I've been thinking about a potential HP/Dresden Files crossover, where the Potterverse follows the conventions of the Dresdenverse. Here are a few of the ideas I've got:
1. The events of the Harry Potter series would chronologically take place before Storm Front.
[1991; Sorcerer's Stone]/[~2000; Storm Front]
2. The (British) Ministry of Magic is not the government; it's the bureaucratic arm of the White Council within England. Following this logic, the Wizengamot becomes the public forum for various bloodlines and hereditary holdings of Britain to discuss their grievances towards the Council.
3. The Techbane is unique to Practitioners of the modern era (~1850-present).
4. Grindelwald was an ambitious apprentice to Kemmler; the only one who could reliably be called his lieutenant.
Following Kemmler's Defeat, Grindelwald was the one who held the opposition together.
The Deathly Hollows are artifacts that belong to a major player (maybe one of the following); Mother Winter, Hades and/or Odin.
What do you guys think? And how should I go about expanding upon this idea?