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Messages - pcpoet

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Author Craft / rules on watching telivision for writers
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:34:58 AM »
this week I made the rule in my house that the television only is allowed on after 7pm during the week because I found having it as an option was making it hard to sit down an write I was wondering if other authors or wanabes like me have special rules about television in there home.

Author Craft / Re: How do you deal with Writer's Block?
« on: July 24, 2014, 01:48:50 AM »
I stop working on what I am working on and just write anything  for an hour then go back to what I  was working on

Community Cork Board / Re: help wanted
« on: April 19, 2014, 04:30:38 AM »
new update I have dogs now and they will try and protect any fae that comes and clean. though they will bark a lot.

Author Craft / Re: Your Pet Urban Fantasy Cliche Peeves
« on: April 16, 2014, 12:38:39 AM »
it would be interesting to do a urban fantasy that all you used was the cliché. basically only use stereotypes.

Author Craft / Re: Your Pet Urban Fantasy Cliche Peeves
« on: April 15, 2014, 08:06:04 PM »
the cliché I hate the most is the one of the evil vampire trying to be good unlike all other vampires. (I am sorry Thomas but you are a cliché)

Author Craft / Re: posesivnes of charicters
« on: April 15, 2014, 07:57:38 PM »
I just started to try and write short stories. I have read fan fiction but realy don't have a desire to do it. I want to tell my stories not explore other peoples. but I am finding the more I write the more possessive I feel for my characters.

Author Craft / posesivnes of charicters
« on: April 14, 2014, 10:41:51 PM »
I have just started writing short story's and never understood writers dread of fan fiction till now. I have come up with a character and I don't ever want someone else using that character. anyone else feel possessive of there writing.

I have decided to go to to skin games release party in Redondo beach.   if anyone else is going let me know so we can meet up

Community Cork Board / help wanted
« on: August 16, 2013, 07:37:25 AM »
wanted fairy house keepers  --   will pay in pizza for fairy house keeping, one room and kitchenette no cats or dogs to harras the brounie or brounies that take up the job. will never speak of the arrangement and delete post if I can get a fairy house keeper. am willing to make other deals for your service and I am aware of how your kind can get the better of us mortals when it comes to deals

update just moved into a bigger house I plan on getting a cat  and dog.  because of the cat I am willing to pay hazard pay to the brownie brave enough to clean my house.

update just got a house mate so the job is harder to do now. I promis not to tell him about you guys if you will only come and clean my house

update my room mate is never around so I think the fairy housekeepers will have an easy time cleaning

1. We have been told that Nicodemus has a very specific target in mind, ostensibly kept in the Labyrinth of Daedalus.  What is Nic trying to get his hands on and why?

 I believe that nick is trying to get a hold of the titan chronos. who had been imprisoned in the labyrinth.

2. Nicodemus apparently called in a marker from Mab to get Harry on the team.  Does he have a specific plan for using Harry or did Mab twist his request?  Which of Harry's capabilities will he admit to needing, and (given that this is nicodemus after all), which abilities is he scheming for Harry to use? I believe that harries purpose is to be used to get rid of team that nicodemus is putting together. the team that nicodemouse has put together a team that he wants to work together to get  his goal done and to kill off as much of the team as he can. as far as nicodemous is concerned if harry kills off some of his team at the same time as getting his goal great if harry dies even better. another thing that  is that harry has his mothers jem that allows harry to travel the never never able to predict where conections are. I believe that the jem is necessary to navigate  daelous.

3. Jim has mentioned that the book will be "Ocean's Eleven".  Who else did Nicodemus recruit?  How will they interact with Harry? this one I have to think about I will edit in my answer later

4. Harry's general method of operation is to call on his friends for help.  In this book, Harry is (initially) allowed one extra backup member on the crew.  Who will it be?  Which of Harry's other allies will "interfere" before the plot is over? I think that the +1 kinkaid, I also think that William borden and the alas will interfere in some way along with buters, after all with butters and andi an item now how can butters not get involved he is a member of the pack now he just cant turn into a wolf like the rest.

5. This is a Denarian book, so (unlike the last "end of the world" showdown), the Swords will almost certainly be present.  In fact, there have been various hints...  Which Sword wielders will appear in the next book and how will their interference/help affect the plot? I believe that Daniel will be wielding his dads sword and will almost kill himself because of this bringing his dad  micheal in to play who will be there in an advisory level. I also think that murphy at the end of the book will take up the sword after being  embarrassed at the sacrifice that Daniel almost makes of himself. Sonja will be there to and he will be the one that convinces murphy that for the greater good she must take up the sword.

6. Mab is apparently against Nicodemus succeeding in this heist.  In the Cold Days, we found that Mab had complex reasons for wanting Harry to kill Maeve.  What are Mab's reasons in this book?  Is it simple thwarting or is there something deeper? I think that mab is looking at this as a training exercise for harry she wants him to learn how to double deal  . she wants harry to learn to hold to the letter of the agreement but in the end not give the person what they want. the other thing is mab is smart enough to no that anything that nicodemous wants could also hurt her.

7. At the end of Cold Days, Harry needs to stay on the island to keep his growing headaches at bay.  The start of Skin Games implies that those headaches will need to be resolved by the end of the book.  Who or what is causing those headaches, and how will the whole thing get resolved by the end of the book?  I think harie was infected with the deamon of the red court when he killed of the court at the end of changes. I think that the head ache is that deamon fighting for control of harry and to be born into this world

8.  One of the key components of the "Ocean's Eleven" movie is that there is a final twist/reveal.  Given that we've got Nicodemus, Harry, Mab, and potentially Hades (and who knows who else) all trying to get the better of each other, if there's one thing you can count on it's some sort of last minute quintuple-cross.  What will be the nature of the twist and how will it all fall out? the twist is going to be that the trip to labryth is a honey pot trap for the denairians and they will be trapped there by hadeas at the end of the book

9.  (Extra Credit) There are many WAG ("Wild A$$ Guess") theories on the boards, some crazier than others.  Write up to three WAG theories (or make up your own) you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Skin Games.

10. (Extra Credit) This is that "free form" question where you can come up with anything else you think will be in this book.  Specific quotes Harry might say (will he actually quote Ocean's Eleven?  The movie will have come out already in Harry's timeline)? Tidbits about the White Council? The fate of Molly? Write down anything you want.  Note that whatever you write must be specifically mentioned or hinted at in Skin Games in order to be worth credit.  at some time in the book Dresden is going to pay charone for a trip acoss the river styx with a denarion coin ( I am hopping that it is nicodemouses coin and at the end of the book nicodemous gets out of hadeas mines his coin and minuse andrails influence. and as mad as he can be at Dresden for doing this to him.

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