At the moment, I play in a Pathfinder-campaign and an Exalted-campaign as well as Dresden Files.
Well, most games have their own quirks, and expected ways to be played. That said, Dresden is one of the games I think got most of it right.
I also hava a bunch of games I would like to play. One of which is Operation: Fallen Reich, which has a unique way of creating characters. Basically you use a boardgame to create your character.
As for the games I HAVE played (at least once) or GM'ed, well that is a LONG list indeed. Some of these I would not want to play again, and others I love:
* (Advanced) Dungeons & Dragons (1st, 2nd, 3.x, 4rth edition)
* Agents of Fortune (a cardbased homebrewed game, played at a convention.)
* Babylon 5 (d20: 1st + 2nd edition)
* Black Crusade
* Bubblegum crisis
* Buffy the Vampire Slayer
* Call of Cthulhu
* Champions
* Changeling 2nd edition (more accurately a Changeling char in a mix of all WoD-systems availible at the time. I believe we had 1 western changeling, 1 asian vampire, 1 mage and 1 werewolf).
* Chock (Swedish translation of first edition Chill)
* Conan (2nd edition)
* Cthulhutech
* Cyberpunk
* D20 modern
* Dark Heresy
* Delta Force
* Dogs in the Vineyard (played once on a convention)
* Drakar och demoner (1st edition, and 3rd edition with Expert and Gigant expansions. Those expansions changed the system totally)
* Dresden files
* Dungeons & Dragons (basic version)
* Eclipse Phase
* En Garde III (Swedish Swashbuckling game)
* Eon (Swedish fantasy game)
* Epoch (Homebreved game. Played at a convention)
* Exalted 2nd edition
* Fate Core (oneshot in Dresden Files campaign)
* GURPS (3rd, 4rth edition) - Various settings (transhuman space, steampunk, horror, Animestyle space)
* Hârnmaster (played once on a convention)
* Hellcats & Hockeysticks
* James Bond
* Judge Dredd
* Kult (Swedish horror-game.)
* Marvel Super Heroes
* Megatraveller
* Mekton Z
* Mutant 2 (Swedish post-apocalyptic game)
* Mutant (cyberpunk-verion)
* Mutants and Masterminds (2nd edition, DC Universe)
* Nostalgi (Swedish game where old has-been adventurers try to tell stories for the younglings. You first have to decide the setting and then some stuff that has to happen. It is made for one-shots.)
* Parabellum (Swedish modern game. Played once on a convention, and it sucked.)
* Paranoia (both an old version and Paranoia XP)
* Pathfinder
* Prosopopée (weird French game with no GM)
* Runequest (played once on a convention)
* Sagan om ringen (Swedish translation of MERP)
* Savage Worlds
* Shadowrun (1st-4rth edition)
* Spirit of the Century
* Star Wars (d6 + D20: revised edition + Saga edition + Edge of Empires)
* Svenil (Swedish humour-based game. Played once on a convention)
* The Dying Earth
* Toon
* Tribe 8 (2nd edition)
* Trollvinter (Swedish fantasy game)
* TSI: Top Secret
* Twillight 2000
* Vampire: the Masquerade
* Västmark (Swedish fantasy game)
* Villains & Vigilantes
* Western (1st + 3rd edition - Swedish game about the Wild West)
* WFRP (1st edition, 2nd edition)