Author Topic: Item Of Power Master List  (Read 74991 times)

Offline timorzo

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #225 on: June 10, 2014, 12:06:00 AM »
I tried to clear a few things up, please let me know if I need to clarify further.

Book of Knowledge [-5]
Description: A large old book that when opened describes in detail information regarding items, people, or objects in its presence. This item isn't as famous as other items of power, but the few rumors about this object state that it includes the combined knowledge of all life throughout the world. 
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Scholarship, Lore, Empathy, Investigation.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a large reference book.
[-0] Purpose: although it is not explicitly known the book seems to try and impart expert knowledge to those who choose to read it. It never shows itself writing but seems to always have written on the page exactly what the viewers were curious to learn.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a big reference book not really intended to travel. It is concealable within a large backpack or a duffle bag, but it is really bulky when travelling.
[-2] Worldly Knowledge. This book contains vast amounts of information regarding any non magical items and gives +2 to scholarship to discovering knowledge about anything within its zone including those which are absurd or mundane.
[-2] Supernatural knowledge. This book also contains vast amounts of information regarding any magical items and creatures thus it gives +2 bonus to lore when learning information about anything within its zone.
[-1] People knowledge. This book even contains vast amounts of information regarding people thus it gives +2 to empathy in regards to reading people in its zone.
[-1] Psychometry. when purposefully touching the book to a particular item, the book may project visions of significant events to any person who can see its pages.
[-1] Tool of investigation. When using this book to analyze a clue, examine or interpret its meaning get a +2 to investigate when said clue is in the same zone as the book.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #226 on: June 10, 2014, 12:11:42 AM »
Much clearer.

Now that I understand what you're going for, I think you could get away with knocking a point or two off the Refresh cost. Worldly Knowledge and Supernatural Knowledge are pretty darn weak for 2 Refresh Powers.

Offline idirex

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #227 on: June 11, 2014, 10:25:07 PM »
 :oThis will be the final version of this Item of Power . It would be fantastic if you could include this item to the list :P

Catalyst (IoP) [-3 / -2]
Description : The Catalyst is a complex alloy of precious metals consecrated by a forgotten Sun God . It was unearthed as part of a treasure in a Burial Mound (Tumulus) . Remnants of its conscience are still present and you can connect to it by means of a ritual . If successful you can exchange your vital energies for Magical Power.
Musts : You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected : The user chooses how he will control and aim its power . ( This applies only to the Evocation and Evothaum part . Thaumaturgy uses the standard rules )
[-0] Purpose : In using the Catalyst you ally yourself with humanity and those who protect it . You are forbidden to kill humans . In doing so you will lose your attunement to the catalyst , but are not obliged to save them .
[-0] It Is What It Is : The user must fashion an item out of it ( jewelery & accessory , armor , weapons ...) and it must be of exceptional craftsmanship . The item starts devoid of decorations or sigils of any kind and is filled up as the user is attuned to it . This will determine its potency . (This item will be the only focus you can have though this is just for "flavor" . All the focus effects you want can be housed inside , as if they were in different items)
[-0] Unbreakable : The actual item of power is the metal itself and is therefore impossible to destroy , unless by means of a specific ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1 / +2] Discount : The dimensions of the item depend upon the form the user chooses . It will always be easily detectable my the supernatural unless specifically shielded . Beware of confiscation or theft .
[+1] Bloodthirsty : Other people must accept a consequence in order to use this item and will get a further use for each additional consequence that they cause to themselves or others . You will be held responsible for their actions . This item must be recovered before the end of the current scenario , or you will lose your attunement to it .
[-1] Marked by Power : This power is always active unless special measures are taken to prevent it . The extra effects are granted only to the rightful owner of this item .
[-4] Blessed by Fire , Shadow and Blood
Description: You have earned the blessing of an ancient Sun God .
Sponsor: The remnants of this ancient being are faded but it is an immortal after all . It deals in Power and its preferred currency is blood . All power granted to you must be employed in accordance with its agenda . Failure to do so will incur its wrath .
Agenda: Its agenda seems to be "pro humanity" and will aid you in your efforts to uphold it . Its sworn enemies are Dark Beings and Necromancy . Its servitors are Fire Elementals and Shadows .
Evocation: In accordance with Its dual nature , you have access to  Sunfire (active during day) and Shadowheart (active during night) . These powers do not originate directly from you , so you have superficial understanding of their working , obliging you to use well rehearsed spells (Rote reliance: -2 power penalty to non rote spells) .
Sunfire : Fire light and heat can be generated  by offering your physical energies to this ancient being .(These spells are cast with your physical stress track)
Shadowheart : Subtle and insidious powers (veils , mind magic and spirit manipulation) can be accessed by offering your mental energies to this ancient being .(These spells are cast using your mental stress track)
Thaumaturgy: Rituals cast by the power of this ancient being reflect its dual nature . Effects that can be employed are :
Fire , light , heat , fire-elemental summoning , biomancy and healing . These are active during day .
Mind magic , illusions , veils and shadow summoning are active during night .
Divination (summoning based) , wards(thematic) and crafting(thematic) are also dependent on the day-night cycle . All items must be hand-crafted by you using natural materials , bronze and precious metal alloys . They can be used by anyone by default but gain the Bloodthirsty ability . Other people must accept a consequence in order to use them . These items will get a further use for each additional consequence that they cause to themselves or others .
Effects not stated above can be achieved only by doing quests for It and by contacting Its allies . Both physical and mental stress tracks can be employed but the final results will depend  on their participation .
Evothaum: Blood-magic : By using your blood (accept a consequence) , you open a channel to Its mind and Power.
You can now cast thaumaturgy with Evocation's speed and methods. For as long as this power is active (that consequence stays in place) all of your spells and rituals are free from their day-night and power penalties .
Extra Benefits: By spending a Fate point , the user can request a meeting with any major " pro humanity " force ( including the Sidhe Courts ) and have the opportunity to temporarily wield their power . Failure results in your Fate point being lost , if successful you can spend additional Fate points and extend this privilege further . Their respective restrictions will apply and can sometimes lead to conflicting situations . If you are also Marked by Power you will represent not only It but also the allies whose favor you currently have .
The owner can be granted inhuman speed , recovery , strength and toughness powers each major milestone . Their cost must be paid normally and are independent from the item itself . These powers are susceptible to Necromancy and Dark Powers (catch) . They will be revoked if you loose your attunement to it .
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 02:23:35 PM by idirex »

Offline jftravis

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #228 on: February 21, 2016, 06:15:38 AM »
Looks like it's been a while since anything new has been posted here, so I thought I'd put something from my own game here for other folks to use.

Yata no Kagami - The Mirror of Amaterasu [-4]
History: Yata no Kagami is a sacred mirror that is part of the Imperial Regalia of Japan. It is said to be housed in Ise Grand Shrine in Mie Prefecture, Japan, although a lack of public access makes this difficult to verify. The Yata no Kagami represents "wisdom" or "honesty," depending on the source. Its name literally means "The Eight Hand Mirror," a reference to its octagonal shape. Mirrors in ancient Japan represented truth because they merely reflected what was shown, and were a source of much mystique and reverence (being uncommon items). Japanese folklore is rich in stories of life before mirrors were commonplace.
   In the Japanese mythology this mirror and the Yasakani no Magatama were hung from a tree to lure out Amaterasu from a cave. They were given to Amaterasu's grandson, Ninigi-no-Mikoto, when he went to pacify Japan along with the sword Kusanagi. From there, the treasures passed into the hands of the Imperial House of Japan.
   In the year 1040 (Chokyu 1, 9th month), the Sacred Mirror was burned in a fire. Whether that mirror was irrevocably lost or not, the current government claims that there are three sacred relics, each held at a different Shinto shrine: one is in Meiji Shrine in Tokyo, one in Ise Grand Shrine, and one in Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya.
Musts: An aspect justifying your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Empathy, Lore
[-0] Purpose: To illuminate and purify things - darkness, lies, inner natures, dark desires, etc.
[-0] What it is: It's a mirror.
[-0] Unbreakable: Okay, it's an unbreakable, mythically empowered mirror.
[+2] Item of Power discount: It's not big (about 8" in diameter), but you can't hide it in your shoe, especially when you're using it.
[-1] Amaterasu's Gift: With a brief thanks to the Sun Goddess and a symbol of your faith in her, you can roll Conviction to place the aspect "bathed in Divine Sunlight" on the zone you're currently in.
[-1] Insight: +2 Shifts when using Empathy to determine another sentient being's High Concept or Trouble.
[-2] Purification: Roll Conviction to inflict a Weapon 2 attack on your current zone, capable of damaging ONLY targets that have the Catch "Divine Sunlight" (or similar) on their Toughness powers.
[-3] True Sight (Supernatural Senses): Use Lore to detect lies, hidden things, the presence of beings masked by veils, glamour, shapeshift or flesh masks.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 05:39:25 PM by jftravis »
You say "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" like it's a bad thing...

Offline whitelaughter

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #229 on: November 30, 2017, 07:52:33 AM »
A few ideas

The rainbow[-1]
This is constantly crossing the globe, inspiring people. Some fortunate individuals may trigger the rainbow more than once in their life. It counts as an 'unowned' item, so those affected have their refresh drop by 1 while being influenced by the Rainbow, but this is immediately restored an exchange later.

[-0] Purpose: To inspire and protect mortals
[-0] What it is: a...the rainbow
[-0] Unbreakable: Well, you can split the light, but it'll still be a rainbow.
[+2] Item of Power
[-1] Soulgaze Any two people who can be soulgazed and are looking at a rainbow are drawn into a Soulgaze; however rather than seeing each other, they see the rainbow, and rather than inflicting mental stress, a successful attack places a 'inspired by beauty' manoeuvre on the other gazer, unless
[-0] The Catch: if a gazer either has or intends to drown somebody, they take mental stress instead of the manoeuvre. The Rainbow can and will attack a murderer multiple times, using a different other human each time.

Seelie Police Oath Bible [-1]

[-0] Purpose: To witness the oaths of new police officers, and to help them keep the oath.
[-0] What it is: A King James Bible (still legally required in some parts of the British Commonwealth)
[-0] Unbreakable: cover is dimpled from a bullet shot.
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Sidhe item Oaths sworn on the Bible are witnessed by the Seelie; they can be compelled as Aspects, and the swearer can spend Fate points on actions taken to fulfill their oath.
[-0] The Catch: Officers who violate their oath will be constantly Compelled to confess and/or resign. An officer who makes the legally appropriate restitution will no longer suffer this Compel.

Unseelie Changeling Courtroom Oath Bible [-1]

[-0] Purpose: To witness the oaths of witnesses in the law courts, and to enslave those who lie under oath
[-0] What it is: A King James Bible (still legally required in some parts of the British Commonwealth)
[-0] Unbreakable: Owners have been know to break weapons on the Bible when challenged to combat over an enslavement, to demonstrate that oaths are more powerful than violence.
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Sidhe item Oaths sworn on the Bible are witnessed by an Unseelie Changeling; they can be compelled as Aspects, and the swearer can spend Fate points on actions taken to fulfill their oath.
[-3] Changeling Nature Those holding the Bible can - and if oathbroken, must - take Powers from the owning Changeling's power package, limited to those permitted by the possessing Changeling and to a maximum of 3 points. Typically the owner loads oathbreaker up with any Creature Stunts, to make them more useful minions, and (by reducing their refresh) reduce their ability to defy their new master. (The Changeling need not yet have taken the Stunts, merely have inherited them).
[-0] The Catch: If the oathbreaker can somehow confess to the courts their lies, they can 'choose' to once more be vanilla mortal, shedding the Stunts. Owners frequently add the Claws Power to their new minions so that they can no longer speak nor write - and even if oathbreaker can manage to confess, they will then face the legal consequences of lying to the law courts.

Healing Spring [-1]
[-0] Purpose: To heal the suffering
[-0] What it is: a natural spring
[-0] Unbreakable:
[+2] Item of Power
[-6] Mythic Regeneration Anyone bathing in the spring is healed of nearly any injury, so long as the owner spends a Fate point on their behalf.
[-3] The Catch: Holy items [+1], immediately obvious to anyone who has ever heard of the spring [+2]

As inspired by the Chronomancy thread

 Crystal Ball[-1]
[-0] Purpose: To know the future
[-0] What it is: a crystal ball
[-0] Unbreakable:
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Cassandra's Tears
[-3] Lawbreaker 2nd, 4th and 6th Laws, providing +3 shifts to all - including getting more information from the Cassandra's Tears Power, and to persuading other to believe the prophecy. Using this item will rapidly earn any mortal spellcaster Lawbreaker stunts.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #230 on: December 01, 2017, 08:26:32 PM »
Neat ideas. Some mechanical issues, though.

The rainbow[-1]
This is constantly crossing the globe, inspiring people. Some fortunate individuals may trigger the rainbow more than once in their life. It counts as an 'unowned' item, so those affected have their refresh drop by 1 while being influenced by the Rainbow, but this is immediately restored an exchange later.

[-0] Purpose: To inspire and protect mortals
[-0] What it is: a...the rainbow
[-0] Unbreakable: Well, you can split the light, but it'll still be a rainbow.
[+2] Item of Power
[-1] Soulgaze Any two people who can be soulgazed and are looking at a rainbow are drawn into a Soulgaze; however rather than seeing each other, they see the rainbow, and rather than inflicting mental stress, a successful attack places a 'inspired by beauty' manoeuvre on the other gazer, unless
[-0] The Catch: if a gazer either has or intends to drown somebody, they take mental stress instead of the manoeuvre. The Rainbow can and will attack a murderer multiple times, using a different other human each time.

This doesn't really seem like an Item of Power. If you wouldn't write it on your character sheet between sessions or at character creation, the IoP mechanics are probably going to fit awkwardly.

For example, in this case, we have Refresh changing from exchange to exchange. What does that mean? How does Refresh even matter when you're not refreshing your FP?

Seelie Police Oath Bible [-1]

[-0] Purpose: To witness the oaths of new police officers, and to help them keep the oath.
[-0] What it is: A King James Bible (still legally required in some parts of the British Commonwealth)
[-0] Unbreakable: cover is dimpled from a bullet shot.
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Sidhe item Oaths sworn on the Bible are witnessed by the Seelie; they can be compelled as Aspects, and the swearer can spend Fate points on actions taken to fulfill their oath.
[-0] The Catch: Officers who violate their oath will be constantly Compelled to confess and/or resign. An officer who makes the legally appropriate restitution will no longer suffer this Compel.

Likely better as an Aspect. You're not getting anything for your Refresh here, after all, and the effects can all be cleanly handled with Invokes and Compels.

Unseelie Changeling Courtroom Oath Bible [-1]

[-0] Purpose: To witness the oaths of witnesses in the law courts, and to enslave those who lie under oath
[-0] What it is: A King James Bible (still legally required in some parts of the British Commonwealth)
[-0] Unbreakable: Owners have been know to break weapons on the Bible when challenged to combat over an enslavement, to demonstrate that oaths are more powerful than violence.
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Sidhe item Oaths sworn on the Bible are witnessed by an Unseelie Changeling; they can be compelled as Aspects, and the swearer can spend Fate points on actions taken to fulfill their oath.
[-3] Changeling Nature Those holding the Bible can - and if oathbroken, must - take Powers from the owning Changeling's power package, limited to those permitted by the possessing Changeling and to a maximum of 3 points. Typically the owner loads oathbreaker up with any Creature Stunts, to make them more useful minions, and (by reducing their refresh) reduce their ability to defy their new master. (The Changeling need not yet have taken the Stunts, merely have inherited them).
[-0] The Catch: If the oathbreaker can somehow confess to the courts their lies, they can 'choose' to once more be vanilla mortal, shedding the Stunts. Owners frequently add the Claws Power to their new minions so that they can no longer speak nor write - and even if oathbreaker can manage to confess, they will then face the legal consequences of lying to the law courts.

Neat. But Claws doesn't stop people from speaking or writing; if you want to disable people like that, Aspects are the way to go.

Healing Spring [-1]
[-0] Purpose: To heal the suffering
[-0] What it is: a natural spring
[-0] Unbreakable:
[+2] Item of Power
[-6] Mythic Regeneration Anyone bathing in the spring is healed of nearly any injury, so long as the owner spends a Fate point on their behalf.
[-3] The Catch: Holy items [+1], immediately obvious to anyone who has ever heard of the spring [+2]

Huh. Clever use of the IoP lending rules. Maybe too clever; as a GM, I'd be reluctant to allow this.

Given that needing to bathe reduces the power of the effect significantly, it might be best to treat that as a Catch or Limitation.

Also, why is it obvious to everyone that the spring is ineffective against the holy?

Crystal Ball[-1]
[-0] Purpose: To know the future
[-0] What it is: a crystal ball
[-0] Unbreakable:
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Cassandra's Tears
[-3] Lawbreaker 2nd, 4th and 6th Laws, providing +3 shifts to all - including getting more information from the Cassandra's Tears Power, and to persuading other to believe the prophecy. Using this item will rapidly earn any mortal spellcaster Lawbreaker stunts.

Lawbreaker doesn't really work like that. It only applies to spells, and must be bought individually for each Law.

Offline whitelaughter

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Re: Item Of Power Master List
« Reply #231 on: January 16, 2018, 09:23:50 AM »
Thanks for your responses, sorry only just noticed them.

The rainbow wouldn't be on a PCs character sheet; more like Uriel's, or another AAngel.

The purpose of the Seelie Bible is to ensure that the Seelie can compel misbehaving police officers, and justify honest coppers spending more Fate.

Good catch on Claws!

Hmm, you're right, the need to bathe is a better limitation for the healing spring.

So, the crystal ball would work if it was a spell duplicating a power, but not as a power? [shrugs] Then it becomes a power creating a spell duplicating a power. Actually, that works better since it then costs mental stress.

Thanks again.
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Faith, Hope and Charity
« Reply #232 on: January 25, 2019, 12:46:09 PM »
For two desperate weeks during WWII, the only planes defending the island of Malta were a trio of aging Gloster Gladiator biplanes: against the full might of the Axis air power. No one knows who first starting refering to the planes as Faith, Hope and Charity...except those who realise that the Swords of the Cross can be reforged into radically different forms when needed.
Faith, Hope and Charity - reforged Swords of The Cross
All creatures are equal before God, Divine Purpose, Holy: these powers as normal for the swords. "All creatures are equal before God" was particularly effective for reducing an opponents engine to a colander though.

Other powers are modified slightly during the siege:
[-0] Purpose: To protect the home of the Knights Hospitaller
[-0] What it is: each Sword is, for the duration of siege of Malta, a  Gloster Sea Gladiator biplane.
[-0] Unbreakable: The planes can be shot down, but enough of the plane will limp home with the pilot.
Item of Power discount: you are not carrying plane, it carries you.
True Aim: When flown in defence of Malta, the plane grants a +1 to the pilots "Driving" skill.

The Swords left Malta after the most desperate part of the siege had been survived, and returned to their usual forms.

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Harry Dresden's Hat
« Reply #233 on: April 20, 2019, 12:41:11 PM »
Harry Dresden's Hat [-0]

Harry Dresden's Hat is the most iconic of part of his wardrobe, even more so that his duster, but sadly did not survive a clash with He How Walks Behind. It was not merely destroyed, but now has never existed; fortunately, as an Item of Power it has managed to work around this problem and continues to fight the good fight.

[-0] Purpose: To battle the Outside
[-0] It Ain't What it is: The Hat no longer has any material form
[-0] Unbreakable: well, sort of. It's not broken, it just doesn't exist.
[-0] Item of Power
[-0] All Powers neutralised due to non-existence.
[-0] The Catch: The Hat renders some actions impossible; frex it is physically impossible to completely search the 'wearer' of the Hat, as you cannot search the Hat. This allows the 'wearer' to exploit many perfectionist Compels - any variant of "do X action thoroughly" can become a negative Compel; the victim knows that they've missed something, but it is impossible for them to work out what.
Also, the Hat is useful against thieves; frex anyone taking all of the original wearers' clothing will end up 'owning' the Hat (which for a mundane is going to drop their Refresh by 2) until it is somehow discarded, or until the end of session (at which point the Hat will return to the previous owner).
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