Author Topic: Paranet Papers  (Read 10578 times)

Offline Tush Hog

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Paranet Papers
« on: March 11, 2015, 02:09:26 AM »
Definitely worth the wait from what I've read so far. I love the updated stat blocks and some of the new spell casting bits.

Is there an official typo thread? I've noticed a few errors and was wondering if there was a place for us to post them?

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2015, 03:41:20 AM »
There's no official typo thread. This is as good a place as any.

And yeah, I've noticed some typos too. Editing's a bit sloppy, I think.

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2015, 01:03:15 AM »
Most of these are formating issues.

p. 18 sidebar error
p. 102 stat block format issue in skills section
p. 291 the skinwalker has Mythic powers listed as -4 refresh each instead of -6
p. 293 stat block format issue in skills section
p. 302 stat block format issue in skills section
p. 326 stat block format issue in skills section
p. 331 stat block format issue in skills section
p. 359 stat block format issue in skills section; flesh mask has a see page XX

Also, not sure what the issue is, but pdf is not searchable in Goodreader. It is in other viewers.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 01:52:38 AM by Tush Hog »

Offline jeditigger

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2015, 01:13:16 AM »
Excuse me; I'll be going somewhere and banging my head against a wall repeatedly.

I'll make sure Fred sees these.
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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2015, 01:34:51 AM »
I know he's already aware of the error on p18, as I caught that, as well.  Fred said it was caught in time to be fixed, so hopefully these other issues can be fixed, too! 

A mere handful of errors in nearly 400 pages is damned impressive, but every one that slips through the cracks is painful for those involved in the creation of the RPG.  Let's try to nail every error we can find before it goes to print!

Offline Tush Hog

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2015, 01:57:09 AM »
Added a see page xx for flesh mask p. 359

Offline Chee

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2015, 11:30:53 AM »
There is also something funky going on with Thomas's write up. First paragraph mentions top notch cooperative combat skills where him and Mouse fought off the Ick....which did not happen in Turn Coat. They do get it right in the last paragraph which is almost word for word.

There is also a issue with Susan's Notes section where her fists are rated  Weapons:2 but everywhere else she has Supernatural, which is W:4

A couple of more, but I want to cross reference to make sure you haven't already noted them.


"Nothing" 's stat block (pg 358) also has some funk, has Inhuman Reflexs (guessing that's meant to be Speed) and the XX for Implanted Humans should be pg 286

Binder's Minions pg 281 are priced wrong, should be -3 (-1 for the stunt, -1 Claws, -1 Pack Instict = -3)

Jersey Devil pg 246, Supernatural Strength is priced wrong, should be -4 not -2, Total Refresh should be -18

Auntie Ten pg 222 Thought you couldn't buy Specializations for Channeling?

Veronica pg 215 no Catch (for her Recovery) of whatever the oppsite of Despair would be, but that might be on purpose.

Saul pg 208 I thought Catches couldn't reduce the price of the Toughness down to -0 (on the summoning zombies too), but that might be on purpose. Otherwise Catch should be +1 (which is generous since its already getting that same bonus for it being and IoP), Total Refresh should be -8

Windsnap pg 204 Catch not only reduces his Toughness to 0, it goes past that to actually earn him a +1 in Refresh (Catch should be +1 and the Total Refresh should be 7)

Swampjack pg 138 His Sponsored Magic (Soulfire) is at -3, should be the full price of -5 since he doesn't have full Evo or Thau to discount it. Total Refresh Cost should be -13

The Sentinel pg 135 (second stat block) Sponsored Magic (Fomor Magic) is -4, on page 287, its listed as -5. He/It doesn't have Evo or Thau to discount it, so should be -5. Total Refresh (which appears off anyways, should be -18) should be -19

Camilla Runcie pg 125 doesn't have Wiz's Con on her stat block, which is weird since everyone else does.

Alec Bones pg 117 I'm not sure if its on purpose or not, but his Catch is +0, yet the Alphas later on have the same Catch for +1. Would drop his TFC to -8

Baron Gagolin/Yaphat pg 104 Same as above, except TFC -13

Elena pg 78 Not sure why she has Lawbreaker (Fifth), it doesn't appear that she did any Necromancy, just her regular Ectomancy. Without it, TFC -8

« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 12:50:12 PM by Chee »

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2015, 12:52:32 PM »
I think that's all I'm likely to find, edited in. Still an awesome book. Though I might be a tad biased by seeing my name in it :D

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2015, 01:19:53 PM »
Today-ish is essentially the last day we can take in this feedback, so it's super appreciated. Weekend will be for folding any needed changes into the text, with the proof and corrections on the proof going back to the printer come Monday.

Thanks much!
Fred Hicks
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Offline Chee

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2015, 01:27:30 PM »
Not a major thing, but I feel like Thomas is probably missing some stunts (like the gun-weapon combo his sisters have and something like Lush Lifestyle), but that could just be me.

Glad I could help!

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2015, 02:10:24 PM »
On page 279 it’s mentioned that there are “some spells, items, and potions from Harry’s more recent casefiles”. There are in fact only two spells.

Offline Chee

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2015, 02:22:16 PM »
On page 279 it’s mentioned that there are “some spells, items, and potions from Harry’s more recent casefiles”. There are in fact only two spells.

That's probably because most of Harry's new toys got thrown in the side block on pg 321. I think the only thing left was the Slow Fall potion, so not a lot to stick there.

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2015, 02:44:30 PM »
That's probably because most of Harry's new toys got thrown in the side block on pg 321. I think the only thing left was the Slow Fall potion, so not a lot to stick there.

Thanks, that might be. Still a bit misleading, though.

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2015, 02:51:03 PM »
Editing's a bit sloppy, I think.

Please refrain from such judgments. If the editing was actually sloppy folks would be reporting 10 to 100 times as many issues. A handful of missed issues (and that's all that this amounts to so far, at best) out of a 372 page, 200k-word-ish book isn't sloppy editing. It's evidence of humanity. :)
Fred Hicks
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Offline Chee

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Re: Paranet Papers
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2015, 03:08:07 PM »
Something else I noticed about the pdf, while the main text is searchable, none of the statblocks are.

EDIT: At least they aren't in Adobe XI