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Messages - Serack

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DF Reference Collection / Re: Reference Collection Index
« on: February 22, 2017, 05:51:41 PM »
The second post of this topic is now an index of theories by poster.  This was a first pass and I went through the pages of the DFRC and indexed those that had more than a fewish (other than knnn, all in the list have over half a dozen)  I'll consider adding contributors with as many as 3 topics later. 

DF Reference Collection / Re: Soulgazes and Sights
« on: February 22, 2017, 01:19:28 AM »
I don't know if you want to add this, but you might reference it ....

He attempted to soul gaze Tera West, and was unable to do so.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: February 08, 2017, 07:54:06 PM »
Jim tends to be more prone to mistakes when he's speaking off the cuff (and y'know, not being betaed :D), but who knows?  I'll run it by him.

Sounds a bit like what I said recently about his response to a question I asked him at a signing once

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: February 08, 2017, 12:43:03 AM »
1812:  Ebenezar causes the New Madrid Earthquake [BR, 297], the largest earthquake ever recorded in the contiguous United States and an estimated 8.0 on the Richter scale.  Clearly, he's been Blackstaff for a long time!

Hey Priscellie, Jim gave us a ballpark figure for when Eb took up the blackstaff that conflicts with this.  Someone quoted ya on reddit and I was like, "Wait a minute..." and had to go digging. 

Eb took up the Blackstaff in 1884-1885 somewhere in there.  The Blackstaff chooses his successor. 

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: DFRPG Podcasts and interviews
« on: February 02, 2017, 01:04:45 PM »
Added some stuff and fixed a bunch of broken links. There were a lot of link-breaks, but pretty much all of the stuff behind them could be found with a bit dedicated searching.

Gonna move this over to the Resources board now.

By the way, I may have generated this topic originally, but you may consider yourself welcome to do anything you like with it.  My investment is just a derivative of my time working on general Jim Butcher interview links, whereas you are the one who is actively invested in DFRPG material, and this is your domain. :)

DF Spoilers / Re: Skin Game Interview gathering topic
« on: January 31, 2017, 06:47:10 PM »
Looks like the youtube version of the comicmix interview I found last Sept.

New find:
Jim Butcher Q&A at Myths and Legends Convention (August) 2016
Partial Transcript

It's not an interview of Jim, but I'm archiving it: (already added to the WoJ interview index sticky)
Kerrie L. Hughes interview about co-editing Shadowed Souls with Jim.

[[admitting that I haven't read the entire thread]]

The only issue I have with Serack's theory is that he supposes that it was Outsiders that put Winter in Charge, or maybe "created" the Sidhe.

I agree the implication was that someone else did it.  I'd lean more towards the Dragons than Outsiders.  After all we know that Dragons had responsibility for certain aspects of reality at one point.  As they were declining, I can totally see them creating the Sidhe with the purpose of defending reality.

Wait what?  By capitalizing Outsiders, I assume you mean the Outsiders the Outer Gates are intended to keep out...  If so, I don't mean that at all and don't know where you got that idea, but would like to know so that I can go back and clarify that portion of the theory...

If by Outsiders you mean "entities external to the Fae courts" well, yah, I suppose that since Jim said, "The Sidhe were created for a reason though.  They were created specifically by certain agents who no longer had as much influence on the world as they once did."

Also, Jim said that Mab had been Queen for about 1000 years.  We have NO idea how long she was Lady before that.

Also, also ... Mab and Titania don't necessarily have to be actual sisters as in from the same mother/father.  Sister COULD be sister-Queen.  It fits with the language.

Nah, Mab and Titania were biological twins per WoJ

Quote from: 2014 AMA
Can we get a break down of the biological relationships between the various Fae Queens we have seen on screen?
Of particular interest - Maeve and Sarissa, were they actually Mab's kids (biological sense)? If so, who was Mab's baby daddy?
Mab and Titania are actual twin sisters.
Maeve and Sarissa were twin sisters, from Mab. Their father was an Austrian composer and musician who died young.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Phone vs. Computer Access
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:49:06 AM »
Of course, now that I've alerted the stewardess, the gremlin is probably no longer on the wing...

2 internet points for great reference.

Too meaty a conversation for me to join on my phone.  I'll have to set up my laptop now that I'm down in FL visiting for the holidays.

Also, hi foxed!  Good to see you


I've long embraced the theory that the Winter Court's assumption of Outer Gate duty was concurrent with Mab's ascension.  However, I just spent 20 minutes looking through my old posts and couldn't come up with anything recent where I discussed it, and there's someone on Reddit commenting on some info from the new Dresden Files Accelerated RPG book preview (available only to kickstarter backers) and how it backs the theory up.

So I've decided to compose a topic that brings together the body of evidence and speculation that supports this theory.  It's not a certainty, or it wouldn't be worth going through the trouble pointing out the evidence, but I do believe it is a very strong theory.  So lets get this party started.

Fact:  Winter wasn't always in charge of the Outer Gates, and there were others previously guarding it.
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(Side theory)  The Aesir were likely a previous guardian force at the gates.  IMO, the passing of this torch is one of reasons why it was necessary for Odin to take on the Kringle mantle.  There was probably enmity earned in Mab's taking over, but also a need for some level of politically cordial relations between the former and current heads of the Gate Guardians during the transition.

Fact:  Mab and Titania aren't the original "Queens" Mab and Titania:
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What do we know about when Mab and Titania ascended?
Well, I think it happened around "Hastings."  That is, the 1066 "Battle of Hastings" but we don't flat out know.  First, here are the main bits of info we have implying as much.

How old is the current Mab anyways?
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There's also the Hastings references below:

What we know about Hastings being significant to Winter/the Fae:
Quote from: Titania, Cold Days Chapter 30
"I have not exchanged words with my sister since before Hastings."

Quote from: WoJ from a 2009 signing (unconfirmed)
How long has the White Council had the Blackstaff
Look for Celtic Lore around 1065 ad.
This is widely believed to be when Mother Winter "Lost her walking stick."  Jim doesn't flat out confirm this, but has acknowledged that plenty of people on the internet have figured out the origin of the Blackstaff correctly. Which sounds a lot like the kind of thing that could be associated with "The last time things got awful in the wizard world."

The Sidhe haven't always been as they are now  That is, the current state of Summer and Winter Fae doesn't necessarily reflect how they used to be.

(click to show/hide)

The Sidhe were created by outside agents for a purpose.  (My spin on the below WoJ is that they already existed in some form, and were... appropriated and reshaped to purpose)
(click to show/hide)

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Relevant mini-theory derived from the above 3 quotes:  Although the Summer and Winter Courts were probably already a dichotomy, taking up stewardship of the Guardianship of the Outer Gates and the associated terrible power and responsibility is probably the wedge that drove Mab and Titania apart such that Titania no longer can even speak with her sister, and probably instigating the creation of the two Knight mantles that were "meant to be divided." 

What ties the two events together? (Mab's ascension, and Winter's assuming stewardship over the Outer Gates)
What evidence do we have these two major events were concurrent?

We have a WoJ that adds up to our Mab being the one taking over at the Outer Gates.  I remember the older WoJ referenced here, but I've lost it unfortunately.  If you use contorted logic with respect to phrasing it is possible to suppose that the "she" and "her" pronouns refer to the mantles held by more than one Mab since we have WoJ that favors like this are to the mantle not the person holding it, but that's very convoluted and unlikely.
(click to show/hide)

Finally, there is this interesting analysis of a line from the new Dresden Files Accelerated RPG book provided by redditor Anubissama
(click to show/hide)

So in conclusion, the above evidence seems to support these positions that together mean the two events were contemporary to each other:
  • Our Mab is the one who took over at the gates
  • "Hastings" is when the White Council obtained the Blackstaff, which is probably Mother Winter's walking stick and is probably "The last time things got awful in the wizard world."  That is, when Mab and Titania's predecessors died and they ascended.
  • Mab's position as defender of the gates is what defines the purpose of Titania's power, and is the likely wedge responsible for Titania no longer speaking with her "since Hastings"

In case you missed the update:

If you were a backer, thank you..and we'd like to see any feedback you have by end of year. Check the update above for information. :)

Really anxious to read this.

Could we get a word on the cannonality? 

Something like this from Iago about the original DFRPG

It is not Word of Jim, but it's close.  The blacked out stuff that folks can discover in the PDFs are 4th wall breaking stuff, mainly an in joke for people who figure out how to read it. Beyond that there are elements of the text that are at least slightly inaccurate or more often incomplete because the rpg as presented is being filtered through Billy -- a version of Billy who was more clued in prior to Turn Coat, so the rpg itself is at least a little alternate universe in its conceit.  But regardless we made it as close to the spruce material as we could manage, because we wanted the setting parts of it to work as a legitimate fan guide too.

Ok, I just searched through Iago's (the forum owner and most hipster of Dresden Files Fans.  Seriously, he produced Jim's fan sight before he was published) posts and couldn't find it so it must have been Priscellie (Iago's executive officer on the forums) who told me once here in this section of the forums that the forum Admin crew isn't interested in tweaking any of the SMF coding.

They've got it working and prefer to avoid having to shake out any bugs from new code. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: November 18, 2016, 01:47:17 PM »
Speaking of spells and languages...

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