The Dresden Files > DF Books

Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?

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adds sparked my intrest, borders did the rest by having most of them in stock at one time.

(I've said this before, different places, so sorry if you see me repeating myself.)

Never heard of him.
Saw an ad for the show in the middle of one of my DVR recordings.
Thought, "Ooh! That looks interesting!"
Immediately set up a timer.
Watched the first episode, loved it.
Watched the second episode, loved it more.
It was either the second or third episode that I suddenly noticed "Based on the books by" in the credits and said, "Oooh...." ;)

I was down sick last week, but my family went to the movies at the complex that houses our Borders. Me: "Hey, would you mind looking for..." Thus, I own a copy of Storm Front. ;D I'm in the middle of reading Peter Pan (I realized a few months back that I'd missed some of the classics in my childhood), but SF will be next, which completely throws off my original timeline! LOL (I *was* going to read HP6 next.) I've skimmed bits and like what I saw, though. :)

Slightly off-topic, a friend of mine just told me she caught an episode of the show and "liked it a lot." She's written a novel about a wizard-type that's *this close* to publication, so I'll definitely be recommending the books to her when I confirm that I'll like them (I don't doubt it).

I am guilty of discovering the books via the TV show. Does them mean I'm no longer cool? I am trying to compensate by buying the books as fast as humanely possible.

I actually discovered the books via post production of the pilot before the re-shoots and edits. Was working at a small FX company in Toronto at the time that was doing preliminary test shots. I think they got the first season FX contract, I'm not sure as things got slow and they laid off a few people several months before the series started shooting. Now I'm just a reader and avid fan of Jim's. I wouldn't have it any other way as far as discovering his work is concerned, it was a great experience.

Lady Geektastic:

Our evil plan is succeeding! Soon we shall realize our insidious goal of spreading literacy and bibliophile-ism through the nation via quality television programming!



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