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Topics - kingaling

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Interruptions: The Universe is Talking
« on: January 20, 2014, 02:34:15 PM »
When you sit down and stare at the blank page, trying to get things from your mind to the screen, and people text and kids interrupt and people knock on the door. I think it's the universes way of reminding you to keep adding conflict after conflict and adversity as much as you can. Make your characters suffer in their existence as much as you're suffering to make them exist.

Yknow. Once you reply to the text, respond to the kid and answer the door.

This is just my two cents. I literally woke up, finished some thoughts and then got up to write. Text followed by kid followed by knock at door. It's 6:00 AM, come on!

Author Craft / nvm
« on: June 14, 2011, 06:52:56 AM »
I've removed this as to forum rules, sorry all.

Author Craft / The Stoicist - Building a Magic / Ability System
« on: April 09, 2011, 08:50:57 PM »
I've got a story in the works, I'm converting it from one of my old scripts. It's called "The Stoicist". Essentially there are these people who can take the pain they are given in combat and convert it into raw energy and powers based on the amount of ignorance they show to the pain. If they take on some kind of injury but don't immediately convert it into power it is reserved on their body in various forms. Some have scars, some have bruises, band aids, stitches etc. Some stoicists have different powers based on how they are most hurt. The majority of stoicists get their powers from physical injury, but there are those that are hurt emotionally or mentally that are forces to be reckoned with.

I'm wondering, A) Whether anyone finds this interesting and unique. and B) What various powers or abilities would form from such a sadistic source? I don't want "the force" or some kind of invisible wall of energy or something like that, but I can't seem to think of what there could be. All ideas are welcome.


Author Craft / Gay female lead character
« on: October 30, 2010, 09:59:21 PM »
So. I've decided to transform a character I've had for a while from a bisexual man in his early to mid twenties into a gay woman of about the same age. I don't have it in my mind to make her one of those "lipstick lesbians", she's more along the lines of plus size, not butch but definitely tough.

Any ideas on how I could approach this? This is in first person and it's an urban fantasy. Not sure how to approach writing from this point of view.

Author Craft / Can't come up with a decent villain
« on: April 21, 2010, 03:28:53 AM »
So, here's the thing. I'm just starting to get into the crux of my short story, and I'm fairly certain that once it's done I'm going to take my main character and start a novel (maybe even a series).

But what the main character is capable of, leaves me without an idea for a villain.

My character has the ability to control demons (particularly the 72 goetic demons of the lesser keys of solomon). He can do this with no strings attached, no moral ramifications and no temptations or his soul going to hell for doing so. He has been gifted/earned the rings of Solomon, and his seat of power is The Solomon, not just because of his adept power, but his mental prowess in understanding things.

But, he's already dealing with dark entities (I'm not looking to turn this into a heaven versus hell situation, I have a completely different series I have planned for that), so what could make a good villain for someone who already deals with (and bitchslaps) evil creatures everyday? Any thoughts would be great.

Author Craft / Question on Plotting out epic scale book series
« on: June 07, 2009, 12:27:27 AM »
This may be a bit harder to tackle than. "How does one write a story from the perspective of a walrus tooth." or something like that, but not by much.

I am busy scraping together huge chunks of information, as well as tiny ones that have a ripple effect throughout the series. I plan on it being 7 massive books long. This is really epic scale stuff. I don't want to give away too much information suffice it to say it involves an angel of death, a nazi turned demon and a fallen angel who's the reincarnation of the son of Cthulhu.

I've uncovered incredibly cool things for them and about them and each step is just awesome.

BUT I'm still finding it difficult just plotting it out. Trying to find a simpler way of compiling the information to stretch ACROSS the 7 stories. Does anyone have any advice, or perhaps a mutated version of the usual plotting norms? I have 8 files on my computer with about 20 files each, and each of those are filled to the brim. Had to upgrade to a bigger external hard drive even. (not kidding)

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks ahead of time!

- Kingaling

Author Craft / Anyone have good tips on writing a Conspiracy Thriller?
« on: March 13, 2009, 06:58:16 PM »
I'm putting together a supernatural storyline that is based on an Assassin who's also a Sorcerer. Does anyone have any tips on what a Conspiracy Thriller should contain. I'm hoping to make this similar The Jason Bourne Series and could use some tips from people who've been there, or are struggling through something the same. Any tips would be of great help. Thanks.

Author Craft / Any thoughts on planning out a paranormal mystery?
« on: May 20, 2008, 03:37:25 AM »
I'm 20 pages into my new script. It's a paranormal detective story..and I've just realized that I'm getting way too much influence from Dresden.

Does anyone have any thoughts on planning out a paranormal mystery? Or hell..any type of mystery for that matter. 'cause I keep hitting wall after wall with this one.

Author Craft / Connecting Clues
« on: April 30, 2008, 02:00:54 PM »
I'm almost positive that there's another board with this question. But, I'm stuck, it's 6:00 in the morning. I'm going for it.

I just made it to ACT II of my script. I thought I had outlined it pretty well before I started. and then it hit me. Out of a handful of clues that I have, I've only used 2 of them. the others are important but I have absolutely no idea, all of a sudden, of how to connect clues or have the characters solve them and peace them together.

Any thoughts / tips, would be greatly appreciated

Author Craft / Ah hell..
« on: November 09, 2007, 11:58:43 PM »
Within the last year I had 20 different files on my computer that held all the information for the book series a friend and I are collaborating on. everything from species, to plotline's/twists/bunnies, clothing, equipment, story outlines and languages.

then, my computer got sick. very sick. and in a rush to save my beloved stories I popped in various discs and loaded them on, being careful to make sure they were actually on them.

I did a system reconfiguration. and when my comp was restarted, I popped in my first disc. no information..the next for the rest of the discs..nothing as well. 7 different discs..none of them had anything AT ALL on them. *head explodes*

I suppose my short question would do I go about recreating EVERYTHING?

and before people start saying things, I had a lot written down in a notebook..but not nearly enough. and I did have backup folders on the comp..but they don't do you any good when the comps crashing.

HELP! I'm in a bit of a depressive state (as well I should be, i believe)


Author Craft / God I suck at Dialogue
« on: July 05, 2007, 01:01:12 AM »
The title says it all, doesn't it?

I need some help, quite honestly. My people skills are not that great, in fact I'm relatively anti-social. And as an aspiring writer, that seems to have been a bad choice on my part. I can hardly hold conversations with people, unless it's about movies or something, and because of that I have hardly any idea on how to construct a basic line of dialogue. If it's a conversation about personal/philosophical beliefs, I'm all over it. But I can't write a conversation of significance between two people that is just a typical conversation, or slightly more than that. I've heard all the advice. "Listen to people and how they talk. write down key ideas." that doesn't work for me. Anyone have a better way of making conversations work?

help would indeed be appreciated.

Author Craft / help..someone...please....
« on: April 05, 2007, 08:36:04 AM »
Alright. I'm not sure how many people this happens to. But I know that I'm one of's like this. I've always wanted to be a writer, and given that I've had much of my life as an only child to day dream..and much of my teens and now my early adult hood in doing that as well, I'm not too surprised that I come up with new ideas for story's..all. the. time.

This is both a gift and a curse.

Let me shed a little more light on my situation.

I have 22 separate story lines, none related to eachother or the same story arc or anything. They are completely separate from one another in both time/place/powers etc.

and of those 22 there is a 10 part saga that I'm working out and just started the rough draft of one of the first 3 books. the problem is, everytime I go to write or concentrate on just that one book. lo and mind soaks in some new ideas and I'm off on another story.

It's like a Muse of writing and unique ideas has taken my brain for it's apartment.

I just want to know if anyone else has this same problem, and if so how do you get to concentrate on one at a time?

thank you.

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