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Messages - FishStampede

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Author Craft / Dresden Files fanfic
« on: December 18, 2012, 12:36:39 PM »
With my semester over, I'm starting to write again and nothing gets my creative juices flowing better than writing fanfic. To that end, I've decided to write my first Dresden Files fanfic. I find half the fun is trying to capture the "voice" of the Dresden Files, from Harry's snarky internal monologue to the other characters and their quirks.

Elevator pitch: Harry Dresden Saves Christmas. Working title: Little Helper.

Beyond my own work, I'm wondering if anyone else here has written fanfic of the Dresden Files. If not, have you read any good ones? Inspiration would be nice.

DFRPG / Re: [Asheville] Well, my players are hosed.
« on: December 12, 2012, 12:12:08 AM »
Well, to be fair I haven't read the stories they're from, just synopses (it's on my to-do list!). My version are quite different from the ones he wrote about, I just kinda took some ideas and ran with them. Silver John met them in the novel After Dark, but several of Wellman's other characters met them in "The Shonokin," "Shonokin Town," and "The Dead Man's Hand."

DFRPG / Re: [Asheville] Well, my players are hosed.
« on: December 11, 2012, 05:05:17 PM »
What's a shonokin? Is it something non-canonical that you've homebrewed?

More or less. They're loosely based on the works of a local pulp author and Lovecraft successor named Manly Wade Wellman. The Shonokin are a race of near-immortals who were here before the American Indians (who they call Invaders) arrived. Due to lacking any surviving females, a war with the Invaders (which was really pretty damn awesome and rivals Bob's description of the Fomor War), and gradual attrition over the millennia, they've been reduced to less than a hundred individuals in loose cells around the country. They have a random grab-bag of powers including a poor man's shapeshifting (doesn't hide a couple key tells) and sponsored magic of their own. The mutants are a byproduct of their experiments in creating more Shonokin to restore their species, put to use as shock troops. They look like a hulking, misshapen human covered in large cancerous growths, and fight with fists or claws plus superhuman strength and resilience. There's more where the cop came from, but they mostly have been kidnapping homeless bums for that purpose, the cop was just someone they needed out of the way to insert an agent into a situation.

Current complications: one of my players has been instructed by the King of Autumn to kill all of the Shonokin in the city before the end of All Hallow's (in about a week, and I swear I started this plot before CD in October), or she will die. There's also a looming threat of the rage-eating local White Court sparking a riot of deranged berserkers if they don't get one of their own back (the Shonokin have her).

So I was thinking that a week is good time to figure out via dental records or identifying tattoos that this misshapen pile of extra crispy tumors is actually the rookie cop who went missing a few days back. Which means that the PCs may be able to make bail in the immediate future after sufficient justification as self-defense. The police will continue their investigation, and the fact that there's every chance the decedent was a cop will come to light at the worst possible time: Halloween Night. The PCs will either get arrested or go on the lam, just as the clock is ticking to zero for our poor autumn knight. And the riot will probably start around that time too.

For getting them out of jail or getting the cops off their back, there are dark powers willing to help, of course. The dark powers are always willing to help.

DFRPG / [Asheville] Well, my players are hosed.
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:32:24 AM »
My players just got themselves arrested, literally holding the smoking gun. It's worse than they know. Spoiler block to come just in case a player gets curious, none later in the thread.

(click to show/hide)

DFRPG / Re: Adjusting to Canon
« on: December 06, 2012, 11:34:34 PM »
I have an uncanny ability for my ideas to flow into the cracks in existing canon. I've written fanfiction before and had later episodes entirely validate my ideas. It's pretty useful. So far, I've kept what exactly my Spring and Autumn courts are up to a secret, and some of the new revelations could be very interesting depending on which side I apply it to. My only problem is their entire reason for existence is now in question, but that's not something the players would know about so I'm gonna leave it unanswered.

DFRPG / Re: Proposed stunt for a PC
« on: December 06, 2012, 02:55:57 PM »
That's a very good idea and I'll bring it up to her. I realize though you left out the "poisoned claws" upgrade. It's something she has right now and uses to very great effect, though her version is burning fists and she sets people on fire instead of poisoning them. If we keep the same cost for that, it looks like she just gains 1 refresh from this change, though her claws do more damage and she can use Fists for her ranged attack.

Honestly, I just really wanted to see "Wave Motion Fist" on someone's character sheet. :D

DFRPG / Proposed stunt for a PC
« on: December 05, 2012, 12:37:23 PM »
This is a very simple one, but wanted to run it by you guys first. The PC has both Claws and Breath Weapon, but both are represented as fire blasts from her fists. So, here's a Stunt I wanted to let her take to help out:

Wave Motion Fist: Requires: Breath Weapon. Your breath weapon is an extension of your hands. Instead of Weaponry, you use Fists when rolling for Breath Weapon.

The name is a direct translation of "Hadoken."

Author Craft / Re: Bomb-building questions for YA sci-fi-ish work...
« on: October 23, 2012, 12:44:55 AM »
Think that's bad? One time someone found out I had googled equine erogenous zones. I swear to God it was research for my story.

DFRPG / Re: The problem with White Court
« on: October 22, 2012, 02:46:51 PM »
A wizard's staff has a knob at the end?  :D

Well, the player did choose a Lust vampire, so I hold her--dammit!--I blame her. Joking aside, I wonder if anyone else has noticed an "innuendo aura" surrounding lust vampire PCs.

DFRPG / Re: Warden Sword for a Mortal?
« on: October 22, 2012, 02:44:47 PM »
Not denying it completely, let me clarify. I'm just saying that if he wants to remain a pure mortal, he can't have a sword that acts like a Warden sword. It could be such a sword, but it won't act like one.

DFRPG / Re: Warden Sword for a Mortal?
« on: October 22, 2012, 12:45:18 PM »

Well, that settles it. No Warden Sword for him.

Now, getting a normal sword and maybe the Warden cloak (I don't think its stainproofing is worth a refresh hit) would not be entirely out of the question, depending on how the current arc goes. How would you feel about a "Deputy Warden" pure mortal being in charge of a small but highly magical city?

DFRPG / The problem with White Court
« on: October 22, 2012, 12:43:18 PM »
I've come dammit, I mean I've reached the conclusion that White Court PCs make it really hard...dammit! I mean, they make it difficult to avoid certain things at the table.

Innuendo. Innuendo everywhere. Maybe gamers are just inherently immature, but since adding a White Court PC, the accidental innuendo at the table has risen...dammit! It's gone up...DAMMIT! Okay, long story short...


I quit.

Author Craft / Re: Bomb-building questions for YA sci-fi-ish work...
« on: October 19, 2012, 11:17:53 AM »
If it's not meant to be TOO destructive, a simple "bomb" can be crafted from a sealed 2-liter soda bottle with vinegar and antacid tablets (or any number of similar "liquid + solid that does stuff when put in the liquid"). Creating a time-release or remote trigger shouldn't be too difficult, and the explosion will be little more than an extremely loud bang and a funny smell.

If you need something a little more destructive, you could always take the Burn Notice route of "...and some other stuff," or Mythbusters "add *donkey noise* to *rooster crow*"

If you absolutely must be more specific, you really should make sure that what you describe isn't imitable. Otherwise, targeting a YA audience with bomb-making instructions is likely to get you in hot water.

DFRPG / Re: Warden Sword for a Mortal?
« on: October 19, 2012, 01:16:14 AM »
I'm currently setting him up that he may be placed as "deputy warden." The city we're playing in is located at the split between a ley line, where it merges again further north. This creates a vortex effect that draws in magic and causes it to be "trapped" here. Despite its low population, there's a LOT of magic here. His cousin is the unnamed Warden in Atlanta, and needs someone to watch over this city. The two of them do not get along though, and currently he's sort of stolen the PC's house (long story), causing two other PCs to be evicted as well.

They will either resolve this peacefully and he will (despite having no magic) be unofficially put in charge of this city, or they are going to end up murdering the warden of Atlanta. Fun times ahead!

DFRPG / Re: Spring Autumn Courts homebrew
« on: October 17, 2012, 08:47:45 PM »
He sounds a little like Death from Pratchett, I approve

Somewhat. Death is a lot nicer. The Reaper King comes off as an outright villain, though he's really nowhere near as bad as he looks and acts. The fact that Jack is the one who's actively dangerous is obscured by their different demeanors.

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