One of the biggest problems I have when running the game is making enough interesting individuals to populate my world. So lets start coming up with some. Good guys, bad guys, innocent bystanders, high concepts for your PCs, you name it.
Punkrock WarlockCasts spells using rock lyrics.
Magical MucisianUses a violin for her magic.
Gorrilla MercenariesA shapeshifting brute squad being used by the Reds.
Veteran VetFormer Ranger now working at an animal hospital, with an unusual link with animals.
WeregoatGot to find a way to make this one work...
A nurse at a hospice or children's hospital that has some power in healing, but is being sued / shut down because of her rituals.
A guy from a paranormal show that is hounding the PCs to let him film "A Day in the Life" style piece. He could be clued in or not, the PCs could be willing or not. To many ways to use this one.
I'll post more when I'm not at work.