That hood is freaking Awsome Ren XD ! Wel worth the wait I'd say n_n . Congrats on a big fat paycheck too XD ! Make sure you put some in a saveings account.As for activity, night time dose seem to be the most active time, but I try to be here when I can.
I was reading an article the other day about how much the robotic hands have improved in a relatively short time. So it is true a few years can make a big difference.(I'll be back later)
Cyborg arms with kung-fu grip.
Cyborg arms with an improved pirate hook!And to take imagination a little bit further, an eye patch that lets you see through normally, and take a constant video feed! Probably with thermal imaging.Maen all
Arrrrrrrrrrr.Sup matey.
Good maen everyone.Ot, I've got your mail. No time to begin yet.
*Emerges from the shadows with a garrote, puts it around Otlan's neck while kicking the backs of his knees to drop him and squeezes, laughing vindictivelyThat song gave me a headache, and you will die for it*