Thanks so much for the kind words, everyone!Absolutely. Then the books are worth their salt all over again with the comprehensive character and creature guides, then again for the chapters on occult Chicago and Dresdenverse-ified Baltimore, then again for the reams of RPing wisdom to elevate the standards of game play, and that's all before you get to the actual game, which is exquisitely realized, and worth another ten or twelve pillars of salt. We're talking Lot's Wife amounts of salt these books are worth.
They're humanoid goat creatures. And you're worried about which hand they use to hold a gun?
Well, if you couldn't do that with your bulls***, Leonard, I suspect the lad's impervious.
It's a technique to throw off their enemies? And the guns are custom made left-handed. Yes.
I think they look pretty darn good. Maybe the gruff doesn't mind the hot casings so much.
Would've thought Sub-Machine Gruffs would were gloves so they aren't touching all that cold iron.
That's assuming the gun's made of iron or an iron alloy like steel, of course.
Right, could be made of polymers or have a wood handle and rubber encased parts.