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Messages - Nickeris86

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I am actually going to get off my lazy butt at get some work done today.

I really wish that wonder drug from the movie Limitless was real. So hard to work up the attention span long enough to get anything done. Along with all the crazy that goes on in life.

Author Craft / Re: Dead Names
« on: March 21, 2012, 02:42:37 PM »
But Igor wasn't undead just ugly.

Author Craft / Re: To wand or not to wand...?
« on: March 21, 2012, 02:41:59 PM »
Maybe, maybe not...This could make a nice "wand." After all, it's essentially the same thing as your typical wizard's wand: a wooden stick. This one's just a bit bigger. And it has the added bonus of being useful for adjusting unwelcome attitudes. ;)

By definition that would be a rod not a wand. lol semantics i know but still.

Going to try and finish the first chapter tonight or flesh out one of my races cultures and back story.

I have been a bad, bad author. Not only have I not gotten anything written in a while but I went back and started rewriting some of what I already had.

I know I should just let my bad writing out and fix it later but it's very hard for me especially when I am not happy with what I have written.

Though the changes I made are not huge. I mostly just changed a few words to make the starting setting a Inn as the main character and his masters travel to the main setting. I also am going to have the main character be aware of magic and that he is being trained to be a mage but as of yet has no real magical talent.

Found a nice little cafe with no internet access that I may start going to in order to get some work done even though it is a bit of a walk from my apartment. My apartment is not a conductive working environment because I keep getting distracted by the shininess of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.

Author Craft / Re: To wand or not to wand...?
« on: March 19, 2012, 12:37:02 AM »
I personally am not a fan of wands, especially in a world with heavy combat magic if that is the case in yours, because their really is nothing very threatening about them. I would use them for more creative magics, to me a wand is more like a paint brush and not a .45.

For me a focus is more based on the personality of the individual wizard. If a character is passive then their focus is probably not going to be a knife and if they are a warrior their focus is probably not going to be a feather.

I live in a studio apartment in Korea, I don't have a bathtub.

Author Craft / Re: World Domination of Course!!!
« on: March 09, 2012, 05:07:30 AM »
The problem I have with a tremendous show of power with their super weapon is collateral damage it would cause.

Part of the schema to win over the population is that the tactics used by the invaders focuses on devastating surgical strikes with very little to no civilian involvement. This would strike fear into the government but the war fought amongst the civilians would be to win their hearts and minds.

Honestly my thinking place is in the bathroom. I have come up with some good plot points while taking a long shower or brushing my teeth.

I have been considering going to a Acupuncturist/chiropractor to help with my tension and sinus issues which make it hard to think. Luckily I live in a country where these things are affordable and can actually be covered by insurance. Yay Korea.

Author Craft / Re: Friendly tentacles
« on: March 09, 2012, 02:51:22 AM »
Okay I think I am going to go ahead with this story. Though right now the main character who is going to get all brain drained is pissing me off. I was trying to make him seem average but a little rebellious and he just ended up being a dick. So I have to re think how he is going to work out.

As for the abomination itself I have an idea of how it will appear... It won't muahahah. At least not entirely or clearly. The basic description is tentacles teeth and a great eye and lots and lots of shifting flesh.

Its motivation:
(click to show/hide)

Author Craft / Re: Friendly tentacles
« on: March 08, 2012, 12:41:21 AM »
Hmm never heard of that one will have to check it out.

Author Craft / Re: Friendly tentacles
« on: March 07, 2012, 07:07:09 AM »
Does anyone know a good place to get dark/horror poetry published? I have a cosmic horror poem that I wrote (the inspiration for the story.)

It is one of the few poems I have written that I actually don't hate. Which is a miracle because I really suck at writing poetry. It still needs critiquing, so far I have only shown it to one person and would like more feedback.

Any takers?

Author Craft / Re: Friendly tentacles
« on: March 07, 2012, 12:36:15 AM »
I don't think the Doctor every went up against a misunderstood Eldridge being unless you count that star that was alive. Closest thing I could think of would be in the episode "Beast Beneath".

I like the idea of Orange and Blue morality, but I would still like a creature to be benevolent in its nature towards us bugs, maybe its a Buddhist Old One. I had created an Alien Intelligence supplement for the RPG Rifts which was benevolent and it made since why it was on the side of mortals. I don't think its back story would work in the confines of a Cosmic Horror setting.

It's possible to have a creature that is on the side of humanity but not be able to understand it in the slightest.

Author Craft / Friendly tentacles
« on: March 06, 2012, 10:01:48 AM »
So I have been getting really into the Cosmic Horror genre and reading a lot of Cthulhu related materiel like "Batman: The Doom that came to Gotham" and "Fall of Cthulhu" and I have really enjoyed how truly gruesome they are. So much so that I though I might try my hand at it myself.

However I wanted to through in my own Eldridge Abomination who is actually on humanities side in all of the nastiness that's coming. The story will still be visceral and horrifying but I like some hope in my creations. The creature will still shatter the sanity of a mere mortal who looks gets to close to the truth but its not intentional.

The main reason I wanted to do this is two fold. One because I am weird and find things like Cthulhu and the Deepones to look awesome and feel that good guys should be able to have claws, maws and tentacles too. Two, not all things that are good are beautiful and not all thing that are evil are ugly. In the bible Lucifer was the most beautiful angel in all of creation, while some of the other kinds of angels were terrible to behold (one type was a mass of wings, eyes and fire and another had three heads a lion, bull and eagle and also lots of fire.)

What are your thoughts?

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