This is the set up:
"I'm trying to plot game time investment against the Milestone setup in Dresden Files RPG, but the values are pretty subjective. Has anyone come up with a mechanism for determining when Milestones happen? Major milestones can happen once every 2-3 Sessions (which I assume are about 5-6 hours each) as well as at the conclusion of a scenario or major plotline equivalent to one of Harry’s case files."
So this is the actual question:
"If you had a plotline you considered equivalent to a Dresden case file, and it was resolved in about 6 sessions (about 5-6 hours each), would you have given a Major Milestone halfway through, and then another at the conclusion? Or, depending on the quality of the gameplay, three Milestones?"
First answer: No.
Partly this is because I'm an old-style gamer used to Harnmaster (as detail-rich as FATE is detail poor; or to put it anther way, Harn is all about splitting and FATE about lumping). The characters run/fight/seek - they are (ideally, anyway) INVOLVED in the scenario, and invested in who they see themselves as, and "the way it is" and they don't have the time, or mental space to fully digest and deal with all the internal fallout (which is one way I look at milestones).
A story, would be something that had enough detail in terms of what the characters did, learned about the world, and learned about themselves and each other to be comparable to a novel. Usually at the end of the novel, Harry does some sort of introspection thing that kind of reiterates what he "got" out of all this. (like when Tera leaves him her cloack at the end of Fool Moon and he muses over it). That inner moment, which I dont' see as happening "in" th estory, is when I would award major milestones. That being said, I could see a poitn where I would do the equivalent of awarding double milestones, becuse I think it was earned.