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Messages - Regenbogen

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 74
The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: March 08, 2024, 05:29:01 PM »
Hi. :)

My mother is OK, as far as she can be with her bad knees. The right one seems to look worse than before the hip surgery. She can't set it straight any more it just bends to the inside. One can literally see how it must hurt to walk with this.
She will need to replace the joint as soon as possible, but she is afraid because we know so many people who got infections or who didn't heal well. But I also know some who are well. But I have to admit, those are mostly people under 60. Though my uncle is older and he does well with his new knee, even though he is overweight.

I have to go to work now. I am doing the night shift.

'See you soon'

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: March 06, 2024, 09:40:03 AM »
@Fcrate: lol. Puppy shuffle. I know the kitten shuffle. It's almost the same as the old cat shuffle. Old cats tend to suddenly appear behind your feet without you noticing.

I am so sorry, I did not answer sooner. When I read your post about the color TV I immediately did some research, asked my mother and so on. And then all kinds of stuff came up and I was too busy to answer and completely forgot about it. At work there are several sick colleagues we have to compensate for and one of them will soon be at a rehab facility for several months. My mother still needs help, so I am responsible for two households. The usual chaos, lol.

But now I am here and have some time to breathe.

I researched that it was technically possible to have colour TV in Germany since 1967.

My mother can't remember since when they had a colour TV.  But she remembers that my grandparents bought their first black and white TV in 1960 as a special occasion for her younger brother's birth. My grandmother had several still births after my mother was born. There are 6 years between my mother and my uncle. So they celebrated his birth with a TV for the family.
I guess they didn't immediately replace it 7 years later. Those old TVs were very robust and ran for decades. Maybe I'll ask my uncle, because he might remember when the colour came during his childhood.

And this Sunday I will see my father's sister. She used to be the one remembering all the family history from my father's side of the family.
But I think she will tell me that they did not have any TV until they all moved out and had their own families. My other grandmother was an early widow with 4 children. She would not have been able to afford such luxury. And also my father was older than my mother, while she was the oldest child in her family and he was the youngest.   His oldest brother was born in 1943. My father told me they used to beg for bread each morning at the back window of the local bakery. They always sent the youngest kids and usually the journeyman gave them bread and even some sweet baked goods.

During my early childhood I can remember that we didn't watch TV very often. We mostly worked or played outside or read the newspaper or books. My parents liked to sit outside for hours during summer evenings, even when it was raining (my father had built a roof over the terrace for this purpose.)

The TV was mostly used for watching the news at 7pm, my father watching car races (boring for me, at least after the first 5 minutes, lol), my mother watched her favourite soap once a week, and I watched "Die Sendung mit der Maus" (a famous informative children's show we still watch every Sunday. Maybe your hubby wants to try it some time, they are nice, easy language for children but not boring or annoying).

Later in my childhood, when I was about 10 or so, there was an increasing amount of children's shows or Anime shown. But I wasn't allowed to watch too much, because my parents said it would make me stupid, lol.

When I was older I bargained for TV time on Wednesdays, because they would show Star Trek. And my father liked the Star Wars movies and generally science fiction, fantasy and documentaries we could watch together. Usually once a week on the weekends.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 22, 2024, 08:02:25 PM »

And at the end of Battle Ground, when Lara and Harry shake hands over their deal, the only reason they can is because Lara is wearing gloves.

So we don't know for sure if Lara still gets burned by his touch. It could be that the protection is gone because Karrin died. And she did die. Valhalla is the afterlife.

DF Books / Re: Approaching the third of the total
« on: February 14, 2024, 04:35:23 PM »
50%! It' all downhill from there hopefully.

Yay! Go, Jim!

Now, why do I picture the wolf from "The Sword in the Stone" reaching the top of the hill only to see that Merlin and Arthur are already downhill again? LOL

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: February 13, 2024, 02:41:19 PM »
Hello, everyone!

I wanted to write earlier but I always got distracted.
@Dina: the museum sounds interesting.

My mother is home again. She is doing well considering the circumstances and she needs some help with daily stuff, so I visit every day.
The weather feels more like spring now. I will have to cut the plants soon and do some wheeding.
The cats are well, too. They are like some black furred destroyers. But mostly it is paper or cardboard boxes. And fortunately we still have the old sofa in use though it is starting to fall apart, lol.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: February 02, 2024, 11:31:51 PM »
We finished Percy Jackson, too, today.
We are also watching "The end of the f****ng world". A series about two troubled teenagers.
I am also near the end of my re-listen of Turn Coat (I started with Storm Front) and again I have to say that James Marsters does an incredible job. It really feels as if Harry himself was telling me his story.
After that maybe I'm going to reread the Iron Druid books. They have their flaws, but I liked their humour. There are also many funny short stories from the dog's point of view, which is hilarious.
I got the idea because my daughter was telling me about a black and a red squirrel she saw running up a tree. She tried to take a picture of both, but most of the time only got either one tail or just some blurred black and red stripes.
I told her, the squirrels were probably plotting how to take over the world, so of course they would not want proof of their meeting. She didn't believe me, so I took out the short story "a squirrel on the train" by Kevin Hearne, and there it was, lol. He knew all along.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: January 28, 2024, 01:13:30 PM »
Echo sounds interesting. I've just watched the trailer.
Sweet Home is on German Netflix in dubbed version. We are watching the second season now. Mini was like: oh no! Please no more characters whose names I can't remember. To our ears they all sound similar and I am never sure who they are talking about when I can't see the actor's face. We just call them "the firefighter" or "the boy with the wing-like arm" or "the shop-owner's wife", "the ballerina" and sometimes "the asshole" or "the nice soldier" or "the idiot". LOL

My mother is well. But she will definitely mention the room change in the questionnaire at the end of her stay. Not only the downgrade but also the fact that she had to move after a few days. We are talking about people who can't walk and can't pick up stuff from the floor very well. When we arrived, I had to pick up a big plum from the loor, because she dropped it yesterday and her grap help thingie couldn't grab it. But everything else is OK there. The only thing that's bothering about her new room is, that she does not have a refrigerator any more. So she had to drink the bottle of beer we brought as soon as possible. We got the bottle as a present from the Hundertwasser museum beside a local brewery. We went to the museum and after the visit you could exchange your ticket into a bottle of beer of your choice. The kids got bookmarks with a painting of the artist.
As I don't like beer, we decided to give my bottle to my mother.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: January 27, 2024, 07:30:31 AM »
There is a new season of Outer Range? Or are they still working on it? I haven't watched Reacher. Not sure if I should. Didn't sound interesting.

We are watching some Korean series, which is quite well made and a little bit disturbing and tragic. It's s horror series called "Sweet Home". It's the typical monster apocalypse, but they managed to do it well. There is a virus and some humans transform into different kinds of monsters. When they do, most of them can't seem to remember who they were and can't control themselves. But there are nuances. Some seem to be able to control it and there were monsters saving people. And there are some who don't transform permanently. They can transform at will. And of course there are evil monsters killing people on purpose and there is the government/military which kills monsters and humans alike. The monsters and the humans who can control their monster can not die except by being burned to death.

Not a new idea in many variations, but I like the characters.

We will visit my mother today. She is in a rehab center 2 hours away. LOL, at first she was in a very luxurious room. She was very surprised about it and sent pictures. But now she had to move to one of the normal rooms. They just put her and some others in the special rooms for a few days, because the normal rooms were not yet availlable.

DF Books / Re: Approaching the third of the total
« on: January 20, 2024, 12:26:32 PM »
That's great. Thanks. Not long now and he has half the book.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: January 20, 2024, 12:25:12 PM »
Sorry for the double post.

Yesterday we watched the newest episode of Percy Jackson together and again I have to say: they totally nailed the interaction between Percy and Annabeth. Grover is also great.

But Mini and I noticed that we needed to reread the books. Especially me. So I began reading the Lightning Thief again.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: January 19, 2024, 08:56:37 AM »
Hello everyone :)
I haven't checked in for a few months, and for that I do apologize, but I get that way sometimes.
So when I first clicked on this topic, it got me to a few pages back, and I did read about Regen's cat dying. I'm so sorry...  I feel your pain. Part of the reason I didn't check in often was because my oldest companions (My dog, Rex, and my cat Minion) died within a few weeks of each other. Minion ate something poisoned by one of my neighbours, and Rex... I had to put him down.
On to happier news: my Puppy just got a litter of puppies, and they are adorable. Still 10 days old. Puppy herself always gets mastitis a couple of weeks after giving birth, and subsequently refuse to nurse the pups, so this time I'm playing it a little smart, and giving her an ongoing half dose of antibiotics. Hopefully this time it'll be alright. So far so good :D .
How is everyone doing? Dina? You and hubby ok? Regen? You and your family?

I am so sorry that you lost Rex and Minion. I send you my condolences and feel with you. And thank you for your kind words.
I hope Puppy will be well again soon and be able to feed her puppies again.

Family is fine. My mother finally had surgery and has a brand new joint in her hip. She is a bit frustrated that she can't move well yet, but she is known to be impatient with such things. And the surgery was on Monday, so everything still very fresh and hurting. But she will get better.
We have adopted 3 kittens. It has been a long time since we had kittens in the house and we are still surprised at which places they appear sometimes, lol. Like high up on cupboards or on doors. Bella's last years have been very quiet, in the sense of her no longer jumping somewhere dangerous or stealing food when you just turned away for a second. But the cats are cute and funny and until summer the only dangers they'll face will be those indoors. There is no danger from the new neighbours. Most of them have cats or dogs of their own. So no deliberate poisoning. And the one neighbour who puts out poison against snails usually tells me before, do I can keep the cats indoors until she is done.

Yes, there are lots of inconsistencies even in the Percy Jackson books too, though I think his school friend not knowing how his stepfather looks like is more due to the fact that they are originally supposed to be in some sort of boarding school and there is  no visiting parents with friends at all and I guess Percy doesn't like having a picture of Gabe with him, because he hates him. I can't remember Grover commenting on Gabe at all in the books. I remember they saw the news, but I think Percy didn't talk about it at all with his companions. Maybe it is time for a reread, lol.
But overall I liked the characters and so far they chose the actors well.

In the beginning of the first book there is a mention that they are on a trip to a museum with their Latin teacher, but somehow the teacher seems to expect them to be able to read ancient Greek. As if it was the same as Latin. And Percy notices that in fact he has no problems reading ancient Greek despite his dyslexia. There are several cases in the first chapters where Latin is supposed to be equal to ancient Greek and this threw me in my first read. But I read on and now I just make fun of it, because the rest was very well written.

The way Percy snd Annabeth behave in the series is way more alike to the books than it was in the movies, if you have watched them. At first they were not friends.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: December 31, 2023, 11:58:03 PM »
Happy new year

Just went back inside after the fireworks. The cats were OK. I stayed inside for 10 min after midnight and played with them, turned the TV on and let some music play. The were not relaxed but they were also not panicked. This is a good sign. Will repeat this next year.

DF Spoilers / Re: ebenezer didn't look for harry
« on: December 30, 2023, 05:52:52 PM »
I think there are 2 possibilities:

After reading Peace Talks, he did look for Harry and he did find him. But he didn't take him in, because he was taken care of. I think he planned on watching, if little Harry started showing magical talent at some time. If it never happened, Harry would never have known him. If Harry showed talent, Ebenezar would have taken him as apprentice or apprentice him to an other wizard he trusted.

But then Harry was adopted by Justin. Maybe Justin even got a tip from Ebenezar. During this time Justin was still supposed to be a respected warden, so good master material for Harry. But why did Eb approve of Justin not introducing his apprentice to the council?

After Malcolm died, Lea took care that Harry disappeared from all mundane and magical screens, because of a deal Margaret made with her for Harry's protection. So nobody could find Harry. Not even powerful wizards with blood relation. Justin was just screening the orphanages for weird incidences. That's how he found Harry. It was the impossible long jump.

I think #2 is more likely, considering Morgan's journal entry. I guess, Justin still appeared at council meetings, but never told any other council wizard about his apprentices. But I also can totally imagine Ebenezar knowing where his grandson was, but just not interfering. Like he seemed to have done with his own daughter.
I hope this will be cleared up some day.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: December 25, 2023, 01:46:24 PM »
Merry Christmas

... and happy birthday, Dina!

DF Books / Re: Approaching the third of the total
« on: December 25, 2023, 01:57:47 AM »
38% now

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