The Dresden Files > DF Books

Am I the only one that doesn't like the way Dresden is going.

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Honestly, this is exactly what I like about the books. It is character development. Bad things happening and Harry is changing. Good or bad, doesn't matter. Actually, I think a change more into the grey or darker area is more interesting than always being the good guy, always the hero. Never doing something wrong. Always knowing what exactly is the right thing to do. Never in doubt of oneself or one's friends or allies. Always sure, who the bad guys are. A world in black and white. Those kind of stories tend to be boring.

When Mab had her first appearance in Summer Knight, I immediately fell in love with the character and I was very pleased that she obviously was planned to play a big role in Harry's life.

When he noticed Lasciel's shadow in Dead Beat, I thought "oh dear, but cool.. Will he get free or will he have to learn to live with it?"

When he became the Winter Knight I knew, this will make the story more interesting. I like the struggle, the winter mantle brings.
I honestly don't want him to break free of the mantle. Only if there is something at least equally interesting coming after it.

I even like the change and new and different problems, little Maggie brings, though I think, she is not well written, but I can ignore this, if the rest of the story is interesting. Nobody is perfect. Maggie herself might not be important, but she was an ideal tool at that time to force Harry to make a new interesting choice, he otherwise wouldn't have done.

I am also not pissed that he killed Murphy or about how he did it. Come on, she is a fictional character. And I think Harry living in a healthy love relationship would be kind of boring in the long run.

I look forward to how JB continues the story. I do hope that he lets Harry find his humour again and that he gets better. This is what I miss about the last two books. There was less fun but more bitterness and now there is a lot of sadness, too. And in Battle Ground there was an overwhelming amount of action. It was not bad, but exhausting to read.

Sometimes it is a bit frustrating, because there are still so many questions unanswered. And so many secrets still in shadows. But all in all I am pleased with the writing.

No you're not, not by a long shot.
I will not be getting any future books.
The only bit of Peace Talks worth keeping is the practice duel between the knights at the Carpenters. That was glorious, and can be read in its own right as a short story - I'd recommend adding that to future reprints of the short stories.
But otherwise?

I Don't Care About These People.
Everyone in the last two books has been mutilated beyond repair. Including Murph; her death is a secondary problem. Both she and Marcione were awesome because they were mortals dealing with the supernatural.
Both refused direct supernatural power. Now she's a Valk and he's got a coin.
She refused a Sword of the Cross and is supposed to be a devout Catholic. Now in the service of Odin? Nuh.

When Marcione was offered a job by Nicodemus, Marcione responded by offering *Nick* a job! That was classy.
Given his nature through the previous books, rather than taking a coin, Marcione should have calmly given it to a twisted but loyal sidekick.

Likewise the other characters. Probably the most relatable character was Mab!

I get the impression that Jim didn't even bother to read his own books before returning to the series.
He'd have to declare the last book - which is one story stretched across two volumes - noncanon for me to return to the world.

I am a mix. I agree with many of what CT and others said about things becoming more complex and that making things more interesting. But I particularly dislike (PT/BG spoilers} (click to show/hide)what happens with Marcone, both the fact that in summary he is a wizard now and the fact that he is quite chummy with Harry. I prefer when Harry keeps the moral high ground, especially about Marcone.
Besides that, I never liked Maggie and the changes she introduced.

And, as Ed0517, I also miss the more normal setting. I have enjoyed many of the epic development along the years, so I am not really complaining, but I joined the series because it was about a detective. One who dealt with supernatural things, but a detective. Now he is much more epic than that.

I like that the world becomes a more complicated place as Dresden grows older and less naïve, that there is character growth, but there's too much of it, in directions which don't interest me, for my tastes.  I liked the small scale focus of Harry being a wizard detective in the normal world. I don't like 'only one person can save humanity' stories and that's what the series is turning into.

I also feel that characters have been made to do things for plot purposes rather than because these actions spring from their developed characters. Marcone, Ramirez, Eb. Their characters are all being changed and distorted just so Harry can be misunderstood and alone.  Not my cup of tea.

I get it, and you probably read what I posted before your post. The only additional thing I will tell you is that I was more or less disappointed with she series after Changes and then Skin Game came and I loved it. I also like PT/BG even when I have a lot of critics. So I still have faith in the series.


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