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Messages - Yeratel

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Topping even Vogon poetry, the title of Worst Poem Of All Time has been conferred upon William Topaz McGonagall's The Tay Bridge Disaster.
Follow the link,
And see what you think.

Author Craft / Re: Are Vamps and Werewolves too overdone?
« on: September 19, 2007, 04:20:00 AM »
Thinking of writing first novel. Basic fantasy setting with elves and all that jazz, but im incorporating werewolves and vampires. Basic plot line is that the main character witnesses his family's slaughter at the hands of vampires and is saved by a werewolf. The child grows up and goes out for revenge however the vamps and wolves have formed an alliance through crime syndicates and so forth which makes things difficult etc... just wondering if this is too overdone or would be too stale.
Sounds kind of like a spinoff of Underworld, or Underworld: Evolution. Do you have a character that looks like Kate Beckinsale in a leather bodysuit?  :)

Author Craft / Re: Publish-On-Demand Companies Merging
« on: September 13, 2007, 02:29:55 AM »
"growing number of writers who have failed to interest an established publisher in their work."

If you have to pay someone to publish your work you're doing it wrong.  People are supposed to pay you, not the other way around.  The only way I'd go POD is if I simply wanted to have my books in a professional format and had no desire to see them published.
For the most part that's true. Self-publishing is really just paying a printer to put your stuff in a hard copy format. It works fine for things that would NEVER be sold commercially, like family histories and geneology, religious and political screeds, stuff like that.

Author Craft / Re: Looking for a word
« on: September 08, 2007, 02:06:14 AM »
You say the characters are being "descriptive, not judgemental" in describing non-magical humans, but I would guess that they still feel superior to the lesser beings. Something like the Whites referring to humans as "kine" for herd beasts as food. In casual conversation among themselves, they might use shortened descriptions like "Norms" for "normals", or "Humes" for "humans", or "Ords" for "ordinary people", or even an acronym of some sort. Every subculture out there seems prone to creating their own acronyms. Humans in this case could be NPLUs, for Not People Like Us.

Author Craft / Re: Looking for a word
« on: September 07, 2007, 07:34:05 PM »
I'm not sure "unpowered" is a real word, how about "the unempowered" ?
When people who are clued in on something refer to those who are clueless, they often refer to them as "the straights", which I think most readers would understand.

Author Craft / Publish-On-Demand Companies Merging
« on: September 07, 2007, 05:04:19 PM »
There's an article in the Sept. 7 Wall Street Journal about some consolidation taking place in the self-publishing industry that I thought might be of interest to those who have participated in threads here about e-publishing and P.O.D.
One of the larger self-publishers, Author Solutions, Inc., is acquiring rival iUniverse, Inc. to create a much larger P.O.D. company to compete with rivals and A spokesman for AuthorHouse, parent company of Author Solutions, says that the merger is a good move which combines their strength in the service side of the business, like layout and marketing, with the broader set of editorial services offered by iUniverse.
According to the article, self-publishing is a $200 million a year industry, catering to the "growing number of writers who have failed to interest an established publisher in their work."

Author Craft / Re: An eBook publishing site
« on: September 05, 2007, 02:49:22 AM »
I'm reminded of a short story where a writer did manage to get big bucks out of a vanity press book. They wrote the most libelous, scandalous, slanderous biography imaginable about someone and sent it in to be published under a pseudonym, then when it was published and distributed, the vanity publisher had to settle massive damages.

Author Craft / Re: An eBook publishing site
« on: September 04, 2007, 09:15:05 PM »
I believe most e-book publishers do not do any editing or proofing at all, unless they offer it as an extra cost service. They mostly don't care what your subject is, since they have no investment in promoting it or selling it themselves.

Author Craft / Re: Show the Best of your Worst Writing
« on: August 23, 2007, 03:18:20 AM »
If you grew up learning good writing habits, striving for clarity and conciseness, and following The Elements of Style, then it's hard to throw it all out the window and write bad without a deliberate effort.
The defenestration of good style, good taste, good grammar, good spelling, and good sense just comes naturally to some folks, though, as illustrated by many examples posted on the various fanfic web sites. There may be the occasional nugget in there someplace, but it's unfortunately hidden in a vast slush pile of mostly adolescent drivvel. The Eye of Argon is definitely a gold nugget.

Author Craft / Re: Show the Best of your Worst Writing
« on: August 13, 2007, 07:15:50 PM »
"Moonlight, deflected from the crescent orb that floated weightlessly like a tiny ship lost in the vast inky ocean that is space, glinted off jeweled harness, illuminated pale, stern faces 'neath steel helmets, and washed feebly o'er the nametags fixed firmly to each mailed breast; Cliche, Purple Prose, Bad Sequel, and Plagiarism put spurs to their mighty steeds and reared up as one, bellowing a battle-cry that no mortal ear could hear, as the Four Horsemen Of The Literary Apocalypse galloped, silent and unheeded, through the deserted library, and the one who is called Daytime Television rode with them."
As they round the turn at Self Help Books going into the back stretch, Purple Prose leads Cliche by a nose, with Daytime TV coming up fast on the outside.

Author Craft / Re: I am, therefore I write
« on: August 13, 2007, 03:31:13 PM »
So far I've resisted the temptation to get started on a novel. My patience level is more of the article and short story variety.

Author Craft / Re: 2007 Bulwer-Lytton Winners Announced
« on: August 13, 2007, 05:01:22 AM »
I like the winner in Children's Literature, for some reason:

Danny, the little Grizzly cub, frolicked in the tall grass on this sunny Spring morning, his mother keeping a watchful eye as she chewed on a piece of a hiker they had encountered the day before.
Dave McKenzie
Federal Way, WA

Author Craft / Re: Show the Best of your Worst Writing
« on: August 13, 2007, 04:46:15 AM »
It was a dark and stormy night as The Writer sat brooding before the blank lavender tinted LCD screen of his computer (for he had read in some New Agey screed that lavender inspired creativity, and hadn't realized the article meant the herb, not the color), sweating and straining with all his might to force out a brilliant hook of an opening line for his latest novel, in spite of a case of writer's block that had stopped up his creative process worse than the cheese pizza he'd eaten that afternoon (Pappa John's) had stopped up his alimentary canal, when a blast of lightning crashing into and igniting the roof of the house across the street delivered the dose of Heaven-sent inspirational Ex-Lax he needed, and he began to type furiously, "The building was on fire, and it was not my fault. . ."

Author Craft / Re: Comics
« on: August 13, 2007, 04:14:51 AM »
Send off and get a Marvel Idea Submission Form, fill it out, and write up a proposal.

Author Craft / Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« on: August 01, 2007, 12:05:34 AM »
re: the towel thing.  i don't know what kind of women you've been dating, Yeratel, but they're a lot cooler than me.  i really just want the towel.  if i want something else, THAT'S what i'll be broadcasting across the house.
She is an absolute gem, for which I give thanks on a daily basis. I am a lucky, lucky man.  :)

here's my list:

when the trash gets full, i take it out from under the sink and tie it off to remind me to take it out when i'm finished with what i'm doing in the kitchen.  it doesn't work though, and the trash just hangs out in the kitchen for a while.  it drives my husband insane.  but it does mean that he takes out the trash instead of me :).

for the restaurant picking thing:  this is something that's really annoying, but i can't seem to catch myself BEFORE i do. 
him:  Where would you like to eat?
me:  I don't care!
him: no really, pick a place.
me:  anywhere you want.
him: how about Round Table?
me: not there.
him:  ...Ming Yen?
me: not Chinese food
and so on and so forth, until it comes out that really, i wanted a salad, and since i'm the only one who knows which restaurants serve salads, i end up picking.  it is incredibly irritating - i don't know what's wrong with me.

i also take his shoes from the middle of the bedroom floor and put them in the closet.  he can never find them when i do that. 

he hates my face wash - it's an organic cleanser that smells a little like seaweed.  he claims it smells like blood and kicks up a big fuss when i use it in the shower.

and lastly, between our dining room table and the outside wall is a bookshelf.  in front of the dining room table is the couch, blocking the view of the bottom of the bookcase from the rest of the room.  the bottom shelf of the bookcase has all the trade paperback comics in it.  naturally, the floor in front of it is where i choose to sit.  no matter how many times i sit there, Scott can never find me.  he always thinks i have mysteriously vanished, and begins to walk around the house, calling my name. 

:)  i am a very annoying woman.
I can find absolutely nothing there that would lead me to disagree with you.  ;D

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