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Topics - exploding_brain

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DFRPG / In world canon vs real world time
« on: June 05, 2014, 06:44:09 PM »
Has Jim let us know if there any way to establish when an event in the novels happened in "Real World" time? Or is that deliberately vague to within a few years?

One of my players has a notion having to do with The Disney Corporation, so naturally we're talking about "Frozen" and the events of "Cold Days". The relative timing of those things is probably going to become important. We will fudge things to make our story work if necessary, but going through the process of  "well, if things happened in this order, with this timing, they have done so because..." is more fun, and sometimes makes for a better story.

DFRPG / Need help writing aspects for pre-gen characters
« on: September 12, 2012, 09:21:26 PM »
So I'm using Dresden Files RPG to run a Monster Hunters mashup game at a convention this Saturday. Basically, it's a League of Extraordinary Monster Hunters from the last 30 years or so. Current characters include:

Wheedonverse: Buffy, Angel, Spike
Doctor Who: The Doctor
Ghostbusters: Peter Venkman
Men In Black: J
Hellboy: Hellboy

I'd like to add a few more choices for my players, and I could really use some help generating aspects for additional characters.

I'm going with a High Concept, Trouble, and three more, leaving a couple of empty slots for players to fill in.

If anyone is inspired to write some aspects for the following, you'd have me deepest gratitude.

Wheedonverse: Willow
Doctor Who: Captain Jack Harkness (more Doctor Who than Torchwood), River Song
Ghostbusters: Ray, Egon and Winston
X-Files: Dr. Dana Scully

Or anyone else you can think of. Thanks. :)

DFRPG / 3rd DFRPG book in the works?
« on: January 31, 2011, 07:56:08 PM »
Reliable rumor has it that Evil Hat has plans for a supplement to the DFRPG.  I've heard that the 3rd book would update the rules based on events in the fiction, and give us several fully worked up "cities" like the "Nevermore" chapter of Your Story.

I'd love to know where the new book is in its development cycle, and if Evil Hat might be looking for community feedback regarding content we'd like to see.

Thanks.  :)

DFRPG / Sponsor debt (I can't believe I didn't notice this before)
« on: January 21, 2011, 07:59:34 PM »
I was just re-reading the description of Sponsored Magic, and I realized I may have been messing up the application of sponsor debt this whole time.  The last paragraph on 288 says, in part, "Once per roll, you may invoke an aspect without spending a fate point. Doing so adds one to the debt between you and your sponsor."

I had always interpreted that as applying only to spell-casting rolls, sort of an alternative to taking backlash when you blow you control roll. But I think it's intended to refer to ANY roll, under any circumstances.

Anyone have any thoughts about that?

DFRPG / Increasing the skill cap to Fantastic (+6)
« on: November 18, 2010, 06:50:48 PM »
Any recommendations for when to increase the skill cap to Fantastic (+6)?  Any other tips or thoughts about what happens when characters advance much beyond Submerged? Our party just got refresh point #10, though we're still at 34 skill points, and people are starting to speculate about when a bump in the skill cap might happen (looking farther ahead than we probably should, but the siren song of "more power" is so alluring).  I'm guessing that 40 skill points is about right, but we're doing a rotating GM thing, so it will have to be a consensus decision.

DFRPG / Focus items for odd Sponsored Magic abilities
« on: November 17, 2010, 10:22:15 PM »
Let's say we have a caster who uses Seelie (Summer) Magic, in addition to evocation and thaumaturgy.  The caster wants to make an item that improves his Biomancy, which he can perform using the method of either thaumaturgy or evocation. Would a focus item that helps in one case be effective in the other, or would he need separate items for each method?

DFRPG / How to decide if a PC knows a creature's catch
« on: July 08, 2010, 04:12:13 AM »
So the following situation came up in a recent session: A party of PCs (built at chest deep) ran into some out of control red court vampires (in horrible bat-monster form, no flesh masks).  Our wizard decided to create a magical block against them, then the player said, "Hey, I'll make it a spirit block, making my pentagram (a holy symbol to my character) shine with bright light, to take advantage of the vampire's vulnerability to sunlight and holy stuff.  Wait, does my character even know about that weakness?  Do I need to roll lore first?"

We just hand waved it, and it turned out not to matter in that combat, but it got me thinking about catches and lore checks in combat.  It seems like that should be one of a Wizard's best tricks in combat against magical creatures.  "That's may not look like a fey, but it is. Hit it with cold iron."  "That's a rare blue-bellied soul-sucker.  It's only vulnerable to obsidian."  But does a character with high lore need to spend an exchange to see if he knows, or can deduce, a monster's catch?  It's not quite the same as assessing or declaring an aspect, and it has a different in-game effect.

Should a character with lore get a "free" lore check to see if he knows a monster's catch?  Should it always take a complete exchange?  Maybe a suplemental action?

How do you estimate the difficulty of the roll?  I assume it's different for a catch that's worth +0, +1, or +2 for obscurity of the information.  Should the monster's social skills be taken into account?

I'm not worried that this is going to break my game, but I'd love to hear what other folks are doing in their games, and how it's working out for them.

DFRPG / Sponsored Magic - Greek Pantheon
« on: July 08, 2010, 03:05:45 AM »
So I have a character who's has Greek gods for his patrons, granting him access to sponsored magic (and an Item of Power as well, but that's another post).  I have some ideas about how this flavor of sponsored magic would work, but I think I could use a few more.

How should the sponsored magic of the Greek Pantheon work, generally?  How much should it vary it based on the character's primary patron deity or deities?

---Big Pause---

Specifically, if your primary patrons are Athena and Hermes, what should your magic look like?

---Big Pause---

More specifically, if Athena wants you to promote the idea of the classic Greek hero, and you're a great big comic book geek, while Hermes wants you to be a kick-ass-messenger-of-the-gods, and you work as a bike messenger in New York City.  And they already gave you magic wings for you helmet and bike shoes?

DFRPG / Who's immune/vulnerable to Red Cout Vamp venom?
« on: June 12, 2010, 02:00:30 AM »
I've got potentially three different groups of Red Court Vamps or Red Court infected opposing each other, and I'm wondering about the implications of Vamp vs Vamp addictive saliva attacks.  "OK, so the entire fight has devolved into a bunch of RCVs and the PCs rolling around on the floor.  Whoever comes down off their high first wins."

Are RCVs immune to each other's venom?  I assume they have to be immune to their own personal venom.  Are other supernatural folks vulnerable to RC venom?  WCV's? Faeries? Changlings? Weres? The dead are probably immune, so no zombies or BCVs.

This is definitely a "Your Mileage May Vary," "Depend on what kind of game your group wants" sort of area, but have you used the narrative authority of Taken Out and Concessions to avoid killing NPCs, especially mortals?

It seems to me that, worst case scenario, your wizard is fighting a mortal villain (with an allied Warden literally looking over your shoulder), and you Take him Out with a blast of magical fire, the player doesn't need to fear killing the target, since he can describe how the villain is Taken Out by his attack.  "A ball of flame explodes right in front of him, and expands exactly far enough to burn away his shirt, his chest hair, and his eyebrows, and give him a first degree burn.  He drops his gun and surrenders."

On the other hand, if the villain choses to concede rather than suffer a consequence earlier in the fight, the GM and the players have to negotiate the terms of the NPC's defeat.  If we're looking at the concession from the NPC's point of view, they're not going to chose death as the circumstances for their defeat.  But if we're looking at it from the GM's point of view, and the GM wants to cause this particular kind of trouble for the PC, he can offer a "Yeah, that blast of fire kills the guy" concession.  Then the player has to negotiate for a less severe outcome, or refuse the concession, so that he can continue the fight and Take Out the NPC without killing him.

Could lead to some rather counter intuitive situations, I'd imagine.  Hasn't happened to me yet in our game, but our Red Court Infected gun-bunny character was asking me if victories gained through firepower are possible without NPC death.  I wasn't quite sure how to handle it.  I'll probably let them get away with irresponsible use of force most of the time, unless there's an opportunity for a nice, juicy, life complicating compel. ;D

DFRPG / Confused about Alertness vs. Lore
« on: May 22, 2010, 11:25:44 PM »
General: What skill does one roll to sense that the supernatural is present in a scene?  The Lore skill says "In certain
circumstances, you can substitute Lore for Alertness to pick up on supernatural details about a scene."  What if your Alertness skill is better than your Lore skill in the first place?  Further complicating things, Temple Dogs have the stunt "Unity of Senses (Alertness): Use Alertness instead of Lore to pick up on the presence of the supernatural."  This implies that you normally cannot use Alertness to pick up on the presence of the Supernatural.

The specific: I have a player who's character is lightly touched by the supernatural, but will start the game as a pure mortal, or very nearly a pure mortal.  She's got Good alertness and Average Lore.  She wants to be able to get a vague feeling when dealing with the supernatural, but the character wouldn't be well trained in interpreting these sorts of mystical impressions.  Eventually she may start seeing auras around supernatural creatures that indicate their natures, but for now it will probably be more vague than that.  What stunts or powers would she need to take?

DFRPG / Quick enchanted item question
« on: May 15, 2010, 03:40:47 AM »
Making an enchanted item for one of my villains.  Jason stop reading now ;)

He's a Nazi Wizard, so of course he has a swagger stick and jackboots.  It's the boots I'm wondering about.  Great Lore, so thats +4, and he's devoting an extra slot to bump it up to +5.  It's going to be an earth attack, sending a shockwave through the floor.  My question is do I need to specify ahead of time whether the boots are an attack or a maneuver, or can I decide at the time the villain uses it?  Can I do nifty stuff like attacking an entire zone by sacrificing two shifts?

DFRPG / 4th law warlock, how to build?
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:03:38 AM »
Thinking about building a warlock villain, an enchanter who's breaking the 4th law all over the place. (He's got some supernatural allies, which is why the Wardens haven't taken care of him yet.)

Not too hard to model his thaumaturgical style, but I'm not seeing an obvious way to do enchantments in combat.  I'm not even sure enchantment in combat is possible within the bounds of purely mortal spellcasting.  We don't have many examples of it in the books,
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.  Maybe it's the domain of Sponsored Magic only.

Do mortal spellcasters who fight by frying your brain just not exist, for the most part, in the Dresdenverse?

DFRPG / What's the catch for a wrath-feeding White Court Vampire?
« on: May 11, 2010, 02:20:12 PM »
My first inclination is to go with True Compassion.

Might be better to phrase it as True Love, but to make clear a distinction between True Eros, the anti-Raith emotion, and True Agape, roughly "love for your fellow human being".

Any thoughts?

Edit: Or maybe I mean True Philia.  I'm not 100% clear on the precise flavorings of the ancient Greek words.

DFRPG / Some rotes more flexible than others?
« on: May 01, 2010, 07:12:29 PM »
Little confused about exactly what has to be locked down when creating a rote.  Some of the defensive rotes described let you chose between block and armor, or chose how many shifts to devote to duration, but are still considered rotes.

Is the same flexibility available to an offensive rote?  If you have a fire attack rote, do you have to specify that it always attacks one target, or can you decide when casting the rote to devote two shifts to attack a zone, or split the attack up among many targets?

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