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Messages - Papa Gruff

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DFRPG / Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
« on: April 26, 2010, 05:28:02 PM »
I have seen the worst humanity has to offer.

Invoke: Nothing humans do or say can get close to you because you have seen it all. When somebody trys to provoke or intimidate you it doesn't hit you like it used to.

Compell: Something in you is dead. You have given in to a fatalistic view of the world. Allways expecting the worst of anybody crossing your ways. Nobody can be trusted.

This is the Phase 1 Aspect of the PC I'm working on:

"Oh Lord! Why have you made him a troublemaker?"

DFRPG / Re: Poison Immunity Question
« on: April 26, 2010, 12:23:07 PM »
-3 Refresh for a total imunity against a single type of venom is still to expansive for my taste. The more I think about it the more I like the idea of a the Stunt you proposed but would it have to be a +2 stunt?

Perhaps it could be a passive Stunt tied to Endurance, as is "No pain, no gain" which gives you two aditional mild physicle consequences. Could that just cancle out the a poisen or would that be to much gain for a -1 Refresh?

DFRPG / Poison Immunity Question
« on: April 26, 2010, 09:03:20 AM »
I'm interested in how you guys would handle something like an immunity to poison, i.e. the addictive saliva of the Red Court. I'm not aware of anything specific in the book. There is a potion mentioned that counters the venom but I don't think that it fits very well. If we go with Physical Immunity it seems somewhat expensive for the benefit it gives, stacked catches seem to be a possibility though.

The idea is, that a PC has come in contact with the saliva so often, that he has become immune to its narcotic and addictive effects. How would you represent this on your sheet? I guess it applies to other sorts of poisons and venoms too.

DFRPG / Re: Swords Nitpick
« on: April 23, 2010, 11:07:27 AM »
Hey thank you Isenhertz (and welcome to the forums)! Even more potential Items of Power!

Man ... there must be a buttload of demonic evil in the world to merit all this powerfull holy weaponry...  ;D

DFRPG / Re: Swords Nitpick
« on: April 22, 2010, 03:40:16 PM »
A Buddhist Shao-lin Monk who is in everyway like the Knight of the Cross.. except you know.  As a Shao-Lin Monk following Buddhism.

What do I know of it? ... It wasn't my idea!  :P

DFRPG / Re: Swords Nitpick
« on: April 22, 2010, 02:17:21 PM »
Nothing to say that there couldn't be a Muslim equivalent to the Knights of the Cross (the Sword of Allah?), bearing the sword of Muhammad. The sword could only be used by someone willing to submit themselves totally to the will of God. Sort of a Zen combat state.

The Knights do have a varied background, but there's nothing to say that they're the only Champions of God out there.

Exactly ... an other player of my group was tossing aground the idea of some kind of "Staf of Budda" and a Shao-Lin Monk wealding it the other day. If you are going for other deitys just think along the lines of the Shinto Kami ... how many are there? 5 million?

If you want to play a Knight of the Cross kind of PC but want to keep the Dreden-Lore intact it should be easy to find a deity to work with.

DFRPG / Re: Swords Nitpick
« on: April 22, 2010, 11:24:38 AM »
I thought about the Holy Lance as a prop for a knightish kind of char too. For me it's just a neat way to keep in line with the Novels (
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A member of my group thought of the Lance as a weapon of evil too, but honestly that never crossed my mind. After some research I can see why you might get this impression though. For a long time the lance was owned by german kings and was used as a base of their royality. It was rumored that an army carrying the Lance in front of it could not be defeated. When Hitler and the Nazis came along they tryed to incorporate the lance into their propaganda (I know ... sounds just like "Raiders of the lost Ark"). So it's kind of tainted by them.

Longinus testified that Jesus was realy Gods son and converted to Christianity after the crucifixion. At some point he was declared a saint.
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Over the years several copys were made of the relique. Who knows where the Lance has ended up and to what purpuse it might be used.

For those who want wo learn more. There is a very nice Wikipedia article about the Holy Lance:

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