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Topics - blackstaff67

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DFRPG / Misinterpreting Weapon skill?
« on: April 18, 2017, 03:31:38 AM »
In a story from 2016,
(click to show/hide)

Is it because it's a Warden's sword that he can use it to deflect spell blasts or has everyone been allowing melee weapons to do this in their games?  Am I misreading the rules somehow? 

DFRPG / PC change
« on: April 06, 2017, 03:24:46 AM »
I'm running a game where everyone's read the books, I've got a W.C.Wizard, Jade Court vampire, and two vanilla mortals.  One of the vanilla players wants run a werewolf now (a la The Alphas).

Shall I have him make such a character RAW?  I've heard some people complain about how the concept is broken; assuming for the sake of argument that is true, what solutions have people come up with to fix this? 

DFRPG / Enchanted item question
« on: March 08, 2017, 02:57:27 PM »
Under the RAW for such items,the item is good for only a single exchange (or two or three,depending on Crafting stuff) and that's it. 

How does the community feel about an enchanted item that only bestows a single trapping of a skill, but for the duration of an entire scene, especially the social skills or non-combat skills
The Riding trapping for the Survival skill,
The Tracking skill for Survival skill.
The Detect Lies trapping for Empathy.
the various trappings of Rapport and Intimidation as well.

I bring these up since using the social skills and the others listed above is really what I'd call a 'long action' that takes more than an exchange or even a second, but several minutes or more of work.  At the same time, I don't think this necessarily displaces Stunts, as these items can be stolen, lost, or otherwise neutralized.

« on: January 24, 2017, 03:28:24 PM »
Can anyone direct me to a thread that uses Fate Core for the DFRPG?  Thanks.

DFRPG / Nerfing wizards, advice wanted
« on: December 17, 2016, 06:19:51 PM »
Since there's some fair argument that wizards can be instakill (and I've seen the evidence in my last session), I've decided to nerf them a wee bit:

1) Limiting foci bonuses to a wizard's Lore, with Evocation and Thaumaturgy bonuses tracked separately.
1a) Two full shifts of success translates into one extra damage shift instead on the usual 'one for one.'  I've decided this also applies to enchanted items.   This does not apply to Thaumaturgic rituals (but does apply to Evothaum).

Given how simple it is for a wizard to place even fragile Aspects upon himself to 'tag' later for an alpha strike, I do not believe these house rules are especially tough.  Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome.

For the record, my game has just reached 11 Refresh/37 skill points stage for the players, so it's still rather 'young.'  Takes place between books Four and Five (I've also allowed 'vanilla' mortals to raise skill caps above +5 before paranormals do, just for the sake of balance. 

DFRPG / Point threshold?
« on: July 24, 2016, 01:12:31 PM »
I've been brainstorming trying to solve a potential problem.  Assuming a normal beginning 10 Refresh 35 skill point game, how many points in refresh would you allow a player to pump into a character before you say, "Whoa, hold on there.  Now you're power-gaming." 
I just had a player bring me a character that, before Catches and rebates were applied, had fifteen (15) points of powers invested in  him (and no stunts--"it's more efficient to buy powers than stunts").  When I called him out on a few things (like linking an IoP to Shapeshifting--that is, when he shapeshifted, the IoP appeared so he could apply the Shapeshifting rebates to his IoP), he and his friends accused me of being unfair.
Just curious--what are other people's standards of power-gaming?

DFRPG / Looking to limit wizard power thread.
« on: March 22, 2016, 04:07:14 PM »
Looking for the thread that "nerfs" wizards by limiting the damage bonus for spells to their Discipline bonus or something like that?  I'm coming to swing around in that direction.

DFRPG / Sword IOP Question
« on: February 16, 2016, 06:30:03 PM »
An Sword IOP will have the power to disappear.reappear as the wielder wills, allowing the wielder to always have the sword ready.  Instead of worrying about what/where the sword disappears to, what about simply saying, "Okay, it's not always Obvious OR Accessible, so  +2 discount is out of the question.  A plus 1 (+1) discount is instead justified.  Done"

DFRPG / Stunt usage
« on: February 06, 2016, 08:24:22 PM »
Given the Paranet Papers on how Debt can be accrued with Sponsored Magic (at least for the Winter Knight):
Would people allow a player with Sponsored Magic to take a point of Debt to Declare he has a particular Stunt? 

DFRPG / Sponsors and debt
« on: December 08, 2015, 06:12:11 AM »
I was going over Paranet Papers when I realized something: If a PC is actually performing a mission.favor for the Sponsor, does he still accumulate debt drawing upon the Sponsor's powers (avoiding consequences, invoking an Aspect w/o a Fate Point, etc) in the performance of said mission.  It all just seemed rather kinda counter intuitive for me:  "Do this thing for me.  If you draw upon my powers (as stated above), you'll go into debt just as if you were off the clock doing stuff." 

Second question: If a PC accumulates debt, how many allow self-compels towards the Aspect (but without awarding Fate Points) so teh PC can voluntarily pay some of it off?  I kinda see Dresden doing this with Winter's Mantle on him.

DFRPG / Player problem
« on: November 24, 2015, 05:57:34 PM »
I've a new player joining the group.  She's new to the system but played in other RPGs. 
Problem arises here: Sweet as she is, she's not-so-good (though not altogether hopeless) at role-playing out social interactions.  She can do conversation and all, but were I to say as GM, "You wanna talk him out of something using Rapport?  Okay, gimme your spiel and roll dem bones..."  It kinda comes out flat.  Kinda need some GMing advice here.

DFRPG / Need campaign advice
« on: November 18, 2015, 12:56:30 PM »
My game is just getting off the ground.  I have 4-6 players in the group; it's a good group.  My concern is the fact that in the group of were, wizards, and valkyries, I will also have two Vanilla Mortals: one police officer, one mercenary a la "The Transporter."  TO be honest, I've never run a game with 'nilla mortals, much less two of them.  Any thoughts to keep in mind?

DFRPG / High Concept problem
« on: November 10, 2015, 06:28:35 PM »
Have a player running a character that's a Rune Mage (Template: Focused Practitioner).  Said PC stole some mead from the Norse gods, drank it and acquired some extra powers (Inhuman Strength/Speed/Recovery).  Without going into too much detail, the PC was caught and has to serve Freyja for a couple years--seems the PC only drank half and gave the rest to her comatose war veteran brother, allowing him to start along the road to recovery and (temporarily) denying Freyja an Einherjar. 

Problem is, those "extra powers" need to be linked to her High Concept.  All I can think of is "Freyja's/Freya's Favorite Runemage."  Does anyone else have any ideas, as originally this wsa the PC's Trouble instead?  Alternate trouble was "My Strength is in my Family"

DFRPG / Paranet Book snafu?
« on: August 05, 2015, 05:19:17 PM »
I was looking up Windsnap in the index when I discovered that the entires stopped at "U."  Noting after that.  Is it only my book that does that?

DFRPG / Automatic success
« on: July 14, 2015, 04:23:27 PM »
This situation sometimes develops in my games: PC has a Skill of 7 and is making a Declaration.  Since the default number is almost always Good (+3) to make, this means that an Aspect is almost automatically placed on a a scene or opponent. I'm thinking of house ruling that a die roll of -4 before modifications always fails, just to avoid automatic success ("There's no such thing as a 'sure thing' at my table, folks!").  Has this come up at your tables and if so, how do you deal with it? 

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