Author Topic: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?  (Read 20989 times)

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Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« on: August 02, 2020, 12:59:35 AM »
In Battle Ground Harry will almost certainly have to come clean about some of the secrets he holds, just to assure even those who are his supporters on the White Council, and some will be obvious from the way he conducts his defence of Chicago.

Harry loves being mysterious and secretive, “wizard crack”, but is Harry going to have to go cold Turkey and how far?

Offline Grifter

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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2020, 01:44:54 AM »
I'm not sure what secrets he has left. All the higher powers know everything. And if the Council votes him out, he won't have to tell them anything.  If they don't, then what's the Senior Council going to do?

Offline Arjan

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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2020, 02:23:05 AM »
Secrets for the white council. Except for the gatekeeper, he knows.
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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2020, 04:31:53 AM »
Might be useful to note who knows what

That Demonreach is his Sanctum
That he is the Warden
That he keeps Amorracius
That he has the Crown of Swords
...the Lance of Longinus
...the placard

Two key elements: The KotC aren't Accords members, and operate outside of magic nation purview, and only Hades knows for certain what he snatched.

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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2020, 05:53:25 AM »
Then there are his family relationships Thomas and Eb and the true identity of Margaret LeFay and Maggie Dresden.

That he has Soulfire and is therefore honoured by the White God.

That he had the shadow of a Fallen in his head.

Elaine, that she is a wizard and former surviving apprentice of Justin DuMorne.

Eb doesn’t know much of this stuff.

I can imagine Harry before the the White Council being made to tell the entire truth and spill all of his secrets.

Harry : and finally Carlos Ramirez is a virgin

All Other Wizards: not a secret

Carlos: Nooooooooo!!!

Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2020, 05:54:20 AM »
He's either getting kicked or he's going to have to explain a number of things to the white council because he spent this book dropping a bunch of red flags right before a vote that was already looking bad for him (and then there's that confrontation scene with Ramirez in the trailer that's coming up).
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2020, 08:06:35 AM »
He's either getting kicked or he's going to have to explain a number of things to the white council because he spent this book dropping a bunch of red flags right before a vote that was already looking bad for him

Well, enough of the White Council leadership could be killed in the battle that the Council splits. (Say, most of the Senior Council and Luccio get killed, Cristos declares himself Merlin, and the Wardens -- now practically all young ones -- rebel.)

If Harry becomes Blackstaff - and the prospects for Eb's survival aren't looking great right now IMO - that might also alter the situation.

Of course, the Council could split and Harry could still get kicked out!


Harry isn't going to tell anyone about Elaine, that's not really "his" secret to tell.

I think the Senior Council knows about Demonreach already.

The really big thing is Thomas & his connection with the White Court. PT really makes Harry look like he's been subverted by the White Court.

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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2020, 08:35:19 AM »
The White Council know about Demonreach, only the GateKeeper, Listens and Eb know he is The Warden of Demonreach. The Wardens are named for The Warden, and I suspect Captain of Wardens was originally the deputy of The Warden or where no Warden of Demonreach existed appointed to lead the Wardens.

This would technically mean Harry is Luccio’s superior, just neither knows it. Once he takes down Ethnui this is going to be realised by all, he is The Warden and fully acting in that role, making it difficult for the White Council to boot him out, but also impossible for him to keep with the secrets that he has.

His family secrets will come out, and Harry won’t mind that he has a daughter and that she is the reason the Red Court went extinct. Consider that a warning, come for me direct, not through my daughter. Nicky knows so this removes Nicky’s power over Harry. Another secret, Harry knows how to kill Nicky.

It will be obvious that Harry has control of three objects of power, a Sword, the Athame and the Placard, the first is probably known, the latter two are going to be a real shock when Harry uses them.

If Bob and or Bonea come into play then those secrets are going to come out. Bob was known to be Kemmler’s and Bonea is similar enough to Bob to raise questions. One secret which might come out is one of Bob’s, I suspect his mother is Lea (a muse) and whilst terrified of Mab, bounces around like a 5 year old when Lea is around.

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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2020, 09:38:16 AM »
Crown of Swords

Erm... wrong series my guy, though it was heavily inspired by the bible and just about everything else out there. ;)
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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2020, 09:59:00 AM »

   I agree, Elaine isn't his secret to tell.  Harry doesn't really know his family history,  Thomas has
told him a little, but at least on page he hasn't told Harry much of what his mother was like or how she got along with Lord Raith.  Eb has told him next to nothing and what he has told him was under duress.  So not much to reveal there.  He could try to tell the Council about Justin, but there are still
those who won't buy that Justin went rogue if not down right warlock.

Warden of Demonreach may not be his secret to tell either, there is a reason why the island went
without one for as long as it did.  At the moment I doubt that Harry knows fully what that reason is.

I don't think Soulfire was meant to be advertised either, it wasn't exactly announced to Harry that
he was going to get it, it just happened.  After the fact Uriel told him why he received it, but it didn't come with a user manual. 

Nor do I think the fact that he is the custodian of the Swords is meant to be advertised, that would make them too vulnerable.  The relics as well are not supposed to be widely known, on the contrary
there is a reason why they were locked in the vault.

Bob is no longer his to blab about, and remember what Luccio said about him at the end of Small Favor?  The Council would want him destroyed, most likely Bonea along with him.

And face it, Harry really doesn't know a whole lot about any of the above, so there isn't a whole lot for him to come "clean" about.

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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2020, 11:14:02 AM »
I'm expecting the White Council meeting to go quite a bit differently than Harry expects.

1) Only two Senior Councilors will be present: The Merlin and Ancient Mai. (Gatekeeper is unavoidably busy elsewhere -- dealing with the massive Outsider assault on reality.)
2) Ancient Mai will defend Harry. She'll relate how outraged she was at his behavior in Turn Coat; and how his wild-and-rebellious exterior concealed a well-layered plot that uncovered Peabody's treachery; she'll spin a generous version of Changes, in which he becomes Winter Knight as a way to end the war he started; and she'll talk about how a Foo Dog fights beside him, along with Knights of the Sword, and how he's been seen wielding soulfire (like by LTW in Turn Coat).
3) This sets loose a flood of "Harry saved my cat once" stories -- over the years, lots of non-militant wizards have recommended him to friends of friends who had monster problems, and he's always come through.
(See: the prom episode in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)
4) Messenger arrives with word of Ethniu's disruption of the Peace Talks, and the need for backup.
5) The Merlin moves to adjourn the meeting until later.
6) Ancient Mai objects. Closing statement: "When you hear of the Last Titan rising from the sea to destroy a city, how does it make you feel to know that Harry Dresden is there?"
7) Harry's status as a wizard is confirmed by general acclaim before the meeting adjourns.

Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2020, 02:57:14 PM »
Well, enough of the White Council leadership could be killed in the battle that the Council splits. (Say, most of the Senior Council and Luccio get killed, Cristos declares himself Merlin, and the Wardens -- now practically all young ones -- rebel.)

If Harry becomes Blackstaff - and the prospects for Eb's survival aren't looking great right now IMO - that might also alter the situation.

Of course, the Council could split and Harry could still get kicked out!


Harry isn't going to tell anyone about Elaine, that's not really "his" secret to tell.

I think the Senior Council knows about Demonreach already.

The really big thing is Thomas & his connection with the White Court. PT really makes Harry look like he's been subverted by the White Court.
With a side helping of succumbing to the WK mantle thanks to that skit with Freydis on the dance floor.
Currently dealing with a backlog of games.

If you want me to type up a book quote or find a WoJ quote, send me a PM.

Rest in peace mdodd.

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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2020, 03:12:58 PM »
Harry is going to have to come clean about that as well, and if he throws in that Freydis offered him a threesome with Murphy, the grinding of Carlos teeth will be audible, remember they think he has been with Lara.

Offline Arjan

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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2020, 03:32:55 PM »
There is only one solution. Match Freydis with Carlos.  ;D
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Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2020, 04:34:14 PM »
This has been considered, but I don’t think she would be very gentle with him.