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Messages - OnlyElise

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Weren't some of you people supposed to be WORKING today???


There's a pun contest??

Quake in fear, all ye Board Members.

Yes, I agree.. I'd rather be scanned than blowed up. I just don't necessarily LOOK FORWARD to it.  :D

is it bad that i kinda can't wait to get scanned? 

YES!!! Why???

uh... what???


Mine are KINDA like that... except they have the words "sneak... sneak... SNEAK!!!" printed all over them in Con Camo.

Nonsense. We harass our authors. Why, we're not even giving Jim and Shannon a break after...

... oh, we are? Um... whoops. I'll shut up now. :D

Aw man... and I was gonna wear my stalker pants and everything...

Just talked to a great guy named Chris who works at the Marscon hotel... he gleefully informed me he's going to be "nerdin' it up" with us, and that Marscon is his favorite event there. I told him to make sure to say Hi!!!

Split a pizza with someone and it's half that. Speaking of which, anyone want to split a white pizza? And NOBODY is going to go without because of impecuniosity. We won't permit it.

Plus, remember 'Cellie has been bombarded with NYC prices for a couple of years now.

White pizza? Why YES.

Damn Straight!  :D

So are you guys doing the talent show silly or serious?

And I'm going to be utilizing my new, way-too-expensive-not-to-wear-to-a-few-cons costume Friday, which is modeled after Alexia Tarabotti from the Parasol Protectorate series. I'm do Butcher stuff on Saturday. Are you guys dressing up for the dinner, or at all on Saturday?

Oops! Sorry, Pris!   :)

He lies. Little Debbie is his mistress... Mr. Peanut is his master. With his damn monocle.

Honey, when you're bonking, size ALWAYS matters.

For the record... he's WAAAYY bigger than me!   :o

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