Author Topic: Sponsored Magic Master List  (Read 101041 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Sponsored Magic Master List
« on: February 25, 2012, 11:39:44 PM »
This thread exists to compile the various Sponsored Magics made by the people on this forum. Please, feel free to use what you find here in your own games.

If you'd like to add something to the list, just post it to this thread. I'll reformat it (if necessary) and add it to the list.

The contents of this thread are available as a text document here.

Every power here grants the standard Sponsored Magic benefits as outlined in Your Story. That is to say, they all grant four focus slots and the ability to take Sponsor Debt unless the power entry says otherwise. Furthermore, unless otherwise noted a character with Evocation or Thaumaturgy subtracts one Refresh from the cost of these powers and two focus slots from their benefits.

Some of the powers on this list are Self-Sponsored Magics. Self-Sponsored Magics differ from ordinary Sponsored Magic only in that they are powered by the character who takes them rather than by some external force. Debt taken from Self-Sponsored Magic is discharged through Compels on the user's High Concept and other Aspects.

Description: This is the power of the legendary Fisher King. Enough said.
Sponsor: The Fisher King is a very old and very powerful faerie who features in the mortal legends of Bran the Blessed and King Arthur. He is the wounded monarch on which the vitality of the land depends, his life sustained by the magic cauldron that can restore the dead to life. Over the years his legends have been mixed with Christian ones, giving him a severe identity crisis and essentially forcing him into senility.
Agenda: The Fisher King seeks to unlock the true potential of others, generally by sending them on quests. He prizes creativity. A character who incurs significant sponsor debt to the Fisher King finds himself compelled to conform to traditional tropes for questing heroes, including aiding any seemingly helpless individual who asks for it and insisting on antiquated notions of chivalry and honor. Given the degraded nature of the Fisher King's state of mind, such compulsions can take on bizarre and even dangerous forms.
Evocation: Evocations cast with the power of the Fisher King take the appearance of spectral weapons and warriors created to aid their caster. They may not be cast in opposition to the Fisher King's agenda.
Thaumaturgy: Rituals cast with the power of the Fisher King may be used to create things or to inspire and aid others in their adventures. They may not be cast in opposition to the Fisher King's agenda.
Evothaum: All rituals that may be cast with the power of the Fisher King may be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Characters with the Boon Of The Fisher King may spend a Fate Point or take a point of Sponsor Debt to send a willing character on a quest. A quest is a compel against one of the quest-taker's aspects that sends the quest-taker on a journey to accomplish some great task. While on a quest, a character may invoke the aspect that sent them on the quest by taking a point of sponsor debt. In addition, a character with the Boon Of The Fisher King may spend a Fate Point or take a point of Sponsor Debt to give a Fate Point to or remove a point of Sponsor Debt from a character who is on a quest for them.

Description: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic; any sufficiently defined magic is indistinguishable from technology. You're able to invent and build fantastic devices that are only dreamed about in science-fiction to create effects that blur the line between science and magic.
Sponsor: Super-Science! is sponsored by Science! itself. Science! is a semi-aware entity formed out of the scientific method and the collected knowledge of the human race.
Agenda: Science! desires to grow through the continued collective accumulation of knowledge and through the propagation of the scientific world-view. Beware, for the cold logic of Science can be used to justify any action...the same inspirations that created radiotherapy for curing cancer, first created nuclear bombs.
Evocation: Super-Science! evocations consist largely of the activation of supernatural weapons. As a result, they tend to be similar to exaggerated versions of real-life weaponry. Examples of Super-Science! evocations include homing missiles, laser blades, acidic bullets, and the like.
Thaumaturgy: Super-Science! rituals work through building machines and solving equations. If a ritual could conceivably be completed by those means, it may be cast with Super-Science!.
Evothaum: Super-Science does not grant the ability to use Thaumaturgy with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Super-Science! does not use the usual set of spellcasting skills. Resources replaces Conviction, Craftsmanship replaces Discipline and Scholarship replaces Lore for the purposes of spellcasting with Super-Science!. In addition, a character with Super-Science receives one free specialization in either Crafting power or Crafting frequency. Finally, a character with Super-Science! never accidentally hexes anything.
Drawbacks: Super-Science! evocations may not be cast without foci. Furthermore, Super-Science! foci and enchanted items are vulnerable to hexing. The difficulty is equal to Scholarship + twice the number of Enchanted Item slots invested in the item.

Description: A true blooded elder vampire can draw a form of magical power from the life in the blood they have stolen. This power can be used to manipulate the blood of others and the blood of the vampire itself. The power of the blood works like evocation though cause hunger stress rather than mental stress.
Musts: The Blood Drinker and Feeding Dependency powers are required in order to purchase this one.
Sponsor: The Power Of Blood lacks a conventional sponsor. It is fueled by its user's nature and by the blood that its user has stolen.
Agenda: The Power Of Blood wants its users to drink more and more blood. It has no long-term agenda, just endless bloodlust.
Evocation: Evocations cast with The Power Of Blood work through the physical control of blood.
Thaumaturgy: The Power Of Blood allows its user to cast rituals that manipulate or make use of blood.
Evothaum: Any ritual that may be cast with The Power Of Blood may be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Any spell cast with The Power Of Blood costs hunger stress instead of mental stress.

Description: Drawing on the power of the Nameless God of Chaos you are able to cast spells that fit into its essential nature: chaos, destruction, madness and the bending of reality. Making use of this power can cause ripples in the very nature of causality.
Sponsor: The Nameless God of Chaos sponsors users of this power.
Agenda: The Nameless God of Chaos wishes to twist the world until nothing but chaos and madness remains.
Evocation: Chaos evocations consist of brute-force reality-bending. They often resemble entropomantic attacks.
Thaumaturgy: Chaos rituals twist the world in subtle ways. Their effects are many and varied, but they always serve to promote the goals of the Nameless God.
Evothaum: Chaos Magic allows its user to use entropomancy, psychomancy, and diabolism with the speed and methods of evocation.
Extra Benefits: Chaos Magic users get a free Thaumaturgy specialization in complexity or control for spells that twist the natures of things.

Description: Ma’at was the ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice. In practice, the concepts of Truth, Order, and Justice prevail as the Goddess Ma’at’s  theme.
Sponsor: Ma’at (the personification of Ma’at the concept, and facilitator of "Final Justice" in Duat, the Underworld, where Anubis weighs one's heart against her Feather of Truth)
Agenda: To seek Truth, enforce Order and ensure Justice is done. Those Sponsored by Ma’at are often required to accept requests to mediate situations, like Judges or Viziers.
Evocation: Evocations based on Ma’at tend to be direct and focused. Fallout tends to occur in visibly stilted ways (Accidental fires that spread evenly, items break cleanly, etc.). Evocations of Ma'at are usually used in the Justice phase of a Sponsor's work, and must reflect a Just and fitting punishment (Shadow Evocations against someone proven to have blinded another, for example).
Thaumaturgy: Rituals involving Ma’at often make use of precise measurements, use of balance in item placement, well-chosen incantations(preferably in ancient Egyptian), and intricate repetitive gestures. Ma'at rituals promote the process of Investigation, Determination of the Truth, and Atonement/punishment for transgressions.
Evothaum: Ma’at Magic allows its user to cast Divination, Entropomancy, and Conjuration spells with the speed of Evocation when acting in pursuit of justice.
Extra Benefits: Those Sponsored by Ma’at are gifted with a knack for feeling out the truth in situations, they may choose to use Lore to roll for the Empathy trapping "Reading People", or for the Investigation trapping "Examination". The Sponsored must choose which when affirming his appointment as Ma'at's Favored.

Description: Drawing on the power of the Saint Nicholas, you’re able to cast spells that fit his essential nature: warmth and coldness, charity, protection, travel, and power over secrets. These magics are under the sway and watch of Saint Nicholas himself; making use of them will inevitably catch his notice.
Sponsor: Santa Claus
Agenda: To reward good children, and to promote the traditions and spirit of Christmas.
Evocation: Yuletide evocations involve the control of warmth and coldness.
Thaumaturgy: Yuletide rituals encourage or make use of warmth, coldness, charity, protection, travel, and secrecy.
Evothaum: Yuletide Magic allows its user to cast conjuration and warding spells with evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: A character with Yuletide Magic gets a one free specialization in conjuration complexity and another in conjuration control.

Description: A gift from the fox spirits of legend allows you to cloud minds, fool the senses, and even drive people to insanity.
Sponsor: The fox spirits of Eastern legend, AKA nine-tailed foxes, huli jing, kumiho, kitsune, and many other names. Contrary to many modern interpretations, fox spirits tend to be unrepentant monsters with a taste for human flesh, though benevolent individuals exist. Many scholars compare the diversity of fox spirit myths to faerie lore in European traditions, though the two are (probably) distinct supernatural genera. Fox spirits are often worshiped, or at least placated, in traditional shrines.
Agenda: Seduction, illusion, the gaining of status and wealth through dishonorable means or Faustian bargains. Foxfire prefers to be used in indirect ways, but when grave insult or disrespect is offered, it kindles brightly with the desire for vengeance.
Evocation: Foxfire evocations are often limned in ghostly blue or red flames. Foxfire employs raw spiritual energy channeled in the form of voracious insubstantial fire It is quick to take hold and consume, but just as quick to burn out or be quenched.
Thaumaturgy: Foxfire can be employed to manipulate emotional states, create durable illusions, and to cause effects in a target household that resemble a haunting or demon possession. When used offensively it has a the unique preference for inflicting mental stress, the fire that burns cold but sears the soul.
Evothaum: Foxfire allows its user to cast Photomancy and Psychomancy with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: A user of Foxfire may add one to their Deceit skill when using it to create a mundane illusion or to support an illusion of any kind.

Description: You can project the world of the word into the real world. Nothing from the world of the word can exist without context as it would lose its meaning and therefore its existence. Monsters drawn from books remain monsters and heroes, heroes.
Sponsor: Bibliomancy draws upon the world of words for its powers. The world of words is essentially a conglomeration of everything ever written, from novels to textbooks. It is not actually sentient, but it has a sort of will nonetheless.
Agenda: The world of words has no concrete agenda, but it is generally in favour of knowledge and against the destruction of books. Sometimes it will try to force reality into the shape of a novel.
Evocation: Bibliomantic evocations make use of the Word element. Word evocations generally function by bringing things from the world of words into reality. This can create almost any evocation effect, but it requires access to written material containing the desired effect.
Thaumaturgy: Bibliomantic rituals can blur the line between text and truth, perform a wide variety of divinations with a textual thematic, create books or other associated objects, and open portals to certain realms.
Evothaum: Bibliomancers may summon creatures from books, divine written things, and create written materials with the speed and methods of evocation.
Extra Benefits: A Bibliomancer adds two to his or her Resources skill when using it to determine Library quality or to purchase a new Library. In addition, a Bibliomancer may use a Library of any sort as an Arcane Sanctum of an equal rating.

Description: Fomor magic draws on the dark, pressured, saline depths and the powers of entropy and mutation; Fomor magic effects tend to form, or be attended by, shadows, fogs, or mists and leave corrosion, rust, or decay behind. It favors dark curses, mutative or flesh-warping effects, corrosive attacks, and entropy-based defenses that weaken and soften attacks.
Sponsor: Fomor magic draws on the power of the Fomor, an ancient alliance or nation of mostly aquatic beings with affinities to the jotuns and the darker faeries.
Agenda: The plans of the Fomor as somewhat nebulous, but extremely sinister. Their current efforts are primarily dedicated to kidnapping mortal magic users.
Evocation: Treat Fomor Magic as Water for Evocation purposes.
Thaumaturgy: Fomor Magic can be used to cast entropomantic curses and to use the more mutative/disgusting effects of biomancy.
Evothaum: Any ritual that may be cast with Fomor Magic may be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Fomor Magic is unaffected by running water.

Description: A long time ago, Odin stabbed himself with a spear and hanged himself from The World Tree as a sacrifice to himself. By doing so, he acquired the power of Rune Magic. Now Odin gives some of that runic power to his Valkyries, making them able to serve him better.
Sponsor: Rune Magic comes from Odin, greatest of the Aesir and master of runes.
Agenda: The agenda of Odin is not entirely clear, but it definitely includes making preparations for Ragnarok. Users of Rune Magic might be called upon to find new Einherjar for Odin's armies or to gather weapons for the final battle.
Evocation: Rune Magic does not provide any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Rune Magic rituals are mainly useful for divination, warding, and crafting. Some other effects might also be possible, but no Rune Magic effect may extend beyond the immediate proximity of the runes used to cast it.
Evothaum: Rune Magic does not grant the ability to use Thaumaturgy with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: A user of Rune Magic may create special Rune Items. Creating a Rune Item requires a ritual much like an ordinary thaumaturgical ritual, except that the caster spends an Enchanted Item slot for each exchange he spends casting the spell. If the ritual succeeds, the resulting Rune Item functions identically to a single-use potion containing the ritual's effect. In addition, Rune Magic users get a free specialization in Rune Magic complexity and gain the ability to read and write the secret language of runes. Finally, Rune Magic provides five focus slots instead of the regular four.
Note: The cost of Rune Magic is not reduced if the character taking it has Evocation. But if that character has Thaumaturgy, reduce the cost of Rune Magic and the number of focus slots it grants by one and two respectively.

Description: Arnemetia, she who dwells in the sacred grove, presided over the Buxton spring since before Britain went Roman. Unfortunately for her, when the Romans came they killed her druids and suppressed her worship with both mundane force and summoned demons. With the druids exterminated, Arnemetia entered torpor, waiting for a champion. One shrine dedicated to her survived.
Sponsor: Arnemetia, she who dwells in the sacred grove.
Agenda: The destruction of demonkind.
Evocation: Evocations cast with Aquae Arnemetiae use water, purification, growth and plant life to work their effects.
Thaumaturgy: Rituals cast with Aquae Arnemetiae can purify things, manipulate water, manipulate plant life. They can also emulate many diabolism effects, but said effects are entirely geared towards combating demons and returning them to the Inferno.
Evothaum: The diabolism rituals granted by Aquae Arnemetiae can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Aquae Arnemetiae ignores one level of Toughness when used against demons.

Description: You are able to cast spells of a deep and true nature, drawing upon the magics of the Olympian Gods. Due to the nature of this power source, it is less flexible in some areas than mortal spellcasting and is therefore subject to limitations. 
Sponsor: The gods of ancient Greece.
Agenda: The Olympians often demand that their Emissaries destroy monsters and enact the plans of Fate.
Evocation: Olympian evocations are fairly subtle, and generally work through manipulation of Fate and perception rather than through the use of raw energy.
Thaumaturgy: Olympian rituals are generally used to ask favours and boons of the Olympian gods. But transforming things, summoning ghosts, casting prophecies, cursing things, and manipulating Fate is also possible, as is Crafting.
Evothaum: Olympian Casting can be used to cast curses and to manipulate Fate with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: A character with Olympian Casting receives a free specialization in Crafting strength.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 07:44:05 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 11:40:59 PM »
Description: Drawing on the power of the Wyld Court of the Erlking, you're able to cast spells that fit its essential nature: wildness, hunting, balefire, predation. These magics are under the sway and watch of the Erlking; making use of them will inevitably catch his notice.
Sponsor: The Erlking.
Agenda: The Wyldfae are not as fixed in their ways as Winter and Summer fey are, and the Erlking's agenda can change quickly. He is usually neutral and very instinctual. He is not about cruelty, but you really don't want to show weakness to him.
Evocation: Wyld evocations make use of balefire, the Erlking's favoured element.
Thaumaturgy: Wyld Magic can be used to cast rituals that fall within the themes of wildness, hunting, balefire, and predation.
Evothaum: When used to hunt, summoning and divination rituals can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods using Wyld Magic.
Extra Benefits: Wyld Magic provides a +1 bonus to the power or complexity of any spell used to hunt.

Description: Legends say the Ancient Grigori, a group of angels, were tasked with observing humanity. However, something...curiosity, love, concern, and lust are often put forward as theories...caused them to interfere with mortal affairs.  They taught mortals the secrets of the universe and they took mortal spouses. Unfortunately, their interference had disastrous consequences. They were cast out of Heaven. Many lost themselves in their passions and became Fallen. However, some managed to retain control. One such faction was the one led by Azazel, the Watcher who taught mankind the art of crafting weapons, armour, and perfume. They continue to try and help mankind, but at a greater distance. They use this magic, a lesser form of Soulfire, to do that. Unfortunately, Soulsteel is held in contempt by many as a debased form of something greater.
Sponsor: Azazel the Watcher and his Grigori subordinates.
Agenda: Azazel and his faction have the best interests of humanity at heart. Anything which helps the human race as a whole is in accordance with their agenda.
Evocation: Soulsteel resembles Earth or Metal when used for Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Soulsteel may be used to cast rituals that create things or that are somehow associated with angels.
Evothaum: Soulsteel may be used to cast Conjuration rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Soulsteel, when used by a material character, is simultaneously material and immaterial. It affects spirits as though they were solid, and the things it creates can be used by incorporeal beings.

Description: Death is the most powerful thing in the world. No matter who you are, you will die one day. You are able to draw upon some fraction of that power through dedicated service to the concept of Death...and perhaps to some mysterious entity that holds dominion over that concept.
Sponsor: The Power Of Death is sponsored by Death. Whether there is an actual intelligence sponsoring this power is unknown...perhaps Death is simply a natural force.
Agenda: Death wants to kill everything. Eventually. It takes great offence to seeing beings outlive their appointed hours or escape its clutches.
Evocation: Evocations cast with The Power Of Death are extremely simple. They kill things, instantly and without pain.
Thaumaturgy: Rituals cast with The Power Of Death work by killing things. This is surprisingly versatile, given that they can kill things that are not alive. For example, they can kill personality traits in order to alter people mentally. Creativity in justifying effects as killing-based is encouraged. The one thing that The Power Of Death absolutely cannot do is necromancy. Death refuses to be denied with its own magic.
Evothaum: Any ritual that can be cast with The Power Of Death can be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: The Power Of Death grants its user the ability to perceive death. A successful Lore roll can show the user how long someone has to live, how they will likely die, and how they can be killed. This is useful for discerning Catches, among other things.

Description: Drawing upon the Pure Way, the power of the fallen Spring Court, you are able to cast spells that fit its essential nature: change, growth, renewal, light, vitality and earth. These magics are under the sway and watch of the Oberon, Lord of Faerie and inevitably making use of them will draw his notice. This is ancient and rarely practiced lore, focusing on bringing forth the new. This is the power to reveal what is hidden, restore what has been lost and replace what no longer serves its purpose.
Sponsor: The Faerie Lord Oberon and his Spring Court.
Agenda: The revelation of what is hidden, the restoration of what has been lost, the replacement of what no longer has a purpose, and the creation of the new. Plus the destruction of opposing Courts.
Evocation: Spring Magic Evocations make use of earth, plant life, and light.
Thaumaturgy: Spring Magic rituals can be used to create things, to create and manipulate light, or to reveal secrets.
Evothaum: Spring Magic allows its user to cast photomancy rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Spring Magic ignores one level of Toughness when used against faeries of opposing Courts.

Description: Drawing upon the power of the fallen Autumn Court, you are able to cast spells that bring things to an end and harvest what's left behind. These magics are under the sway of the Lord Of Faerie known as The Reaper and using them will inevitably draw his attention.
Sponsor: The Reaper and his Autumn Court.
Agenda: The destruction of old things and the natural process of decay. The collection and liquidation of resources. Hunting. Bringing things to an end. Plus the destruction of opposing Courts.
Evocation: Autumn Magic evocations often manipulate dust or cause targets to rot instantly.
Thaumaturgy: Autumn Magic rituals end things and harvest the leftovers. They involve death, decay, and the collection of valuable things. They can also be used for to track down prey and for hunting in general.
Evothaum: Autumn Magic allows its user to cast necromancy rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Autumn Magic ignores one level of Toughness when used against faeries of opposing Courts.

Description: Dragons have their own magic, and it's not the same as the magic of humans. It's stronger and less controlled, more primal and less civilized. It works through control of the basic building blocks of reality: True Names and the elements.
Sponsor: This magic is usually self-sponsored, but sometimes a mortal Emissary to a Dragon will be granted use of it.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda. But when granted to a mortal Emissary, it promotes the acquisition of wealth and power for the Emissary's draconic master.
Evocation: Dragon Magic generally resembles fire when used for evocation, but the use of raw elemental energy associated with air or water is also possible. Dragon Magic spells are often emitted from the mouths of their casters.
Thaumaturgy: Dragon Magic rituals generally make use of True Names or elemental energies. Spells related to one's treasure are common as well.
Evothaum: Dragon Magic may be used to cast rituals with the speed and methods of evocation when the target's True Name is known to the caster.
Extra Benefits: A character with Dragon Magic may use pieces of his treasure in place of traditional foci. A treasure-focus must be an object precious for its material composition or artistic merits, and it may not contain more focus slots than its Resources value. The chief advantage of a treasure-focus is that as long as the creator still owns it, he may use it without having it at hand. This property of Dragon Magic does quite a bit to encourage the traditional draconic propensity for well-defended treasure hordes.

Description: The White Council looks down on Focused Practitioners, but specialization has its merits. Through obsessive devotion to one element, it is possible to acquire abilities that a generalist cannot match.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Pyromancy may be used to cast fire evocations.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Pyromancy may be used to cast rituals that create, make use of, or control fire in some way.
Evothaum: Any ritual that can be cast with Superior Pyromancy may be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: A character with Superior Pyromancy can use his offensive or defensive fire power bonus in place of his complexity bonus for rituals that can be cast with Superior Pyromancy.
Note: Powers similar to this one could exist for elements other than fire.

Description: A master wizard can refine his skills in a particular area so fully that his abilities are qualitatively different from those of a normal mage. While normal specialization simply makes one faster and stronger and more effective, this level of focus provides entirely new capabilities. Arthur Langtry, the Merlin, has developed his skill with wards so fully as to stop an army of vampires in the middle of a fight without use of a threshold.
Musts: You must have both Evocation and Thaumaturgy with at least some specialization in wards in order to take this power.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Warding does not provide any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Warding does not provide any form of Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Superior Warding allows its user to cast wards with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: A character with this power may cast wards freely without need for a threshold.
Note: Because this power requires Evocation and Thaumaturgy, it grants no focus slots and does not have its cost reduced when the user already has spellcasting powers.

Description: A master wizard can refine his skills in a particular area so fully that his abilities are qualitatively different from those of a normal mage. While normal specialization simply makes one faster and stronger and more effective, this level of focus provides entirely new capabilities. Conjuring is normally a laborious process that creates false-looking objects, but a master can conjure perfectly realistic objects with a simple wave.
Musts: You must have both Evocation and Thaumaturgy with at least some specialization in conjuration in order to take this power.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Conjuration does not provide any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Conjuration does not provide any form of Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Superior Conjuration allows its user to cast conjuration rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: When a character with this power uses Conjuration to create an object, that object is indistinguishable from the real thing unless analysed with magic.
Note: Because this power requires Evocation and Thaumaturgy, it grants no focus slots and does not have its cost reduced when the user already has spellcasting powers.

Description: A master wizard can refine his skills in a particular area so fully that his abilities are qualitatively different from those of a normal mage. While normal specialization simply makes one faster and stronger and more effective, this level of focus provides entirely new capabilities. Rashid, the Gatekeeper, is so practiced at worldwalking that navigating the border between worlds is no harder than climbing a staircase for him.
Musts: You must have both Evocation and Thaumaturgy with at least some specialization in transportation and worldwalking in order to take this power.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Worldwalking does not provide any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Worldwalking does not provide any form of Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Superior Worldwalking allows its user to cast transportation and worldwalking rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: You may use Investigation or Lore to find places where the border between Earth and the Nevernever is weak. In addition, you may use your Lore skill instead of your Survival skill while in the Nevernever.
Note: Because this power requires Evocation and Thaumaturgy, it grants no focus slots and does not have its cost reduced when the user already has spellcasting powers.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 02:01:25 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2012, 11:41:50 PM »
Description: Cities are living, growing things. Power runs through cities like blood and a Urban Magician has the ability to tap into that power.
Sponsor: Urban Magic is sponsored by cities, and by the rituals that make them work.
Agenda: Cities want to survive, to grow, and to continue their rituals. But they do not truly have agendas, since they don't exactly have minds.
Evocation: Urban evocations generally involve electricity, fire, or smoke. They tend to make use of whatever urban elements are nearby.
Thaumaturgy: Urban rituals allow their caster to scry through the veins of the city, to summon urban beings, and to control the city's infrastructure.
Evothaum: Urban Magic allows its user to cast rituals that make use of the city's mechanical infrastructure with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Urban Magicians have a preternatural awareness of their cities' "experiences". This allows an Urban Magician to use their Lore skill to detect changes to the physical, social, legal, or magical state of their city. Furthermore, Urban Magicians never accidentally hex the technological infrastructure of their cities.

Description: A master wizard can refine her skills in a particular area so fully that her abilities are qualitatively different from those of a normal mage. While normal specialization simply makes one faster and stronger and more effective, this level of focus provides entirely new capabilities. Martha Liberty, the reputed Spymaster of the High Council, is so practiced at Divination that Scrying a needle in a haystack is no harder than finding Waldo for her.
Musts: You must have both Evocation and Thaumaturgy with at least some specialization in Divination in order to take this power.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Divination does not provide any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Divination does not provide any form of Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Superior Divination allows its user to cast Divination rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Superior Divination expands the line-of-sight restrictions of Evocation, permitting its user to cast spells on targets that she sees through scrying or through other forms of divination. Spells targeted this way may not have a power greater than half the strength of the scrying effect that they are targeted through.
Note: Because this power requires Evocation and Thaumaturgy, it grants no focus slots and does not have its cost reduced when the user already has spellcasting powers.

Description: Legends speak of heroes who fought dragons with nothing but sword and mail. These heroes fought creatures with nearly endless power and some of them actually won. Transcendent Swordsmanship channels the power of the heroes of old and uses it to do the impossible with swords.
Sponsor: Transcendent Swordsmanship is sponsored by the spirits, or perhaps the legends, of long-dead heroes.
Agenda: Transcendent Swordsmanship drives its user to destroy evil and to prove his own worth as a hero.
Evocation: Evocations cast with Transcendent Swordsmanship often resemble air or metal evocations, and they almost always emulate sword techniques.
Thaumaturgy: Transcendent Swordsmanship allows its user to cast rituals that tap into the legends of dead heroes, as well as rituals that summon spiritual warriors.
Evothaum: Transcendent Swordsmanship does not grant the ability to use Thaumaturgy with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: A character with Transcendent Swordsmanship replaces his Conviction skill with his Might skill and his Discipline skill with his Weapons skill for the purposes of spellcasting.
Note: Foci made to boost Transcendent Swordsmanship spells are almost always swords. That being said, there's nothing stopping Transcendent Swordsmanship from becoming Transcendent Axemanship in the hands of a specific character.

Description: A master wizard can refine his skills in a particular area so fully that his abilities are qualitatively different from those of a normal mage. While normal specialization simply makes one faster and stronger and more effective, this level of focus provides entirely new capabilities. Listens-to-Wind is so practiced at Biomancy that he more than held his own against a Naagloshii in a shapeshifting combat in the infamous “Turn Coat” Case File.
Musts: You must have both Evocation and Thaumaturgy with at least some specialization in Biomancy in order to take this power.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Biomancy does not provide any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Biomancy does not provide any form of Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Superior Biomancy allows its user to cast Biomancy rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Superior Biomancy allows its user to alter their own physical form slightly, which lets them use Lore in place of Deceit for disguise attempts. It also allows said user to use Lore in place of Scholarship for medical treatment owing to the detailed knowledge of the human body that it requires.
Note: Because this power requires Evocation and Thaumaturgy, it grants no focus slots and does not have its cost reduced when the user already has spellcasting powers.

Description: A master wizard can refine her skills in a particular area so fully that her abilities are qualitatively different from those of a normal mage. While normal specialization simply makes one faster and stronger and more effective, this level of focus provides entirely new capabilities. Warden Anastasia Luccio in her prime (and original body) was so talented at Crafting that she created the Warden Sword, the most useful tool against warlocks the White Council has ever used.
Musts: You must have both Evocation and Thaumaturgy with at least some specialization in Crafting in order to take this power.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Crafting does not provide any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Crafting does not provide any form of Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Superior Crafting does not grant the ability to use Thaumaturgy with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: A character with Superior Crafting need not reduce the power of enchanted items that they make in order to make them usable by someone else. Furthermore, they may combine two Enchanted Item slots to create a single item or potion with two effects. Such an item or potion has twice the number of uses that a normal item would have, and may be enhanced with extra Enchanted Item slots normally. Its uses can be spent on either effect. Finally, a character with Superior Crafting may cast rituals to create special Enchanted Items. Said rituals use Crafting strength bonuses as complexity bonuses and Crafting frequency bonuses as control bonuses. Items created this way may be designed for any character, may be sustained with the Enchanted Item slots of the character receiving them, and need not have traits equal to those implied by the recipient's abilities. The complexities of these rituals are generally roughly equal to three times the item's strength plus twice its number of uses minus four for every item slot they will take up, but the GM is encouraged to meddle with this formula. The recipient must participate in the ritual that creates the item for them. If the recipient is unusually good or bad at Crafting, that might warrant a decreased or increased complexity, respectively.
Note: Because this power requires Evocation and Thaumaturgy, it grants no focus slots and does not have its cost reduced when the user already has spellcasting powers. Also, be careful with this Power. It's not all that well-written and as such is liable to cause problems.

Description: Acting on behalf of the mythical Ferryman of the Underworld has its privileges, and this power is one of them. Those who wield it are as feared and as implacable as their sponsor.
Sponsor: Charon, the Ferryman of the Underworld.
Agenda: Charon ferries the spirits of the departed to the next world and takes it as a personal affront when they try to avoid him and deny their fate. Graywalkers (as his agents are called) are charged with dispersing ghosts and wraiths, slaying those who feed on the deaths of others and would desecrate the dead such as vampires and necromancers, and ensuring that those who seek to avoid their fate meet their appointed end.  All must pay the ferryman.
Evocation: The Sanction utilizes the powers of Spirit to veil, slip between the world of the living and the dead and to strike at those who defile the dead or defy the fate of all that live.
Thaumaturgy: The Sanction can be used to seek out the Walker's targets, to curse those who have defied Death's design and to enact a variety of effects on spirits, ghosts and other restless deceased.
Evothaum: The Sanction allows the caster to use Ectomancy rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: The Sanction Of The Ferryman grants the Ghost Speaker Power to its users.

Description: A master wizard can refine her skills in a particular area so fully that her abilities are qualitatively different from those of a normal mage. While normal specialization simply makes one faster and stronger and more effective, this level of focus provides entirely new capabilities. Legends tell of wizards who can turn their foes into frogs with waves of their hands.
Musts: You must have both Evocation and Thaumaturgy with at least some specialization in Transformation and Disruption in order to take this power.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Superior Transformation evocations transform things. Opponents taken out with them may be turned into frogs or statues or all kinds of other things.
Thaumaturgy: Superior Transformation does not provide any form of Thaumaturgy.
Evothaum: Superior Transformation allows its user to cast Transformation and Disruption rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Superior Transformation allows its user to apply her Transformation and Disruption complexity and control bonuses in place of her power and control bonuses for transformative evocations respectively. Transformation and Disruption foci should be designated as offensive or defensive for the purposes of Evocation, but work normally for Thaumaturgy.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 03:27:34 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2012, 11:42:33 PM »
Description: Tapping into the Ley-Line construct in Nose Hill Park, you've managed to channel a portion of it's great energy...however now you are bound to be a keeper of that which sleeps beneath it.
Sponsor: The Ley-Line construct that holds a Fomorian Giant beneath Calgary.
Agenda: The prison was constructed to keep the giant imprisoned, and you are now responsible for keeping the prison secure. Occasional dark impulses favouring the Fomorian and its release bubble up as well.
Evocation: The Gift of the Conflux allows you to use water magic in the style of the Fomor. This includes both basic water Evocations and slightly stranger spells that make use of water pressure and other things associated with the depths of the ocean.
Thaumaturgy: The Gift of the Conflux provides the ability to cast Summoning and Binding rituals.
Evothaum: Any Thaumaturgy cast with the Gift of the Conflux can be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: The Gift of the Conflux gives a +1 bonus to Complexity and Control for Summoning and Binding. Additionally, you may use your Thaumaturgy specializations when using Summoning and Binding with the speed and methods of Evocation even if your GM normally does not allow that.
Note: The Gift of the Conflux provides two sources of Sponsor Debt. Debt incurred using Gift Of The Conflux rituals (with or without Evocation's speed and methods) is accrued with the Ley-Line prison. Debt incurred using Gift Of The Conflux Evocations is accrued with the Fomorian giant that is imprisoned.

Description: By drawing on the power of your deceased ancestors you're able to utilize a potent form of spirit magic. In return however you give your ancestors great sway over your actions.
Sponsor: The 20 generations of Akai ancestors who have wielded the family sword before you.
Agenda: See Akai Family code.
Evocation: The Ghosts of the Akai family provide spirit or metal evocations that often emulate sword techniques.
Thaumaturgy: The Akai Legacy allows its user to cast rituals that tap into the legends of dead heroes, as well as rituals that summon spiritual warriors.
Evothaum: Any Thaumaturgy granted by the Akai Legacy can be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: The ghosts of your ancestor demand that you act with poise and honour at all times. You may use your Discipline skill in place of your Presence skill to determine your Social Stress track.

The Akai Family Code
1.       Never kill a mortal with magic
2.       Knowledge is not only power, it is also a burden
3.       Nothing is ever there to just help you, never stay in debt
4.       Faeries are deal makers, be careful with your words around them
5.       Duty before Love
6.       Ensure the succession of the line
7.       Never make a deal with the demon, or his allies
8.       Honour the way of the sword
9.       Keep bystanders out of your charge
10.   Repay Allies and foes alike each in kind
11.   Respect the dead
12.   There is always another day
13.   Never Trust a Wizard

Description: You can call up weapons from a magical realm inside your soul.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: As self-sponsored magic, this power lacks an agenda. Compels from its debt generally involve brutal headaches or one's magic going haywire.
Evocation: Unlimited Blade Works Evocations take the the form of spectral swords that appear from nowhere.
Thaumaturgy: Unlimited Blade Works rituals can be used to conjure weapons, including Item of Power weapons. The complexity required to create an Item of Power is determined by the GM. Taking up a conjured Item of Power usually involves the temporary Power rules.
Evothaum: Unlimited Blade Works allows its user to conjure weapons with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: All Unlimited Blade Works spells get two free shifts of duration. Spells with no duration, like Evocation attacks, leave behind conjured weapons that last for two exchanges. (The number of weapons left behind is up to the caster.)

Description: You draw upon the power of the world's plant life. It's a pretty simple form of magic, but a powerful one.
Sponsor: The collective ur-mind of all plants everywhere.
Agenda: Plants are not smart enough to have an actual agenda, but as a general rule plants like growing and dislike dying.
Evocation: Plant evocations work by creating and manipulating plants. Surprise!
Thaumaturgy: Plant Magic can be used to cast rituals that have to do with plants. It can make plants grow, give plants magical properties, create plant matter out of nowhere, turn people into plants, and so on.
Evothaum: Spells that make plants grow can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods using Plant Magic.
Extra Benefits: You get the Echoes Of The Beast Power, with plants as your beast. This adds one to your Alertness and Survival skills in plant-rich areas and lets you talk to plants.

Description: You have mastered the powers of Sleep and Dreams. Dreams are far more powerful than most believe; Dreams and Reality are like a wyrm biting its own tail - they both tell each other what they are, all the time.
Sponsor: Psychomancers, nightmare Changelings, and denizens of Dream sometimes have self-sponsored Oneiromancy. When Oneiromancy has an external sponsor, it's usually an ancient god of sleep or the ever-moving moon.
Agenda: Oneiromancy wants to put people to sleep, give them dreams or nightmares, and eat their dreams. Oneiromancers tend to be cold and proud, inclined to punish those who slight them.
Evocation: Oneiromancy evocations involve shadows, sand, reflections, perception, dreams, dreamfire, sleep, and the manipulation of oneiroplasm (psychically charged ectoplasm) to create objects.
Thaumaturgy: Oneiromancy rituals involve putting people to sleep, sending messages in dreams, manipulating perception, and making things from dreams real.
Evothaum: You gain the ability to use dream-related psychomancy, summoning, and conjuration with Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Oneiromancy grants the Demesne power for the Dreaming. It also allows its user to use Lore in place of Empathy for the Reading People and Social Defense trappings of that skill.

Description: The Green Sun is the collected energy of the dead stars in alternate universes that have already ended. In fact, it’s what alternate universes and timelines orbit. The Green Sun is one of the secondary safeguards against the Outside- If you look closely from the Outer Gates, it’s visible in the sky. Green Sun magic tends to be wielded only by daemons (The DV version of Homeland Security vs. the Outside) and is extremely difficult for mortal practitioners to obtain.
Sponsor: Lord English, the daemonic personification of the Sun. Some of his lieutenants can self-sponsor their Green Sun Magic.
Agenda: The destruction of Outsiders and their agents, the acceleration of entropy, unrestricted destruction and mayhem. The prevention of spacetime breaches and paradoxes through careful manipulation.
Evocation: The Green Sun is, basically, a star, and it is much more than a star. Its evocations involve sunlight, solar fire, nuclear reactions and forces, gravity, electromagnetism, space, time, and entropy.
Thaumaturgy: The Green Sun’s rituals are evocative of the mythological image of a sun or sun god. They can heal, inspire, grant power, bring plagues, prophecy, and obliterate foes. The unique abilities of the Green Sun also come into play, allowing Green Sun rituals to warp time, bend space, accelerate entropy, and summon or banish demons and Outsiders.
Evothaum: Any ritual that can be cast with Green Sun Magic can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Characters with Green Sun Magic receive free Evocation and Thaumaturgy specializations in Green Sun Magic Control, Power, Complexity, and Control. As a special exception to the normal rules, a character may have these specializations without having Evocation or Thaumaturgy.
Note: Some Outsiders may have Green Sun Magic as a Catch.

Description: You are the Hero of Time for your session. You maintain the alpha timeline, prune offshoot "doomed" timelines, and manage stable time loops.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: Maintaining the Alpha Timeline, creating stable time loops, and preventing Doomed timelines from occurring.
Evocation: Time magic does not grant any form of Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Time rituals manipulate time, look into alternate timelines, and see the past and future.
Evothaum: All Hero of Time rituals may be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: You gain a Supernatural Sense (using your Lore skill) for sensing temporal anomalies and disturbances.

Description: You are a Hero of Light. Besides the obvious, your powers are knowledge and fortune.
Sponsor: This magic is self-sponsored.
Agenda: The defence of knowledge against the Heroes of Void. Regulation of luck.
Evocation: The manipulation of light and some weird luck stuff.
Thaumaturgy: Heroes of Light can make people lucky or unlucky, bring forth knowledge, create knowledge or illusion, and manipulate perception.
Evothaum: You may use Divination, Entropomancy, Photomancy, and Veils with evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Being the Hero of Light gives +1 to Divination Complexity and Control. It also gives a +2 bonus to Alertness and Lore Assessments and Declarations.

Description: You’re one of the Chandrian, the Seven chosen of darkness. Your power is blood and shadow and rot and madness. And hate. Hate like iron and bitter rue. Pretty much everyone wants to kill you, and you probably eat souls.
Sponsor: The Curse Of The Seven is sponsored by the Dead Star, a blue supergiant star that exists deep in the Nevernever. It draws its power from alternate timelines which have ended in the heat death of the universe. This is a secret, though, and even the Chandrian don't know it. People who know about the Curse tend to think it's sponsored by some evil god from before humanity, or by the ancient Wyldfae known as the Cthaeh (a flawlessly malevolent and perfectly accurate oracle).
Agenda: The acceleration of entropy. Destruction of evidence of themselves, remaining secret. The death of good creatures like angels. And the protection of the universe from the agents of the Outside. That last bit is secret to everyone except the Chandrian, though.
Evocation: Curse Evocation manipulate blood, shadows, silence, smoke, the weather, entropy, chill, madness, decay, raw elemental energy, and the void.
Thaumaturgy: The Curse of Seven’s rituals are nightmare things meant only to bend, break, or destroy. They can curse people, accelerate entropy, raise the dead, erase knowledge, control demons, and bend or break the minds of men.  Preservation and protection are anathema to this power.
Evothaum: The Curse allows its user to use entropomancy, necromancy, psychomancy, and divination with Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: You begin to display the Signs; within your presence flames turn blue, wood rots, liquids freeze, iron rusts, animals go mad, and silence falls. Any scene that you are in has the SIGNS OF THE SEVEN Aspect, which you can tag once per scene. Because this power is a curse, it is not without detriment. You take a -2 penalty on all social rolls except Intimidation with beings who know who and what you are, and there is almost no potential for friendly interaction. People get +2 to any check to successfully identify you as one of the Seven if the Signs are obvious or visible. You may attempt to suppress this ability by making a Discipline roll. This requires an action if you do it in the middle of a scene. The default difficulty is Superb, but areas directly hostile to or unusually resonant with your High Concept may modify this. If you succeed, no aspect is applied. You may stop suppressing this ability at any time as a free action.

Description: The ancient power that lurks beneath the Earth’s crust. It's primarily concerned with lava, but it also governs other tectonic forces.
Sponsor: Volcano and forge gods, like Pele, Vulcan, Hephaestus, and Goibniu. Skilled terramancers and people with volcanic bloodlines can sometimes use self-sponsored Vulcanomancy.
Agenda: Volcano gods tend to look favourably upon sudden destruction and the forging of tools and weapons. If self-sponsored, this magic lacks an agenda.
Evocation: Vulcanomantic evocations generally involve lava, heat, ash, obsidian, basalt, earth, tectonics, earthquakes, fire, or metals.
Ritual: Vulcanomancy rituals are used to create things, particularly weapons and armour and wards. It can also be used to destroy things with lava and tectonic force, but few Vulcanomancers are strong enough to start earthquakes or awaken volcanoes.
Evothaum: Vulcanomancy can be used to cast wards and conjurations with Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Vulcanomancers can use invest shifts in Power when conjuring melee weapons. The weapon rating of a conjured weapon is 1.5 times its Power if it would otherwise be lower. Weapons with at least one shift of Power determine their duration according to the rules for Evocations, and they turn to ash if they leave the possession of their creator. The ashes left behind when a weapon with at least one shift of Power disappears may be used in place of a threshold for a Vulcanomancy ward if sprinkled in a circle.

Description: The furious, unending power of the thunderstorm. Extends to most other types of weather. Subtlety is almost impossible with this power-even its veils are massive fog banks.
Sponsor: Storm Magic can be self-sponsored, sponsored by a weather deity, or sponsored by a thunderbird ancestor. Other sponsors may also be possible.
Agenda: No matter who its sponsor is, Storm Magic is inclined towards uncontrolled destruction and the creation of storms.
Evocation: Storm evocations generally involve what you’d expect. Lightning, tornado-force winds, sonic booms, rain, water, fog, mists, ice, air pressure.
Thaumaturgy: Storm rituals destroy things. Violently. They’re also capable of altering the weather. Can also be used to scry through clouds and rain, and on storms.
Evothaum: Storm Magic can be used to create entropomancy and divination effects with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Add +2 to the power/complexity and control of any Storm spell if the caster is outside during a storm.
Note: The costing of this Power assumes that storms are fairly uncommon. Its effects and/or costs may have to be changed in a game with an unusual number of storms.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 05:01:30 AM by Sanctaphrax »

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2012, 11:44:07 PM »
Description: You've learned to wield shadow magic, a dark reflection of normal magic. Contrary to popular belief, it isn't evil. It's dark. It's reflective. It isn't particularly nice. But then, neither is regular magic.
Sponsor: The collective ur-intellect composed of the world's billions of shadows.
Agenda: Shadows aren't really clever enough to have an agenda, but they'd like it if the sun went out, or was permanently eclipsed. Destroying sources of light is generally enough for them. They also like it when you kill photomancers and Summerfae.
Evocation: Rather obviously, shadows. Besides manifesting corporeal shadows, you also manipulate cold, gravity, reflections, and mirrors.
Thaumaturgy: Tenebromantic rituals can obscure things, conjure objects out of shadow-matter, summon creatures of darkness, scry through shadows, teleport through shadows, and steal people's shadows.
Evothaum: You can use any ritual you can cast with Tenebromancy at Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: You learn to reflect attacks off bulwarks of darkness- if you successfully defend against an attack with an Evocation block, you may sacrifice your next action to turn that defense into an automatically successful attack, using the block strength as an attack roll, and the strength of the attack as Weapon rating.

Description: You are heir to the power of bacteria and virus, pollution and plague. You are the Horseman of Pestilence, or one of its Emissaries.
Sponsor: The ur-mind created by the semi-awareness of every virus, bacterium, and parasite in the world.
Agenda: To give people diseases, and to destroy institutions that would prevent the spread of disease. Because you are technically a servant of Heaven, you may occasionally be called upon to fulfil the goals of Heaven.
Evocation: You can manipulate blood and other vital fluids and systems. Because bacterium alone outnumber humanity a billion to one, you can throw around raw life force, a sort of corrupted Soulfire.
Thaumaturgy: The creation of disease. Surprise! Beyond the obvious, manipulation of biological systems and the creation of new life-forms. For example, a Pestilential Ward might create a type of magic-consuming airborne bacterium.
Evothuam: You may use Biomancy at Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: The Horseman of Pestilence is associated with archery, and this power adds 1 to your Guns or Bows skill when you use a bow. You may also ride a pestilential horse called a Virusteed; if so, take an appropriate Aspect and use it to represent your horse.

Description: You are heir to the power of hunger and despair, desperation and greed. You are the Horseman of Famine, or one of its Emissaries. Famine is an elder spirit of Hunger, and his emissaries are vampires of the White Court.
Sponsor: The part of the human mind that is nothing but greed and hunger. This is where Famine lives.
Agenda: To cause famine, obviously, but in more than one sense. You make people hunger for everything. Famine wants you to want, without satisfaction. Ever. Because you are technically a servant of Heaven, you may occasionally be called upon to fulfil the goals of Heaven.
Evocation: You can manipulate lack. The absence of anything, and the hunger for everything. This translates into power over cold, darkness, ashes, dust and emotions like fear, despair, lust, and greed.
Thaumaturgy: You can instil mass hunger, strip the world of energy and life to create shadow and cold, and command spirits and scavengers. If it involves taking without giving anything back, it’s likely within your purview. For example, a Famine Ward simply eats magic that is thrown at it. A Famine Veil swallows light and sound and hope.
Evothaum: You may use psychomancy and entropomancy at Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: You have the Aura of Influence power, applying the AURA OF FAMINE aspect. You also learn to eat magic. Whenever you successfully use a counterspell, add 2 to the control and power of the next spell you cast in that scene. The bonus is not cumulative. You may also ride a magical horse of the Hungarabian breed; if so, take an appropriate Aspect and use it to represent your horse.

WAR [-4]
Description: You are heir to the power of wrath and steel, hate and strife. You are the Horseman of War, or one of its Emissaries. War is an elder spirit of Wrath, and his Emissaries are usually lycanthropes.
Sponsor: The part of your mind that tells you to kill indiscriminately, to strike down those who might strike you down first. War lives in the dark, reptile part of your brain that governs the Fight or Flight response.
Agenda: The creation or extension of strife, the instilling of wrath, the slaying of men. Because you are technically a servant of Heaven, you may occasionally be called upon to fulfil the goals of Heaven.
Evocation: War evocations tend to resemble metal, earth, or fire evocations, except used in their warlike forms. Hails of gunfire, artillery shelling, the creation of battlements and foxholes, that sort of thing.
Thaumaturgy: War rituals tend to push the minds of men away from peace and towards the strife your power loves. War rituals can also create incredibly complex weaponry, things far beyond the scope of normal conjuration. Creating a functioning, magical Howitzer is not outside the realm of possibility.
Evothaum: You can use conjuration and psychomancy at Evocation’s speed, but only for the creation of weapons and armour and the instilment of wrath, respectively.
Extra Benefits: War conjurations reduce the complexity required to create weapons by two and ignore the technological limitations of conjuration when conjuring weaponry. In addition, this magic is not the will-power of wizards or the elemental power of the Sidhe- it is the strength of your arm, the sharpness of your eye, and the edge of your hate. You may use Guns or Weapons in place of Discipline for spellcasting. You may also ride a magical horse of War; if so, take an appropriate Aspect and use it to represent your horse.

Description: You are heir to the power of domination and command, mastery and baleful pride. You are the Horseman of Conquest, or one of its Emissaries. Because they are rulers of minds and men, Emissaries of Conquest tend to be psychomancers.
Sponsor: The part of your mind that still respects territory, and demands mastery over other, weaker men, and the destruction of the stronger. Conquest lives in the part of your brain that tells you to dominate.
Agenda: To dominate, in every sense of that word. To create thralls, rough or otherwise. To strike down established power and government and put yourself at the top.
Evocation: To the utter surprise of most, Conquest evocations most closely resemble wood or spirit (light) evocations. Wise men speculate that this is because the Horsemen are forces of nature, and what better representation of man’s desire to rule than wood? Or light? The creeping vine chokes the tree to grow closer to the sun. Arrogant light drives away the darkness.
Thaumaturgy: Conquest rituals resemble psychomancy in essentially every way. Which, considering it’s a type of proto-psychomancy, is reasonable. You also gain power over demons, and are able to command the hellspawn as easily as you are able to command men.
Evothaum: You may use psychomancy and diabolism with Evocation’s speed and methods.
Extra Benefit: You can use Lore in place of Presence for the Charisma and Command trappings of that skill. You may also ride a magical horse of Conquest; if so, take an appropriate Aspect and use it to represent your horse.

Description: This is power granted by Spacious, the God of Space.
Sponsor: Spacious, the God of Space, who grants his scions the ability to move freely throughout space (within reason).
Agenda: Spacious works to keep the universe in working order. He uses scions who have the ability to manipulate space, prevent the universe from collapsing.
Evocation: Space Manipulation evocations work by affecting the space around the user, extending or reducing the space between two points. This provides the normal set of evocation effects, but with some funky descriptions; attacks might work by warping the space inside someone's body while blocks might work by placing enormous distances between an attacker and their target.
Thaumaturgy: Space Manipulation rituals manipulate space. Teleportation is their most obvious application, but not their only one.
Evothaum: All rituals that may be cast with Space Manipulation may be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Characters with Space Manipulation have a Lore-based Supernatural Sense for space. It can be used to determine one's location, to sense how large or how far away something is, to detect spacial anomalies. Other related effects are also possible; this list is not exhaustive. Some scions of Spacious use this ability to map the universe without a telescope.

Description: This is power granted by Kronos, the God of Time.
Sponsor: Kronos, the God of Time, who grants his scions the ability to move freely throughout time (within reason).
Agenda: Kronos works to keep the timestream in working order. He uses scions who have the ability to travel along the timestream to prevent temporal anomalies from occurring.
Evocation: Time Manipulation evocations work by slowing down and speeding up the flow of time. This provides the normal set of Evocation effects, but with some funky desciptions; attacks might work by causing time to flow unevenly across the target's body while blocks might work by creating narrow slices of space where time barely moves.
Thaumaturgy: Time Manipulation rituals manipulate time. Straightforward time travel is their most obvious application, but not their only one.
Evothaum: All rituals that may be cast with Time Manipulation may be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Characters with Time Manipulation have a Lore-based Supernatural Sense for time. It can be used to tell what time it is, to detect disruptions to the timestream, and to determine whether an action will damage the flow of time. Other related effects are also possible; this list is not exhaustive. Some scions of Kronos use this ability to collect souvenirs from the past without changing history.

Description: Drawing on the power of the god Odin, you’re able to cast spells that fit his essential nature: war and battle, victory and death, wisdom and prophecy, trickery, cunning, and the hunt. These magics are under Odin’s sway and making use of them will inevitably gain his notice.
Sponsor: Odin, first among the Norse gods, far away in his hall of Valhalla. Valhalla is in the Nevernever – the Ginnungagap – in the realm of Asgard.
Agenda: Odin is and has always been preparing for Ragnarok. Those he selects are aggressive warrior types worthy of Valhalla. Though he doesn’t necessarily need mindless warmachines, whoever is selected is invariably willing to take a stand against “the enemy” in the last battle. What is also known, but not really discussed, is that regarding the “last man and woman” (according to the legends, the only ones left after the world comes to an end); Odin’s in charge of making sure the “last man” is worthy. It is generally believed that he will come from among Odin’s chosen.
Evocation: Evocations cast with Odin’s Seiđr encourage or make use of lightning, trickery, battle, pain, fury, and knowledge. Their aesthetics generally involve runes.
Thaumaturgy: Rituals cast with Odin’s Seiđr make use of the same themes as Evocations cast with it. They may also be used for divination through the method of casting runestones.
Evothaum: All rituals that may be cast with Odin's Seiđr may be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: When Odin’s Seiđr is used against a giant, any Toughness Powers that that giant has are treated as though they were one step weaker. Norse giants aren't the only giants; big humanoid fey like ogres count too, and there might be other categories of giant out there.

Description: Drawing on the power of the goddess Freyja, you’re able to cast spells that fit her essential nature: love and beauty, family, hearth and home, sex, birth and fertility, growing things, rain storms, and protective war. These magics are under Freyja’s sway and making use of them will inevitably gain her notice.
Sponsor: The Norse goddess Freyja, far away in her hall of Sessrúmnir. Sessrúmnir is in the Nevernever – the Ginnungagap – in Freyja's realm of Fólkvangr.
Agenda: Freyja is and has always been preparing for Ragnarok alongside Odin. Those she selects are cunning warriors worthy of Sessrúmnir. Her chosen are willing to take a stand against “the enemy” in the last battle, just not necessarily on the front lines. What is also known, but not really discussed, is that regarding the “last man and woman” (according to the legends, the only ones left after the world comes to an end); Freyja’s in charge of making sure the “last woman” is worthy. It is generally believed that she will come from among Freyja’s chosen.
Evocation: Evocations cast with Freyja’s Seiđr generally resemble hearth fires or rain storms. Other elements of Freyja's nature may also be used, but spells related to those themes will rarely be simple enough to be evocations.
Thaumaturgy: Freyja’s Seiđr may be used to cast rituals that express the themes of family, home, birth, protection, sexual attraction, growth, healing, hearth fires, and rain storms. Biomantic rituals are also possible.
Evothaum: All rituals that may be cast with Freyja's Seiđr may be cast with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Freyja, the goddess of Love and Sex and Beauty, bestows a fraction of her transcendent pulchritude on those who use her Seiđr. This gives them either the Sex Appeal stunt or the Best Foot Forward stunt.
Note: Spells cast with Freyja's Seiđr are invariably suffused with warm golden light or with droplets of red-gold water that resemble Freyja’s tears.

Description: You’re in debt to an Archangel of God… they kinda get finicky about what you use the magic for and they’re really big on “accountability.” Make good choices.
Sponsor: The Archangel Uriel, Heaven's black ops guy.
Agenda: Uriel wants to preserve free will, to protect good things, and to destroy evil things.
Evocation: Evocations cast with Uriel Magic make use of light and flame.
Thaumaturgy: Uriel Magic can be used to cast rituals related to the themes of light, fire, fair play, free will, protection, retribution, and truth.
Evothaum: Uriel Magic grants the ability to use photomancy with Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Uriel Magic grants the Holy Touch Power to its users. Its spells satisfy Catches of "Holy Stuff". Furthermore, if an extra point of Refresh is invested in it, Uriel Magic downgrades the Toughness of any target by one step the same way as Soulfire.

Description: Drawing on the power of the Tengu Court , you're able to cast spells that fit its essential nature: wind, illusions, stealth,and mischief. These magics are under the sway and watch of the Tengu King Sojobo; making use of them will inevitably catch his notice.
Sponsor: The Tengu King and his Dai Tengu Nobles.
Agenda: Finding of worthy opponents and engaging them in a one on one duel or in general combat. Protecting forests and mountains from both mortal and supernatural destruction, taking vengeance for insults and perceived wrongs, and  destroying or subjugating opposing Youkai clans and courts.
Evocation: Tengu Magic evocations take the form of various ninjutsu involving veils and powerful gusts of wind.
Thaumaturgy: Tengu Magic rituals may be used to curse people, especially with disfigurement. Poisons, illusions, possession, telepathy, item creation, and general mischief are also possible.
Evothaum: Tengu Magic rituals can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods if they create illusions, allow telepathic communication, inflict poisons, or target mortals who are enemies of the tengu.
Extra Benefits: A character with Tengu Magic receives the Pack Instincts Power for free, with the tengu as their pack.

Description: Drawing on the power of the Eumenides, the Kindly Ones, you have become an avatar of vengeance and champion of those wronged, especially by those victimized by family blood. You draw on magic of pure and powerful wrath in the pursuit of righting wrongs.
Sponsor: The Erin-Eumenides, the Kindly Ones
Agenda: Avenging the innocent, especially spilled family blood. Sponsor debt should push you toward vengeance at any cost.
Evocation: Kindly Magic draws on deep forms of measured wrath, calling up precise and vicious beams of fire, powerful and narrow blades of force, focused and terrifying bolts of lightning, and things of that nature.
Thaumaturgy: Kindly Rituals involve finding targets and taking vengeance on them, or protecting the innocent to destroy the guilty. Divination to find targets or innocents are top of the list, followed by Transformation and Disruption rituals to take vengeance from afar.
Evothaum: Divination to find targets may be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Any spell performed with Kindly Magic cannot be counterspelled. It also works over Thresholds, running water, and, if a caster is mortal, even over enchanted circles.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 04:58:26 AM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2012, 12:16:43 AM »
I've posted this before, but here's the modified version my group ended up running with:

Olympian Casting: -4
You are able to cast spells of a deep and true nature, drawing upon the magics of the Olympian Gods. Due to the nature of this power source, it is less flexible in some areas than mortal spellcasting and is therefore subject to limitations.  Channeling is for subtle magic, typically used for manipulating fate and perception rather than throwing around raw energy.  The caster can use Cursing and Fating with Evocation’s methods and speed.  Ritual is similarly restricted.  It is primarily used for asking favors and boons of the Olympian gods, but transformation, summoning ghosts, prophecy, and more powerful cursing and fating all fall under the purview of an Olympian caster.  The Olympians use items in order to throw around raw elements (Bag of Winds, Thunderbolt Javelins, etc), thus enchanted items granted by the gods have a +1 Strength bonus.  Like all Sponsored Casting, this grants four focus item slots.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2012, 08:55:46 PM »
It never fails. As soon as you think you're done, something new pops up.

Alright, lemme reformat that.

Description: You are able to cast spells of a deep and true nature, drawing upon the magics of the Olympian Gods. Due to the nature of this power source, it is less flexible in some areas than mortal spellcasting and is therefore subject to limitations. 
Sponsor: The gods of ancient Greece.
Agenda: The Olympians often demand that their Emissaries destroy monsters and enact the plans of Fate.
Evocation: Olympian evocations are fairly subtle, and generally work through manipulation of Fate and perception rather than through the use of raw energy.
Thaumaturgy: Olympian rituals are generally used to ask favours and boons of the Olympian gods. But transforming things, summoning ghosts, casting prophecies, cursing things, and manipulating Fate is also possible, as is Crafting.
Evothaum: Olympian Casting can be used to cast curses and to manipulate Fate with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: A character with Olympian Casting receives a free specialization in Crafting strength.

Did I get the Agenda right?

Adding this to the list. If there's a problem, I'll edit it.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2012, 01:25:48 PM »
Agenda's fine.  In my game it's a bit different, but that's okay.  The gods are fickle with their agenda in my game, so it'd be hard to codify.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2012, 05:45:54 AM »
Okay, I just found a couple of Sponsored Magics on the wiki. Plus I promised ways and means a killing-based Sponsored Magic. Three new magics, coming right up.

Here are the magics from the wiki:

Soulsteel [-4]
Description: Legends say the Ancient Grigori were tasked with observing humanity. However, something... curiosity, love, concern, lust, are often put forward as theories... caused them to interfere with mortal affairs, teaching them the secrets of the universe and taking mortal spouses. Unfortunately, their interference led to disastrous consequences. The end result was that they were cast out of Heaven. Many lost themselves in their passions and became Fallen. However, some managed to regain control. One such faction were those led by Azazel, the Watcher who taught mankind the arts of crafting weapons, armor, and perfume. They continue to try and help mankind, but at a greater distance.
Soulsteel shares a number of traits with Soulfire, but is far less concentrated. Some consider it a lesser form of Soulfire, though more belligerent factions would call it a "cheap imitation".
Cost: -4 for the package, plus approval by Azazel or his subordinates. Reduce the cost by 1 if you have Evocation or Thaumaturgy; reduce by 2 if you have both.
Benefits:Standard Sponsor Benefits. Soulsteel is exceptionally good at Crafting and Conjurations, allowing their spell effects to be used with the Evocation's speed and methods. Soulsteel spells and items may satisfy The Catch for incorporeal beings. Furthermore, if there are any benefits of Soulfire not declared in the Soulfire writeup (YS 293), Soulsteel Conjuration and Crafting may benefit from them (ergo, Soulsteel may not benefit from universal Soulfire's universal Thaumaturgy abilities, may not reduce toughness powers, nor satisfy Holy-based Catches, but anything else may be considered), Lastly, for the purposes of Channeling or Evocation, Soulsteel functions as the element Earth or Metal, depending on the user's personal paradigm.

Optional rule: Creatures who are in the know may allow themselves to take the temporary aspect "Contemptuous" toward the sponsored. This aspect may not be tagged, but it may be invoked to improve attacks towards the sponsored or allow the sponsored to invoke to provoke.

Wyld Magic
Description: Drawing on the power of the Wyld Court of the Erlking, you're able to cast spells that fit its essential nature: wildness, hunting, balefire, predation. These magics are under the sway and watch of the Erlking; making use of it will inevitably catch his notice. The Wyldfae are not as fixed in their ways as Winter or Summer are, the Erlkings agenda can change quickly, but he is usually neutral, and very instinctual. He is not about cruelty, but showing weakness is an invitation for him to pursue a target.
Cost: 4 Refresh for the package. And you need approval from the Erlking. Reduce this cost by 1 if you have Evocation or Thaumaturgy; reduce the cost by 2 if you have both.
Benefits: Standard Sponsored Magic benefits (YS:288). Instead of being effective against a certain type of Creature, like Seelie or Unseelie Magic, Wyld-Magic is particular effective when used to hunt. It provides a bonus of +1 to the power or complexity threshold of any spell used for that purpose. These bonuses stack with possible specialization bonuses for Evocation or Thaumaturgy. In addition, in a hunting context, Wyld-Magic may be used to perform Divination and Summoning spells at evocation speeds and methods.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2012, 06:09:04 AM »
Description: Drawing on the power of the Wyld Court of the Erlking, you're able to cast spells that fit its essential nature: wildness, hunting, balefire, predation. These magics are under the sway and watch of the Erlking; making use of them will inevitably catch his notice.
Sponsor: The Erlking.
Agenda: The Wyldfae are not as fixed in their ways as Winter and Summer fey are, and the Erlking's agenda can change quickly. He is usually neutral and very instinctual. He is not about cruelty, but you really don't want to show weakness to him.
Evocation: Wyld evocations make use of balefire, the Erlking's favoured element.
Thaumaturgy: Wyld Magic can be used to cast rituals that fall within the themes of wildness, hunting, balefire, and predation.
Evothaum: When used to hunt, summoning and divination rituals can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods using Wyld Magic.
Extra Benefits: Wyld Magic provides a +1 bonus to the power or complexity of any spell used to hunt.

This one was easy. I basically just had to reformat it.

Description: Legends say the Ancient Grigori, a group of angels, were tasked with observing humanity. However, something...curiosity, love, concern, and lust are often put forward as theories...caused them to interfere with mortal affairs.  They taught mortals the secrets of the universe and they took mortal spouses. Unfortunately, their interference had disastrous consequences. They were cast out of Heaven. Many lost themselves in their passions and became Fallen. However, some managed to retain control. One such faction was the one led by Azazel, the Watcher who taught mankind the art of crafting weapons, armour, and perfume. They continue to try and help mankind, but at a greater distance. They use this magic, a lesser form of Soulfire, to do that. Unfortunately, Soulsteel is held in contempt by many as a debased form of something greater.
Sponsor: Azazel the Watcher and his Grigori subordinates.
Agenda: Azazel and his faction have the best interests of humanity at heart. Anything which helps the human race as a whole is in accordance with their agenda.
Evocation: Soulsteel resembles Earth or Metal when used for Evocation.
Thaumaturgy: Soulsteel may be used to cast rituals that create things or that are somehow associated with angels.
Evothaum: Soulsteel may be used to cast Conjuration rituals with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: Soulsteel, when used by a material character, is simultaneously material and immaterial. It affects spirits as though they were solid, and the things it creates can be used by incorporeal beings.

This one was a bit more work, but I had a lot to go on. In order to make this orderly I had to guess at an agenda, expand a bit about immaterial creatures' catches, ditch some undefined extra benefits, ignore an incomprehensible bit of evothaum, and remove an odd automatic-Declaration effect.

Description: Death is the most powerful thing in the world. No matter who you are, you will die one day. You are able to draw upon some fraction of that power through dedicated service to the concept of Death...and perhaps to some mysterious entity that holds dominion over that concept.
Sponsor: The Power Of Death is sponsored by Death. Whether there is an actual intelligence sponsoring this power is unknown...perhaps Death is simply a natural force.
Agenda: Death wants to kill everything. Eventually. It takes great offence to seeing beings outlive their appointed hours or escape its clutches.
Evocation: Evocations cast with The Power Of Death are extremely simple. They kill things, instantly and without pain.
Thaumaturgy: Rituals cast with The Power Of Death work by killing things. This is surprisingly versatile, given that they can kill things that are not alive. For example, they can kill personality traits in order to alter people mentally. Creativity in justifying effects as killing-based is encouraged. The one thing that The Power Of Death absolutely cannot do is necromancy. Death refuses to be denied with its own magic.
Evothaum: Any ritual that can be cast with The Power Of Death can be cast with the speed and methods of Evocation.
Extra Benefits: The Power Of Death grants its user the ability to perceive death. A successful Lore roll can show the user how long someone has to live, how they will likely die, and how they can be killed. This is useful for discerning Catches, among other things.

This entire power is basically just an excuse to use that variety of Thaumaturgy. Still, I'm happy with it.

Any comments?

Offline Vargo Teras

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2012, 06:50:11 AM »
Letting all possible thaumaturgical uses of Death be used as evothaum seems quite powerful.  It includes a good chunk of psychomancy, appropriate wards, etc.  For PC use, the fact that many of its applications involve Lawbreaking reduces its power; for NPCs, it increases it.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2012, 07:15:19 PM »
Eh, it's pretty broad. But it's still just Ritual with the speed and methods of Evocation. Given how narrow the normal Evocation of this power is, I don't expect it to be a problem.

But who knows, maybe it could use a little narrowing. Any suggestions?

PS: Adding these to the list now. They're still editable, so don't take this as a declaration that they're done.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2012, 10:22:15 PM »
What are the benefits of using superior evocation elements (force,fire,etc) +1 power to roll?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2012, 04:15:35 AM »
I'm sorry, I don't have a clue what you're asking here.

An explanation would be helpful.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2012, 01:15:24 AM »
Like with Superior Pyromancy would you get any bonus to attacks made with fire?

Also could someone post the power Hellfire, cause I lost my copy of the books somewhere and can't find em.