It's the degree of changing your mind. A Social Conflict might change your mind about, say, where to go to dinner, or whether to ask someone out somewhere. It's not going to change your fundamental mindset. It's surface stuff.
A Social taken-out might convince a character to do something, but it's not going to change who the character is. It's surface, fleeting stuff--it'll convince a vegetarian to try beef just this once, but won't make him instantly into a caveman carnivore. Think of the last time you went out with your mates, and ended up going someplace that you didn't want to go, and were quietly miserable the whole time. That was you being taken out, Socially--you did something you otherwise wouldn't have, but you were still you, and it didn't change your thinking about it.
The way I look at it, being taken out socially amounts to, "Fine, but I'm not gonna like it. >:|"
Or put another way, Social Conflict might convince a horse to go to water, but you'd need a Mental Conflict to make it thirsty.