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Messages - Bubba Amon Hotep

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DFRPG / Re: Magic, Song, and Lawbreaking
« on: August 05, 2010, 06:10:23 AM »
Wouldn't you need to prep a spell to increase you volume, as your other spells that boost your performance are going to short out the mike and amps?

I mean you are talking about a Wizard that plays un-pluged all the time, because if he plugs in you get nasty feedback when those amps and speakers blow.

DFRPG / Re: Real heavy weapons/armor?
« on: August 05, 2010, 12:59:00 AM »
Average weight of an adult African Elephant is 4.6 Tons (9,000lbs)

Elephants can carry an Average of 1,200 pounds.

Average running speed 12 to 20 mph (19 to 32 kph) depending on the species, temperate and other factors.
However, most tend to stick to a steady speed of about 4 mph (6 kph).


With those facts, considering the hammer and the armor.  I would say it would be one or the other.  Not both.  And regardless the creature in question would be slower than turtles in peanut butter.


How much is 1200 lbs? 
Well the modern Nissan Versa is 2726lbs, and the Classic Beetle weighs in around 2100 lbs.

My point, if a Car is weapon 5, then a huge hammer 1500 lbs is weapon 4.

But take into consideration.  it is easier to miss with a hammer.  Therefore, perhaps it is better to wield a car, its bigger, and you have more area to hit with.  Put it on a chain perhaps and swing it around? 

If we are going off the deep end and coming up with weapons for the HULK to wield, lets go off the deep end.

DFRPG / Re: How to decide which "monsters" can be played?
« on: August 04, 2010, 01:53:01 AM »
How do you decide which supernatural beings can be played?

All depends on the people around the table.  For instance:
Player 1) Wants to play a pure mortal that has just begun discovering the "Dresdenverse"
Player 2) Wants to play a wizard-in-training
Player 3) Wants to play a red-court infected
Player 4) Wants to play a skinwalker.

Well I am sorry but Player 4 is the odd man out, a higher power level than the rest, and is going to be going solo for most of the story.  Therefore there will be less team building, and long stints of the Storyteller ignoring 3 people around the table while focusing on player 4 and vice versa.  So I would say he needs to come up with another character concept, and tell him NO.

On the other hand . . .
Player 1) wants to play a troll.
Player 2) wants to play a necromancer
Player 3) wants to play a ghoul
Player 4) wants to be a skinwalker.

I would frown at player 4's lack of creativity, (I mean he wanted to play a skinwalker twice now!)  But it would be perfectly fine.  As a storyteller it would be easy to run a dark and evil campaign with the four concepts around the table.

DFRPG / Re: movie inspirations for DFRPG
« on: August 04, 2010, 01:43:23 AM »
In fact, you can see the Dresden Files TV show for free right here:
(and without feeling any guilt, because its the official channel for the studio that produced it)

Now if they could just release the two hour "Storm Front" movie/episode.  Guess I will have to be happy with my bootleg recorded from the Canadian Sci-Fi channel.

DFRPG / Re: movie inspirations for DFRPG
« on: August 04, 2010, 01:10:36 AM »
The Harry Dresden mov... I mean The Sorcerers Apprentice

You beat me to it luminos!  The Dresden Movie was good, I mean the Sorcerers Apprentice was good.  Okay so how about . . .

Dr. Mordrid (1992)
An unspeakable evil has come into our dimension and wants to rule over Earth, and only a mysterious sorceror known as Doctor Mordrid can stop him.

The Crow (1994)
A man brutally murdered comes back to life as an undead avenger of his and his fiancée's murder.

CrossWorlds (1997)
College good guy Joe is drawn into a battle to save the world from arch-enemy Ferris. Joe's heirloom pendant just happens to be the key to the staff that opens doors to the Crossworlds.

Fallen (1998)
Homicide detective John Hobbes (Denzel Washington) and Edgar Reese, (Elias Koteas) a serial killer proud of his crimes, talk just before the latter is going to be executed in prison. Reese is proud of all his crimes, and doesn't repent at all. Hobbes witnesses the execution of Reese. The killer gets hysterical seconds before dying, shouting it wasn't him. Hobbes starts hearing people on the street singing the same tune that Reese sang in the gas chamber.  He is then told that maybe the fallen angel Azazel is behind it all.

Sixth Sense (1999)
A boy who communicates with spirits that don't know they're dead seeks the help of a disheartened child psychologist.

Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
When Cyrus Kriticos, a very rich collector of unique things dies, he leaves it all to his nephew and his family. All including his house, his fortune, and his malicious collection of ghosts!

Night Watch: Nochnoi Dozor (2004)
Among normal humans live the "Others" possessing various supernatural powers. They are divided up into the forces of light and the forces of the dark, who signed a truce several centuries ago to end a devastating battle. Ever since, the forces of light govern the day while the night belongs to their dark opponents. In modern day Moscow the dark Others actually roam the night as vampires while a "Night Watch" of light forces, among them Anton, the movie's protagonist, try to control them and limit their outrage.

Happy watching . . . plus remember you have the Dresden Files TV show you can view.

DFRPG / Re: Taking Social Consequences as Backlash?
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:45:28 AM »
let me see if I can add fuel to the fire.  Conflicts.  You can have full Social Conflict, full Physical Conflict, or MIXED Conflict. 

Full Social example would be two attorney's going at it in a courtroom.  Each using social skills to sway a jury to their side.

Full Physical Conflict would be a wrestling match.  Two people going at it on the mat, protective gear and mouthpieces.

Mixed.  Baseball or Basketball, take your pick.  In each, athletes are using physical skills to score points, while using social skills to not let the trash talk take them out of the game.  I have seen players after a game so shutdown from the trash talking that they have been in tears.  I would consider them "Taken out" by social attacks.

A more physical example?  A street fight.  Both fighters posture themselves, each launching social attacks, and racking up consequences.  Little doubts about skills, confusion over whether or not they can win, fuming rage that clouds the level head needed in a fight.  All those social consequences become tagged by the fighters when punches start getting swung.  They all add up, and the one that lost the social battle can easily loose the fight as the crowd laughs at the fighter that lost the social battle, which in turn lowers his self esteem and increases his unthinking rage.

Can you be killed by a social attack?  No, but you can be taken out.  Withdrawn, catatonic, so shaken up inside that you want to walk away and curl up into a ball cutting yourself off from the world that hurt you.  How many times have we read or heard about someone having a nervous breakdown and just loosing it.  Fainting from stress or over excitement?  All equal being taken out socially.

DFRPG / Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« on: July 08, 2010, 04:34:46 AM »
Nice.  Hadn't thought about using magic to harden the playdoh.   ;)


"What are you doing?" asked Simon's colleague as he watched Simon continue to smash a chunk of playdoh against his wallpaper.  "Are you getting a blood spatter off the wall, so you can track the person?"

"No." Answered Simon, frowning at the wall and smashing the lump of playdoh harder.

"Have you already linked to another chunk of the playdoh, and you are pushing here so the effect will happen there?"

"No." Answered Simon, once more frowning at the wall and smashing the lump even harder.

"Well, I give up what are you doing?"

"Trying to get this stain off the wall," Grinned Simon.  "Its been bugging me for days now.  You do know that is what playdoh was originally invented for right?"

DFRPG / Re: Focus/Enchanted Item's Tattoos
« on: July 07, 2010, 01:47:47 AM »
What about Tats as Potion slots.  I could see the preparation of potions and the crafting of a tattoo being one in the same.  I could also see the tattoo being somehow a picture of the effect or power. 

Then when the tattoo is activated (Used) it would flair to life, animate in some way and vanish from the skin.  Or in case of a multiple use potion, the ink fade.

Perfect for the wizard to have as an emergency, I need to breathe underwater, or see through glamours.  Even a trapped sunlight, or speed.

DFRPG / Re: Is a Pure Mortal viable?
« on: July 06, 2010, 03:14:37 PM »
Yeah Sam needs the Aspect:
Its over by <place>, <adjective> Mojitos there!

Could be used to know where he is going, as he maps out locals by whats around resturants, bars, and liquor stores.

Could be compels to leave and go get a drink.

DFRPG / [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:38:04 PM »
Simon reached into the small knapsack at his side and with drew a zip lock baggy.  It contained a single ball of play grey playdoh.  His colleague looked at him funny.  "101 wizarding uses," Simon grinned, "Stick around long enough you might see me use them all."


Simon pulled a small piece of playdoh from the ball he carried with him, and smashed it against the glass office window.  Modern electronic surveillance equipment didn't like his wizards aura.  But Simon had read about the basic workings and managed a spell that had a similar result.  Walking back to the parking ramp he fashioned the remaining playdoh into a rough bowl and forced his will into it.  Sound vibrated things.  Such as the Window, and such as the playdoh.  The small chunk on the window was "connected" in spirit to the bowl of playdoh he now held to his ear. 
"You hear the ocean?" asked his colleague. 
"No," Simon shushed.  "I hear the phone conversation. They are ordering lunch, but we will soon know more about them."


"We are going to loose them," Simon's colleague shouted.  "You will never be able to hit them with any magical mojo in all this traffic."
"Don't worry." Simon reassured the youth, as he pulled out his ball of Playdoh.
"That again?"
"Before they took off, I placed a little bit under the caps of their valve pressure stems." Simon stated, drawing in power and focusing on the ball of playdoh he held in his hands.  "Figured I could use it as a tracking spell.  But this will be more fun."  Simon began whispering words of power, words of fire, and words of destruction.  Once enough had collected at the points on the vehicle ahead of them, he released the link.  The small pops of energy ruptured the valves on all four tires and the speeding vehicle slowed to a stop.


Walkie Talkies
Targeting points
Trackable Item
Ritual Circle
voodoo doll

Anyone got any others?

DFRPG / Re: Tbora's Character List
« on: June 28, 2010, 02:57:46 AM »
All the Vegas Threads are locked.  I think Tbora has let it go to the wayside.  He also posted this.

Heres my idea. It takes place in a way past submerged game, around 18 refresh or so, with 60 skill points.

A group of badass characters who work for what amounts to a supernatural bank or repository protected under the unseelie accords where you might place items of great power when you need it so safe (or hidden) from the unscrupulous who often would try to steal them.In this campaign one of the oldest and most powerful relics (plot device level artifact) that is protected within is suddenly dissapeared so a retrieval team is sent out to find and collect it before it can be put to use.

I don't think the GM would reveal his plans, if he was still planning on running it.

DFRPG / Re: Imposing consequences?
« on: June 26, 2010, 02:00:32 PM »
Its a-lot like playing with wooden guns.

"I shoot you in the leg, now you have to hop after me" - Child 1.

"Okay," Starts hopping. "I shoot you in the hand you have to drop one of your guns" - Child 2.

"Okay." Drops a Gun. "I shoot you . . ."


Of course it can go different.

"I shoot you in the leg, now you have to hop after me." - Child 1.

"Nah," Falls to ground, "It hurts to bad, I fall down.  And shoot you in the hand.  You have to drop one of your guns!"  --Child 2

DFRPG / Re: Example Consequences
« on: June 26, 2010, 01:49:46 PM »
Don't forget about the social side of things . . . There isn't just the physical that hurts out there.

Social - Presence / Rapport Attacks
Minor - Bruised Ego
Moderate - lowered Self Image
Severe - Self-Doubt, Bad Reputation

Social -  Being Intimidated
Minor - Got the Willies, Frazzled
Moderate - Shaken Resolve
Severe -  Lost in Dismay
Extreme - Lost in a Pit of Despair

Social - Being Seduced
Minor - Cheap Thrill, Excited
Moderate - Focused on <person>
Severe - Totally Enthralled

Social - vs Deceit
Minor- I heard something like that before
Moderate - Yeah, I can see that
Severe - True, let me testify to others
Extreme - Never has anything been so true, Unshakable belief

Social - Others
Mild - Got my Guff up, Raised Heckles, Tempted
Moderate - Doubting My Own Purity, Tainted
Severe - Withdrawn, Afraid to Love
Extreme - Ripped Apart Inside, Heartbroken, Catatonic Emotionally

DFRPG / Re: Shifts to Stress - optional or not ?
« on: June 21, 2010, 12:03:02 AM »
I guess I am confused.  The OP specifically asked about how to deal with characters who get a lot of shifts on their control roll, not their weapon rating.  I do not see how those can be abused in your scenario where an evocator has only used a low yield attack but gotten a bonanza of shifts because they controlled their power very well.  While I see your point on the weapon rating issue, I do not see how highly controlling your power is a character failing or abuse of the rules.  If anything, it seems like the opposite and something the WC would encourage.

Let me help your confusion.  If you notice the OP gave two options  A and B.  I suggested starting with B, gives everyone the most flexibility.  But if the players kept abusing HIGH control, the GM could switch it to A.

How can they abuse it?  Harry always mentions the fact that he can't control his spells that well.  Which is why he needs a focus.  Therefore, he has to amp up the Weapon Level of the Spell and hope he hits.  Morgan has High control, so he doesn't need to put that much into the spell to get the same effect.  Players with HIGH Control, will soon understand they only need to throw low weapon level spells to achieve the same thing as a LOW control and High Damage character can.

I agree with Luminos on his viewpoint.  Either way it boils down to one thing.  How the GM wants to handle it.  Everyone plays a different game.  Everyone wants different things.  And in the end, it just a means for people to sit around a table, or computer and have fun.  Just because some disagrees with your view point doesn't mean you or they are wrong.

The rules are more like guidelines really. . .

DFRPG / Re: Shifts to Stress - optional or not ?
« on: June 20, 2010, 09:49:45 PM »
I agree with several that have posted.  There has to be a line.

Question: The Bag Guy in the scene has been stabbed by the swordsman in the group, shot twice by the marksman, he is looking pretty bad, but is still standing. 

Does the Wizard throw a minor bit of magic to "knock him out", because he is worried about killing him?
Does the wizard unload with max force to be sure the guy is finished off, since (according to the rules) he doesn't have to worry about killing him?

Part of the thrill in the books I enjoy is the temptation of power that magic gives.  You have to use it responsibly, you cant use it to solve every problem, and if you do over use it, or use it to solve problems it shouldn't be used for bad things happen to you.

Ultimately, its up to each group, each player.  But I would like to see both GM and PC on the edge of the seat when using magic to hurt someone.  Yeah its cool as heck to throw fireballs and lightning blasts around at a whim.  But what happens when the building catches on fire, and the power grid of the city block shorts out.  How many disruptions are going to occur before the over zealous wizard(s) are hunted by the authorities as terrorists, and the wardens as rogue warlocks?

So start with B but if the players abuse it, then switch it to A.  They will have to learn to pull the punches so you can switch back to B.  Perhaps there is no clear defined answer on this.  But abuse is a two way street.  Player and GM should share the responsibility.

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