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DF Spoilers / What the heck was Justin *UP* to??!?
« on: August 17, 2022, 12:08:04 AM »
Over in the "... first few books" thread, I wrote:

I suspect Justin was mostly his own agent, seeking his own power (but working with other parties (often as a "junior" (often a very junior) ally).  But I think I'll spin that into another thread, so as not to drift this one too much...  Justin (& his agenda) is part of Harry's (still very mysterious & unexplained) origin-story, not merely a "first few books" topic!

Herewith, the "Justin & his agency" thread ...

Harry's understanding is, Justin was simply a Warden-gone-bad.  A warlock who was seeking personal power, who grabbed Kemmler's skull as a personal power-up, dropped off-radar, then grabbed a couple of promising proto-wizards to enthrall as core of his own Brute Squad.  And summoned Outsiders because (a) why not? (b) "Dark Wizard, Harry, as dark as they come"

Which may be true, as far as it goes... but I don't think it goes far enough.

To begin with:  the odds of Justin "happening" to end up with a couple of possible/probable Starborn wizards seems vanishingly small.  Did he specifically target them?  Was he guided to them by a 3rd party, maybe not even knowing their "provenance" & significance?  Or...?

Next:  how was Harry hidden, in the orphanage... hidden even from wizards?  Morgan was looking for him; Dollars to diamonds that Eb was, too!  Remember:  these are top-tier Wardens; but Wardens aren't just "enforcers," they are also magical investigators.   Was Justin part of hiding Harry (Morgan implies so, in the "Journal" microfiction)?  If Justin wasn't... how did Justin find Harry?  Eb, after all, had blood-of-his-blood as needed to use in a tracking spell!
My theory (ok, "theories..." or WAGs if you will):
  • Yes, Justin was a warlock, a former Warden turned to Black Magic.  If nothing else, the enthrallment is proof: that kind of mental-domination magic is automatically a death sentence, and (per WoJ) inherently self-corruptive.
  • Harry was hidden by the Leanansidhe, as part of her "protect Harry" / "Faerie Godmother" deal with Margaret LeFay (n.b. we later saw Morgan invoke his "Summer Esquire" pin to get a period of being similarly un-findable); I have a further WAG that Mab was already involved:  she knew something BAT-y was coming up, and wanted a Wizard & Starborn as her Knight (bcuz srsly, ppl -- u wanna say Mab's Handmaiden wasn't doing Mab's will in theses portentous matters??!?  Mab, the most conniving & long-range-planning actor we know (running neck&neck with Odin).
  • It then follows from #2 that it was Lea (proxyMab) who helped DuMorne find Harry.  (Training as a wizard would absolutely be "protecting Harry" as per her deal; and it would later let her fulfill the other FG trope:  showing up to "rescue" Harry from DuMorne!  Still unclear is if they were "working together" all along, or if Lea just reached out to Justin when it was time for Harry to move on); even more mysterious, in all this:  what was Elaine's pre-Justin origin-story??!? (noting that Harry went Winter & Elaine went Summer).
  • Going back to Harry's origin -- as a Starborn, a planned birth -- we had Margaret planning this far in advance (including the infamous party where she tried to lure the Blackstaff into the plan (and where Ramp Duchess Ortega spotted the Ebenezer/Margaret family dynamic)).

So, then:  Let's go even further back.  Back to Margaret LeFay, pre-Raith.  She is walking the Ways, well-known to Faerie-kind.  Including known to Lea, and to Mab.

It is Mab herself who plants the seed of the idea with Margaret LeFay; the seed that is to become Harry Dresden:  the idea that a Starborn Wizard is a good path to power.  Mab works via Lea as proxy.  Lea is instructed to -- subtly -- put herself into Margaret's path, to encounter her often enough to strike up a relationship, to begin a series of bargains and deals.  Eventually -- when the starborn seed bears fruit -- to become the child's Faerie Godmother.

It was Mab all along.

Lea (& Mab) keep an eye on Harry & Malcom.  Eventually, Lea kills Malcom (we have WoJ that something Lea did will make Harry want to kill her), and takes Harry away to an orphanage; likely it's Mab herself keeping him veiled from all other surveillance or tracking.

Then they "permit" DuMorne to find Harry.  Maybe they even work a "bargain," where DuMorne gives them something (what?) in return for being told where to get a wizardling child of great potential.  As noted above -- at this point, they WANT Harry being given wizard training.  Hard, brutal training, of the sort Winter approves.

It was Mab all along.

AND it was ... Odin!
Because if you think that wily old wolf didn't see all the same signs that Mab saw... well, think again.  Also, Odin has seen several of the Starborn cycles... he may even have planted the idea with Mab, as she did with Margaret; 0r maybe they concocted it together.

Fast-forward'ing again, to Justin.  Mab (or Lea) gets Harry into Justin's hands.  Justin likely has little to no idea how much high-level planning, for decades at least, has gone into this moment.  He may not even know he's got a Starborn 'prentice.

He thinks he's just pursuing his own power, his own best interests.
That just makes him more amenable to being manipulated as a pawn of much-greater powers.

DF Spoilers / Ramp vs Whamp origins
« on: July 18, 2022, 10:47:53 PM »
In another thread which was delving into Whamp'ery (and their origins), I spun off into a compare-and-contrast with Ramp'ery and its origins, writing (lightly edited), responding to suggestions that the Whamps' origin was a "long-ago Etruscan wizard who did a 'deal'" ...

I suspect that Jim won't write a same-y "some wizard done F'ed up" backstory for both [Ramps & Whamps], but yes:  I suspect one of them will be a result of some long-ago wizard(s).  I can make (what I feel are) excellent cases for each one being a "wizard F-up," but my bet is for this to be the Whamp origin-story.

My own theory isn't a wizard doing a "deal" but a summoning-gone-wrong, leading to either "Ramp Zero" or "Whamp Zero" (following the usage "Patient Zero").

As I noted in the other thread, there's a notable similarity in the origin-story of each *individual* Whamp & Ramp -- they have something inhuman inside of them, which reaches full expression when they kill.

So, why do I favor Whamps for the "wizard done F-up" origin?

  • Ramp'ism can be inflicted (by other Ramps)
  • given the "black leathery skin" similarities between native-form Ramp's and the (summoned) Ik, I strongly suspect Ramps are native to the Nevernever -- Ramp & Ik being "related" beings.
Ramps in the Nevernever, I posit, first infected humans (who were exploring there), and came back to the mortal world via that vector.  Ramp'ism makes sense as having "Ramp Zero" be an attack in the Nevernever; it *could* equally have been a summoning-gone-wrong, but ... see below.


Whamps, in contrast, seem to have no separate documented existence, no physical form, outside their host; they are purely spirit, in a "possession" like model.  Nevertheless, they can breed when their host does -- the child of a Whamp is a Whamp-to-be (after first kill).    n.b. this is not true for Ramps.

But there is no other way to become a Whamp, no known source for a "Whamp Zero."

Except possession, an invading spirit taking up home in a host.  Possession seems like a "summoning" sort of thing.

And, of course, there's the obvious motivation -- lust, likely; but maybe another negative emotion.  That hypothetical long-ago Etruscan wizard could well have been motivated to summon a "spirit of lust" (or despair, or fear, or rage (Harry sees Raith / Lust as dominant, but we don't have much insight on Whamp history, and innumerable Whamp houses may have risen & fallen over the millenia)) for any number of reasons (not the least of which is seeking that personal-buff of extreme combat-power that Whamps can call upon).

I suspect Lust was the original "Whamp Zero," because the whole "seductive vampire" trope was Jim's original motivation in creating Whamps.

So, I think Whamps are a summons-gone-wrong origin-story.  Admittedly, the speculation (in that other thread) that I'm riffing off (a "deal" gone wrong) could also be true.

And Ramps are more like a "supernatural" version of sci-fi's Alien origin-story -- a horrific parasite implanted in an attack.

DF Spoilers / The White Council is Inside-Out
« on: July 13, 2022, 11:28:53 PM »
What if the White Council is operating in reverse of the way it's "supposed to be"?

What if someone, somehow, erased WC's the "institutional knowledge" and reconstituted it in its modern form?
(Maybe some "temporary measure" was put in place to handle some "temporary" situation, but then those who *like* the power they gained "arranged" for the change to continue, and eventually be made permanent... I dunno)

How "should" it be, under this theory?

Basically -- serving the Warden of Demonreach.

That's right, the Warden.  Don't you think it's odd that the same title applies to the WC's enforcement-arm as to the guy in charge of the island?  I'm going to allege that -- at this moment -- Harry Dresden is the legitimate head of the WC's "Wardens," exactly the same way a Sheriff is in charge of all the deputies.  It's just that the White Council (and the Wardens themselves) have forgotten.

I posit that the ENTIRE White Council exists primarily as support-services for the Wardens.  The Wardens are, essentially, the "military branch" of the WC, but (as any military historian can tell you) it takes about 10:1 logistics & support personnel to maintain each soldier in the field.

As I eyeball this, it looks to me like the entire White Council is, roughly, sized to be the non-frontline portion -- the support staff -- for the Wardens.


Let's take a step back, and look at Merlin -- O.G. Merlin, not the current (or any) holder of the title.

We know Merlin founded the White Council.  And we know Merlin created the Prison on the island (now called Demonreach).  Ponder those two a moment.  And consider importance of what happens on/under Demonreach.

If (as I suggest above) the Warden isn't a coincidental title with regard to "the Wardens" (or vice versa, if you prefer the other order) it follows that "the Wardens" are an accessory organizion of the Warden, and of Demonreach.  And then the various non-combatant wizards attached to "the Wardens" are... well... support staff.
But somehow, somewhere, somewhen, things got reversed.

The White Council got turned inside-out.

(OK, I admit that I myself don't find this WAG wholly convincing.  I'm dubious Jim Butcher would write the setting such that the ONLY wizards' org was "supposed to be" a vast military magico-industrial complex supporting a doomsday prison... and those are the good guys!...  But I find the string of coincidences (outlined above) a bit too coincidental.)

DF Spoilers / Getting to the Island
« on: July 13, 2022, 10:51:15 PM »
Why is it that Harry -- the Warden of Demonreach, owner of the Ways of LeFey -- keeps taking a stupid *BOAT* to & from the island??!?

Wizards mostly seem to get there via Ways... except, for some reason, Harry Dresden(?!).  I mean... we do recall him first getting his mother's gemstone, and pre-scouting the Ramp storage-facility in Nevada.  15 minutes each way.  Maybe the Ways to Demonreach are less-convenient.  Half an hour?  An hour?  Nah, an hour seems excessive.

Yet Harry keeps taking a multi-hour boat trip.

I find this very odd indeed.

DF Spoilers / Molly's cellphone ...
« on: July 04, 2022, 06:40:35 PM »
... is it?

Is it a cellphone, that is?

Or is it some "sufficiently advanced" magic (lookin' atchu, svartalves!), indistinguishable from technology?  Molly is still mortal, even with the Winter Mantle (at least, so far...) so she still has a mortal-wizard impact on tech (albeit much less than Harry's).  The "fact" that she has a cellphone is anomalous, but even before becoming the Winter Lady she was working deals at a VERY high supernatural levels.

The svartalves could easily create a little enchanted communication-and-information device that looks and acts much like a cellphone.  They could probably even create an interface into the mortal cell-net, a "server-room" they control, where their own devices communicate with Svartalven-hardened cellular infrastructure (and thence, once it's all safely-mundane signals, with the un-hardened mortal-built cellular infrastructure)...  "SvartalNet(tm)"

DF Spoilers / "Thou Shalt Not Open the Outer Gates"
« on: June 13, 2022, 09:50:08 PM »
This is the final Law of Magic, as written by the White Council.

As I wrote elsethread, "... WoJ has it that each of the White Council's 'Laws of Magic' is going to have a book in which Harry seriously breaks that law..."

And I'm having a REALLY hard time trying to imagine Dresden -- Starborn, Outsider-hating Dresden -- opening the Outer Gates.  I guess this happens in the final act of the final book of the final trilogy -- the BAT, Big Apocalyptic Trilogy.

The only way I can envision Harry doing this is if he has a metric crapton of Outsider-Killing magic, opening the Gates and killing EVERYTHING that comes through.  But that, in turn, is power to dwarf all mortal power, exceeding even what Darkhallow!Harry would have held; more like the power an archangel wields!  Mab herself is merely fighting a holding-action (and an imperfect one at that, since we see the Outsiders keep breaking through)

DF Spoilers / A notion...
« on: June 13, 2022, 05:42:06 AM »
Veils, we know, are not Harry's strong-suit.
He got a lot better -- made himself get better -- because he needed to train Grasshopper.  But it's still not a strength of his.

Magic items, however, ARE something he does particularly-well.  So... I bet he could make a powerful veil by way of an item.

I figure he makes it out of the "scrubs" that crime-scene techs wear, who are tasked to "leave no detectable trace."  Outline of the notion designed by Butters (during his time crafting items with Bob).  Dresden could write or paint on the fabric, in lieu of the carvings and dyeing he did on staff & duster.  The advantage over most wizards' work is that it also blocks leaving physical traces that forensics could find (most wizards have no idea how comprehensive and how subtle modern science has gotten).

And Dresden's "ninja wizard suit" ends up being nerdy as fuck, instead of cool & sexy, so completely on-brand.

DF Spoilers / Other Whamp houses?
« on: June 10, 2022, 10:27:30 PM »
Raith is lust
Malvora fear
Skavis despair

Are there other Houses in the White Court?  Wrath/hatred seems a "gimme," an easy emotion to whamp-ify.  Greed, maybe?

Or were there such Houses, but they lost whampy-wars and are no longer known?

DF Spoilers / Harry still hosts Lasciel's Shadow
« on: April 28, 2022, 03:26:51 AM »
n.b. "Lasciel's Shadow" and not "Lash."

In another thread, I advanced this theory.  I haven't seen anyone suggest it previously... but I could easily have missed it.  Apologies if this has previously been thrashed-over!

I thought the notion seemed solid enough to present as its own topic, under its own title.  Below, I expand on the idea (a bit of text copied from that thread).

In Battle-Ground, Harry goes ragemode, loses his temper, and tries to kill Rudy.  A couple of Knights of the Cross step in... in fact, the ONLY TWO THERE ARE step in!

Let's think back to the last time Harry was called-out for losing his temper:  he had to have a chat with the Shadow, for amping-up his rage.

Let's think about Changes for a moment... Harry gets a call from Susan, learns about Maggie, and... begins to feel a "subterranean" rage begin growing.  Almost like something in his unconscious was deliberately holding it in check, stoking it, shaping it.  "Protect the offspring" says id!Harry... who we know speaks more freely to the Shadow.  And at the end of that story, in a burst of "out-of-nowhere" inspiration, Harry comes up with the idea of... sabotaging the woman he (still!) loves, the mother of his child; and sacrificing her to the blood-magic ritual.  Seems almost... fiendishly inspired, eh?  And then he suffers 2 minutes of amnesia.  Gee, whatever could have happened there?  Nothing too bad, surely!  Those 2 minutes were called a "Chekhov's Gun" and I think it nearly-certain that's right.

Back to Battle Ground, where that Harry-vs-Butters battle scene ended when Butters' Sword stripped off the WK-Mantle... and also revealed the scent of Brimstone.  When was the last time Harry's powers smelt of Brimstone?  Maybe the Sword also stripped away the Shadow's ability to cloud Harry's senses, hmmm?

Theoretically, Sanya came to Chicago to fight Ethniu, but... that's not the Knights' job!  Their job is to oppose the Fallen and to redeem the Fallen's Host.  Now the world's entire complement of KotC's are tag-teaming one person... I'm gonna say the odds favor that person being a Denarian.

"But wait" you cry.  "Bob already told Harry, after the Raith Deeps, that (a) his head was full of holes & (b) a chunk of his soul was gone."  Ergo, Lash really did sacrifice herself, and is gone (producing Bonea, of course).

Yep, I agree!  Lash -- the part of the Shadow that Harry "converted" and gave a bit of soul to -- is gone.  But as we already know (from seeing Evil Bob, and from Bob's nervousness about Evil-Bob-stuff):  these "Spirits of Intellect" can be split in two, with each part remaining a largely-cohisive whole; and furthermore, WoJ has stated that Bonea's genesis was very very much like Bob's; Bob&Bonea are like Bobbsey Twins!

Lasciel... the Temptress, the Deceiver, the Weaver of Webs.  I mean... what are the odds she might have laid a deeper deception against Harry?  Abandoned one mask, that had failed, and retreated to the deep shadows to try again once Harry had "learned for certain" that the Shadow was gone.

I'm gonna say Jim has given us all the clues we need.

DF Spoilers / Archive & Oblivion War -- who knows?
« on: May 18, 2020, 11:02:40 PM »
2 questions, here...

The Venatori know of the Oblivion War, by and large.

Q.1 -- Who else knows?  The OW relies heavily on keeping it secret; indeed the OW itself is about reducing the number of people who know certain secrets -- and writings recording those secrets -- to zero.

So... who (else, besides the Venatori) knows of the OW?

Q.2 -- Who knows of the Archive's role in the Oblivion War???

Damned few, I think... 

I don't think there's any real sign the Venatori themselves know of the Archive's role in it.  Many of them "know of the Archive," of course:  as "a signatory of the Accords" and as "a repository for human knowledge," the Archive is (to the Supernatural community at large) something of a "public figure" (albeit a reclusive or low-profile one; unlike, say, the White Court or the erzatz Reds, who keep/kept up an intentional image as dangerous and active).

But the Archive's role in the Oblivion War?

I think that knowledge is as rare (amongst those who know of the OW at all) as knowledge of the OW itself is, among supernaturals-in-general...  Possibly so rare as to be unknown, within the Dresdenverse; or only known to individuals like Vaderrung, or Mab, or Anduriel.

As has already been pointed out:  the Archive's obvious purpose is to collect and preserve knowledge / information; the Oblivion War's purpose is to eradicate it.  So the Archive has a "cover story" that's reasonably solid... indeed, I might wonder if some Venatori (ignorant of the Archive's genuine role) might conclude the Archive's known "collect/preserve" function is actually a huge threat to the Oblivion War!   :o    ;D

Thoughts?  Insights?  Facts I have overlooked?

DF Spoilers / Faerie Queens -- six of them? Really? (a WAG)
« on: April 25, 2020, 04:26:11 AM »
Mab and Titania "have not met face to face in over 1000 years."  Possibly since becoming the Queens.

The Ladies occasionally meet, but... hrm... have we ever seen them meet not "under the influence" of Nemesis?


Mothers Summer & Winter ... cohabit??!?

The most-primal & most-potent forms of these diametrically-opposed forces share one corner of the Nevernever, and a... cozy little cabin?



Harry will have to kill them both.  They are Nemfected, and have been for a long time (maybe since the White Council got the Blackstaff -- maybe that weakness is what let in Nemesis...?) .

They tried to use Harry to pass Winter's Unravelling to the Summer Lady.

Harry did a Summoning for Mother Winter; he called her Skuld.  He called her Atropos.

When Mother Winter told Mother Summer that Harry had used certain names, she asked and was told there was one particular Name that Harry hadn't used.  Then they left the topic.

What name might it have been?  What name would be particularly problematic?
Hecate is the "obvious" answer for a "True Name," but... I don't think that would be particularly problematic (for either or both of the Mothers).

Maybe some other deep mythological name.  Asherah, as the nominal "wife of Yahweh" (very opposed by most of Abrahamic faith), etc.

But I think the MOST problematic Name for Harry to have maybe used would have been Nemesis.

If Harry was performing a Major Summoning and linking Mother Winter with Nemesis... that'd be bad for their long-term planning.

Very, very bad!

DF Spoilers / The Fomor
« on: April 15, 2020, 06:47:30 AM »
So, the Fomor seem to have a feudal-ish power structure (partly with a "Celtic" twist, i.e. "Cantrev Lords").   Many of the Old-World beings do the "Feudal" thing!

They have a "King Corb" we haven't(?) yet seen on-screen.  Above a "King" there is also an "Empress".

And the "Last Titan" is a "she" -- and she's coming with an army.

Is it too much of a reach to suggest these pieces fall nicely into place?

Is it too paranoid to say... Maybe too nicely?

DF Spoilers / Thomas the Assassin
« on: April 11, 2020, 09:14:34 AM »
As (presumably) everyone knows by now, Thomas seems to be accused of being an assassin, either in the upcoming Peace Talks or the followup Battle Ground (per the trailer).

I've seen the suggestion that it's a frame-up; or maybe that Thomas was doing something else, more insidious/objectionable (like Whamp'ing a svartalven lover into revealing critical info); or maybe preventing a threat to Justine; etc.

How about "none of the above" -- it really was an assassination mission.  Assigned (by the Archive) as part of the Oblivion War... so Thomas can't/won't actually reveal anything; but the accusation is essentially true.

DF Spoilers / Harry the Destroyer
« on: February 24, 2020, 05:58:58 PM »
I think most of us have read the Journal microfiction by now.

If not, do so, it's good!  And it casts a HUGE new alternate perspective about past things (Morgan POV, written just before the beginning of Turn Coat), but not at all spoiler-y, because "past."  Admittedly, evocative of future revelations... but not spoiler-y, just evocative.


In that piece, Morgan writes that he's worried Harry may be a "Destroyer," but we don't have much/any detail of what THAT is...

Some have speculated that it's a sort of the darkside outcome of a Starborn, a "Sith" to the "Jedi" of a Starborn.

But I'm thinking more-mythical... I think maybe Harry is ALREADY a Destroyer.  Just not powerful enough, yet.  He's operating on a heroic scale, and needs a few more novels' power-up to hit the superheroic, the mythic scale.

Everyone who knows Harry talks about his propensity to  F**K  S**T Up.

Butters calls him a "human wrecking ball."  Marcone talks about how much more Harry makes him pay for his insurance.  Thomas mentions the "patented Dresden anarchygasm."  Murphy began observing he caused fires, and later noticed all manner of destruction in Harry's wake.

I assert that Harry *IS* a Destroyer.

The thing is -- MOST of the F'ing up happens to the Bad Guys, and generally when Harry's done F'ing S**T Up... the state of things are better.

But, of course, there's inevitably some collateral damage.  Often quite a lot of it!  Enough general mayhem that maybe Donald Morgan and other rigid-minded sorts see mostly the risks, and don't find the rewards reliable enough to be worth it; so Harry the Destroyer looks like a bad option to them.

But that whole "F**K S**T Up to Make Things Better" schtick?

That is pretty much Shiva-the-Destroyer territory.  Say it with me kids:  Shiva the Destroyer.

And then there's this WOJ --
... more Hindu stuff.  Hindu Mythos is full and rich and confusing ...

Harry as a Shiva-esque Destroyer?  Oh, yeah...

DF Spoilers / Denarian Shadows
« on: December 16, 2019, 05:37:31 PM »
Denarians, as we know, can implant a "shadow" of themselves within the mind of a mortal who knowingly/intentionally handles a coin.

It doesn't appear to be like a magical "tag," where touching an unwilling or unknowing subject gives that person a Shadow.  You gotta know what you're doing, and do it either intentionally or carelessly.  Similarly, merely "handling" a coin isn't sufficient to release the Fallen and become their host.  You must, it seems, agree to that role; you must "make a deal with the Devil," so to speak.

Still, there is that "Shadowed" step, between being host to one of the Fallen and being utterly free of the coin & its Fallen.

But thanks to @morriswalters, I just realized something...

In Proven Guilty, Michael Carpenter tells Harry how to eliminate the shadow:
“Give up the coin of your own will. And set aside your power. If you do, Lasciel’s shadow will dwindle with it and waste away.”

Hmm.  That's how a WIZARD can do it.  (How can a MUGGLE do it?  Or CAN they even?  More on that below...).

Then we look at Harry's magic.  Even before the Shadow manifested to Harry, in dream or illusion, it was still giving Hellfire to Harry's magic; mostly to Fuego, but also to Forzare.  Simply running his will through his staff (to get the runes glowing) brought a hint of brimstone.

Taken together, it appears that a Denarian Shadow -- in a wizard -- links directly and to their magic, not merely to their "mind."

I mean, yeah there's stuff like the "eidetic memory" trick, gift-of-Tongues, etc.  Mental tricks that aren't explicitly "magical."

But the Shadow was affecting Harry's spells without him understanding how, or what to do about it; and the Church knows that setting aside magic will cause a Shadow to "whither" alongside the magic.

So the Shadow -- in a Wizard -- is linked specifically to their magic!

Other mortals (from above), non-wizards?  How do they get free?  I'm going to go over to Father Forthill's wisdom in Proven Guilty:
“Power,” he said, waving a hand in an all-encompassing gesture.  "Magic.  Physical strength.  Economic strength.  Political strength.  It all serves a single purpose..."
So I'll venture a WAG that any Muggle would set aside the Shadow by setting aside their mundane strength.  Retire from politics (including all consulting, being interviewed, writing op-ed pieces, lobbying, etc); give away all their wealth; etc.  Someone with physical strength would be particularly challenged, I think; they'd have to set up their life to operate as if they were of average-or-less strength, and intentionally act within those limits.  Take more trips carrying smaller loads, pack smaller bags/boxes to carry, etc.

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