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Messages - Skip6235

Pages: [1]
Marva and others in the black court are still out there and a danger to the world - so "But the Red Court was dead, the same way the Black Court was dead" still needs some analysis or answers....



I think the "Black Court" as an orginization is entirely dead. True, there are Blampires out and about, but not many, and Marva may be the strongest. I think that that line sets up a simmilar senario for the Rampires. The Red Court of Vampires is gone. Eniterly. End of Story. they have no more power, no more organization. they are no longer a nation. That does not mean, however that every single Rampire is dead (just most, probably). who knows, some of the strongest that somehow avoided the curse may be out and about, but they will be forced to operate in small cells (scourges) instead as a supernatural superpower nation. Just my interprataion of that line.

Wow, the chapter after the diner seen with moly had me actually crying. Good job, Jim, I don't usually cry for fictional characters, but I could really feel Harry's pain at seeing the consequences of his actions on his friends and his city. Also, the fight seen with molly was awesome, and really made me wish for someone to do a direct adaptation of these books into movies. It was so cinematic! I wonder how Fitz is going to play into this. . .and also, Lea called Harry "my knight", which implies the mantle hasn't passed back to Mab, right? But how is that possible? also, people keep saying there's something off about Harry's spirit. So far Mort, Sir Stuart, Bob, and Lea have all commented on his anomalies, but nothing has really been explained about it. Maybe something about being able to come back?

*blows dust of the old keyboard*

Wow. . .been a while since I posted here. Brings back memories. . .or something. . .

A NEW DF NOVEL!!!!!!! SO EXCITED! I wish I didn't have to work all the time so I could read this un-interrupted.

So, I noticed most of the things you guys(and gals, maybe. Need to be PC) have, namely the absence of Thomas and the entrance of Daniel. What I also noticed was the name-drop of Elaine in the same sentence as the wardens! Is she with the White Council now?

The book started a little slow, I think, but I'm really liking it as I get into it. It looks like the series is really taking a turn towards becoming further and further from reality, which I suspected it would for a while now. Jim has set up a great magical world that could belivably exist within the confines of the real world, but I knew it wouldn't last forever  ;D

Can't wait till I get the opportunity to read more tomorrow!

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files Geek Code (long)
« on: February 19, 2011, 02:24:06 AM »
mostly I was just suggesting adding one category for wether or not people have read/enjoyed them. I'll see if I can't come up with some ideas for your approval.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files Geek Code (long)
« on: February 16, 2011, 05:37:25 PM »
I know this is a Dresden Files geek code, but I was thinking, since this site also has threads regarding the Codex Alera, maybe there should be one set for how into CA a person is.

Just an idea, commence trolling :P

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: January 15, 2011, 02:27:44 AM »
Actually, the part that bothered me the most about Sheila (besides the fact that she turned out to not be real just when I was all ready for shipping!) was that she knew where the Earlking book was on the shelf, and that there were 2 copies but someone had bought one already. How did she know that, without Harry knowing?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: January 12, 2011, 02:35:25 AM »
How about mentioning more about how we know almost nothing of the Summer court, but a lot has happened in Winter. Stuff like:

Was there a similar attack on Summer as the one on Arctis Tor?
Is (was) there someone who owed favors to Titania like Harry owed favors to Mab?
Why didn't Summer attack Winter after an obviously costly battle for Winter at Arctis Tor?

Also, about Mab:

Is Mab really going crazy?
Is Mab being leaned on by the Black Council/Circle?
Is Mab ON the BC/Circle?

DFRPG / Re: A little help here, please
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:43:01 PM »
Ok, so the book will basically tell me what I need to know? It might be nice to have just to add to my DF collection anyway

DFRPG / Re: A little help here, please
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:56:40 PM »
Yeah, I have done less rigid play by post RPG's before, but that was without any combat system. I figured a play by post would help me find other people willing to play and who know what they're doing.

What I mean is I have no idea how to play or what to do? Should I try and find the book, or a different book that describes the system? Is there like a website or anything that describes how to play?

DFRPG / A little help here, please
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:29:47 PM »
I hope this is the right place for this topic.

I have very little experience in tabletop RPG's (read: tried one campaign in D&D and it lasted about an hour) but that's mostly because I don't know anyone who can be a GM, and trouble in getting people together.

I really would like to play a Dresden Files game, and I have an interesting character idea, but no idea where to start, what I'm doing, or where to find anyone else to play. Any suggestions?  ???

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Profile Pics
« on: August 19, 2010, 01:54:48 PM »
Thanks! And I guess they're called avatars. I haven't been on a forum in a couple of years.... :-\

Site Suggestions & Support / Profile Pics
« on: August 18, 2010, 07:49:35 PM »
Hey, I searched and couldn't find anything about them. I've noticed quite a few of those animated quote profile pictures, and I wondered where people got them. Can anyone help me?


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