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Messages - Jeckel

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That turtle looks real good, and I'm already thinking of all the ways I can use bats and moles. :)

Saw this was about to fall onto page three, so thought I would give it a much deserved bump.

Timing of RP has been sporadic lately, but got a couple hours with the group a few days ago and did the big reveal of the Shetland Ponies and it was a huge hit. While describing the ponies I mentioned the farm up the street from me and the performances they put on for kids' birthday parties. Sure enough, within a few minutes they were organizing a little "wild west" show. The shaman sung a beautiful song, the wizard did some magic tricks, our gun fighter shot coins and fruit out of the air, my wild-man-of-the-desert character "fought" two wolves, and the farm owner made the costumes, did a martial arts demonstration, and did some acrobatic tricks on the wagon while it was being raced around by the ponies (she doesn't make most sessions, so we let her take the front seat for most of it). Both the opening, closing, and half-time acts were centered around the ponies running in different formations and doing various tricks (taught to them by the gun fighter/horse trainer character), as well as pulling a fancy wagon (designed by the group and build with help from an NPC) which was given extra flair and effects (like it being "consumed by flames" during the closing act) by the wizard/stage magician character.

We had so much fun that it seems the focus is going to center around the show for a while, so I'm going to have an NPC approach them for a real show in Australia. That should give me a chance to work in the kangaroo and I know that as soon as I mention Australia the farm owner is going to want to get her character a Koala, "there just so darn cute" I'm guessing will be the justification. :p Might try to work in a great white and some seals, and/or a komodo, if the opportunity presents itself.

I'm still using the crap out of these animals and I can tell you that at least two other GMs I know, who don't do the forum thing, are using them in there games and wish to give you major props. :)

DFRPG / Re: Conversions for Old World of Darkness Character Types
« on: July 14, 2010, 08:22:48 AM »
Sweet, Mummy is a cool setting. I had a real bad experience with a player who wanted his mummy to eat someone every five minutes, but besides that I've always had a good time with it. Looking forward to it. :)

DFRPG / Re: Nephilim Ideas
« on: July 14, 2010, 08:20:11 AM »
Oooo, I like it. However, I disagree that Hulking Size is necessary. The term "Giants" was an improper translation and has been replaced with 'Nephilim' in newer translations. You can see various different translations of the genesis passage here. Might be good to move Hulking Size to the optional powers list.

Personally the idea of Hulking Size babies born of mortal women doesn't seem right, regardless of who the father was. :o

Either way though, cool template. 8)

DFRPG / Re: Is a Pure Mortal viable?
« on: July 13, 2010, 08:07:46 PM »
Thanx Deadmanwalking, I really appreciate it. Am going to print out the the Burn Notice characters and, when me and my friends watch the show this Thursday, I'll have them point out what skills/stunts/aspects of the trio are being used to pour out the awesome-sauce. :D

DFRPG / Re: Conversions for Old World of Darkness Character Types
« on: July 13, 2010, 07:00:58 AM »
So, uh, anyone still interested in this? Or should I let it go the way of the dodo having made all the major game lines and a couple of others? I mean, I'm enjoying doing it, but if nobody's looking at it, I can do something else I'd enjoy equally that other people may find more useful.

I'm loving this stuff, though it seems I've somehow missed posting as much. However, my question would be what do you see that still needs to be done?

Demon, Werewolf, Vampire, Mage, Eastern Kindred, Hunter, and Changeling. Looking at the shelf next to me, Mummy is the only one I see you haven't done yet.

If you have more ideas of things to make, I know I'd read it (though I have to say that, at the moment, Fiona's sheet in the mortals thread is the one I'm most anticipating). :)

DFRPG / Re: Is a Pure Mortal viable?
« on: July 12, 2010, 08:07:25 AM »
I agree about mortals and about the fate points in general. It has taken me several sessions to get the importance of fate points across to my players as out of the starting 10 refresh the lowest that was spent was 7. Since most of them didn't have many points to use in-game (coming from other systems, we were all conditioned to spend every point you are given) I started giving 2 fate points above their refresh rate at the beginning of each session with the requirement that they had to spend those two points before the session was done. The simple fact of having something that would be lost if they didn't use it kinda pushed them into some interesting ways to use the points (I've got them through Invokes and Declarations, but haven't got them using assessments yet). Heck there were a few times that I had to stop rp and figure out the results of the inventive stuff they came up with.

After realizing how useful they are, I allowed a few players to rework their characters a bit to give them more refresh and each of them is using at least 1, and sometimes all, of their fate each session now. Having got the hang of it I don't give the "free" fate points at the beginning of the session and after the last milestone that raised the refresh by a point, none of them bought new powers or stunts, fully planning to get their fate pools bigger.

DFRPG / Re: Is a Pure Mortal viable?
« on: July 12, 2010, 01:49:06 AM »
Because it seems appropriate to continue with the trio:

By any chance have you gotten around to stating up Fiona Glenanne?

DFRPG / Re: [Tool] The Fudge Roller: Dice Rolling Utility
« on: July 10, 2010, 09:57:09 AM »
Not sure what ya mean by that Drachasor?

DFRPG / Re: Capt. Jack Harkness
« on: July 10, 2010, 08:57:41 AM »
Ok, you got me, I will gladly cede the point based on the word of the Doctor. And chalk him being scaned with machines for life up to my bad memory. Guess I need to look for a new example of someone that doesn't die. :)

I don't agree that my definition of death is silly, though I guess the way I wrote was sort of rambling. If the rule was "when your organs no longer function" then various forms of sci-fi suspended animation or cryogenic stasis that completely stop the functioning of organs would make you dead and I don't think that feels right.

Personally I don't think your dead until some undefined point when you can't be "brought back to life". I guess I put the line where your body as a whole begins to break down for whatever reason, be it bacteria in an appropriate atmosphere, the vacuum and radiation of space degrading the cells, or whatever. Its a hard thing to put a definitive line on as evident by the lack of a satisfying biological definition of "life" in the real world, much less a real definition of when someone or something is "dead". Either way, just how I've handled it in my rps, I'm sure others have done it other ways and have other definitions.

DFRPG / [Tool] The Fudge Roller: Dice Rolling Utility
« on: July 10, 2010, 05:56:11 AM »
Took a few days and worked up a page to roll fudge dice. It was fun to make and I was able to learn a thing or two along the way. Give it a try and let me know what ya think and feel free to offer some suggestions for additional dice colors. :)

The Fudge Roller

If, like me, your dice get lost faster then keys, sunglasses, or water-weight, no longer will you be forced to roll your virtual fudge dice with something that is either to complex to be worth the time or so simplistic it is a chore to use. The DFRPG Fan Resources Web-Site is proud to present The Fudge Roller, a dice rolling utility.

Unlike most dice rollers, clicking the roll button on The Fudge Roller doesn't simply display the next set of random numbers. Instead, each die tumbles, going trough several different values before settling on the final result. Much more natural and entertaining to be sure. It doesn't stop there either, how many times the dice will tumble is random and both the lowest and highest number of possible tumbles can be changed before each roll. As frosting on the proverbial fudge cake, there are over half a dozen different colors of dice to select from for that little extra flare.

As if that wasn't enough. A roll can be stopped at any time (usually desirable when you enter huge number of tumbles just for fun or didn't mean to roll to begin with). While rolling, a count is displayed of how many tumbles the dice have taken so far. When the roll is over, the totaled result is displayed for ease of reference. Last, though certainly not least, one or more dice can be locked down with a click so they don't change during re-rolls.

DFRPG / Re: Capt. Jack Harkness
« on: July 10, 2010, 05:53:46 AM »
When he's been killed, people check his vitals and there is no sign of life.  When he was buried, they talk about how he was constantly dying and being reanimated for 2000 years.

True, but not having vitals (especially when the check for vitals is done by a person and not machines and tests) isn't the same as massive cellular death throughout your body. There are many things in real life that could make a person seem dead to the standard checks for life. I define "dead" as the point when the bacteria in your body start eating and decomposing you. Its been awhile since I've watched the ep, but I seem to remember a scene where he was in the morgue on one of the tables and a dead body was on the table next to him. His skin was nice and pink, while the dead guy's body was the standard dead-body-gray color. This to me shows that his body never truly died, though I'm sure it felt like he had more then once.

You can't base in-world mechanics off of characters' conversational dialogue. People say inaccurate things all the time, especially when the people around them know what they are talking about anyway, and the same thing applies to the conversions of characters. Jack saying he died and came back to life over and over doesn't carry any weight because he is the one suffering through the traumatic situation and his perspective is understandably clouded. If he had died or gone unconscious from shock, suffocation, etc, he wouldn't know the difference between that or dieing and coming back. Once you're unconscious your heart can stop, be shocked back, and you would never know it.

DFRPG / Re: Downloadable scenarios
« on: July 09, 2010, 10:43:19 PM »
That is very awesome Mindflayer94, thank-you for sharing. :D

DFRPG / Re: Downloadable scenarios
« on: July 09, 2010, 07:53:44 PM »
I tend to just create the main parts of my adventure and improv the rest but I can make available what I have written up, if theirs interest.

Let me second that, would like to see them also.

DFRPG / Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:58:15 AM »
Foxit works just fine on the sheets I created.  Acrobat won't open a sheet that's been edited and then saved with Foxit for some reason known only to Adobe.

That said, Foxit is the superior product and I give it a two thumbs up recommendation to anyone using my character sheet. :)

Yea, in general Adobe isn't very good at working with others, but almost everyone has their reader and personally I've never had need to look into another reader. However, it sounds like this Foxit is a good one, so I'm going to give it a try. :)

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