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Messages - Conspiracy Theorist

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DF Spoilers / Re: Christmas Eve and Peace Talks theory (spoilers)
« on: July 08, 2020, 10:40:06 PM »
If Murphy goes Valkyrie her life will be as much as her own as Harry’s is as the Winter knight i.e. not at all.

Probably the Merlin, told by Luccio that he is Harry’s brother, setting up Harry to be killed by Eb using Thomas as bait. The Merlin doesn’t know Eb is their grandfather. It would be a very Merlin thing, he tried something similar with Morgan, but no one else really wants to take on Harry anymore amongst the wardens. The Merlin would be delighted if Harry took out Eb in the process whether Harry survived it or not.

Of course Mab is behind it to remove Langtrey as Merlin/cause the formation of the Grey Council as a force under the accords. One of the favours owed to Mab is the knowledge via Justine that Luccio knows about Thomas (but doesn’t know about Eb)

DF Spoilers / Re: Power Creep
« on: July 08, 2020, 04:28:09 PM »
He used the shield on the bracelet to locate Mouse, and he recovered a coin collection lost in Lake Michigan. I doubt he could get his rings back though that way, unless they were in the same area.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 6 Drop
« on: July 08, 2020, 04:23:34 PM »
For protection from the White Court, it is to love and be loved in return. Harry loved all the women he has been romantic with, not all of them loved him back. Michael and Charity would both be protected, Susan and Harry were, and Thomas and Justine are about the only couples we have seen who qualify.

DF Spoilers / Re: Christmas Eve and Peace Talks theory (spoilers)
« on: July 08, 2020, 04:13:19 PM »
Harry finally got laid, which means his happiness is bound to be transitory. Jim loves setting Harry up for a romantic fall.

Snakeboy’s death curse “die alone!” Will probably mean Harry will never have a long-term romantic relationship. Still, in spite of tremendous bad luck with the ladies and a death curse, Harry STILL has a better love life than Ramirez. Poor Ramirez. Poor, poor Ramirez.

The Faustian pact has already been raised by Jim in Peace Talks, and Murphy has already had an offer from Monoc, so we might see a very short Valkyrie, and her duties making it impossible to continue a relationship with Harry. She will look at Harry and know when he is slated to die.

DF Spoilers / Re: McCoy and Bob
« on: July 08, 2020, 10:37:13 AM »
Kemmler would have had Bob seek intelligence of McCoy during his possession of Bob and integrated that with existing info, which was hived off.

DF Spoilers / Re: Power Creep
« on: July 08, 2020, 10:32:31 AM »
I don’ t know why Harry just doesn’t use the shield tag on Mouses collar to locate the bracelet, and use earth magic to recover it from the waters of Lake Michigan, as iron was used in its construction. Harry can wear iron, he just can’t have it penetrate his skin.

Frankly give his improved focus and that bracelet, Harry should be able to generate a shield AROUND an opponent in a sphere to reflect their attack back at them or ‘hampster  ball’ them and then quickly reduce the size of the sphere crushing them into a small ball. Would work wonderfully for Blamps and ghouls, and catch out someone like Cowl expecting to deflect an attack from one direction when the attack is from all direction simultaneously. The best defence is a strong offence, so turn your defence into a weapon.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 6 Drop
« on: July 08, 2020, 10:17:50 AM »
In rescuing Thomas as a favour, it will be in accordance with the Mantle DESPITE Mab’s publicly professed position during the peace talks themselves. This is why Mab did it, she can manipulate everyone without telling a lie.

Remember that Luccio knows about Thomas, I think this is the major betrayal, she tells the Merlin and he sets up the situation where Harry and Eb have to throw down over Thomas. What neither Luccio or the Merlin know is that Eb is Harry and Thomas’ grandfather. Mab knows, she is engineering this confrontation to cause a split in the White Council, probably to get rid of Christos and the Merlin, making Eb the new Merlin or the formal creation of the Grey Council as a new supernatural nation under the Accords taking Eb, Harry, Listens To Wind(I can’t help thinking this is a Blazing Saddles joke by Jim) Martha Liberty the Paranet and all the young wardens with him, splitting off the new world from the old.

The tag team of Lara and Mab suggests this type of machination by Mab, remember she had her own daughter killed in a similar circuitous fashion, and destroyed Nicodemus in a similar indirect  fashion. I suspect one of the favours was Lara introducing Mab to Marcone prior to Skin Game as being interested in revenge on Nicodemus.

DF Spoilers / Re: Power Creep
« on: July 08, 2020, 12:24:06 AM »
Harry gains new knowledge in each book, and that is the true power, for goodness sake he even keeps the knowledge of Eb and Thomas’s relationship from them.

The one thing which would be a true power up for Harry would be to be able to use modern technology and to ‘fix’ the Murphy field. To be able to use a smartphone and the internet would give him a major edge over other Wizards.

DF Spoilers / Re: McCoy and Bob
« on: July 08, 2020, 12:16:22 AM »
Ebenezar McCoy is descended via the Master/Apprentice lineage from the original Merlin. What if it was also by blood? The way Eb treated Margaret hiding she was his daughter may be a family tradition. If so the McCoy name or variant could have been applied by Merlin to hide his son or grandsons identity, an ancestor of Eb. McCoy means son of Aodh, a Celtic fire deity, and there are a dozen or so variations in modern usage. This is before Bob became a Wizards Research Assistant, but he would have been around before then in Faerie picking up information until one day he picked up the wrong bit of info, so he could have seen the son/grandson etc staff, or several different generations staffs and had enough examples to compile a thematic style.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 6 Drop
« on: July 07, 2020, 10:41:45 PM »
Taken with the trailer, one of the favours will be to rescue Thomas from the White Council, something Harry would have done in any event, but this would allow him to do with the full power of the Winter Knight Mantle behind him.

I also think this is a manifestation of Maggies powers, first use of magic is bound with emotion, and she blames herself for the argument between her father and great grandfather. She has social anxiety issues, so this is going to be a problem for Harry. I suspect we are going to have a running joke of “she takes after her father” everytime someone learns about it.

At least we know why they were at the Carpentersfor Christmas.

DF Spoilers / Re: How to break the Lady's Mantles.
« on: April 01, 2020, 08:49:36 AM »
Getting Mab to break her word, which I am sure at some point Harry will do to kick off the Apocalyse.

You know it will be Harry’s fault.

The Adversary is the most evil and unredeemable individual, a literary critic who sneers at SF, Fantasy and most of all ‘Comic Books’.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl could be Kemmler? Fist full of Warlocks Spoilers
« on: September 10, 2017, 02:23:14 AM »
Time travel

We are seeing a version of Kemmler in the main story sequence just after a Fist Full of Warlocks,  but well before 1961 on his personal time-line AND before the Word? (Not read Warlocks)

A body swap unless to another strong wizard would leave Kemmler like Luccio, diminshed, but instead summon a version of yourself from another universe kill them (or bodyswap and kill) to leave a perfect corpse behind and time jump so there is no version of yourself to be tracked down in that time period by anyone or anything. You can find that which currently doesn't exis, even in a parallel world. That would explain all of Kemmlers deaths, and Kemmler was merely using the Word as misdirection. If Kemmler is going to break one law of Wizardry, he probably broke them all.

If Warlocks is a clue to Kemmlers modus operandi, so probably is Mirror, Mirror, Mirror Dresden has merely hit upon part of the same idea.

Harry breaks all the laws eventually, perhaps chasing Kemmler/Cowl is how he timetravels

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Religious Relics: What Are They?
« on: June 22, 2015, 09:56:37 PM »
The knife can probably kill anything, immortal or not, and was used to kill Jesus. The grail is a purifier, the Crown of thorns and placard wards, and the shroud resurrects. Together they may have cured one third of the White God of Nemesis.

Look what had to be done for Leas cure a much less powerful being, and Mab killed Maeve rather than attempt a cure.

Why would Nic want the knife? It could kill a Fallen (not the host) and Nic knows he has Nemesis infected Denarians. Perhaps he is even contemplating its use against a fallen Archangel if needs be.

It has been hinted that these items may have older provenance to the era of the Greek boos or earlier which is why Hades has custody of them. The placard could be the earliest book of Magic, the book of Thoth which contained two spells, one to perceive the speech of animals, the other to allow the reader to perceive the gods.

If it is that Then given the popular theory concerning Mister being the White God,  Harry has the perfect tool to determine this, and to find out what Mouse really is.

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