Author Topic: Dresden online material - the gathering  (Read 3759 times)

Offline theDwarf

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Dresden online material - the gathering
« on: September 27, 2011, 04:53:19 AM »
Hello all,
  I appologize if this has already been covered but I think a gathering place is warranted (or a good idea to refresh). I am aware of and I figure gathering up other online Dresden resources would not be a bad thing.

  One thing I noted about the DFRPG-resource wiki is although it had a "Travel Guide" section for cities it did not have a section on specific locations.  See, cities are useful but hard to build up from scratch, but locations can often be more easily transferred between cities, worlds and games.  An example would be the bookstore that I created in the game I play in.  Such an occult bookstore could be easily inserted into into other cities (as in a chain of bookstores, each unique and eclectic) or even be added as it exists (same place in different worlds, or a more standardized chain).

Just a thought.

Back to topic:  I hope people post replies with links to other online resources.

Offline Ghsdkgb

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2011, 03:52:56 PM »
I'm running a campaign set in Santa Cruz, CA. I'll submit some of my locations later.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2011, 04:45:04 PM »
Yeah, we should add something like that to the wiki Travel Guide.

Would you like to do that?

I'd like to do some work on the wiki myself, but unfortunately it's been relegated to DFRPG-related project #4 in my list of priorities.

But I'll get there eventually.

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2011, 07:41:41 PM »
I won't volunteer information for anotehr GM's game...but I am proud of his world and locations, especially Boston, Mass.

Offline JediDresden

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2011, 08:10:55 PM »
We just wrapped up a game in San Francisco and will be starting another in Hawaii soon.  I could post those locations if you want.  Or send them to whoever is in charge of it.  If you all are interested.  I would be interested in some feedback on them as well and what you think.

Offline Ghsdkgb

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2011, 08:17:23 PM »
Yeah, how should we submit this stuff? Just post it in here, or should we sign up to edit the wiki?
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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2011, 08:21:50 PM »
Just starting a Kansas City campaign up, will be a while before I'm happy enough with the color of anything to make it public though.
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Offline Magickal_Grenadier

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2011, 11:50:37 PM »
I'm just about to start up my Louisville,KY campaign. I'm still making up locations and figuring out Aspects a such for existing locations (KFC Yum! Center, Louisville Slugger Field, etc.). Once I get a little more done I'll post a few places and such.
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Offline HobbitWarrior

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2011, 02:01:42 AM »
I've been meaning to post of few things from my game for critique/input.  Here's a few of the earlier locations that came up in my game.  Mostly used before the groups problems went on a more global scale.  Locals still pop up a bit.  The timeline for the first part of my game started in 1967 w/ the npc's coming home from nam.  Setting is Boston, MA.  I'll note out some of the major events that happened around the areas in case someone find it interesting.
Stated out city sheet style for ease.
Name: The Candelabra
Description: Corner shop just outside the business district.  Catering primarily to the hippy culture and all it's mystic crystal gazing, incense burning and drum circle banging.  The Candelabra's main customers aren't in the know, but mostly think they are.  You'll rarely find someone there who knows more about magic than the average palm reader.  Not to say the shop is necessarily a waste of your time.  Ran by the proprietor Helena Washington, the shop may not be a good local to get your depleted uranium, but they got low end resource declarations in spades.  Including but not limited to crystals, divining rods, tarot cards, chalk of any colour and make.  And if they don't have it, Helena's not averse to personal orders of the unusual kind.  If you can pay the price that is $$$
This place is Theme
Idea: A good place to find the have nots and get goodies/gossip.
Aspect: The Fringe of the Boston magical community.
The Face: Helena Washington
High-African American occultist.
Trouble-Staying out of trouble
Panders to her clients
Proprietor of The Candelabra

At first glance Helena comes off as a well-spoken witch.  She dresses and acts like she just stepped off the boat from merry old England and opened up her own Merlin shop.  Get someone who knows her though, and that facade quickly changes into a spitfire of base insults and bronx accents.   Her best stat would be a 5-resources tied up completely in her store and surprisingly for someone whose face is a con, a 4-contacts for the magical community.  She's protective of those she gets close too and in the game tipped the npcs off on several nasties harassing the norms and magical community.  Sometime using that as a price for some of her items or knowledge.  She's not completely out of the loop for what's really out there, but despite several direct face-to-faces w/ things that bump in the night, she never really learned how deep the rabbit hole went.  A 3-Lore and rapport balance her out, default her mental/social skills to 2, phys to 1/0 if you really need to stat.  Despite her associations and appearance, she's a pure mortal.  Maybe w/ a skill or 2 in performance or resource. 

The guys of Silverblaze's game have been using this place as a base resource/info gathering hotspot since the start.  Several face off's with various members of the supernatural community started here and at least one major brawl occured in the back storage when a local cult leader used her store to hide a major magical item the guys were after.  Her place in the game has changed a bit, from pure resource to near partner in crime.  This started primarily when the above cult leader Carson started his own precursor to the paranet called the Nightwatch.  Fast forward a bit, Cult leader was ousted as a sorcerer/lawbreaker and was using the watch to recruit his own killers and thugs.  When the dust cleared Helena ended up taking over.  She currently keeps the gang up to date on the goings on of their home city and is the center of the magical community.
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Offline HobbitWarrior

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2011, 03:00:28 AM »
Name: Lotus Club

Description: Officially, it doesn't exist.  It's one of those place that  you only get into if a friend brings you in.  It's frequented by both the upper crust and the lowest user.  No one's sure where it will be and not many more ever hear about it.   Unknown to all but these select few it's financed by the white court, and one of the few terrors of the red court.  It's kept mobile for these same reasons, rarely being in the same place for more than a week.  The purpose of this place is to supply the very unique narcotic red court saliva to those who can afford it or those willing to risk their lives to help supply it.  Here, there's no mounds of cocaine or fields of mary jane.  You only get the best in gut shotted and heavily chained red ct vamps.  All designed to make harvesting that delicious drool easier and more efficient for those who can't function without.  White ct leader of the town of Boston Dante Malvora unofficially  uses it as a way of controlling the growing red ct presence in Boston as well as swelling his own influence by those he allows in.

This place can be Theme or Threat depending on the game

Idea: A good place to establish or extort contacts if that's your thing.  Or make some quick resource selling downed red courts.

Aspect: A wretched hive of narcotics and social bloodletting

The Face: Sky high
High-Manager of the Lotus Club
Trouble-Addicted to my own product
Sells out the Soulless

Sky High isn't much more than your average drug pusher.  A little more organized, but it's Dante who makes the final decisions.  Standard white ct writeup altered to your game would work fine for his writeup.  The place tends to reflect the appearance of where it ends up.  In my Boston game at one point it was in a slaughter house and, with the exceptions of a few comforts, the whole place could have pranced out of an Eli Roth nightmare.  Another time it took place in the bottom floor of a upper end mansion, few downed vampires in site and paintings on the walls.   Unfortunately I don't have much to say about how this place worked out in my game, as the players went in there to find Dante and, well.  Didn't like what they saw.  Anyway it's dead now.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2011, 04:23:31 AM »
Pretty good stuff.

I'd appreciate it if someone were so kind as to add this stuff (and more) to the wiki. Ask for a membership and bibliophile or me will approve you as fast as possible. Everyone is welcome. That's basically the point of the wiki format.

PS: Is anyone else among the posters of this forum part of Silverblaze and HobbitWarrior's group?

Offline JediDresden

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2011, 04:35:30 AM »
Not me.  And I would be happy to get my stuff together and post it.

Offline Magickal_Grenadier

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2011, 11:56:46 PM »
I'm getting ready to start my own campaign based in Louisville, Kentucky. Keep in mind that I'm only using the city as a main template and BSing the majority.

Name: The Rabbit Hole Inn
Desctiption: A small hole-in-the-wall tavern dominates the basement of a two-story town house. The support pillars in the bar area are painted with scenes from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, painting the entire area with a surreal atmosphere.
Aspects: Accorded Neutral Grounds, Supernatural Cliantele
The Faces: Allison Kingsley (Owner)
                         High Concept: Daddy Left me This Neighborhood
                         Trouble: Chest Deep in and Unknown World
Allison is your run-of-the-mill spoiled rich girl. She inherited the majority of the neighborhood of Kingsley from her father when he died. Though she runs a bar that draws in the local supernatural crowd, she's still mostly in the dark to the world around her. Standard Pure Mortal template.
My Dresden Files purity rating is 43%

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Offline HobbitWarrior

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2011, 12:47:26 AM »
I requested a join for the wiki.  I'll put the last two up and post more when I figure out how.  Been a while since I did any web site design, never done any editing on the wiki.  Don't want to screw anything up in the mean time.
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Offline JediDresden

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Re: Dresden online material - the gathering
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2011, 03:46:34 AM »
I requested as well.  I would be happy to post my stuff, I have never contributed to a wiki before so bear with me.