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Messages - trboturtle

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Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: March 14, 2016, 06:54:44 PM »
Just sent off a novella (Vengeance Games) to an editor, and I'm now working on two novel outlines, one fantasy, the other sci-fi. No writing as of yet, but more in the planning stages.....


Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:59:08 AM »
In January, I submitted four stories to, competed a novella set in the same universe, and went back to outlining a fantasy novel (16+ chapters out lined so far)....

So, who's next?


Author Craft / Re: political correctness in the writting community
« on: January 04, 2016, 05:01:44 AM »
We all have real-life political and religious views that if expressed here would offend someone (Which is why they are not allowed to be expressed here -- those are the two subjects that, withe 100% certainty, start flame wars and have the mods come in with the tear gas and rubber hoses and toss suspensions around like confetti)

Character personal views/beliefs are important -- common conflicts in stories is the clash of these views/beliefs either through speech or action. TLOTR is basically Saron wanting his Ring back (His view/belief) while Frodo and the others don't want him to have it (they want to destroy the Ring -- their view/belief).

The clash of views/beliefs is where conflict comes from. A character's views/beliefs are not wrong to them -- no matter how stupid, evil, wrong, or alien it is to any other character. THEY believe they are right and the other person is wrong. A villain NEVER thinks their views/beliefs are wrong or evil -- Real History are full of people who killed millions because they followed those beliefs and thought they were right. Yet, looking back at those event, we can see they were wrong, evil, and inhumane. Yet, there are some, despite all that has happen, who still believe in those views.

The two main character in conflict are going to have different beliefs and ideas. The differences could be minor, or epic, shades of gray or stark black and white. Even among comrades who feel the same as the man character, there are going to different beliefs, thoughts and attitudes. This could lead to subplots exploring these Beliefs (See Leglos and Gimli from LOTR for an example of conflict between allied characters)

If a main character is PC, other characters can't be PC -- or there is no conflict. Without it, a story is less intresting and less deep.


Author Craft / Re: political correctness in the writting comunity
« on: December 15, 2015, 08:34:29 PM »
Here's a blog post that should throw light on the subject (Warning: Strong language -- the writer is know for being blunt)


Author Craft / Re: political correctness in the writting comunity
« on: December 12, 2015, 05:36:39 PM »
Simply put -- you can't have a all-PC cast of characters. If you do, you have a BORING book.

I will say this first -- I hate political correctness. I think it's something straight out of Orwell's 1984. If you don't like what someone is saying, either challenge them to a debate like a rational human being or walk away. Trying to cut off someone's speech because you don't agree with what the person is saying is WRONG. Everyone in the US has a right to free speech, but we also have the right to either challenge what the speaker is saying, or ignore them -- they don't have the right to have their view accepted by everyone. As long as they are not advocating violence against another person or group of people, they can speak their mind, no matter how stupid or vile it is. I personally think PC should be wrapped in chains, taken out in the middle of the ocean and dumped overboard

Back to writing. Sure, you can have PC characters, but most major characters have some anti-PC views. A warrior who's spent a lifetime fighting Orcs might believe that all Orcs should be exterminated. Barbarians are clearly non-PC characters -- they don't have the social graces or the right beliefs.

Readers want interesting characters. Interesting characters have flaws, are not perfect. Mary-Sues (And Gary-Sues) are to be avoided at all times. The sexist character you mentioned? Maybe they run into a member of the opposite sex that feels the same way they do, and there's an attraction/repelling effect going on between the two characters. Or they meet someone that forces them to reconsider their beliefs. Character conflict comes from opposing viewpoints, which means someone is not PC in their views.

Dion't let political correctness get in the way of your story. Write what you want to write, and don't worry about people getting huffy because they don't like one of your characters because their viewpoint doesn't line up with theirs. If they do get huffy about it, you don't need them.


And the first draft of Red Ice is Done! Final WC at the end of the first draft: 72.2K! Now to put it aside for a couple of days, then I'll start the rewrite!


Red Ice now stands at 62.3K, and the big finish starts....


Red Ice is now at 61.0K, and i'm writing the last scene before the climax starts.


Outcast Ops: Red Ice is up to 53.4K....


Welcome!  :D

We're a pretty informal group around here --- about the only thing that's a nono beyond the form rules is posting any stories you're working on.

My background is game writing too -- worked on both Battletech and Valiant Comics RPG lines for Catalyst Games Lab. Co-wrote and self-published one novel and I'm working on the second.

So, enjoy yourself!


Outcast Ops: Red Ice has cracked 49.0K!  ;D


And Outcast Ops: Red Ice now stands at 43.3K!  :D


Outcast Ops: Red Ice has crossed the 40.0 K mark!  :D


Author Craft / Re: the use of proper gramer to tell a story
« on: June 29, 2015, 11:06:46 PM »
I've also see Italics when a foreign word is inserted into dialogue:

"Ja, I see it."

"You are my gost --- er, guest."

"Buenos tardes, how can I help you?"

Also, ships names --- HMS Titanic, USS Enterprise,. battleship Bismark.


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