Other Jimness > Cinder Spires Books

Next book?

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Queen Mabb:
I'm just curious if there has been a release date set for the next book in this series.  Really thrilled for Mr. Butcher to receive the Hugo Nomination.  Well deserved!

Nope, he has not even began writing it. He will begin when he finishes the Dresden book he is currently writing (Peace Talks)

Oh Hooray!  Another Dresden book!  OK, I'll just reread his other books until he's ready to publish!   :D

We have a title for the next book though: "The Olympian Affair".

This is, of course, an unfortunate offshoot of the fact that we have an author with more than one popular series -- he has to juggle them and only has finite time to commit to each. As much as I'm enjoying the Cinder Spire series so far, I'd almost rather that he focus on Dresden Files until it's finished and then come back to this one.


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