Father Rocko Godfellow
Template: True Believer
High Concept: Man of God Trouble: Struggles with Daily Sin
Rocko (as he is affectionately called by the breed) is the product of one of Reams 'Outbreeding' exercises. His mother, Carla, is a Spanish Catholic who arrived in Liverpool fleeing an abusive partner. Tommy Godfellow, took her under his wing and helped her hide with the River witches. They grew close and eventually Ream gave permission for the marriage. As a devote Catholics, Carla insisted on Rocko' baptism. Father MacKenzie carried out the service and was reported as saying 'something moved' as the water in the font was poured over the child's head. But no one was ever able to get him to be more specific.
Aspect:Blessed By Baptismal Waters
rising conflict
AS Rocko grew whilst, the rest of his peers were kicking around foot balls, he spent more and more time at the Cathedral. This caused a lot of friction at home as his father wanted him to be 'normal' but his mother saw no harm in Rokos obsessions. Eventually Tommy banded him from attending sunday school to take him to the school boy foot ball matches. Rocko responded by running away. Father MacKenzie eventually found the young lad and told him had to go home and respect his fathers wishes. (Quoting relevant scriptures to drive it home.) Rocko obeyed and his father realised that the cause was lost. He was never going to have the son he had hoped for. He relented and Rocko returned to the church services.
Aspect: faith based - I got "The faith is strong in the one." but that might be too corny!
First story
Although Tommy had given up on Rocko being a 'normal' kid he was determined that his son still enter the Breed; after all that was the whole reason for his existence. He dragged the reluctant young man to meet Ream, confident that the Sheriff could 'talk sense into the lad. Ream explained what was expected of Rocko and the role waiting for him. Although Rocko could see some benefit in it, after all the church had taught him he should help his fellow man, and the creatures Ream were talking about sounded far to close to the demons Jesus drove out in the parables, but still he felt torn. Once again Father MacKenzie intervened, suggesting Rocko be allowed to go to the seminary, and return to the Breed after he had trained as a priest. Ream was not sure, all too conscious that he would loose the best years of Rockos active life to "books and arguing" instead of "out in the fight." The argument was solved when the Jake Pym commented he would not be happy to serve with some one whose heart was not in the Breed. Ream relented and Rocko left to join the priesthood.
Aspect: Bred for the job but called by the church
These would be the 2 Guest star slots. so details will have to be left until we have the other characters.
Anyone Call For A Priest
Back working with the breed may be?
Who Needs A gun When You Have A Crucifix
First time he used devote words may be?