin/Wodan started but it seems to me that the rise of his cult was parallel with the rise of Germanic royalty because he is the god of kings and high nobility and their warriors.

All Anglo-Saxon kings according to Bede descended from Woden for example.

Those kings gained power because of continuous roman pressure (and opportunity for plunder) which resulted in bigger states with more centralized power. But he might have been a less important god before that. Also Tacitus might have referred to him but because of roman interpretation of foreign gods it is difficult to be sure.

Yes, I've seen speculation that Tyr was actually the pre-eminent Scandic deity, once upon a time, before Odin rose to prominence.

On Dresden: I have been expecting for a long time that beneath all the mantles will be someone surprising. Balor is my most recent guess, but I'm not tossing out Gilgamesh. Heck, given Norse traditions revolving around how he learned seidr, might be a woman under there.

Mavra's the only other character as mysterious- why did she let Dresden go with a lesson, of all things? Did she not want the Blackstaff to make it personal and knew of the relationship? Is she family?

That was Maeve. For all we know she was already lying.

Maeve acts bound by Fae behavior through all this book. Posdible but unlikely.

She even acts Fae at McAnally's- "drop the evil kinktress act and we'll talk" can be construed *as a bargain* that lets "real" Maeve out.

DF Spoilers / Re: 666 years and what follows - The Cycle
« on: July 29, 2020, 06:09:28 PM »
I don't think Eb would have said "once in every six hundred and sixty-six years" if it weren't just that. Why be exact with you know it's wrong?

I think the Starborn alignment happens every 666 years.  Maybe it fluctuates within the year, but not by years.  Months at most, which would allow for the confusion over Elaine.

That's not that exact. The Romans had to add a variable number of days to their calendar to sync it.

In recorded history, we're talking what, 4-5 cycles? It might be very precise- and lame- 666 years, 6 months, 6 days, in the sixth hour, just no one has caught that yet.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Eb is 100% correct about everything?
« on: July 29, 2020, 03:19:33 PM »
He probably has more. He knows what his mother’s death curse did for example. He has seen club zero for what it is. Ebenezer probably does not know about the true love protection either. Because of the illusion and what was told he thought Harry was making out with Lara and that triggered an even more violent reaction.He is probably racist with all things not human. There is a racist streak in the white council though it is not just based on some superficial colorings.He must have a serious reason to take the risk but he is prepared to do so. Probably because he was a warlock himself. A white court vampire is not that different from a highly specialized warlock.

But they have all killed.You can always Think so but he also is always on his guard with them. He just is not in a place we’re he can always avoid them.

Without patters people can not even try to predict you. But there is a reason Karin finds it much easier to predict Harry than Nicodemus does.

The interesting predictive character is Mavra, who appears to get Harry very well.

DF Spoilers / Re: The British Prisoner
« on: July 29, 2020, 03:16:51 PM »

Does anyone else find it odd that when we have Outsider dialogue it usually done with a British accent?

Seems natural to me. Sharkface isn't the kind of guy served at breakfast

DF Spoilers / Re: The worst Crack Theory I could think of
« on: July 29, 2020, 03:12:35 PM »
No, not Goodman Gray... His evil twin, Grossman Gray.

I would have guessed Goodman Grey- he's more evil, more polite, and prefers tea to coffee.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: July 29, 2020, 03:10:50 PM »
I voted for Justin.  I don't think its Simon because of the following WOJ.

Q: What death curses are able to do? How powerful can they be? Why don’t more wizards just use die as their curse? Its short and kills your killer.

A: They sometimes do. :)  See what happened to all the vampires around Simon when they assaulted his compound immediately prior to the onstage events in Summer Knight.

The answer continues and talks about Harry's Mom's death curse.

Posit: If a wizard has an immortal mantle, and uses a death curse at a non-conjunction point in space time, does the wizard reform after?

When? Because Harry comments on his magic being tainted many times.

Still the overall question. If Harry "eats" the beasties in Demonreach:

1) He's not concerned about Nemesis, he's Starborn
2) If he has the Blackstaff, he's not concerned about their corruption, either
3) Also, he becomes something that merits the opening line of Storm Front.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Eb is 100% correct about everything?
« on: July 27, 2020, 09:56:08 PM »
Wrong how? That they're trustworthy?

For Thomas to be untrustworthy, he'd need to have WHAMMIED Harry at some point. Doesn't appear to have happened.

For Lara to be untrustworthy, she'd have to be Lara. Note: I don't think she's trustworthy, I think she wants the last male of the family available for pumping numbers after the Raith deeps.

For the Svartalves, they'd have to not keep bargains.

That said, Austri was Harry's poker buddy and their kids played together. If there was any effort to remove Harry from their property, it would violate guest right. If you wanted to induce him to break it, going after his brother is a good idea- and Austri's the one that would balk.

The one thing I don't want is to find out that the cornerhounds came after Harry because he will time travel in the future.  Leave the timey-whimey BS to Dr. Who.  If they were targeting Ebenezer at least there might be a good excuse.  He might have recently used the Blackstaff to time travel and whoever summoned the cornerhounds was aware of Eb's activities and knew the cornerhounds would home in on the old wizard because presumably there's a way for those creatures to sense some residual signal (or call it a magical scent) that identifies a recent time traveler.

That's interesting. I was interested in the idea that they came for the time-traveled Harry, but couldn't tell them apart.

The interesting question is what happens if all the Checkov's guns go off:

1) Harry uses a Darkhallow
2) On Demonreach
3) While holding the Blackstaff

I mean, what's the staff's limit? Does it effectively complete the prison? Can it work on magic you already did (ie, will it cleanse Harry's magic of Justin at this late date?)

I think "all he really cares about" is a bit too strong, but yeah, it's likely higher on his priority list than Chicago as a whole.

I disagree. I think he sees Chicago as "his." Hurt Chicago, hurt him. Help Chicago, help him.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Eb the Bad Guy?
« on: July 27, 2020, 09:35:28 PM »
The Vampire Courts exist as allies.

The Blacks were eliminated, the Reds are now gone, and the Whites are the weakest.

The Jade keep to themselves, so the Whites are currently very exposed. Lara has missed a trick not spotting it.

DF Spoilers / Re: First Line?
« on: July 27, 2020, 09:33:14 PM »
I'm really hoping for "I was having what was shaping up to be a very bad day."

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
« on: July 27, 2020, 09:32:41 PM »
That is what the monsters say to him he should do, stop caring and become one too. That is because Harry has a good heart, Morcone has not.

That's the entire point. Harry has a code. So does Marcone. It's even a code Harry respects- nothing, at all, ever, to kids.

Marcone is what Harry would be if he listened to id Harry. And Harry is externalizing his internal struggle on to Marcone. That's good writing, because it's believably human.

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