Author Topic: For guys and clever women.... help  (Read 35164 times)

Offline meg_evonne

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For guys and clever women.... help
« on: July 05, 2007, 05:47:11 PM »
Okay, a simple plea for help.  Men, I would like to know what women you date do that really irritates you---not enough to walk away, but could be lived with if this woman was really who you wanted in your life...

I've got an irritating, bosy female character that ends up with a fairly regular guy...  So I'm making her grate against his sensibilities until they get together.  I came up with a couple things, but I'm looking for a slew of stuf.

help me out?  Thanks in advance! 
"Calypso was offerin' Odysseus immortality, darlin'. Penelope offered him endurin' love. I myself just wanted some company." John Henry (Doc) Holliday from "Doc" by Mary Dorla Russell
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Offline Yeratel

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2007, 06:19:36 PM »
Actually, I wouldn't date any girl who really irritated me more than once. A girl who is good looking and good in bed can get away with a lot with most guys. A woman who is of the type the French call a belle laide doesn't even need to be particularly good looking. I think someone who couldn't stop talking about nothing in particular, and who had a voice like Fran Drescher that grates on the nerves would begin to get tiresome eventually, though, no matter how sexy her appearance.
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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2007, 06:27:36 PM »
if she perhaps had a specific taste in something, that anything else was simply unacceptable as a substitute.  Perhaps she does not voice her desires well, and expects the guy to "just know"  We hate that, We are not a mind reader.  Perhaps she gets a little bitchy sometimes. thats all i can think of right now ;D
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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2007, 08:04:56 PM »
Why does this have to be a gender-specific thing ?

If you want to do something really irritating that isn't going to make either character unsympathetic enough that nobody will be made happy by them getting together, it's a tough call.  Maybe one of them being ADDish and the other mildly obsessive-compulsive ? That would be something where they could drive each other bananas without it being anyone's fault.

I'm kind of out of sympathy with people who grate on each other but get together in the end as a literary trope, I've yet to see a version of it done that didn't make me want to slap one or both characters with a large fish and say "Have higher standards, damn it !" but.. that isn't helping you make it work, it's just realising I'm probably not the target audience for this story.
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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2007, 08:25:41 PM »
A couple of things come to mind...My hubby likes to correct my grammer and pronunciation and sometimes it just completely grates my nerves...other times I just tell him to get over it...we live in Lou., Ky and although I can speak properly when I need to, I choose not to at home.  You can always have a particular word or phrase that drives your character nuts.  I say 'dude' a lot.  I did when my hubby and I started dating and I got over it for a while...and then I started watching Lost...I swear, I think he hates Hurley... :D

Offline LizW65

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2007, 08:55:10 PM »
Something that possibly could help with this is a book called Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, that delineates the various ways in which otherwise compatible men and women fail to communicate.
For instance, a woman might come home and complain about a horrible day at work. All she really wants from her man is a sympathetic ear, and when he tries to give her concrete advice on how to fix the problem, she blows up at him and says he doesn't understand her.  Or when a man is depressed and grouchy, a woman tries to give him sympathy and all he wants is to retreat into himself and be left alone.  Small failures to communicate properly can really put a strain on an otherwise workable relationship.
Hope this helps.  I too get annoyed with the old "boy and girl hate each other, but they're so good in bed that nothing else matters" refrain that so many romance writers seem to rely upon.  That sort of thing might work in the short term, but it's not a foundation upon which to build a stable, mature relationship.
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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2007, 02:21:03 AM »
One could be a neat freak and the other could be a slob. That's good for some irritation.

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2007, 03:23:17 AM »
a girl who doesn't understand that playoffs are just a little bit more important than your average games. 

and if she hates my favorite team she will have to vacate the premises during those games.  and if i invite bunch of my friends it is not an excuse for you to invite bunch of your friends.  it's not a party.  hm..almost sound like it belongs in a gripes thread..

Offline ex-P.F.C Crunch

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2007, 04:22:21 AM »
My girlfriend is a huge Sharks fan like me so its all good.
"What would they do to me," he asked in confidential tones, "if I refused to fly them?"
  "We'd probably shoot you"
  "We? What do you mean, we? Since when are you on their side?"
   "If you're going to be shot, whose side do you expect me to be on?"

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2007, 12:39:18 PM »
*blinks at the Berke Breathed avatar*

Irrationailty combined with moodiness. It's cute and poignant when it's Ally McBeal, and makes a great character, but living with in Real Life?
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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2007, 06:49:27 PM »
Something that possibly could help with this is a book called Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, that delineates the various ways in which otherwise compatible men and women fail to communicate.

Possibly one of the most noxious books of recent decades, that.
For instance, a woman might come home and complain about a horrible day at work. All she really wants from her man is a sympathetic ear, and when he tries to give her concrete advice on how to fix the problem, she blows up at him and says he doesn't understand her.  Or when a man is depressed and grouchy, a woman tries to give him sympathy and all he wants is to retreat into himself and be left alone.  Small failures to communicate properly can really put a strain on an otherwise workable relationship.

These generalisations do not apply to either all women or all men; differences in communciation styles between human beings are a real and valid topic, but  treating them as if all women were like X and all men were like Y [ heh, little genetics joke there ] is really rotten, it doesn't give anyone a fair chance at being seen as an individual first, which I happen to believe is kind of essential.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2007, 06:51:58 PM by neurovore »
Mildly OCD. Please do not troll.

"What do you mean, Lawful Silly isn't a valid alignment?"

kittensgame, Sandcastle Builder, Homestuck, Welcome to Night Vale, Civ III, lots of print genre SF, and old-school SATT gaming if I had the time.  Also Pandemic Legacy is the best game ever.

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2007, 06:51:17 PM »
My girlfriend is a huge Sharks fan like me so its all good.

I'm not sure I can do anything useful with the mental image that came into my mind reading this, which was of a couple bitterly divided by which gang they sympathise with in West Side Story and which I am pretty sure you did not mean, but it really should be used somewhere.
Mildly OCD. Please do not troll.

"What do you mean, Lawful Silly isn't a valid alignment?"

kittensgame, Sandcastle Builder, Homestuck, Welcome to Night Vale, Civ III, lots of print genre SF, and old-school SATT gaming if I had the time.  Also Pandemic Legacy is the best game ever.

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2007, 12:51:04 AM »
This is going to sound odd, but my gf says that coffee speeds up her period, is it true?
"What would they do to me," he asked in confidential tones, "if I refused to fly them?"
  "We'd probably shoot you"
  "We? What do you mean, we? Since when are you on their side?"
   "If you're going to be shot, whose side do you expect me to be on?"

Offline meg_evonne

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2007, 02:02:49 AM »
I had no idea I would laugh my way through these replies.  Please keep them coming and thank you so much!  

"Calypso was offerin' Odysseus immortality, darlin'. Penelope offered him endurin' love. I myself just wanted some company." John Henry (Doc) Holliday from "Doc" by Mary Dorla Russell
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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2007, 03:49:07 AM »
I had no idea I would laugh my way through these replies.  Please keep them coming and thank you so much!  

Not sure if this helps any but my wife will do strange things to her cigs in bizarre mini-attempts to quit smoking.  Like today there was a pack out lying next to our car when it was about to rain.  I asked her about it and she thought that if they got rained on it would help her stop smoking....