It's absolutely feasible to have blind spots. It's repeated several times over in the fiction that Dresden is just bad at Veils. He gets better over the course of time, with help from Molly. This could be reflected (or Compelled I suppose) through Aspects, but more importantly it should be a part of the characters personality makeup, even without an appropriate Aspect to back it up.
Frex: If your character is very self reliant, then they might have a blind spot to summoning up minions to do work for them.
The elemental theme/blind spot makes plenty of sense to me. It would close some doors (Angel/Demon summoning comes to mind), but others would be open without issue.
Right. I wasn't even thinking about summoning and binding, and then when I did, I was thinking: "Well, I guess the character could summon elementals..."
So, the blindspots would allow for Evocation to do things akin to "Bending" from
Avatar: the Last Airbender. Thaumaturgy effects would be trickier. Divination could be things like
casting your senses upon the winds to view far away places and things. Veiling could be things like
subsuming into the elements where the Veiled target blends into the background as if it were a natural part of it. Warding could be
imbuing the air with the strength of stone or forcing the opposing parties to
swim against the current of rushing metaphorical waters or something.
I don't see crafting items in an elementalist's purview, but maybe potions would be. You could make potions that enable people to breathe fire, move like the wind, become as protean as water, as hard as stone, things like that. It would be sort of like Alchemy, I guess.
All the other sorts of -Mancy out there would just present itself as a mystery to an elementalist character. Necromancer? Chronomancer? Biokinesis and Entropomancy? Might as well be Greek. I can definitely see how it would limit a person who might otherwise be a Wizard fully capable of those sorts of things.
So, what do you think a "template" for a person like that would be?
Elementalist as a sub-category of Focused Practitioner? Would the Powers be Evocation and Ritual (Elementalism)? Or full-on Thaumaturgy?