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Messages - Ulfgeir

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DFRPG / Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« on: January 06, 2013, 10:55:32 PM »
And today we learned just how bad things can get when a powerful wizard/witch deliberately hexes something. In this case the witch was my characters girlfriend (an NPC with a lot higher refresh-rating and magical abilites), and her family had sent mercenaries to kill her for breaking with the family. What happened was that the npc hexed a helicopter that the mercenaries had used to gain entrance into the apartment through the windows in typical SWAT-style. Let's just say that between gravity and a helicopter where the rotor suddenly stops working while it is flying, gravity wins heads down. That helicopter crashed spectacularily bad.

And yes said NPC had already before this broken some of the Laws of Magic, so I have a certain feeling that the Wardens will come looking again. Prior to what presceded that attack, my character knew nothing about that, so could get a free pass as she hadn't done anything with magic that was even near to breaking any of the laws and was actually totally innocent (mortal authorites might disagree if they connect the dots that she had been present when some of the other characters engaged in violence, or when we stopped a really powerful ritual earlier, but where some people died). But I do think they will take a dim view of not turning in a known lawbreaker after she learned about it.

Just picked up an old Steampunk novel that I started writing in 2005 or 2006. Hopefully this year will be the year I can break through the Writer's block on it and actually finish it. It is hard though, as I want this one to be just perfect and writing in a language other than your native tongue is tricky. Especially if you need to have it in a specific style.

And since I no longer play any mmo (used to play City of Heroes before they so ruthlessly closed it down), maybe I can get the time in to write something this year. As in something other than the chronicles of the two rpg-campaigns I play in. Also need to continue with my idea of writing a collection of short horror stories (those at least will be in Swedish).

DFRPG / Re: Funny/Epic/Legendary moments
« on: January 01, 2013, 04:14:48 PM »
Funny moment we had in the campaign I play in..
All characters are students at the university of Boston, and live on campus.

One character, a normal human who is a bit of an agitator always looking for various causes, was supposed to go on a date with a guy from the computer-club as a sort of payment for him helping her get lots of info. Another character who was an emmissary of power (for Ferrovax) decided to play a bit of a joke on her. So, on the date, the guy from the computer-club took the girl to a movie. A bad cheesy horror-movie. The emmissary of power had managed to get hold of a love-potion (with a short duration), and followed the couple. He manages to sneak in and get said potion into her drink. Then he hangs back and watches.

Things didn't quite go as planned. The agitator, ended up paying attention to a young(er) girl sitting besides her instead, as the guy from the computer-club was totally ignoring her. So the two girls left the cinema, without the computer guy noticing. They then went to a cafe and started chatting. The younger girl had a total crush on the agitator. Sadly the player there metagamed a bit too much and wouldnt let anything happen. So when the effect of the potion wore off a few hours later, the agitator, excused herself and ran away, leaving a devastated 17-year old girl with a huge crush and a bit of confusion behind.

The agitator later went to the local pub at campus. The emmissary of power, worked there as a bartender. He chatted a lot with her, claiming he could see that she was very upset. For extra giggles he made sure the song "I kissed a girl" by Kate Perry was played a lot that night in the pub. The agitator of course couldn't put two and two together about what had happened.

And yes the 17-year old started stalking the agitator, sending gifts etc.

To make things even better, the agitator later talked to my character (focused practitioner specializing in Divinations) about what had happened on the date, but only giving the girl's first name. I basically told her that well, she might have been the victim of a supernatural attack, or could have been something at the theatre that didn't even target her. But as it had been quite some time between she told me and it had happened I couldn't find out anyhting, as the effect had long since wore off. My character later got to know the 17-year old girl who turned out to actually have powers. (Fellow member of the paranet. The younger girl could do pyromancy but lacked control. Hmm, that sounds familliar). She told my character of her unrequited love for another girl but without naming names at all. So my character doesn't know that it is the same person, and being a romantic goth girl of course encourages the 17 year old girl...

DFRPG / Re: Interesting Focus Items
« on: December 30, 2012, 11:21:16 PM »
Well in the campaign I play in, there are two characters with focus items. My character (focused practitioner) and a changeling with sponsored magic.

My character has a pendant of crystal, set in silver and hung on a silver chain. This gives her +2 complexity on divinations

The changeling uses magix related to summer. He has one plastic waterpistol as well as some valve for a waterpipe for focuses. I believe his focuses are to gain more power for his evocation-magic.

DFRPG / Re: Soulgazes
« on: December 30, 2012, 11:13:50 PM »
Well my character (a focused practitioner who specializes in divinations and who can only do thaumaturgy) just had her first and so far only soulgaze.

The situation started with my character and another character (a werewolf) picked up my character's girlfriend at the airport. The girlfriend in question was quite worried and asked if we were being followed, which we were. The werewolf who was driving managed to shake off the followers and we went to a safehouse the girlfriend had. Apparently her family didn't take no for an answer when she had informed them earlier that she wouldn't be taking their orders anymore.

In the safehouse, the girlfriend (who was the leader of a wiccan sorority, but thought to not be able to use magic) started unpacking lots and lots of weapons. My character then asked her who exactly she was. I was thinking yakuza, and due to her appearance when being picked up at the airport (dressed in heavy winter clothing in the middle of the summer and emerging from a service-entrance, I had first though she had become a red court vampire). The answer I got was that the girlfriend was born as a noble lady in 12th century in Florens. When I said that no human would could live that long, she replied that that was true and that she had had to change bodies a lot. She had been sent to the US to destroy the magical community there, and that the body she had previously had was that of a dead man who the group had taken down when that man and 3 witches had attacked the sorority. She had since though fallen in love with my character and wanted to change her ways. The only thing that is redeeming her is the love between my character and said npc. We also learned that the girlfriend is actually quite capable of magic (the players know that she is much more powerful than the characters. The characters so far don't know anything.)

This was when the soulgaze happened. I knew then that she was telling the truth, and that indeed she had been real evil and filled with hatred before. How do you tell the rest of the group that? The werewolf had overheard some parts and knows that the girlfriend is a bodychanger. He also saw my charcter collapse with a massive headache from the soulgaze.

The fun thing is that the bodychanger had been targetting my character erlier and tried to seduce her, but it wasn't until a hosewarming-party in the sorority when they got together. The reason for that to happen was that one of the other characters had put a lust-potion he got hold off in the punch. All the other characters in the group knows that a lustpotion had been used. If my character finds out, she will be pissed off. And to make it even more interesting is that the girlfriend of my character was scheduled to be the big bad in coming stories, and has broken 4 of the laws of magic.. Killing through magic, mindcontrol, transforming someone else, doing necromancy...

And yes we have so far had a number of wardens come into town to find out what happened after certain incidents earlier (including the incident when we took down the 3 witches and the man). My character hadn't been approached by them yet, but I have a feeling that they have watched her carefully. That npc is based upon the idea of Corpsetaker, and she had used the fight there to switch body from the reanimated remains of the man into the leader of the sorority

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