When I'm in the gamemaster mode, half of what I do is rules adjudication, half is improv theater, and a quarter is stand up comedy. Part of this is my own persona--I'm an incorrigible punster--and part of this is me trying to be faithful to the feel of the books, given Harry's sense of humor. However, no offense to my group, but they're not used to trying to throw off bon motts and assorted one liners, leaving me to pick up some of the slack (which I do--with gusto). But the feel of the world feels somewhat off without the occasional outbreak of witty banter.
This got me thinking: Dresden himself is an Epic Wiseass (says so right on his sheet), and that humor greatly colors the novels. But that's a character trait, not necessarily a setting trait.
So... the point of this is as such: who has games with wiseasses and who doesn't? And for those of us whose groups are a little more serious, does it affect the feel of the world tremendously?
And, on a side note, I will occasionally throw in bits of humor to see if anyone notices. The WCV compound they infiltrated last scenario had a bunch of fun "No Trespassing" signs; personal favorite being "Trespassers Will Be Violated"; nobody noticed that one. Anyone got any good bits of wit they'd like to share?