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Messages - Wordmaker

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DFRPG / Re: Crafting: Guns & Weapons
« on: May 05, 2010, 04:26:13 PM »
Well it would take only a small houserule to allow an "Item of Quality" Stunt to be purchaseable, allowing Stunts or Skill bonuses for an item.

Since such items would be of very high quality and an obvious major benefit, this character's association with the other PCs could be used as justification for them buying the Item of Quality (Gun) stunt.

Perhaps, as an alternative, create a tree of Stunts along the lines of "Master Craftsman" built to allow for creation of a mundane version of Focus Items and Enchanted Items? Base the costs and rules in some way off of Thaumaturgy for how many slots of items he can have, and how to build more. A rifle made by your character, for example, could provide a +1 bonus for maneuvers or attacks from more than 2 zones from your target.

DFRPG / Re: First Session Quandry
« on: May 05, 2010, 02:02:47 PM »
I would imagine the Wardens could be called in to deal with traitors and wizard-killers regardless of the Laws of Magic. But as I'm running it, this will be the first major attack on the White Council and its allies in Boston in about a hundred years. So a Warden response will be too slow to be of much help within the confines of the scenario.

I hadn't thought about the sense of paranoia the plot would bring about. That's worth considering.

At the moment I'm thinking about not revealing the real traitor until the very end, if at all. I'll use a patsy for the players to chase, and if they manage to find out who's really behind it and cause him to go into hiding, that'll be an extra victory for them.

That said, I really like the idea that the villain, while using nefarious methods, actually was doing so with what he believed are the Council's best interests at heart, and he was acting to prevent a Red Court incursion...

DFRPG / First Session Quandry
« on: May 05, 2010, 08:11:40 AM »
I'm running our first game this weekend, set in Boston. We've agreed that Boston is pretty much a White Council stronghold with several wizards in permanent residence. The White Council are weak but a new leader is ambitious and eager to increase his power. The Faerie Courts are locked in a stalemate, each one making grand displays of power in their own time of year so as not to appear weak, but neither able to commit the resources to alter the balance of power (Winter nominally rules, having control for a longer period than Summer) and the Ladies like to make appearances at college parties.

There is a hidden scourge of Black Court vampires which has been slumbering for some time, and as of yet, the Red Court hasn't managed to make any inroads to Boston.

My main players are a Knight of the Cross, a White Council wizard specialising in lore and crafting, a True Believer civilian administrator for the Cathedral of the Holy Cross who is an agent of the Ordo Malleus (she and a priest working in the Cathedral act as assistants and researchers/investigaors for the Knights of the Cross when they come to Massachusetts), and an undecided Emissary of Power.

At the moment, my plans for my first scenario are that one of Boston's wizards (who, if found out, will claim he received information from a trusted source that there are traitors within the White Council, even the Senior Council) who has made deals with local mafia and several fae, to have a list of people killed. These people will include my Wizard PC's younger sibling, the Ordo Malleus' PC's supervising priest, and other wizards, including a young, teenaged apprentice.

I'm hoping this will play on my group's knowledge of the books and the Black Council, making them suspect that the villain might be teling the truth, but making them choose between loyalty to those they care about and the possibility of a traitor in the White Council. If some of the killings are successful, it'll help me further one of my Threat Aspects for Boston: The Coming Storm, since I want Boston to start off fairly safe and peaceful, but become more under threat as the campaign continues.

I'm just worried this is all a little too big for new PCs to handle, or at least, too major an even to start off a campaign.

Any opinions? Should I go ahead, or just do a simple "solve the murder, stop the ritual, defeat the bad guy" plot to start off?

DFRPG / Re: Knight of the Cross compel
« on: May 05, 2010, 07:55:05 AM »
Of course! That's brilliant, I didn't even think of that.  :)

DFRPG / Re: Knight of the Cross compel
« on: May 04, 2010, 10:10:56 PM »
Cool, thanks. I wasn't sure where the rules stood on the way the Knights tend to conveniently show up where they're needed.

DFRPG / Knight of the Cross compel
« on: May 04, 2010, 09:22:29 PM »
I was wondering, if I wanted to have one of my players' Knight of the Cross character "just happen" to go jogging past a crime scene, would that count as a compel?

DFRPG / Re: The Updated PDFs are Up
« on: May 04, 2010, 01:05:21 PM »

We've got a whole weekend set aside for our first game coming up this Saturday.

DFRPG / Re: Lawbreakers: Do We Need Them?
« on: April 30, 2010, 04:02:25 PM »
I think I'm going to go with the advice in the book on violations of the Laws. It's intent that's most important. For my campaign, a situation like in Grave Peril where Harry sets the ballroom on fire wouldn't force a character to take the Lawbreaker stunt. The fall to darkness should, in my opinion, be a matter of choice. Becoming an evil, twisted warlock should be about the conscious decisions to carry out certain acts, not stumbling into it accidentally.

Of course, that doesn't mean the Wardens will see things the same way  ;)

As for losing Refresh, I always keep in mind that running to 0 Refresh doesn't mean you're "unplayable" or evil. It just means your character has become so driven by his nature that he longer has free will in the same sense. A character can be the purest good in the world, then lost his last Refresh point, and then dedicate his life to wiping out evil, or to quiet meditation.

A wizard with a lot of refinement who has a slip and starts a fire that kills someone accidentally shouldn't have to take Lawbreaker, and the rules do allow for groups to decide how to handle that themselves.

Now, a wizard with a lot of refinement, having dedicated so much of himself already to perfecting his craft, and then in a fit of rage summons fire to burn a murderer to death, well, he doesn't necessarily become a black-cloak-wearing evil warlock. The player might decide that the character gets a taste for killing and realises how potent a killer his years of study have made him. Alternatively, he might be repulsed by what he has done in violating all of the teachings he has learned, to the extent that he goes to live in seclusion where he can't be tempted anymore.

It all should depend on the character's Aspects and how the player wants their character's time as a PC to end.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden Files Boston
« on: April 26, 2010, 01:04:58 PM »
My game's going to be set in Boston. I'd love to see anything you've got.

DFRPG / Re: True Names
« on: April 16, 2010, 09:01:33 AM »
There does seem to be a lot of importance on the idea of personal identity when it comes to Names. Part of learning something's Name, and having it be of any use, is also knowing how the person/creature themself pronounces it, so I'd say that if someone was born with one name, then adopted and given another, it'd be the name they grew up knowing as theirs that mattered.

I'd say that if a woman got married and took her husband's name, depending on her views of herself and her marriage, that could even cause her Name to change. I'm pretty sure, for example, that Charity's true name would include the Carpenter surname.

DFRPG / Re: Baltimore and Other Possible Dresdenverse Cities
« on: April 16, 2010, 08:56:32 AM »
I live in Ireland, but while I know I could do a lot with that (a veritable battleground for Winter and Summer, not to mention Bram Stoker was from Dublin) I've decided to set my campaign in Boston. I like the Old World vs New World themes from games set in America.

At the moment I've decided that Harvard used to be a White Council stronghold until the local Warden commander was killed by the Red Court. The Cathederal of the Holy Cross operates as an East Coast HQ for the Knights of the Cross, and there's a coven of Focused Practitioners based in Salem, who used to be watched closely by the Wardens, but now that the White Council's power in Boston has been weakened they're more free to get into trouble.

I'm thinking about Boston being, up to now, relatively pleasant compared to Chicago or Baltimore in the Dresdenverse. Lots of secrets and themes of the corruption of forbidden knowledge, and the idea of it being more a good place coming under growing threat, that needs to be protected, rather than a fallen city in need of saving.

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