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Messages - KurtinStGeorge

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DF Spoilers / Re: Ask Jim Questions - Today!
« on: June 02, 2018, 06:40:15 AM »

Hihi... that’s fancy way of saying he’s nearly halfway done. ;P I hope he spends time in the editing process instead of rushing at this point as that has been a big weakness of his releases; lack of good editing.

It's disappointing to learn Jim is only at about the halfway point, but I'm glad to be given accurate information about where he is in the writing process and that he's in a more comfortable situation for doing his work.  I won't be expecting Peace Talks until next Spring or even Summer.  I will be surprised if he finishes in September, we'll see.

DF Spoilers / Ask Jim Questions - Today!
« on: June 01, 2018, 07:07:07 AM »
What follows is copied directly from Jim Butcher's long dormant twitter feed:

My name is Jim Butcher and I write stories.  Ask me anything, Friday at 12:30pm Mountain Time on Reddit!
12:39 PM - 31 May 2018

Just a guess on my part, but Jim must be very, very close to wrapping up Peace Talks; or maybe he's finished and will announce it officially today, seeing as Jim must know he will be asked "how much longer?"

What I really want to suggest is that if your able to do so, now would be a good time to ask Jim some deep questions that he might answer.  Something less obvious and direct as "who fixed Little Chicago?" or overasked like "Why did you choose Chicago to set the story in?"  I have to work Friday afternoon so I'm counting on you guys to ask some interesting questions only members of this forum could come up with.  Sorry I wasn't able to post this earlier, but I just got in on a late flight from Los Angeles and am about to hit the sack.     

DF Spoilers / Are there more wizards like Elaine?
« on: May 30, 2018, 06:26:22 PM »
I'll start by answering my own question so as to better define it.  We learned from Lea in Ghost Story that Mort Lindquist hid his true ability from the Council.  Lea said that Mortimer's power level was likely greater than Harry's, though limited to his own field of expertise.  Elaine deliberately hide her abilities from Warden Ramirez.  Harry knows Cowl is White Council material, he even speculates that Cowl and Kumori hide their identities because they are Council members, but Harry could be wrong.  At least one or maybe both Necromancers hide their identities of the more obvious reason that they simply don't want to be recognized at any place or time.  Even Necromancers have to go to the supermarket after all.  They can't really send a ghost and sending a zombie would require too much effort and defeat the purpose of being incognito.

I wonder if there are a significant number of wizards who are hiding their true abilities.  Some of them might be like Cowl and Kumori who chose a dark path and need to hide from the Council, while others might have met a warden when they were younger; say someone like Morgan explaining what happens to a person who breaks the laws of magic, and decided, "These White Council guys are as**oles, I don't want to be any part of their organization."

I find it hard to believe Elaine is alone in her feelings about the White Council.  I wouldn't be surprised if not everyone Harry dismisses as the "have nots of magic", the people who hang out at Mac's, are really below White Council standards.       


DF Spoilers / Re: Could Mavra be under Eb's control?
« on: May 30, 2018, 05:52:37 PM »
WOJ was that Mavra is from the late 1400's or so, therefore predating Eb's birth by quite a bit. She might be one of the first few blamps turned by Dracula.

Do we know this for a fact?  Harry noticed that the fabric of her medieval outfit was cotton rather than wool, meaning it was of modern manufacture.  Maybe Mavra is old, but no so old as she pretends.  Mavra would pretend to be a few hundred years older than her actual age in order to make herself a more mysterious figure, enhance her reputation and make other magic users think twice about taking her on in a fight.  The Black Court's greatest strength before Stoker's book was lack of knowledge about them.  Mavra might have decided this was a good personal defence too.

However, that's just a WAG, and not a very serious one.  There's something really pathetic about Mavra sticking with medieval clothing; which in every painting, period movie or museum manikin I've seen in such outfits, doesn't look very comfortable.  Mostly it looks like it was designed to keep people warm, which isn't really a problem Mavra faces.  It's like she's trying to hold onto a tiny piece of who she once was.         

DF Spoilers / Re: Dear Jim
« on: May 28, 2018, 07:19:55 PM »
   Great, but it is part of a collection of short stories by him that most of us have read and bought the books that they are in...  Since it is Harry, Maggie, and Mouse it may give us a glimpse of what Dresden family life will be like... So it should be a little better than the usual crumbs tossed our way to further the story.. 
I've said this for a while now...  That is why I wish for his sake and his fans as well that he wrap up the series, instead of needing five books to do it, make it two..  Then  get into the BAT..

At one time I would have vehemently disagreed with you; however, time and one's expectations change.  Plus, I've read other extended series which would have benefited from "getting to the point" rather than meandering down the road; becoming a travelogue or introducing new and uninteresting plot twists along with pointless characters to kill off, and in general just being a bore.  I'm sure a lot of us could name two or three series that fit the last sentence above.

I can't see inside of Jim's head; none of us can, but I do wonder how clear the path forward is for him with Harry Dresden.  Sure, Jim has an outline; but the description of it sounds to me to like a series of a very basic ideas like, "Harry wakes up without the ability to do magic", rather than a detailed list of how each novel should progress.  Maybe it would be better for Jim to reexamine what he really needs to do to bring Harry's story to a fitting conclusion, rather than committing to a concept he came up with due to his misunderstanding what his writing teacher said to him about thinking about how to develop and finish Storm Front, almost twenty years ago.

Maybe reading Peace Talks will make me change my mind, but I have a feeling that even if it exceeds my expectations I'll feel like the story should start heading for the finish line rather than just turning another corner in the road.       

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Mavra be under Eb's control?
« on: May 28, 2018, 09:09:10 AM »
Just to answer the OP, I highly doubt Eb was controlling Mavra at anytime in the series.  However, I found it strange Ebenezer had something that could specifically target and lock down her magic.  Also, he didn't want to talk about how he planned to do so.   Though it didn't interfer with Mavra's ability to remain under a veil while photographing Murphy kill the Reinfield. 

I wonder if sometime in the future; if Harry decides to tell Ebenezer that Mavra is still among the living undead, the old man will feel like sharing his secret and perhaps tell Harry about any past dealings he had with Mavra.  My guess is Eb and Mavra have some past history.  Wouldn't it be funny if Ebenezer dated Mavra before she was turned?  Ok, I know, that's just silly. 

Jim has said that Peace Talks will feature a great deal supernatural violence.  My question isn't about who you want to see die; though you may want that too, it's about who would you like to see go out in a knock down drag out bloody fight to the finish? 

If it's a wizard, perhaps we will see them throw a death curse that unleashes mayhem on their antagonist or antagonists.  I'd like to see a death curse that doesn't have any subtlety to it; unlike Quintus Cassius' curse against Harry or the one Margaret LeFay laid on Lord Raith, something really spectacular and messy, perhaps from the Merlin.     

DF Spoilers / Re: A Positive Death "Curse"
« on: May 26, 2018, 06:00:38 AM »
Yes, a death 'curse' could be used to do something good for somebody, if the Wizard wanted to do it.  Harry actually contemplates that, in fact, in Fool Moon, when he thought he was about to be killed.  One to the options he considered was using his death curse to cure MacFinn and break the loup garou curse on the bloodline.

I would call that a 'death blessing'.

Good catch, assuming Harry could have pulled it off.

DF Spoilers / Re: A Positive Death "Curse"
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:03:31 PM »
Your right, my post didn't address the OP at all, so this one will.  Who would make this kind of life enhancing sacrifice, if it's possible to do so?  It's not going to be the Merlin, I'm fairly confident in making that prediction.  He might lay down a huge death curse to help Harry; though he would probably see it as helping the White Council.  This is probably true of most of the important wizards on the Council.  I think the only person who would make the kind of sacrifice you suggest is Ebenezer, because he has a personal family relationship with Harry.  It might even be this type of closeness which would make such a thing possible.

DF Spoilers / Re: Elaine pentacle amulet
« on: May 25, 2018, 07:34:56 AM »
We have a direct answer to that question:

It's a direct reply to the question, but while all answers to asked questions are replies, all replies are not answers.  Harry has certain beliefs about what the pentacle in his amulet stands for; however, he didn't make the amulet himself.  It was something he inherited from his mother.  She didn't leave him any written instructions on how to interpret the symbol.  Perhaps he learned this from studying with Ebenezer, we don't know for certain.  It appears Elaine also inherited her amulet.  We know nothing of her family or what she thinks her pentacle represents. 

It's quite possible that Elaine also has a family member who is a member of the White Council.  It could be that a number of wizards who were once friends, allies or shared a  common philosophical belief system towards magic marked this relationship by wearing similar amulets.  This would explain how Harry and Elaine came to have almost identical amulets.     

DF Spoilers / Re: Will Ramirez ever get laid?...
« on: May 25, 2018, 07:16:41 AM »
Was there anything said in the short story where Molly put the hurt on Carlos that tells us he's still a virgin?  Just because Molly is doesn't tell us anything about him.

DF Spoilers / Re: A Positive Death "Curse"
« on: May 25, 2018, 07:12:44 AM »
Interesting thought, I'm not sure if it's possible, but if it happened like you think it would, we'd have "bloodlines" of wizards getting more powerful every generation.

We don't hear about family lines of wizards in the DF.  (Maybe this should be part of another thread.)  Harry is the exception in the series, so far.  He knows his mother was a powerful wizard and he knows one grandfather, who is on the Senior Council.  Long lived wizards can outlive their progeny; especially those who are born as vanilla mortals, and some wizards; like those who become wardens, have a more dangerous lifestyle than a wizard who spends most of their time doing magical research.  So the wizard doing research could still outlive his higher risk taking, though magically gifted children.  Add to this the secretive nature of being a wizard and you have a lot of people who don't communicate well with others, including members of their own families. 

Of course we can put down our lack of knowledge of other wizard families to Harry's general isolation from the White Council for most of his life, but we do know a little about one other wizard.  In Turn Coat Harry asked Luccio if she had family.  She replied "Yes. Technically." ... "The men and women I grew up with...They've been dead for generations."  OK, so maybe these people weren't her brothers and sisters, maybe she's talking about cousins, but it seems a bit cold to me.  Perhaps that would be a natural adaptation to outliving so the people you grew up with, and many others you met along the way who aged and died while you kept rolling along, but it suggests that many wizards live somewhat dysfunctional lives by normal standards.  Most of them must have a hard time getting close to others after they have been around for a while and gone through this cycle a couple of times.       

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Bob possess a corpse?
« on: May 23, 2018, 04:27:11 AM »
If it was possible then Evil Bob would be the one to do it.  Also, I think that even if Bob had the notion to do it, Butters wouldn't let him, and the longer Bob remains with Butters the more of Waldo's personality will rub off on Bob.  So no, I don't see this scenario ever happening.   

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks character death wag
« on: May 17, 2018, 06:32:53 AM »
I am kinda hoping Lord Raith bites it.

I think is also possible and perhaps even probable.  I recall that Jim has said that it's known that Lara is running a puppet show, and that she is the de facto ruler of the White Court and House Raith, but everyone is playing along for now.  Though I don't think Jim has said why Lara's potential rivals would do this.  Maybe it has to do with their hatred of overt confrontation.  However, this means that should LR die suddenly, the leadership of the White Court would be up for grabs.  If there are other supernatural murder victims piling up, it could be the perfect cover to add one more to the pile.     

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks character death wag
« on: May 16, 2018, 07:47:33 AM »
Im confident that McCoy will die, because I fully expect Harry will need the Blackstaff before it is over.  I dont know that it will happen in Peace Talks, but it would be a fitting time for it, and one hell of a pressure cooker.

I agree with you, for reasons I've stated on more than one occasion.

Do we know someone important to the main cast will die?  Or just assuming.

One of the first things Jim said about Peace Talks was it will have a high degree of supernatural violence.  Which; if you think about it, is kind of an odd statement because all the Dresden Files books have some degree of supernatural nastiness in them.  You can go through it book by book; human hearts exploding out of chests, werewolves eviscerating people, vampires seducing and killing teenagers, Summer Knight only had one human victim, though he was murdered too, a curse that can cause a plague, more, nastier vampires enthralling and killing people, necromancers killing people at will and either stealing their bodies and wearing them like a suit of clothes, or using them to be part of a zombie army, and I could continue but you get the point. 

So I think we can safely assume that in Peace Talks there will be some deaths on the good guys side as well bad guys, and as we continue to get nearer to the end of the series the likelihood increases one or more those deaths won't just be anonymous wardens or Senior Council members we've barely met before.  For example, if Ancient Mai or Martha Liberty were to die in the next book; the death of one or both characters might be used to set up some interesting complications within the Council, but they wouldn't have much emotional impact for the readers, because we know so little of either character.

Other than Susan's death, the only other deaths that have hit close to home for Harry have been Kim Delaney's because his decision to withhold information from her may have contributed to her getting killed, and Detective Carmichael because he knew and respected him.  Harry also felt bad about Linda Randall getting killed in Storm Front because he recognized similar patterns in her life to his own.  However, again other than Susan, none of these people had a deep emotional connection to Harry.  Now we know Harry's mother was murdered and it's a strong possibility that his father was too, but Harry didn't go through the first hand experience of losing a family member to violence, these are just things he's learned long after the fact.  Finally, even though Susan's death was very traumatic for Harry, it didn't; at least in the short run, change the trajectory of Harry's life in any significant way, partly because Susan had been out of his life for years before the events in Changes.  Afterwards Harry was still going to get shot, become the Winter Knight and start doing jobs for Mab, even if Susan had lived.  Long term, of course, Harry has a daughter now.

So we are speculating someone close to Harry is likely to die in Peace Talks, but it seems like informed speculation to me; not just a WAG.  To get back to why Ebenezer makes a good candidate; his death has the potential to cause both immediate and long-term complications for Harry, and they would be dangerous ones to boot.     

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