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Messages - Dina

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The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: November 16, 2023, 11:22:30 PM »
I am only in chapter 6. I am so interested because I like some of the characters so much.
The following day I got the result (information? Summary? Detail? I do not know the name. In Spanish it is informe) of the MRI (It is not the images, which I got  in the moment, but the text were a doctor or technician analyzes it). It says that I had a bunion (I already knew that, it is not super serious) and also "sesamoiditis". Which is what my doctor suspected with the first X-Ray. If I understood correctly, sesamoid bones are small things tangled with the tendons, so you were right in asking about tendinitis. So, more kinesiology, time and patient. The bunion was not a problem before, unless I had been wearing very slender shoes, but since the fall it seems to be much more sensitive.
I do not know why it hurts when not doing nothing but I suspect it is that when I remain still the inflammation is affected by gravity.
I had taken an ibuprofen (which is good against inflammation) last night (as I had a kinesio session some hours before and I won't have another one for a few days) and I slept better. The effect remained, as in general I was more or less all right today.
And definitely the shoes are important. I also hope your doctors help you with your knees and feet, with or without surgery.
Yes, in kinesio I sometimes roll balls, spiky cilinders and things like that.

Presidential elections are on Sunday! Next week I will tell you how it went.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: November 10, 2023, 11:26:41 PM »
I've only read the prologue and ch.1 so far, I've been busy. I hope I can read it on the weekend.

My foot is still sore, even after several kinesiology sessions. My doctor asked me an MRI (I think that is the proper English acronym. For us is Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (RMN) but apparently is nothing wrong. I am in less pain when walking, but when in bed or with the feet raised or sometimes when I am just sitting for a while it just hurts. I do not know what happens, but my doctor gave me more kinesiology sessions.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: November 07, 2023, 11:49:40 AM »
The book has arrived!
No time to read it yet, so I will stay away of the spoilers too, as I always do.

I love your description of the kittens and how you can tell them apart. I am sure it will be easier when they are older, but it is great that you are already finding ways to do that. Enjoy them! Especially their antics as they are so young.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: November 06, 2023, 12:18:41 PM »
Ey there!
Well, it is good that perhaps you are not so rushed with two books to read at the same time. One book first, then the other. Also, delayed gratification for Jim book (at least, I hope it will be pleasant to read it).

I still did not begin watching Loki but I finished watching the current season of The Dragon Prince (it is an animated show) and watched 6 episodes of Star Trek Lower Decks. Also, I began watching Bodies, a sci-fi show which is on Netflix. It is based on a Vertigo Comic I had not heard about.

Glad you have fun with the museum. It is so good when people we already admire surprised us with more talents!

And...kittens! How are they doing? How is your family adjusting to them? At least they are already cuddling with your husband, so it seems that they feel at home already.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: October 30, 2023, 07:00:24 PM »
Let us know if you liked the ending. It is very sad when a book ending disappoints you (Foucault's pendulum, the Eco book, came to my mind).
Long past dues is the one by Butcher Jr?

And I feel the same about reading in English. I have been doing it for year but they are things I do not get, not only entire words I do not know but also ways to interpret words I do know. Languages are fascinating that way.

DF Spoilers / Re: Uriel's Seven Words, So Who is the Liar?
« on: October 30, 2023, 06:22:24 PM »
Even when I agree with you, Vin, I disagree with Uriel not being allowed to counter Mab. I believe that the strict rules constraining Uriel are only related with demonic things. Angels vs demons. I admit it would be not polite for Uriel to affect Mab's plans and it could cause other problems, but the strict rules that completely prevent Uriel from interfering are against demons and demon-related things.

DF Spoilers / Re: Uriel's Seven Words, So Who is the Liar?
« on: October 30, 2023, 01:22:43 PM »
g33k and Sibelis, yes, that is what I meant. Not lying.
Mira, I absolutely agree about your last line about Mab and loopholes.

And yes, it is really confusing that Uriel says "Lies" and no "wrong", hence this thread is so interesting.

DF Spoilers / Re: Uriel's Seven Words, So Who is the Liar?
« on: October 29, 2023, 08:04:50 PM »
Nobody is saying she tells lie after lie, a good con-artist doesn't do that.. Do you really think that after nearly a thousand years of having to deal with mortals and the cosmic rules regarding free will that she'd be ignorant about it?  You think she is that stupid?  The answer is no, she isn't, she also sees Harry, a star born powerful wizard as an opportunity.  In other words a powerful weapon for the Winter Court, and we've heard several times now that the reason Harry was born was to be a weapon.. So Mab isn't above twisting those cosmic rules to have her way with Harry.. To do that effectively, you have to know them very well... And Mab does.
No. Mab cannot twist the cosmic rules. I mean, he cannot choose to twist them. It is why when Harry discovered a fae lying he knew they had been nemfected. It is their own nature that has been changed. Fae absolutely cannot lie. Which makes things very confusing, like when Mab introduces herself with a vanilla name. I imagine Mrs. Sommerset is a title she wears, so she is not lying.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: October 28, 2023, 06:27:11 PM »
Yay for kittens!  :)
Please tell us about them getting home. I am super happy they will be together.

Your future trip sounds great.

You made me laugh so much with your stories about the big secret. And I hope your daughter enjoys the book when she got it. Also, Butcher Sr. next book is about to arrive too!

DF Spoilers / Re: Uriel's Seven Words, So Who is the Liar?
« on: October 28, 2023, 12:09:30 PM »
Of course Mab can be wrong. That is what JB said. But that is not lying. If you know what you are saying is not true, you are lying. If you do not know that, you are just wrong. Mab cannot lie but she can be wrong.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: October 27, 2023, 11:42:10 PM »
Hello people! Sorry for the double post but I wanted to tell you that this was an exhausting week for my country. On Sunday, we have the general elections. No candidate got the % of votes needed for winning in one round, so we now go to ballotage, that is, a second round with only the most voted candidates competing for the presidency.
At least we already defined governors, senators, majors and all that. That is something.
The definitive election will be on November 19. But when I said it was exhausting week, it was because a lot happened in these 5 days.

Let's see how things go in my country, with the presidential elections.
1) There is a preliminary election, with includes elections within the parties. And only the parties obtaining more than a certain % of the votes (3% I believe, I do not remember it) can go to the general elections.
2) General elections, with those parties that reached the threshold only (and one candidate for party, as this is not an internal election). There are two ways one candidate can win the presidency at this stage. a) they got more than 45% of the votes. b) they got at least 40% and at least 10% of difference from the forerunner.
3) if there is no winner in the general elections, the two candidates with more votes go to ballotage (battle royale!)

Well, in this case, preliminary election gave 5 parties, only 3 of them with real chances.
In the general election, party A got around 37%, party B 30%, party C 23%, party D got 7% and party E got 3.

Now is when things got interesting. Party C did all their campaign saying their goal was to destroy party A for ever. Of course they also said bad things about the other parties, but not so bad. Party B said that party A and party C were awful, and really insulted them, especially one of the groups conforming party C (which is made of several groups). Well, after the elections, the candidate of party C and some of their supporters said they will vote for candidate B and asked their voters to do the same. But other members of party C rejected that! Most of them said both parties were bad, but every voter should judge if their vote blank (white? Vote for no one) or choose one candidate. But some others said they support candidate A because candidate C is truly awful.
In case you are interested, party E said they would never vote candidate B, but no necessarily are all going to vote for candidate A. Party D is much of a mystery but their candidate said he will no vote any candidate. Their supporters can do the surprise.
So, basically party C is a turmoil and will probably be broken. Party B is compromising with party C and some of their voters are no happy.
So, there are insults, shock and outrage all around. Party A is mostly eating popcorn but as you can imagine, things are very interesting. And will probably be in the next few weeks.

DF Spoilers / Re: Uriel's Seven Words, So Who is the Liar?
« on: October 27, 2023, 11:14:37 PM »
Thanks, the Sibelis.

Still, I keep my interpretation. Mab did not want to change Harry into a popsicle or a monster. She can shape him in a way that pleases her...which is basically allowing Harry be Harry. That pleases her. She is absolutely trying to deceive both Alfred and Harry into believing that she could change Harry into a monster or a bad guy or whatever, but she did not really say that. Uriel intervened because Harry was interpreting those words in the way Mab wanted.

DF Books / Re: Honestly Will the Dresden series ever be finished.
« on: October 26, 2023, 02:38:36 AM »
I think yes, the saga will be finished in about 15 years.
Would I like if it is finished earlier? Of course, but it is not my call, but Jim's.
Will I be alive when the series ends? Who knows? One can hope.


DF Spoilers / Re: Uriel's Seven Words, So Who is the Liar?
« on: October 26, 2023, 12:11:07 AM »
This is a very interesting thread, and thanks Mira for the original post.
I am more or less in agreement with Vincentric, and with some things other people said, but I thought something else.

Mab says:
"He is mine to shape as I please"

That is important for me. She did not say "I can shape Harry in any thing one can imagine" or "I can shape Harry in anything against his will". She said she could shape him as she pleased. So, if she will never be pleased changing who Harry really truly was, there is no conflict. She can shape Harry in a better version of himself, I guess, but not changing him. For example. He won't stop caring for her humanity, that who he is, but perhaps he learns how to be subtler instead of explosive. The point for me is what Uriel means withe "who you are". I think he means Harry's core, not the details.
And in my opinion, Vin is right, he is telling Harry that what HE was thinking were lies, not Mab's words but Harry's interpretation of them.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: October 21, 2023, 11:01:05 PM »
Ah yes, I've heard that in most Europe public transportation is good. It is the same in my country. Pretty much every Argentinian going to USA (except NYC or something like that) comments about how weird it is that you are expected to have a car and always use it. I often wonder how people who cannot drive (impaired people or elder people) manage.
How long does the daylight last right now?
Also, have you tried Fernet? It is an Italian alcoholic beverage, but I heard that it is quite popular in Scandinavia. Or here. It is huge here (I am not a fan, but I tolerate it mixed with Coca-Cola)

It is so good to see both of you here, boys. 💗💗💗

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