Author Topic: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop  (Read 10966 times)

Offline Tsunami

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DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« on: March 31, 2012, 12:12:56 PM »

When our regular gaming group dissolved due to people moving, we searched for ways to keep playing anyways. And we ended up using the Virtual Tabletop MapTool from the rptools suite. Find it here:

Over time I have added some functions to our campaign framework to support the Dresden Files RPG and it has developed into something i'd like to share with you all.

The Framework was inspired by DrVesuvius' Generic Fate Framework, which can be found here on the rptools forum.

My Framework is geared specifically to DF, so it might not work as well for other Fate incarnations.
It is mainly just meant to keep track of things. Stress, Consequences, Fate points...
There is very little automated functionality and most of that is Dice-Rolls and a compel mechanic for the GM. Most everything else has to be done manually. And i don't plan on changing that.

You will need some familliarity with MapTool itself to actually use the framework and play the game. This description does not cover all that, so for a comprehensive guide on MapTool you will have to look elsewhere... maybe start here. :-)

But now to what this post is all about.

My Dresden Files Framework

There is a token called Lib:Fate on the map called "Backend".
Make sure you keep this token around, as it carries all the code used to display the character sheets. The easiest way would be to simply keep the "Backend" map as it is, and not use it for regular gaming.

There are two campaign macros.

One of them is called "CharSheet", and bound to the F2 key. It is used to display the character sheet if the window is not open (you need to have a token selected for it to work). Once open, the Char-Sheet window will always display the token you have currently selected.
If you clear your selection, it will still show the last token you selected. However you will need to have a token selected to make use of the functions on the sheet.

The other campaign macro is called "Physical Initiative". You can bind it to a key too, if you like. As you might have guessed it is used to add tokens to initiative, taking Alertness and speed powers into consideration. Other modifiers are not currently included.

The Character Sheet
Once you have opened a Character Sheet (Read below about token properties to create your own character, or use the example token to get a quick first look), you will see the following Stats.

Character Aspects
Stress Tracks
Temporary Aspects

The full sheet is only visible if you are the token owner or the GM. Players will only see a very limited view of tokens they do not own, and will not be able to edit them.

Lets look at the individual sections

Character Aspects
A List of the tokens Aspects. Players will be able to invoke individual aspects by clicking on them. This will post a message in the chat, and reduce the Current Fate points of the token by 1.
The GM will see an exclamation mark in a circle in front of the aspects. Clicking on this will initiate a compel of that aspect. The owner of the token will recieve a chat message enabling him/her to accept or decline the compel, recieving or paying a fate point respectively. For this mechanic to work properly, it is required that the token has only 1 owner.

The skill display needs to be re-initialized for new tokens and after changing the skills of established ones.
Click the link next to the "Skills" Heading to do so. You will need to deselect and reselect your current token or reload the Charsheet by pressing F2, to show the refreshed display.
Owners and GMs will be able to click individual skills to post a skill roll the the chat window.

Stress Tracks
Like the Skills-Display, the Stress-Tracks will need to be re-initialized. Doing so will also automatically reload the Char-Sheet, allowing the re-initialize function to be used as a "Clear-Stress" function.
Clicking individual boxes will fill or clear them.
Boxes gained through thoughness powers are shown with a darker background.

Clicking the consequence type will allow you to add a new Aspect.
Clicking the little
  • beside it will clear the consequence.
Temporary Aspects
Entering something in the Text-Box and confirming with the Return Key will add an aspect to the list. Clicking an Aspect will remove it.
There is no compel/invoke mechanic for those aspects, nor do i plan to add one at this time.

Symbols in the Top Right Corner
Star: Pay a Fate point and post a message to the chat.
Die: Roll a bare 4df and post to chat
Ladder: Roll 4df with a ladder value attached and post to chat

That's pretty much it for the character sheet.

Over to tokens

Character Stats relevant to Charsheet-Display are saved in token properties. (Right-Click -> Edit, or Doubleclick a token to open the token-edit window)
Any other character data, like Background, Powers, Magic, Items etc. can be stored in the Notes Tab of the token.

Most Properties are self explanatory.

Like the first two groups.


Simply enter Aspect names or skill ranks.

Next are properties for toughness powers and Hunger settings. These are needed for proper stress track display.

Toughness: enter the appropriate number 0=none/1=inhuman/2=supernatural/3=mythic
HulkingSize: Does the char have hulking size? 0=false/1=true

HungerTrack: Does the char have a hunger stress track? true/false
Tattoos: Does the char have Tattoos of St. Giles? 0=false/1=true

Next is the speed power. This is used to calculate initiative.

Speed: enter the appropriate number 0=none/1=inhuman/2=supernatural/3=mythic

Next are the options to modify which skill is used to calculate a certain stress Track. Make sure to keep the bracets.


Two slots for additional Mild consequences. Enter the type here (Mental, Social etc.) leave blank if you have none.


Refresh and Fate Points. The first two are for bookkeeping only. The third keeps track of you Fate points. No need to edit except at Char-Gen, and Fate-Refresh (Fate Refresh function for GMs is on the to-do list)


Next are the Consequences. No need to edit those, they are set and cleared via the Character-Sheet.


The last few properties are for background calculations. Mess with them at your own peril. *g*

Well, that's all i can think of at the moment. If there are any questions feel free to ask.

I hope this will be useful to someone here. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Also, my coding style, if you can call it that, will probably make any real programmer weep. But hey, I'm a Celtic Studies Major. So gimme a break :-)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2012, 02:15:16 AM »
I can't open it, I'm afraid.

Maybe that's why nobody has anything to say.

Offline Tsunami

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Re: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2012, 08:59:08 AM »
I can't open it, I'm afraid.
Because you don't have the tool, or because it just doesn't work? (i.e. broken file) If it's the second, please let me know. I might be able to fix it.
Maybe that's why nobody has anything to say.
I think it's more likely that most people just don't care.  ;D
But that's ok. I guess very few people here use Virtual Tabletops, and even fewer use this specific one, if any.
So i really didn't expect people to be all over this.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2012, 07:05:51 PM »
Oh, you need a tool?

I didn't realize.

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2012, 07:59:01 PM »
Oh, you need a tool?

I didn't realize.
It's a package for the MapTool Virtual Tabletop. 

@ Tsunami:  Afraid I use Fantasy Grounds so can't help with what you've put together.
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Offline Bubba Amon Hotep

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Re: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2012, 01:40:48 AM »

Let me just say thanks for the effort you put into this.  It is always nice to have another tool in the toolbox if you know what I mean.  I have a few friends that are scattered to different states, and often tell me they are jealous of me still playing with my local group.  I know they enjoy the Dresden Files books, so perhaps I will give them a call and try to set up some online stuff with them, just so they can scratch the roleplaying itch.

I have been looking at all the various tabletop software out there and didn't have a reason to settle on one or the other.  Thanks for helping me settle on this one.

Thanks again.

Offline Tsunami

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Re: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2012, 08:32:53 AM »
You're welcome.

And: Yay! All this writing the description in the first post was not in vain. Especially since i had to write it twice, because i lost it half way through the first time *g*

Have Fun with it.

Offline Groshnik

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Re: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2012, 08:54:36 PM »
Downloading the Tools and your campaign file. Will test it out this weekend. Always good to see DFRPG online options :-)

Offline Enzayer

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Re: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2016, 08:33:04 PM »
I'm looking forward to giving this a try.  Does anyone know if it will work with MapTool's newest builds?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2016, 09:15:53 PM »
No idea.

Tsunami hasn't been here in a few weeks, so he might not see your post. But if you PM him, he'll probably get an email alert.

Offline Enzayer

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Re: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2016, 07:59:39 PM »
Thanks for the heads up.  I'll give it a try this weekend first so that I'm not bothering him.

Offline Tsunami

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Re: DF Framework for MapTool Virtual Tabletop
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2016, 11:39:16 AM »
Wow... this topic had been dormant for so long... i didn't expect anyone to post here again. Nice to see i was wrong.

I have no idea if it will work with the current map tools... i haven't used it in quite a long while myself.

If it doesn't, please post about it. I will then try to make it work again.