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Messages - LizW65

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Author Craft / Re: posesivnes of charicters
« on: April 15, 2014, 05:58:10 PM »
I just hope I get well known enough to be fanficced some day. Wouldn't read it though - I don't want to be influenced by someone else's interpretation of my fictional world.

Author Craft / Re: Who Rules: Story or Character?
« on: April 14, 2014, 07:04:31 PM »
While working on the climactic scenes of The Sequel, I discovered, somewhat to my surprise, that deliberately writing myself into a corner, setting the scene aside overnight, and then coming back to it worked quite well. In the past, I've gone out of my way to avoid putting characters into impossible situations from which the only apparent escape is 1. death, or 2. some sort of ridiculous deus ex machina, but I found that after a short rest period a third, more workable solution inevitably presented itself.

Author Craft / Re: Who Rules: Story or Character?
« on: April 13, 2014, 08:58:22 PM »
...I get my characters in the first place by saying "I have this story which will need a person who will make this set of decisions in these circumstances, what would that person be like" ...
The first book in my noir mystery series evolved this way; now that I know the characters a little better I feel as though I have more freedom to create a variety of stories which they can then participate in, without being forced into specific roles.

My first attempt at urban fantasy, on the other hand, appears to be taking the opposite tack. Both the story and the characters--especially the latter--have evolved into something quite different from what I originally imagined. I had no idea, for example, that my Angel of Death would turn out to be a talkative eccentric, or that the other AoDs on his team would decide to stage a coup d'etat against him. And the story has completely changed from a vaguely Rear Window-ish thriller to something altogether more fantastical. About the only original idea I've kept in is having the protagonist recovering from a major illness and being (mostly) house-bound.

Author Craft / Character names, titles, cover art and other fun stuff
« on: April 09, 2014, 01:34:48 PM »
I don't want to hijack the "arting harder" thread any further, so I thought I'd start a new one to deal with a couple of things the last few posts have covered.
A few people have mentioned Deviant Art as a good source of cover artists; some of us may also have untapped talent among family, friends, and so on. It just occurred to me this morning that my SO's daughter in Philly has an art degree and may be interested in creating a cover for my next magnum opus. (Fingers crossed.)

MegEvonne mentioned that she has difficulty coming up with characters' names and often gives them "placeholder" names during early drafts. I'm exactly the opposite; if I don't find the perfect name for a character early on, he or she doesn't work for me at all. In fact, names are often one of the first things I'll come up with, and then I have to find a way to work the characters into the story. The protagonist of my urban fantasy was giving me problems I couldn't quite put my finger on until I realized his name was wrong; once I changed him from Max to Julian he suddenly became a far more interesting character and a more willing collaborator in the process.

Titles are more difficult for me. Frequently I'll give a work in progress a placeholder title and eventually come up with something better along the way. (However, I'm great at coming up with random, useless titles I have no use for; some of them include Dead Birds Through the Skylight, Vestal Vixens of Vesuvius, The Dead of the Shed, Vampyromaniac!, and Cannibal Carnival. I offer these to you, my dear colleagues, free and clear, to do with what you will. ;D

Well, I was joking about the CraigsList thing :) but I'm still curious about how one goes about finding reputable artists, how much they typically charge, and so on. (Actually, my older brother is a professional artist and a very good one, but whether I could actually get him to commit to creating something for me is the question.)

Thanks! :)
This may well be a question for a new thread, do you go about finding cover artists anyway?  Advertise on CraigsList?

Yay! 125,000 words and the first draft of the Big Damn Sequel is finished!  It's rough. Some of it's good rough; mostly it's just rough rough.  Think I'll let it sit for a while (even though the urge to edit is strong) and work on finishing the first draft of my Urban Fantasy,  provisionally titled "Raising Angels", though I'm not sold on that title.

124K tonight on The Sequel.  The home stretch!

Congratulations on finishing your draft!

Fixed a major plot hole last night. Figured out who murdered the artist and why, which is always a good thing to know about one's own character.

Up to 117,500 on the Big Damn Sequel, and I'm working on the final scene.

111, 500 on The Sequel tonight.

Author Craft / Request for book recommendations
« on: February 18, 2014, 04:28:06 PM »
I'm looking for books or (in-depth links; I haven't had much luck finding anything but the most basic of information) on the history of women in the NYPD, specifically mid-twentieth century, if available. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

Author Craft / Re: A burning question left unanswered for years...
« on: January 30, 2014, 09:02:34 PM »
Possibly a Skant? (Mashup of Skirt + Pant) or a Mant (Man + Skirt.)

Author Craft / Re: Your strangest lines out of context :D
« on: January 29, 2014, 04:31:19 PM »
...(That was the same project where I got to follow "God is dead" with "Long live God." ...
That sounds a bit like, "God is dead; there's a position open," which appears in the recent novelization of Shada.

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